54 research outputs found

    Imaging the symmetry breaking of molecular orbitals in carbon nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes have attracted considerable interest for their unique electronic properties. They are fascinating candidates for fundamental studies of one dimensional materials as well as for future molecular electronics applications. The molecular orbitals of nanotubes are of particular importance as they govern the transport properties and the chemical reactivity of the system. Here we show for the first time a complete experimental investigation of molecular orbitals of single wall carbon nanotubes using atomically resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Local conductance measurements show spectacular carbon-carbon bond asymmetry at the Van Hove singularities for both semiconducting and metallic tubes, demonstrating the symmetry breaking of molecular orbitals in nanotubes. Whatever the tube, only two types of complementary orbitals are alternatively observed. An analytical tight-binding model describing the interference patterns of ? orbitals confirmed by ab initio calculations, perfectly reproduces the experimental results

    Assessment of fine scale population genetic diversity and regeneration in Congo basin logged forests

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    In the Congo Basin most of the light-demanding timber tree species display a deficit of natural regeneration which is a major handicap for sustainable production and certification. Whilst the majority of scientists investigate abiotic and biotic factors explaining that pattern, we hypothesize that tree population density or individual spatial isolation may also affect the tree fitness through inbreeding. In this study, we integrate ecological and genetic approaches to characterize the regeneration potential of a set of priority timber species by (i) estimating pollen dispersal distances at various tree population densities, and (ii) evaluating the impact of increasing spatial isolation on mating characteristics and tree fitness. The ultimate goal is the proposal of minimum population density that prevents inbreeding consequences. Method This ongoing study focuses on 10 timber species (Pericopsis elata, Milicia excelsa, Baillonella toxisperma, Entandrophragma cylindricum, E. utile, E. angolense, E. candollei, Afzelia bipindensis, Erythrophleum suaveloens, Terminalia superba). The data collection was carried out in the logging concession granted to Pallisco in Cameroon. We established two 400-ha plots, where all individuals (DBH > 10 cm) of the target species were inventoried and mapped. A sample of leave or cambium was collected for each of these individuals, as well as for seedlings to characterize patterns of gene flow using genetic tools (nuclear microsatellites). Dispersal agents were identified by direct observations and camera traps. Germination success was characterized in nursery for seeds collected on trees under an increasing isolation gradient. Results Main dispersal agents (wind, bat, rodent) and predators (rodent) were identified for all the species. The gene flow and germination data is still being analyzed and the main results will be presented in the poster. Conclusion Our data will allow characterizing the reproductive biology of a set of important timber species from the Congo basin. These information will strengthen sustainable forest management and the application of certification by adjusting harvesting norms through the use of scientifically-relevant data. In particular, we will tentatively define a maximum distance to be maintained between two adults to allow a qualitative reproduction

    Spin-Wave-Assisted Thermal Reversal of Epitaxial Perpendicular Magnetic Nanodots

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    The magnetic susceptibility of self-organized two-dimensional Co nanodots on Au(111) has been measured as a function of their size in the 2-7~nm diameter range. We show that the activation energy for the thermal reversal displays a power law behavior with the dot volume. Atomic scale simulations based on the Heisenberg hamiltonian show that this behavior is due to a deviation from the macrospin model for dot size as small as 3~nm in diameter. This discrepancy is attributed to finite temperature effects through the thermal excitation of spin-wave modes inside the particlesComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The construction of non-spherical models of quasi-relaxed stellar systems

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    Spherical models of collisionless but quasi-relaxed stellar systems have long been studied as a natural framework for the description of globular clusters. Here we consider the construction of self-consistent models under the same physical conditions, but including explicitly the ingredients that lead to departures from spherical symmetry. In particular, we focus on the effects of the tidal field associated with the hosting galaxy. We then take a stellar system on a circular orbit inside a galaxy represented as a "frozen" external field. The equilibrium distribution function is obtained from the one describing the spherical case by replacing the energy integral with the relevant Jacobi integral in the presence of the external tidal field. Then the construction of the model requires the investigation of a singular perturbation problem for an elliptic partial differential equation with a free boundary, for which we provide a method of solution to any desired order, with explicit solutions to two orders. We outline the relevant parameter space, thus opening the way to a systematic study of the properties of a two-parameter family of physically justified non-spherical models of quasi-relaxed stellar systems. The general method developed here can also be used to construct models for which the non-spherical shape is due to internal rotation. Eventually, the models will be a useful tool to investigate whether the shapes of globular clusters are primarily determined by internal rotation, by external tides, or by pressure anisotropy.Comment: AASTeX v5.2, 37 pages with 2 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Gravitational instability of slowly rotating isothermal spheres

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    We discuss the statistical mechanics of rotating self-gravitating systems by allowing properly for the conservation of angular momentum. We study analytically the case of slowly rotating isothermal spheres by expanding the solutions of the Boltzmann-Poisson equation in a series of Legendre polynomials, adapting the procedure introduced by Chandrasekhar (1933) for distorted polytropes. We show how the classical spiral of Lynden-Bell & Wood (1967) in the temperature-energy plane is deformed by rotation. We find that gravitational instability occurs sooner in the microcanonical ensemble and later in the canonical ensemble. According to standard turning point arguments, the onset of the collapse coincides with the minimum energy or minimum temperature state in the series of equilibria. Interestingly, it happens to be close to the point of maximum flattening. We determine analytically the generalization of the singular isothermal solution to the case of a slowly rotating configuration. We also consider slowly rotating configurations of the self-gravitating Fermi gas at non zero temperature.Comment: Submitted to A&

