345 research outputs found

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    Joints, tensile strength and preferred fracture orientation in sandstones. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Canada

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    The orientations of tensile fractures in Upper Devonian, Carboniferous and Lower Permian sandstones of southern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island show correlation at the submicroscopic scale of microcrack alignments, the macroscopic scale of joints, and the megascopic scale of airphoto lineaments. Planes of minimum tensile strength and planes of preferred fracture, induced in visibly unfractured sandstone test-samples by line-loading and point-loading tests, are identified as microcrack alignments. The joints and airphoto lineaments have microcrack alignments parallel to them, but not all microcrack alignments are represented at the macroscopic and megascopic scales. Deformed Carboniferous sandstones east of Saint John have two prominent orthogonal Joint systems with microcrack alignments parallel to the four joint sets. The airphoto lineaments are parallel to only three joint sets. Southeast and northeast striking joints in one orthogonal system are tentatively interpreted as planes of extension and release respectively, related to the direction of compression during the Variscan-Appalachian orogeny. The other orthogonal system, with joint sets striking close to 010° and 100°, is interpreted as post-Triassic in age, possibly related to the presently acting crustal stresses in eastern North America. RÉSUMÉ Il y a correspondance dans les grès du Dévonien supérieur, du Carbonifère et du Permien inférieur du aud du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l'ile du Prince-Edouard entre l'orientation des fractures de tension à diverses échelles: microscopique — alignement des microfissures; macroscopique — dis-clases; et megascopique — linéaments observes à partir de photographies aériennes. On reconnait comrae alignements de microfissures les plans de force de traction minimale et les plans de fracture préférentlelle occasionnés par des essais de charges linéaires et ponctuelles sur des échantillons types de grès préalablement exempts de fractures apparentes. Bien que parallèlement aux diaclases et aux linéaments on retrouve des alignements de microfissures, ce ne sont pas tous les alignements de microfissures qui s'expriment aux échelles macroscopique et megascopique. À l'est de Saint-Jean, les grès déformes du Carbonifère possèdent deux systèmes distincts de diaclases orthogonales accompagnes d'alignements de microfissures parallèles aux quatre ensembles de diaclases. Les linéaments observes sur photographié aérienne ne sont parallèles qu'a trois ensembles de diaclases. On interprète provisoirement les diaclases de direction sud-est et nord-est dans l'un des systèmes orthogonaux comme, respectlvement, des plans d'extension et de relâchement reliés à la direction de compression durant l'orogenèse varisque-appalachienne. Des orientations se rapprochant de 010" et 100° caractérisent l'autre système orthogonal qui serait d'Sge post-triasique et peut être relié aux forces de tension contemporaines agissant sur l’écorce terrestre dans l'est de l'Amèrique du Nord. [Traduit par le journal


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    Airphoto Lineaments in the Caledonia Area of Southern New Brunswick

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    A system of photogeologic interpretation has been applied on a regional scale in the Caledonia area of New Brunswick, Canada, The orientation of about 700 photolineaments has been measured and their distribution analysed. A statistical partitioning technique applied to the whole region produced six major trends with the strongest trends occurring at 097o±7o, 165o±6o and 141o±9o . None of the strong trends coincides with the orientation of major faults in the area. Detailed examination of structural domains suggests the presence of more than six lineament trends. Correlation of trends from domain to domain is difficult and the genetic significance of lineaments in view of the scarcity of ground information remains in doubt

    Roma történelem másképp

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    Multiplicity: An Explorative Interview Study on Personal Experiences of People with Multiple Selves

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    Background and aims: Personality psychology research relies on the notion that humans have a single self that is the result of the individual’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours that can be reliably described (i.e., through traits). People who identify themselves as “multiple” have a system of multiple, or alternative, selves that share the same physical body. This is the first study to explore the phenomenon of multiplicity by assessing the experiences of people who identify themselves as “multiple”. Methods: First, an Internet forum search was performed using the terms “multiplicity” and “multiple system”. Based on that search, people who identified themselves as multiple were contacted. Interviews were conducted by a consultant psychiatrist, which produced six case vignettes. Results: Multiplicity is discussed on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and several other personal websites, blogs and forums maintained by multiples. According to the study’s estimates, there are 200–300 individuals who participate in these forums and believe they are multiple. Based on the six interviews, it appears that multiples have several selves who are relatively independent of each other and constitute the personality’s system. Each “resident person”, or self, has their own unique behavioural pattern, which is triggered by different situations. However, multiples are a heterogeneous group in terms of their system organisation, memory functions and control over switching between selves. Conclusions: Multiplicity can be placed along a continuum between identity disturbance and dissociative identity disorder, although most systems function relatively well in everyday life. Further research is needed to explore this phenomenon, especially in terms of the extent to which multiplicity can be regarded as a healthy way of coping

    Nemzetiségi viszonyok és a statisztikai adatgyűjtés Magyarországon

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    Magyarország nemzetiségi viszonyai tekintetében a hivatalos állami statisztikai felmérések, különösen a népszámlálások alapvető fontosságú adatforrásnak bizonyultak a XIX. századtól kezdve egészen napjainkig. A tanulmány a nemzetiségi viszonyok változását a népszámlálások nemzetiségi adatainak tükrében mutatja be, kitérve azok módszertani változásaira is. A kronológiát követő fejezetek az adott korszakok jellemző kisebbségpolitikáját is ismertetik. Az írás egy rövid kitekintéssel zárul, amely a magyarországi romák lélekszámának különféle módszertanokon alapuló felméréseiről ad számot