47 research outputs found

    Randomised pharmacokinetic trial of rifabutin with lopinavir/ritonavir-antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis in Vietnam.

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    BACKGROUND: Rifampicin and protease inhibitors are difficult to use concomitantly in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis because of drug-drug interactions. Rifabutin has been proposed as an alternative rifamycin, but there is concern that the current recommended dose is suboptimal. The principal aim of this study was to compare bioavailability of two doses of rifabutin (150 mg three times per week and 150 mg daily) in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis who initiated lopinavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral therapy in Vietnam. Concentrations of lopinavir/ritonavir were also measured. METHODS: This was a randomized, open-label, multi-dose, two-arm, cross-over trial, conducted in Vietnamese adults with HIV-associated tuberculosis in Ho Chi Minh City (Clinical trial registry number NCT00651066). Rifabutin pharmacokinetics were evaluated before and after the introduction of lopinavir/ritonavir -based antiretroviral therapy using patient randomization lists. Serial rifabutin and 25-O-desacetyl rifabutin concentrations were measured during a dose interval after 2 weeks of rifabutin 300 mg daily, after 3 weeks of rifabutin 150 mg daily with lopinavir/ritonavir and after 3 weeks of rifabutin 150 mg three times per week with lopinavir/ritonavir. RESULTS: Sixteen and seventeen patients were respectively randomized to the two arms, and pharmacokinetic analysis carried out in 12 and 13 respectively. Rifabutin 150 mg daily with lopinavir/ritonavir was associated with a 32% mean increase in rifabutin average steady state concentration compared with rifabutin 300 mg alone. In contrast, the rifabutin average steady state concentration decreased by 44% when rifabutin was given at 150 mg three times per week with lopinavir/ritonavir. With both dosing regimens, 2 - 5 fold increases of the 25-O-desacetyl- rifabutin metabolite were observed when rifabutin was given with lopinavir/ritonavir compared with rifabutin alone. The different doses of rifabutin had no significant effect on lopinavir/ritonavir plasma concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these findings, rifabutin 150 mg daily may be preferred when co-administered with lopinavir/ritonavir in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00651066

    The Expression of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm-Associated Calreticulin Variants Depends on the Functionality of ER-Associated Degradation

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    BACKGROUND: Mutations in CALR observed in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) were recently shown to be pathogenic via their interaction with MPL and the subsequent activation of the Janus Kinase - Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (JAK-STAT) pathway. However, little is known on the impact of those variant CALR proteins on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis. METHODS: The impact of the expression of Wild Type (WT) or mutant CALR on ER homeostasis was assessed by quantifying the expression level of Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) target genes, splicing of X-box Binding Protein 1 (XBP1), and the expression level of endogenous lectins. Pharmacological and molecular (siRNA) screens were used to identify mechanisms involved in CALR mutant proteins degradation. Coimmunoprecipitations were performed to define more precisely actors involved in CALR proteins disposal. RESULTS: We showed that the expression of CALR mutants alters neither ER homeostasis nor the sensitivity of hematopoietic cells towards ER stress-induced apoptosis. In contrast, the expression of CALR variants is generally low because of a combination of secretion and protein degradation mechanisms mostly mediated through the ER-Associated Degradation (ERAD)-proteasome pathway. Moreover, we identified a specific ERAD network involved in the degradation of CALR variants. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that this ERAD network could be considered as a potential therapeutic target for selectively inhibiting CALR mutant-dependent proliferation associated with MPN, and therefore attenuate the associated pathogenic outcomes

