350 research outputs found

    Public Engagement – Back to Basics

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    Citizens of a community are ‘engaged’ when they play an effective role in decision making. That means they are actively involved in defining the issues, identifying solutions, and developing priorities for action and resources. A shift from traditional reins of power and trusting that citizens can and will effectively engage in the issues will likely result in a partnership between local officials and citizens that is nearly always healthy for a community. In most municipalities, public engagement is happening. The fact that it is happening is good but how can it be made more effective? Do local officials want to make it more effective? Do the senior management want the same? Do they have a full understanding of what it is and what it entails?This paper will qualify the definition, principles and benefits, as well as challenges, of public engagement from a municipal perspective. Best practices from other municipalities will be outlined and details on various levels of engagement and corresponding tools and techniques to employ will be referenced.Keywords: public engagement, municipality, tools and techniques, best practice

    Socio-Economic Benefits of Trail Development in Conception Bay South

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    More and more communities are discovering that quality of place is an important factor in where people choose to live, work, and invest. Furthermore, access to interesting and scenic trails is a key component in the quality of place equation. Trails contribute to personal interaction, neighbourhood socialization, and community unity.The railroad played an important role in the rich heritage of Conception Bay South. Preserving 18 kilometers of railway within the boundaries of Conception Bay South as a public trail (dubbed the T’Railway) will offer future generations the opportunity to experience the history of the Province and provide a means to incorporate the Town’s local character and regional influence.This paper will qualify the socio-economic benefits that can be realized with strategic, well-planned trail development specifically pertaining to the T’Railway in Conception Bay South. An overview of the Town of Conception Bay South, its vision for development, and the history of the T’Railway will be provided. It will be followed by a review of case studies and reports detailing the tourism potential and high-level economic and social benefits of trail development.Keywords: trail development, economic benefits, socio-economic benefits, trail programming, railway redevelopmen

    Analyses intracellulaires des interactions et de la signalisation de la polycystine-1

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    La polykystose rĂ©nale autosomique dominante (PKD) affecte 1/500 personne, cause des kystes rĂ©naux et mĂšne Ă  l’insuffisance rĂ©nale. Elle dĂ©pend d’un mĂ©canisme de dosage d’un des gĂšnes PKD1 ou PKD2 encodant respectivement la polycystine-1 et la polycystine-2 (Pc1, Pc2). Les polycystines forment un complexe via leurs motifs coiled-coil. Un BAC-Pkd1 murin a Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ© par recombinaison homologue pour produire un transcrit pleine longueur (BAC-Pkd1TAG). La surexpression de Pkd1 chez les souris Pkd1TAG induit la PKD. Pour dĂ©finir le rĂŽle intracellulaire du domaine coiled-coil de Pc1, le domaine a Ă©tĂ© supprimĂ© de Pkd1 par recombinaison et a servi Ă  gĂ©nĂ©rer quatre lignĂ©es de souris Pkd1Δcoiled-coil (1-10 copies). Ces souris ne dĂ©veloppent pas de PKD. Le motif coiled-coil est donc requis pour induire la maladie. Chez la souris, l’inactivation de Pkd1 (Pkd1-/-) cause une PKD et une mortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale. Nous avons donc produit des souris Pkd1-/-; Pkd1TAG et Pkd1-/-; Pkd1Δcoiled-coil. Celles-ci sont protĂ©gĂ©es d’une mortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale et de PKD, mais les lignĂ©es Ă  1-3 copies agissent comme des hypomorphes fonctionnels. Les cellules rĂ©nales Pkd1Δcoiled-coil montrent que Pc1 suit une maturation et un transport intracellulaire suffisamment efficace, que l’interaction est conservĂ©e entre Pc1-Pc2 et que l’expression de Pc2 est inchangĂ©e sauf chez les hypomorphes oĂč Pc2 est surexprimĂ©. Le motif coiled-coil de Pc1 et ses interactions semblent induire une polykystose rĂ©nale et jouer un rĂŽle dans l’homĂ©ostasie rĂ©nale.Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) affects 1/500 person, causes renal cysts and leads to kidney failure. It depends on a dosage effect mechanism of one of the PKD1 or PKD2 genes encoding polysystin-1 and polycystin-2 (Pc1, Pc2), respectively. The polycystins form a complex via their coiled-coil domains. A murine Pkd1-BAC was modified by homologous recombination to produce a full-length transcript (Pkd1TAG-BAC). Overexpression of Pkd1 in Pkd1TAG mice induces polycystic kidney disease (PKD). To define the intracellular role of the coiled-coil motif of Pc1, the motif was deleted from Pkd1 by recombination and used to generate four Pkd1Δcoiled-coil mouse lines (1-10 copies). These mice do not develop PKD. The coiled-coil motif is therefore required to induce the disease. In mice, the knock-out of Pkd1 causes PKD and perinatal mortality. We therefore produced Pkd1-/-; Pkd1TAG and Pkd1-/-; Pkd1Δcoiled-coil mice. These are protected from perinatal mortality and PKD, but 1-3 copy lines act as functional hypomorphs. Pkd1Δcoiled-coil kidney cells show that Pc1 is sufficiently efficient in maturation and intracellular trafficking, that the interaction is conserved between Pc1-Pc2 and that Pc2 expression is unchanged except in hypomorphs where Pc2 is overexpressed. The coiled-coil motif of Pc1 and its interactions appear to induce polycystic kidney disease and play a role in renal homeostasis
