196 research outputs found

    Do credit rating changes affect equity issuance/repurchase? : case study of the US market

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    This dissertation analyses the relation between credit rating changes and equity Issuance or Repurchase. I consider two types of credit rating changes: Upgrades and Downgrades. To conduct this study the data used comprises the period between 1985 and 2016, in which I assume a lag of one month for the data to be incorporated into credit rating changes. To assess the relation between Issuance and Repurchase, I use a set of control variables and assess them in light of three different models: Linear, PROBIT and LOGIT. The results suggest that firms react more to Upgrades than Downgrades. In the Speculative Grade sub-sample, I find weaker empirical evidence of this relation, especially within the Repurchase scenario.A presente dissertação tenciona relacionar mudanças nas classificações de crédito com emissão ou recompra de capital próprio. Para tal, vou considerar dois tipos de mudanças nas classificações de crédito: Upgrade e Downgrade. Para realizar este estudo, os dados incluem o período entre 1985 e 2016, no qual assumo que existe um desfasamento de um mês para a informação ser incorporada nas classificações de crédito. Para analisar a relação entre a classificação de crédito e Emissão ou Recompra, utilizei um conjunto de variáveis de controlo, e analisei-as em três cenários diferentes: Linear, PROBIT e LOGIT. Os resultados sugerem que as empresas reagem mais a casos de Upgrade do que Downgrade. Na amostra de Speculative Grade, os resultados são empiricamente menos relevantes, especialmente dentro do cenário da Recompra

    Cartographic representation of spatiotemporal phenomena

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThe field of geovisual analytics focuses on visualization techniques to analyze spatial data by enhancing human cognition. However, spatial data also has a temporal component that is practically disregarded when using conventional geovisual analytic tools. Some proposals have been made for techniques to analyze spatiotemporal data, but most were made for specific use cases, and are hard to abstract for other situations. There was a need to create a method to describe and compare the existing techniques. A catalog that provides a clear description of a set of techniques that deal with spatiotemporal data is proposed. This allows the identification of the most useful techniques depending on the required criteria. The description of a technique in the catalog relies on the two frameworks proposed. The first framework is used for describing spatiotemporal datasets resorting to data scenarios, a class of datasets. Twenty three data scenarios are described using this framework. The second framework is used for describing analytical tasks on spatiotemporal data, nine different tasks are described using this framework. Also, in this document, is the proposal of two new geovisual analytical techniques that can be applied to spatiotemporal data: the attenuation & accumulation map technique and the overlapping spatiotemporal windows technique. A prototype was developed that implements both techniques as a proof of concept.research project “GIAP - GeoInsight Analytics Platform (LISBOA-01-0202-FEDER- 024822)”, funded by Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (PORLisboa), included in Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI I&DT), through a MSc research fellowship from FCT-UN

    Quality control in clothing manufacturing with machine learning

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    Quality control is vital for business and machine learning has proven to be successful in this type of area. In this work we propose and develop a classification model to be used in a quality control system for clothing manufacturing using machine learning. The system consists of using pictures taken through mobile devices to detect defects on clothing items. A defect can be a missing component or a wrong component in a clothing item. Therefore, the function of system is to classify the objects that compose a clothing item through the use of a classification model. As a manufacturing business progresses, new objects are created, thus, the classification model must be able to learn the new classes without losing previous knowledge. However, most classification algorithms do not support an increase of classes, these need to be trained from scratch with all classes. In this work, we make use of an incremental learning algorithm to tackle this problem. This algorithm classifies features extracted from pictures of the clothing items using a convolutional neural network (CNN), which have proven to be very successfully in image classification problems. As the result of this work, we have developed a quality control system that combines a mobile application to take pictures of clothing items and a server that performs defect detection processes using an accurate image classification model capable of increasing its knowledge from new unseen data. This system can help factories improve their quality control processes.O controlo de qualidade é vital para um negócio e a aprendizagem automática tem provado ser bem-sucedida neste tipo de área. Neste trabalho propomos e desenvolvemos um sistema de controlo de qualidade para o fabrico de roupas utilizando aprendizagem automática. O sistema consiste em usar fotografias, tiradas através de dispositivos móveis, para detetar defeitos em peças de roupa. Um defeito pode ser a falta de um componente ou um componente errado numa peça de roupa. A função do sistema é, portanto, classificar os objetos que compõem uma peça de roupa através do uso de um modelo de classificação. À medida que um negócio fabril progride, novos objetos são criados, assim, o modelo de classificação deve ser capaz de aprender as novas classes sem perder conhecimento prévio. No entanto, a maioria dos algoritmos de classificação não suporta um aumento de classes, estes precisam ser treinados a partir do zero com todas as classes. Neste trabalho, utilizamos um algoritmo que suporta aprendizagem incremental para resolver este problema. Este algoritmo classifica características extraídas de imagens das peças de roupa usando uma rede neural convolucional, que tem provado ser uma técnica muito bem sucedida no que toca a resolver problemas de classificação de imagem. Como resultado deste trabalho, desenvolvemos um sistema de controlo de qualidade que combina uma aplicação móvel para tirar fotografias de peças de roupa e um servidor que executa os processos de deteção de defeitos usando um modelo de classificação de imagens preciso, capaz de aumentar o seu conhecimento a partir de novos dados nunca antes vistos. Este sistema pode ajudar as fábricas a melhorar seus processos de controlo de qualidade