    Macrophage IL-1ÎČ-positive microvesicles exhibit thrombo-inflammatory properties and are detectable in patients with active juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    ObjectiveIL-1ÎČ is a leaderless cytokine with poorly known secretory mechanisms that is barely detectable in serum of patients, including those with an IL-1ÎČ-mediated disease such as systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA). Leukocyte microvesicles (MVs) may be a mechanism of IL-1ÎČ secretion. The first objective of our study was to characterize IL-1ÎČ-positive MVs obtained from macrophage cell culture supernatants and to investigate their biological functions in vitro and in vivo. The second objective was to detect circulating IL-1ÎČ-positive MVs in JIA patients.MethodsMVs were purified by serial centrifugations from PBMCs, or THP-1 differentiated into macrophages, then stimulated with LPS ± ATP. MV content was analyzed for the presence of IL-1ÎČ, NLRP3 inflammasome, caspase-1, P2X7 receptor, and tissue factor (TF) using ELISA, Western blot, or flow cytometry. MV biological properties were studied in vitro by measuring VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and E-selectin expression after HUVEC co-culture and factor-Xa generation test was realized. In vivo, MVs’ ability to recruit leukocytes in a murine model of peritonitis was evaluated. Plasmatic IL-1ÎČ-positive MVs were studied ex vivo in 10 active JIA patients using flow cytometry.ResultsTHP-1-derived macrophages stimulated with LPS and ATP released MVs, which contained NLRP3, caspase-1, and the 33-kDa precursor and 17-kDa mature forms of IL-1ÎČ and bioactive TF. IL-1ÎČ-positive MVs expressed P2X7 receptor and released soluble IL-1ÎČ in response to ATP stimulation in vitro. In mice, MVs induced a leukocyte peritoneal infiltrate, which was reduced by treatment with the IL-1 receptor antagonist. Finally, IL-1ÎČ-positive MVs were detectable in plasma from 10 active JIA patients.ConclusionMVs shed from activated macrophages contain IL-1ÎČ, NLRP3 inflammasome components, and TF, and constitute thrombo-inflammatory vectors that can be detected in the plasma from active JIA patients

    Phytochemical studies of lichen Nephroma laevigatum and its endolichenic fungi. Evaluation of antiproliferative and anti-biofilm activities.

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    La rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques ou la difficultĂ© de plus en plus croissante Ă  traiter les maladies actuelles avec les composĂ©s disponibles sur le marchĂ© ont contraint les chercheurs Ă  trouver de nouvelles sources de molĂ©cules actives. Les lichens produisent divers composĂ©s biologiquement actifs en raison de la grande diversitĂ© de leur Ă©cosystĂšme. Ils reprĂ©sentent ainsi une source prometteuse de composĂ©s bioactifs. Le profilage chimique de Nephroma laevigatum a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©. Une analyse LC-MS/MS avec des approches en rĂ©seaux molĂ©culaires ont permis d’apprĂ©hender la diversitĂ© chimique de ce lichen et quatre composĂ©s diffĂ©rents ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©s et identifiĂ©s par RMN puis testĂ©s pour leur activitĂ© antiprolifĂ©rative. Cependant, les ressources en lichens sont limitĂ©es, ce qui restreint leur utilisation. De plus, le thalle lichĂ©nique constitue une niche Ă©cologique de choix pour d’autres microorganismes, ce qui en fait une source potentielle de nouvelles molĂ©cules d’intĂ©rĂȘts. La culture de champignons endolichĂ©niques a Ă©tĂ© entreprise. Ainsi, 46 souches ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es et identifiĂ©es par DNA barcoding (amorces ITS4 et ITS5). Les souches identifiĂ©es appartiennent au genre Nemania, Daldinia, Peziza et Coniochaeta. Une investigation biologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur six souches sĂ©lectionnĂ©es appartenant Ă  deux espĂšces (Nemania aenea var. aureolatum et N. serpens). Ainsi, deux souches se sont dĂ©marquĂ©es par leurs activitĂ©s antiprolifĂ©ratives et anti-biofilms. Des Ă©tudes chimiques et biologiques plus approfondies de ces derniĂšres (Gir_20 N. aenea var. aureolatum et Cor_08 N. serpens) ont Ă©tĂ© par la suite effectuĂ©es et huit composĂ©s diffĂ©rents ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©s et identifiĂ©s par RMN 1D et 2D. L’étude de l’effet des extraits sur les lignĂ©es cancĂ©reuses humaines HT- 29, HCT116, PC-3 et DU145 a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des changements morphologiques au niveau cellulaire. L’analyse de l’expression de marqueurs protĂ©iques pro- et anti-apoptotiques ainsi que la fragmentation de l’ADN mettent en Ă©vidence l’induction de l’apoptose. Le profilage chimique par LC-MS/MS de ces souches a ensuite Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© et comparĂ© par des approches en rĂ©seaux molĂ©culaires permettant ainsi de visualiser la diversitĂ© chimique entre les deux espĂšces de champignons endolichĂ©niques.Antibiotics resistance or increase of difficulty to treat for current diseases with commercially available compounds has obligated researchers to find new sources of active molecules. Lichens produce various biologically active compounds due to the great diversity of their ecosystem. Thus, they represent a promising source of bioactive compounds. Chemical profiling of Nephroma laevigatum was performed. LC-MS/MS analysis with molecular network approach allowed understanding chemical diversity of this lichen and four different compounds were isolated and identified by NMR and tested for their antiproliferative activity. However, lichen resources are limited, which limits their use. In addition, lichen thalli are an ecological niche for other microorganisms and a wide reservoir for access to bioactive molecules. Cultivation of endolichenic fungi was undertaken. Thus, 46 strains were isolated and identified by DNA barcoding (primers ITS4 and ITS5). The isolated fungi belong to genus Nemania, Daldinia, Peziza and Coniochaeta. Biological investigation was carried out on six selected strains belonging to two species (Nemania aenea var. aureolatum and N. serpens). So, two strains distinguished by their antiproliferative and anti-biofilm activities. Further chemical and biological studies of these strains (Gir_20 N. aenea var. aureolatum and Cor_08 N. serpens) were subsequently performed and eight different compounds were isolated and identified by 1D and 2D NMR. Study of effect of the extracts on the human cancer lines HT-29, HCT116, PC-3 and DU145 made it possible to highlight morphological changes at the cellular level. Analyses of the expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic protein markers as well as DNA fragmentation demonstrate the induction of apoptosis. LC-MS/MS chemical profiling of these strains was performed and compared with molecular network approach, to visualize chemical diversity between the two species of endolichenic fungi

