31,289 research outputs found

    Quark-cluster Stars: the structure

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    The nature of pulsar-like compact stars is still in controversy although the first pulsar was found more than 40 years ago. Generally speaking, conventional neutron stars and non-mainstream quark stars are two types of models to describe the inner structure of pulsars, with the former composed mainly of hadrons and the latter of a peculiar kind of matter whose state equation should be understood in the level of quarks rather than hadrons. To construct a more realistic model from both theoretical and observational points of view, we conjecture that pulsars could be "quark-cluster stars" which are composed of quark-clusters with almost equal numbers of up, down and strange quarks. Clustering quark matter could be the result of strong coupling between quarks inside realistic compact stars. The lightest quark clusters could be of H-dibaryons, while quark clusters could also be heavier with more quarks. Being essentially related to the non-perturbative quantum-chromo dynamics (QCD), the state of supra-nuclear condensed matter is really difficult to obtain strictly by only theoretical QCD-calculations, and we expect, nevertheless, that astrophysical observations could help us to have a final solution.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, talk at the 3rd Galileo-XuGuangqi Meeting (11-15 October 2011, Beijing

    Strangeons constitute bulk strong matter-- To test using GW170817

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    The fundamental strong interaction determines the nature of pulsar-like compact stars which are essentially in the form of bulk strong matter. From an observational point of view, it is proposed that bulk strong matter could be composed of strangeons, i.e. quark-clusters with there-light-flavor symmetry of quarks, and therefore pulsar-like compact objects could actually be strangeon stars. The equation of state (EOS) of strangeon stars is described in a Lennard-Jones model for the purpose of constraining the EOS by both the tidal deformability Λ\Lambda of GW170817 and MTOVM_{\rm TOV}. It is found that the allowed parameter space is quite large as most of the Lennard-Jones EOS models satisfy the tidal deformability constraint by GW170817. The future GW detections for smaller values of Λ\Lambda and mass measurement for larger values of MTOVM_{\rm TOV} will help a better constraint on the strangeon star model.Comment: Accepted by the EPJA Topical Issue "The first Neutron Star Merger Observation - Implications for Nuclear Physics
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