193 research outputs found

    Participatory paediatrics

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    Professor Monica Lakhanpaul discusses how her passion for improving child healthcare has been the driving force behind her exemplary career as a consultant paediatrician and researche

    Learning Together 1: an educational model for training GPs, paediatricians: initial findings.

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    Learning Together is primarily an educational intervention, where paediatric registrars [SpRs] and General Practice (GP) registrars [GPSTs] see children together in a primary care setting. Over a six month period in 2013/2014, 44 learning pairs were set up mainly in North East and Central London. Proof of concept for the model at scale was achieved. Reported learning demonstrated: clinical learning themes of new knowledge, skill and communication skills; and collaborative themes of ongoing collaboration, satisfaction with team working and change in attitudes. These themes were identified in both sets of trainees. The self-reported learning is backed up by the results of a retrospective notes review of four common conditions based on NICE guidelines; constipation, asthma, feverish illness and eczema (CAFE). Guidance adherence improved from 57% before the intervention in solo GP training consultations to 72% during the joint clinic intervention (p < 0.01). After the intervention when the GP registrars returned to normal consultations, guidance adherence was 77% compared to before the intervention (p < 0.01). In addition 99% of the parents, who handed in feedback forms or took part in interviews, reported a good experience of care, and 87% reported increased confidence to manage their children's health following the consultation. A second, linked article examines the cost utility of Learning Together in its South London extension

    'Birthing a Better Future': A mixed-methods evaluation of an exhibition on the early years of life

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    BACKGROUND: Our study aimed to evaluate to what extent Zero2 Expo's 'Birthing a Better Future', a co-created multimedia exhibition, was effective in raising awareness on the importance of the first 1001 days of life and explore what refinements would help to optimize the impact of future exhibitions. METHODS: We conducted a mixed-methods evaluation of the exhibition delivered in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Through convenience sampling, 14 participants were selected to participate in 12 structured interviews and 19 participants completed a questionnaire. Interviews were thematically analysed alongside quantitative analysis of questionnaire responses through Likert scales. RESULTS: The majority (78.6%, n = 11/14) of participants who completed the questionnaire either agreed or strongly agreed that the exhibition raised their awareness about the first 1001 days of life. This was supported by the analysis of interviews. The use of art was found to provoke an emotional engagement from participants. Participants felt that the length of the written pieces and location of the exhibition were important factors for designers to consider in future exhibitions. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that multimedia exhibitions, combining science with art, may be an effective way to raise awareness of public health messages. Engaging with key stakeholders will be an essential step in order to improve future public health exhibitions. PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: When designing the study, the public reviewed the study tools, which were refined based on their feedback. At every phase of the study, members of the public who are artists co-created the exhibition content

    Multiple and complex links between babyWASH and stunting: An evidence synthesis

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    Studies have shown linkages between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and stunting in children under 2 years in sub-Saharan Africa. WASH interventions have been shown to reduce stunting rates; however, the biological mechanisms and socio-economic influences responsible for this trend remain poorly understood. This paper reviews the literature regarding these links, and the efficacy of both general WASH interventions and those targeted at children in their first 1,000 days, known as babyWASH, for stunting reduction. Fifty-nine papers published between 2008 and 2019 were reviewed, retrieved from Science Direct, Scopus and Web of Science databases, comprising field trials and data analysis, and literature and systematic reviews. Key findings showed that stunting is directly attributed to diarrhoea, environmental enteric dysfunction and undernutrition although a more comprehensive understanding of these biological mechanisms is necessary. Interventions to interrupt the faecal transmission cycle proved to effectively reduce stunting rates, particularly improved sanitation facilities to reduce open defaecation, increased proximity to water and widespread behavioural change. Methodologies should move away from randomised controlled trials towards selected contexts, mixed data collection methods and inclusion of broader social, cultural and environmental conditions. Improved cross-sectoral collaboration is encouraged, particularly to ensure the complexity of social and contextual factors is fully considered

    Why are acute admissions to hospital of children under 5 years of age increasing in the UK?

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    Children’s use of hospital services in the UK has been increasing rapidly since the late 1990s.1–6 Findings from the latest QualityWatch report show significant increases in emergency hospital admissions for infants (23%) and young children aged 1–4 years (11%) between 2006/2007 and 2015/2016 (data have been adjusted for population increases in each childhood age group), while children over the age of 15 years showed a decrease in emergency admissions

    Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: Linkages with Stunting in Rural Ethiopia

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    Stunting is a global burden affecting nearly 160 million children younger than five years of age. Whilst the linkages between nutrition and stunting are well recognized, there is a need to explore environmental factors such as water and sanitation, which may influence feeding practices and result in potential infection pathways. This paper explores the linkages between stunting and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) factors in Ethiopia, which is a relatively understudied context. The research draws upon baseline data for children under the age of five from 3200 households across four regions in Ethiopia as part of a wider study and integrated program led by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Using World Health Organization (WHO) z-scoring, the average stunting rate in the sample is 47.5%. This paper also takes into account demographic and social behavioural factors such as the age, gender of children, and gender of the primary caregiver, in addition to handwashing behaviour and drinking water facilities. The evidence recommends efforts to improve handwashing behaviour for mothers and children with a focus on access to clean water. Higher stunting rates with an increase in the age of children highlight the need for continued interventions, as efforts to improve nutrition and WASH behaviours are most effective early on in promoting long-term health outcomes for children

    Urinary tract infections in children and the risk of ESRF.