    Effect of angular momentum on equilibrium properties of a self-gravitating system

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    The microcanonical properties of a two dimensional system of N classical particles interacting via a smoothed Newtonian potential as a function of the total energy E and the total angular momentum L are discussed. In order to estimate suitable observables a numerical method based on an importance sampling algorithm is presented. The entropy surface shows a negative specific heat region at fixed L for all L. Observables probing the average mass distribution are used to understand the link between thermostatistical properties and the spatial distribution of particles. In order to define a phase in non-extensive system we introduce a more general observable than the one proposed by Gross and Votyakov [Eur. Phys. J. B:15, 115 (2000)]: the sign of the largest eigenvalue of the entropy surface curvature. At large E the gravitational system is in a homogeneous gas phase. At low E there are several collapse phases; at L=0 there is a single cluster phase and for L>0 there are several phases with 2 clusters. All these pure phases are separated by first order phase transition regions. The signal of critical behaviour emerges at different points of the parameter space (E,L). We also discuss the ensemble introduced in a recent pre-print by Klinko & Miller; this ensemble is the canonical analogue of the one at constant energy and constant angular momentum. We show that a huge loss of informations appears if we treat the system as a function of intensive parameters: besides the known non-equivalence at first order phase transitions, there exit in the microcanonical ensemble some values of the temperature and the angular velocity for which the corresponding canonical ensemble does not exist, i.e. the partition sum diverges.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Parallelization, Special Hardware and Post-Newtonian Dynamics in Direct N - Body Simulations

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    The formation and evolution of supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries during and after galaxy mergers is an important ingredient for our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution in a cosmological context, e.g. for predictions of cosmic star formation histories or of SMBH demographics (to predict events that emit gravitational waves). If galaxies merge in the course of their evolution, there should be either many binary or even multiple black holes, or we have to find out what happens to black hole multiples in galactic nuclei, e.g. whether they come sufficiently close to merge resulting from emission of gravitational waves, or whether they eject each other in gravitational slingshot interactions

    Statistical mechanics and phase diagrams of rotating self-gravitating fermions

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    We compute statistical equilibrium states of rotating self-gravitating systems enclosed within a box by maximizing the Fermi-Dirac entropy at fixed mass, energy and angular momentum. We increase the rotation up to the Keplerian limit and describe the flattening of the configuration until mass shedding occurs. At the maximum rotation, the system develops a cusp at the equator. We draw the equilibrium phase diagram of the rotating self-gravitating Fermi gas and discuss the structure of the caloric curve as a function of degeneracy parameter and angular velocity. We argue that systems described by the Fermi-Dirac distribution in phase space do not bifurcate to non-axisymmetric structures, in continuity with the case of polytropes with index n>0.808 (the Fermi gas at T=0 corresponds to n=3/2). This contrasts with the study of Votyakov et al. (2002) who consider a Fermi-Dirac distribution in configuration space and find ``double star'' structures (their model at T=0 corresponds to n=0). We also discuss the influence of rotation on the onset of the gravothermal catastrophe for globular clusters. On general grounds, we complete previous investigations concerning the nature of phase transitions in self-gravitating systems. We emphasize the inequivalence of statistical ensembles regarding the formation of binaries (or low-mass condensates) in the microcanonical ensemble and Dirac peaks (or massive condensates) in the canonical ensemble. We also describe an hysteretic cycle between the gaseous phase and the condensed phase that are connected by a ``collapse'' or an ``explosion''. This notion of hysteresis in self-gravitating systems is new.Comment: submitted to A&

    Grain Boundaries in Graphene on SiC(0001ˉ\bar{1}) Substrate

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    Grain boundaries in epitaxial graphene on the SiC(0001ˉ\bar{1}) substrate are studied using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. All investigated small-angle grain boundaries show pronounced out-of-plane buckling induced by the strain fields of constituent dislocations. The ensemble of observations allows to determine the critical misorientation angle of buckling transition θc=19± 2\theta_c = 19 \pm~2^\circ. Periodic structures are found among the flat large-angle grain boundaries. In particular, the observed θ=33±2\theta = 33\pm2^\circ highly ordered grain boundary is assigned to the previously proposed lowest formation energy structural motif composed of a continuous chain of edge-sharing alternating pentagons and heptagons. This periodic grain boundary defect is predicted to exhibit strong valley filtering of charge carriers thus promising the practical realization of all-electric valleytronic devices

    N-body Models of Rotating Globular Clusters

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    We have studied the dynamical evolution of rotating globular clusters with direct NN-body models. Our initial models are rotating King models; we obtained results for both equal-mass systems and systems composed out of two mass components. Previous investigations using a Fokker-Planck solver have revealed that rotation has a noticeable influence on stellar systems like globular clusters, which evolve by two-body relaxation. In particular, it accelerates their dynamical evolution through the gravogyro instability. We have validated the occurence of the gravogyro instability with direct NN-body models. In the case of systems composed out of two mass components, mass segregation takes place, which competes with the rotation in the acceleration of the core collapse. The "accelerating" effect of rotation has not been detected in our isolated two-mass NN-body models. Last, but not least, we have looked at rotating NN-body models in a tidal field within the tidal approximation. It turns out that rotation increases the escape rate significantly. A difference between retrograde and prograde rotating star clusters occurs with respect to the orbit of the star cluster around the Galaxy, which is due to the presence of a ``third integral'' and chaotic scattering, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, accepted by MNRA