3 research outputs found

    Low Cost Semi Automated Assembly Unit for Small Size Back Contact Modules and Low Cost Interconnection Approach

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    AbstractWe present our low cost assembly unit to manufacture back contact solar modules based on the conductive backsheet (CBS) approach. This in house developed apparatus was built to assemble test modules containing one up to four 6 inch back contact solar cells. The system is a retrofit of a commercially available CNC system which is equipped with a cell grabber and a manual dispensing system (by Nordson). The total cost of the setup was roughly 4000 € excluding the dispenser unit. Using this equipment we assembled several small size modules containing one and four Zebra cells, which are low cost 6 inch IBC solar cells developed at ISC Konstanz [1,2]. The contact between copper backsheet and back contact cell of the one cell modules we present here is formed by low temperature solder paste (LTSP). First cell to module (CTM) loss evaluations and reliability results suggest that this material could be a viable alternative to electrically conductive adhesive (ECA) which is currently the most commonly used material for this purpose


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    Critical thinking is a relevant ability nowadays in higher education, but there is a lack of consensus on its definitions and assessment instruments. This article offers a conceptual and methodological review about the instruments used to measure critical thinking, in order to generate a discussion that allows a better understanding and appreciation of the aspects that are considered in this skill. The methodology consisted of a systematic review of studies in databases, selecting 31 studies out of 97 founded, and 8 of them for deep analysis; atopic content analysis in definitions and test characteristics is also used. Results show the existence of many differences in definitions and assessments of critical thinking, with a variety of tests and little consensus on the measured components. The need of an integrative model of Critical Thinking, considering cognitive, metacognitive and dispositional skills is discussed.El pensamiento crítico es una competencia relevante hoy en día en la formación universitaria, con escaso consenso conceptual y metodológico en sus instrumentos de medición. En este artículo se ofrece una revisión acerca de los instrumentos que se han utilizado para medir el pensamiento crítico, con la finalidad de generar una discusión que permita una mejor comprensión y valoración de los aspectos que componen esta habilidad. La metodología utilizada consiste en una revisión sistemática de estudios en bases de datos, seleccionando 31 estudios de 97 encontrados, y analizando en profundidad ocho de ellos; se utilizó además, análisis de contenido temático para las definiciones y características de instrumentos. Los resultados señalan la existencia de divergencias a la hora de definir y evaluar el pensamiento crítico, con variedad de instrumentos y escaso consenso en los componentes medidos. Se discute la necesidad de lograr un modelo de Pensamiento Crítico integrado que considere habilidades cognitivas, metacognitivas y disposicionales

    Brännskuggat fanér - en metodanalys

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    This thesis is about a part of the marquetrytechnique, scorching. Scorching is made by heating up something, put a veneer into the heated substance and make a controlled burning. This technique is old but still used today and have according to me great potential for development. In my work I wanted to give the scorching greater room then I earlier have seen. I wanted the scorching to be the dominant ingredient for a decorative element in a piece of furniture or an interior. This, I believe, is one way of making the art of marquetry more modern.   In my report I have written about the history of scorching, both in terms of how often the technique has been used throughout history, but also for its development during time. This part of the thesis is mainly based upon studies of literature and some interviews.   The biggest part of the thesis tries to consolidate a method for how to achieve a successful scorching. The criterion for successful is an equal gradient, repeatability and controlled length for the scorching. I have mainly experimented with exposuretime, exposuretemperature and different substances to heat up. During this experiments I have tried to define the best way to work. Several different woodspieces have been used but I have mainly worked with veneer of birch. During my work I have also tested to achieve new esthetical looks still mainly using the same technique. Changing materials to heat up and changing the way of applying the veneer. These parts of the thesis is based on empirical studies and with the report there are some physical samples describing my results.Detta examensarbete handlar om en del av intarsiatekniken, skuggbränning. Skuggbränning åstadkommer man genom att hetta upp någonting, föra ned ett faner i det upphettade och på det sättet åstadkomma en kontrollerad bränning. Tekniken är gammal men används fortfarande och kan moderniseras och vidareutvecklas. Jag har i mitt arbete önskat att ge skuggbränningen större utrymme än jag tidigare sett. Låta skuggbränningen bli det dominerande inslaget i ett dekorativt element på en möbel eller inredning. Detta menar jag, kan vara en väg att modernisera intarsiakonsten.   Jag har i min rapport i viss mån redogjort för skuggbränningens historia, både vad gäller hur utbredd användningen varit men också den metodiska historien. Denna del vilar i huvudsak på litteraturstudier och intervjuer.   Rapportens största del handlar om att befästa ett tillvägagångssätt för hur man på bästa sätt kan åstadkomma en lyckad skuggbränning. Kriterierna för lyckad är jämn övertoning, stor repeterbarhet och kontrollerad längd på övertoningen. Moment jag experimenterat med är i huvudsak exponeringstid, exponeringstemperatur och vilket upphettat ämne som är det lämpligaste mediet. Jag har för dessa moment försökt definiera det bästa tillvägagångssättet. Rapporten behandlar flera träslag men i huvudsak björkfaner. I arbetet har jag vidare försökt att med nya material åstadkomma nya estetiska uttryck men med samma grundteknik. Dessa delar av rapporten vilar på empiriska undersökningar och tillhörande rapporten finns en fysisk provkarta med mina resultat