    Desafios da aplicação do balanced scorecard a uma microempresa

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    Dissertação de mest., Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012As micro, pequenas e médias empresas (PME) apresentam um acentuado predomínio em relação às grandes empresas no sector não financeiro português, tanto em termos de número de empresas, como de volume de negócios ou de número de postos de trabalho, sendo que a grande maioria das PME são microempresas. Por outro lado, constata-se que o balanced scorecard (BSC), presentemente um dos sistemas de avaliação de desempenho com maior aceitação mundial tanto no meio académico como no meio empresarial, se encontra parcamente estudado no que se refere à sua aplicação a pequenas e médias empresas, sendo praticamente inexistentes os trabalhos sobre a aplicação desse sistema a microempresas. Assim sendo, pretende-se com a presente dissertação contribuir para colmatar essa lacuna, estudando o caso da conceção e implementação do BSC numa microempresa portuguesa de prestação de serviços de engenharia que opera no setor da construção civil

    Millennium bcp´s role in the mobile payments environment

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    CEMSHaving been approached by Millennium bcp with the challenge of defining what should the role of the bank in the future of the Portuguese Mobile Payments arena, this document proceeds to reflect on the work done during the project, as well as summarizing key insights from it

    Terapia Familiar em Medicina Geral e Familiar

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    O autor propõe um modelo de intervenção clínica em Medicina Geral e Familiar que conduza a um plano terapêutico sistémico. Selecciona e descreve como principais instrumentos a utilizar o «Pensamento Sistémico» e a «Entrevista Familiar», ambos comuns à Terapia Familiar

    Ballet Gulbenkian (1961-2005): Um corpo de dança na memória de Portugal

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    O Ballet Gulbenkian, que, indubitavelmente, foi a maior companhia de dança portuguesa do século vinte (com uma projecção nacional e internacional que nenhuma atingiu até ao presente) foi retratada no documentário Um corpo que Dança (2022), por Marco Martins e colaboradores, de um modo incongruente, do ponto de vista histórico, preconceituoso, do ponto de vista artístico, desequilibrado e desrespeitador da obra de muitos – e grandes artistas da dança – em benefício de alguns que nada de muito substantivo deixaram no agrupamento.: The Gulbenkian Ballet, which was undoubtedly the greatest Portuguese dance company of the 20th century (with a national and international projection that none has reached to date) was portrayed in the documentary A body that Dances (2022), by Marco Martins and collaborators, in a incongruous way, from a historical point of view, prejudiced, from an artistic point of view, unbalanced and disrespectful of the work of many – and great dance artists – for the benefit of some who left nothing very substantive in the group.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A última criação de Ohad Naharin para a Batsheva no CCB

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    Este texto, pensado como uma reflexão sobre o espectáculo da Batsheva Dance Company, no Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB), em Lisboa, pretende recordar também o trabalho do bailarino e coreógrafo Ohad Naharin, não só pela produção recentemente apresentada, mas também pelo seu percurso artístico até aqui. Com MOMO no programa, a Batsheva Dance Company apresentou-se no CCB, em Lisboa, a 13 e 14 de Julho último, integrada no 40ª Festival de Almada.This text, intended as a reflection on the Batsheva Dance Company's show at the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) in Lisbon, also aims to remember the work of dancer and choreographer Ohad Naharin, not only for the recent production but also for his artistic career so far. With MOMO on the programme, the Batsheva Dance Company performed at the CCB in Lisbon on 13 and 14 July, as part of the 40th Almada Festival.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Potentiel d'utilisation de la diversité fonctionnelle des arbres dans l'aménagement durable des forêts tempérées nordiques et boréales