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    Paediatric guidance on diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) has in the past largely focused on identifying children with vesicoureteral reflux, thought to be at greatest risk of renal scarring. This practice has been questioned, specifically the accepted association between UTI and end-stage renal failure (ESRF) through renal scarring. The aim of this article is to ascertain whether we can predict with confidence the true level of risk that a child with a first-time UTI will subsequently develop ESRF attributable to UTI

    An Uphill Task for POSHAN Abhiyan: Examining the Missing Link of 'Convergence'

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    The Participatory Approach for Nutrition in Children: Strengthening Health, Education, Engineering and Environment Linkages (PANChSHEEEL) project is a collaboration between University College London, Save the Children India, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi to develop a socio-culturally appropriate, tailored, integrated and interdisciplinary intervention in rural India and test its acceptability for delivery through Anganwadi Centre (AWCs) and schools. Recognizing the socio-ecological determinants of under-nutrition, the POSHAN Abhiyan (POSHAN Mission) adopts a multi-sectoral approach to achieve five goals, of which two are directly related to children. The POSHAN Abhiyan resonates with the conceptual framework of the PANChSHEEEL study in its interdisciplinary scope and focus on local linka ges. This paper draws upon empirical evidence from the PANChSHEEEL Project in Banswara (one of the POSHAN mission districts), Rajasthan to help understand linkages between policy and practice, specifically the challenges of operationalizing ‘convergence’, the core strategy of the Abhiyan

    A referral pathway for potentially abnormal neurodevelopment in children with heart disease in the United Kingdom: A Delphi consensus

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    Introduction: Children with congenital heart disease have complex medical and neurodevelopmental needs. We aimed to develop a multi-professional consensus-based referral pathway applicable to action the results of the brief developmental assessment (BDA), a validated early recognition tool, that categorises the neurodevelopmental status as green (appropriate for age), amber (equivocal) or red (delayed) in children aged between 4 months and 5 years. Methods: A Delphi consensus survey detailing two scenarios—a child categorised as delayed (red) and another as equivocal (amber) on administration of the BDA at the time of discharge from the tertiary centre—was sent to 80 expert professionals from primary, secondary and tertiary care seeking agreement on next steps and referral pathways. An iterative process was proposed with a pre-defined rule of 75% for consensus. Results: The survey was completed by 77 Delphi panel experts in Round 1, 73 in Round 2 and 70 in Round 3. Consensus was achieved (1) for the child with amber or red BDA, the child should be under the care of a paediatrician with expertise in cardiology (PEC) (or general paediatrician if no PEC) based at their local hospital, (2) for the child with red BDA, the PEC should initiate referral to community services at first assessment, (3) for child with amber BDA, a re-assessment by the health visitor should occur within 1–2 months, with referral to community services and notification to the PEC if on-going concerns. Conclusions: The Delphi process enabled a consensus to be reached between health professionals on referral pathways for specialist neurodevelopmental assessment/treatment for children with heart disease, in response to amber or red BDA results. The agreed referral pathway, if implemented, could underpin a national guideline to address and intervene on the neurodevelopmental difficulties in children with heart disease

    Helping parents know when to seek help for an acutely ill child: Evidence based co-development of a mobile phone app using complex intervention methodology.

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    BACKGROUND: Acute illness accounts for the majority of episodes of illness in children under five years of age and is the age group with the highest consultation rate in general practice in the UK. The number of children presenting to emergency care is also steadily increasing, having risen beyond pre-pandemic numbers. Such high, and increasing, rates of consultation have prompted concerns about parents' level of knowledge and confidence in caring for their children when they are ill, and particularly when and how to seek help appropriately. AIM: The ASK SNIFF collaboration research programme identified parents' need for accurate and accessible information to help them know when to seek help for a sick child in 2010. This paper presents the resulting programme of research which aimed to co-develop an evidence-based safety netting intervention (mobile app) to help parents know when to seek help for an acutely ill child under the age of five years in the UK. METHODS: Our programme used a collaborative six step process with 147 parent and 324 health professional participants over a period of six years including: scoping existing interventions, systematic review, qualitative research, video capture, content identification and development, consensus methodology, parent and expert clinical review. RESULTS: Our programme has produced evidence-based content for an app supported by video clips. Our collaborative approach has supported every stage of our work, ensuring that the end result reflects the experiences, perspectives and expressed needs of parents and the clinicians they consult. CONCLUSION: We have not found any other resource which has used this type of approach, which may explain why there is no published evaluation data demonstrating the impact of existing UK resources. Future mobile apps should be designed and developed with the service users for whom they are intended
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