10 research outputs found

    The Separation of 241

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    Electrical power sources used in outer planet missions are a key enabling technology for data acquisition and communications. State–of-the-art power sources generate electricity from alpha decay of 238Pu via thermoelectric conversion. However, production of 238Pu requires specialist facilities including a nuclear reactor, a source of 237Np for target irradiation and hotcells to chemically separate neptunium and plutonium within the irradiated targets. These specialist facilities are expensive to build and operate, so naturally, a more economical alternative is attractive to the industry. Within Europe 241Am is considered a promising alternative heat source for radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) and radioisotope heating units (RHUs). As a daughter product of 241Pu decay, 241Am exists in 1000 kgs quantities within the UK civil plutonium stockpile. A chemical separation process is required to extract the 241Am in a pure form and this paper describes the AMPPEX process (Americium and Plutonium Purification by Extraction), successfully developed over the past five years to isolate 241Am in high yield (> 99%) and to a high purity (> 99%). The process starts by dissolving plutonium dioxide in nitric acid with the aid of a silver(II) catalyst, which is generated electrochemically. The solution is then conditioned and fed to a PUREX type solvent extraction process, where the plutonium is separated from the americium and silver. The plutonium is converted back to plutonium dioxide and the americium is fed forward to a second solvent extraction step. Here the americium is selectively extracted leaving the silver in the aqueous phase. The americium is stripped from the solvent and recovered from solution as americium oxalate, which is calcined to give americium dioxide as the final product. This paper will describe the development of the separation process over a series of six solvent extraction separation trials using centrifugal contactors. The material produced (~ 4g 241Am) was used to make ceramic pellets to establish the behaviour of americium oxide material under high temperature (1450°C) sintering conditions. The chemical separation process is now demonstrated at concentrations expected on the full scale facility taking this process to TRL 4-5

    Assessment of solid/liquid equilibria in the (U, Zr)O2+y system

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    Solid/liquid equilibria in the system UO2eZrO2 are revisited in this work by laser heating coupled with fast optical thermometry. Phase transition points newly measured under inert gas are in fair agreement with the early measurements performed by Wisnyi et al., in 1957, the only study available in the literature on the whole pseudo-binary system. In addition, a minimum melting point is identified here for compositions near (U0.6Zr0.4)O2Ăľy, around 2800 K. The solidus line is rather flat on a broad range of compositions around the minimum. It increases for compositions closer to the pure end members, up to the melting point of pure UO2 (3130 K) on one side and pure ZrO2 (2970 K) on the other. Solid state phase transitions (cubic-tetragonal-monoclinic) have also been observed in the ZrO2-rich compositions X-ray diffraction. Investigations under 0.3 MPa air (0.063 MPa O2) revealed a significant decrease in the melting points down to 2500 Ke2600 K for increasing uranium content (x(UO2)> 0.2). This was found to be related to further oxidation of uranium dioxide, confirmed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. For example, a typical oxidised corium composition U0.6Zr0.4O2.13 was observed to solidify at a temperature as low as 2493 K. The current results are important for assessing the thermal stability of the system fuel e cladding in an oxide based nuclear reactor, and for simulating the system behaviour during a hypothetical severe accident

    Characterisation of high temperature refractory ceramics for nuclear applications

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    The ternary oxide ceramic system UO 2-ZrO 2-FeO is a refractory system that is of great relevance to the nuclear industry as it represents one of the main systems resulting from the interaction of the Zircaloy cladding, the UO 2 fuel and the structural elements of a nuclear reactor. It is particularly the high temperature properties that require investigation; that is, when substantial overheating of the nuclear core occurs and interactions can lead to its degradation, melting and result in a severe nuclear accident. There has been much work on the UO 2-ZrO 2 system and also on the ternary system with FeO but there is still a need to examine 2 further aspects; firstly the effect of sub-oxidized systems, the UO 2-Zr and FeO-Zr systems, and secondly the effect of Fe/Zr or Fe/U ratios on the melting point of the U-Zr-Fe oxide system. Samples of UO 2-Zr and UO 2-ZrO 2-FeO were fabricated at ITU and then characterized by optical microscopy (OM) and X-ray diffraction to determine the ceramic's structure and verify the composition. Thereafter the samples are to be melted by laser flash heating and their liquidus and solidus temperatures determined by pyrometry. This programme is currently ongoing. The frozen samples, after testing, were then sectioned, polished and the molten zone micro-analytically examined by OM & SEM-EDS in order to determine its structure and composition and to compare with the existing phase diagrams. Examples of results from these systems will be given. Finally, a reacted Zr-FeO thermite mixture was examined, which had been used to generate high temperatures during tests of reactor melt-concrete interactions. The aim was to assess the reaction and estimate the heat generation from this novel technique. These results allow verification or improvement of the phase diagram and are of primary importance as input to models used to predict materials interactions in a severe nuclear accident

    The Separation of 241Am from Aged Plutonium Dioxide for use in Radioisotope Power Systems