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    Les attentes de la population en regard de l’aménagement forestier ont évolué graduellement lors des dernières décennies. Alors qu’il était historiquement surtout centré sur l’exploitation de la matière ligneuse, l’aménagement des forêts tend maintenant à valoriser de plus en plus la multiplicité des services fournis par la forêt. De plus, le développement de stratégies d’aménagement forestier adaptées aux changements climatiques et à l’augmentation de la fréquence d’extrêmes climatiques est devenu essentiel pour réduire la vulnérabilité des forêts. Une des principales avenues suggérées est l’utilisation, au sein des stratégies d’aménagement, d’indicateurs de biodiversité qui reflètent le fonctionnement de l’écosystème forestier et sa réponse aux perturbations. Cependant, nos connaissances sur ces relations complexes entre la diversité forestière, le fonctionnement de l’écosystème et sa réponse aux perturbations naturelles et anthropiques demeurent rudimentaires et se doivent d’être approfondies afin de développer des stratégies d’aménagement forestier plus efficaces. L’objectif de ma thèse était d’analyser le potentiel qu’offrent les indicateurs de diversité fonctionnelle des arbres pour un aménagement durable des forêts tempérées nordiques et boréales. Dans mon premier chapitre, j’ai analysé l’impact de l’âge, de la hauteur et du type de couvert sur plusieurs indicateurs de la biodiversité des arbres. Mes analyses démontrent que l’âge des peuplements, un des indicateurs de biodiversité les plus utilisés à une échelle globale, est incapable de capturer une partie importante de la variabilité de la diversité des peuplements forestiers et ne devrait pas être utilisé comme le seul indicateur de biodiversité dans l’aménagement de ces forêts. Dans le deuxième chapitre, j’ai analysé le rapport entre deux indicateurs de diversité fonctionnelle des arbres avant-coupe (la redondance fonctionnelle et la diversité des réponses), et la productivité après coupe du peuplement. Mes résultats mettent en évidence la valeur ajoutée de l’utilisation de la diversité des réponses lors de l’analyse de la productivité après coupe et suggèrent que celle-ci est un bon prédicteur de la productivité de l’écosystème après coupe. Dans le dernier chapitre, j’ai examiné la relation entre trois traits fonctionnels associés à la résistance et à la résilience des arbres à la sécheresse. Mes résultats suggèrent que dans ces forêts, le rapport du poids sec de la feuille à la surface foliaire et la valeur de pression du xylème conduisant à une perte de 50% de sa conductivité par cavitation, influencent la relation entre la sécheresse et la mortalité du peuplement, mais pas sa productivité. Cette thèse démontre l’importance de la relation entre la diversité fonctionnelle des arbres, la productivité du peuplement et la réponse des arbres et des peuplements aux perturbations partielles et totales. Les résultats contribuent à approfondir les connaissances scientifiques sur le lien entre la diversité fonctionnelle et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes, en plus de proposer des mesures d’aménagement forestier basés sur la diversité des arbres qui peuvent mener à une amélioration importante de la résistance et de la résilience des forêts aménagées aux perturbations.Forest management objectives have slowly changed over the last few decades. While forest management used to focus mainly on wood production, forests are now expected to be managed for multiple ecosystem services. Traditional forest management strategies are also unsuitable to tackle the threats posed by climate change and by the increased frequency of climate extremes. The development of biodiversity indicators capable of predicting ecosystem response to disturbances has been identified as one of the key research priorities in the improvement of existing sustainable forest management frameworks. However, our understanding of these biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships and their response to disturbances needs to be improved if such indicators are to be developed. The objective of this thesis was to analyse the potential of tree functional diversity indicators in improving sustainable forest management of northern temperate and boreal forests. In my first chapter, I studied the impact of stand age, height and cover type on multiple tree biodiversity indicators. My analyses showed that stand age, one of the most widespread indicators of biodiversity, should not be used as the sole indicator of tree diversity in forest management because it inadequately represents a significant part of stand tree diversity. In my second chapter, I analysed the relationship between two indicators of pre-logging functional diversity (functional redundancy and response diversity), and post-logging stand productivity. My results revealed the importance of considering functional diversity in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning studies and showed that response diversity is significantly associated with post-logging productivity in these forests. In the last chapter, I examined the relationship between three functional traits associated with tree resistance and resilience to drought. My results showed that, in our study area, dry leaf mass per unit area and xylem pressure at which 50% of stem xylem conductivity is lost through cavitation significantly influence drought-induced tree mortality, but do not affect stand productivity response to drought. This thesis revealed the importance of the relationships between tree functional diversity, stand productivity and stand response to partial and severe disturbances. Besides improving our scientific understanding of the relationships between functional diversity and ecosystem functioning, these results allowed us to propose several tree-diversity based forest management strategies that should considerably improve stand resilience and resistance to disturbances