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    Electrical power sources used in outer planet missions are a key enabling technology for data acquisition and communications. State–of-the-art power sources generate electricity from alpha decay of 238Pu via thermoelectric conversion. However, production of 238Pu requires specialist facilities including a nuclear reactor, a source of 237Np for target irradiation and hotcells to chemically separate neptunium and plutonium within the irradiated targets. These specialist facilities are expensive to build and operate, so naturally, a more economical alternative is attractive to the industry. Within Europe 241Am is considered a promising alternative heat source for radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) and radioisotope heating units (RHUs). As a daughter product of 241Pu decay, 241Am exists in 1000 kgs quantities within the UK civil plutonium stockpile. A chemical separation process is required to extract the 241Am in a pure form and this paper describes the AMPPEX process (Americium and Plutonium Purification by Extraction), successfully developed over the past five years to isolate 241Am in high yield (> 99%) and to a high purity (> 99%). The process starts by dissolving plutonium dioxide in nitric acid with the aid of a silver(II) catalyst, which is generated electrochemically. The solution is then conditioned and fed to a PUREX type solvent extraction process, where the plutonium is separated from the americium and silver. The plutonium is converted back to plutonium dioxide and the americium is fed forward to a second solvent extraction step. Here the americium is selectively extracted leaving the silver in the aqueous phase. The americium is stripped from the solvent and recovered from solution as americium oxalate, which is calcined to give americium dioxide as the final product. This paper will describe the development of the separation process over a series of six solvent extraction separation trials using centrifugal contactors. The material produced (~ 4g 241Am) was used to make ceramic pellets to establish the behaviour of americium oxide material under high temperature (1450°C) sintering conditions. The chemical separation process is now demonstrated at concentrations expected on the full scale facility taking this process to TRL 4-5

    The Separation of

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    Electrical power sources used in outer planet missions are a key enabling technology for data acquisition and communications. State–of-the-art power sources generate electricity from alpha decay of 238Pu via thermoelectric conversion. However, production of 238Pu requires specialist facilities including a nuclear reactor, a source of 237Np for target irradiation and hotcells to chemically separate neptunium and plutonium within the irradiated targets. These specialist facilities are expensive to build and operate, so naturally, a more economical alternative is attractive to the industry. Within Europe 241Am is considered a promising alternative heat source for radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) and radioisotope heating units (RHUs). As a daughter product of 241Pu decay, 241Am exists in 1000 kgs quantities within the UK civil plutonium stockpile. A chemical separation process is required to extract the 241Am in a pure form and this paper describes the AMPPEX process (Americium and Plutonium Purification by Extraction), successfully developed over the past five years to isolate 241Am in high yield (> 99%) and to a high purity (> 99%). The process starts by dissolving plutonium dioxide in nitric acid with the aid of a silver(II) catalyst, which is generated electrochemically. The solution is then conditioned and fed to a PUREX type solvent extraction process, where the plutonium is separated from the americium and silver. The plutonium is converted back to plutonium dioxide and the americium is fed forward to a second solvent extraction step. Here the americium is selectively extracted leaving the silver in the aqueous phase. The americium is stripped from the solvent and recovered from solution as americium oxalate, which is calcined to give americium dioxide as the final product. This paper will describe the development of the separation process over a series of six solvent extraction separation trials using centrifugal contactors. The material produced (~ 4g 241Am) was used to make ceramic pellets to establish the behaviour of americium oxide material under high temperature (1450°C) sintering conditions. The chemical separation process is now demonstrated at concentrations expected on the full scale facility taking this process to TRL 4-5

    Assessment of solid/liquid equilibria in the (U, Zr)O<sub>2+y</sub> system

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    Solid/liquid equilibria in the system UO2–ZrO2 are revisited in this work by laser heating coupled with fast optical thermometry. Phase transition points newly measured under inert gas are in fair agreement with the early measurements performed by Wisnyi et al., in 1957, the only study available in the literature on the whole pseudo-binary system. In addition, a minimum melting point is identified here for compositions near (U0.6Zr0.4)O2+y, around 2800 K. The solidus line is rather flat on a broad range of compositions around the minimum. It increases for compositions closer to the pure end members, up to the melting point of pure UO2 (3130 K) on one side and pure ZrO2 (2970 K) on the other. Solid state phase transitions (cubic-tetragonal-monoclinic) have also been observed in the ZrO2-rich compositions X-ray diffraction. Investigations under 0.3 MPa air (0.063 MPa O2) revealed a significant decrease in the melting points down to 2500 K–2600 K for increasing uranium content (x(UO2)&gt; 0.2). This was found to be related to further oxidation of uranium dioxide, confirmed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. For example, a typical oxidised corium composition U0.6Zr0.4O2.13 was observed to solidify at a temperature as low as 2493 K. The current results are important for assessing the thermal stability of the system fuel – cladding in an oxide based nuclear reactor, and for simulating the system behaviour during a hypothetical severe accident.RST/Reactor Physics and Nuclear Material