    Études phytochimiques du lichen Nephroma laevigatum et de ses champignons endolichĂ©niques. Évaluation des activitĂ©s antiprolifĂ©ratives et anti-biofilms.

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    Antibiotics resistance or increase of difficulty to treat for current diseases with commercially available compounds has obligated researchers to find new sources of active molecules. Lichens produce various biologically active compounds due to the great diversity of their ecosystem. Thus, they represent a promising source of bioactive compounds. Chemical profiling of Nephroma laevigatum was performed. LC-MS/MS analysis with molecular network approach allowed understanding chemical diversity of this lichen and four different compounds were isolated and identified by NMR and tested for their antiproliferative activity. However, lichen resources are limited, which limits their use. In addition, lichen thalli are an ecological niche for other microorganisms and a wide reservoir for access to bioactive molecules. Cultivation of endolichenic fungi was undertaken. Thus, 46 strains were isolated and identified by DNA barcoding (primers ITS4 and ITS5). The isolated fungi belong to genus Nemania, Daldinia, Peziza and Coniochaeta. Biological investigation was carried out on six selected strains belonging to two species (Nemania aenea var. aureolatum and N. serpens). So, two strains distinguished by their antiproliferative and anti-biofilm activities. Further chemical and biological studies of these strains (Gir_20 N. aenea var. aureolatum and Cor_08 N. serpens) were subsequently performed and eight different compounds were isolated and identified by 1D and 2D NMR. Study of effect of the extracts on the human cancer lines HT-29, HCT116, PC-3 and DU145 made it possible to highlight morphological changes at the cellular level. Analyses of the expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic protein markers as well as DNA fragmentation demonstrate the induction of apoptosis. LC-MS/MS chemical profiling of these strains was performed and compared with molecular network approach, to visualize chemical diversity between the two species of endolichenic fungi.La rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques ou la difficultĂ© de plus en plus croissante Ă  traiter les maladies actuelles avec les composĂ©s disponibles sur le marchĂ© ont contraint les chercheurs Ă  trouver de nouvelles sources de molĂ©cules actives. Les lichens produisent divers composĂ©s biologiquement actifs en raison de la grande diversitĂ© de leur Ă©cosystĂšme. Ils reprĂ©sentent ainsi une source prometteuse de composĂ©s bioactifs. Le profilage chimique de Nephroma laevigatum a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©. Une analyse LC-MS/MS avec des approches en rĂ©seaux molĂ©culaires ont permis d’apprĂ©hender la diversitĂ© chimique de ce lichen et quatre composĂ©s diffĂ©rents ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©s et identifiĂ©s par RMN puis testĂ©s pour leur activitĂ© antiprolifĂ©rative. Cependant, les ressources en lichens sont limitĂ©es, ce qui restreint leur utilisation. De plus, le thalle lichĂ©nique constitue une niche Ă©cologique de choix pour d’autres microorganismes, ce qui en fait une source potentielle de nouvelles molĂ©cules d’intĂ©rĂȘts. La culture de champignons endolichĂ©niques a Ă©tĂ© entreprise. Ainsi, 46 souches ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es et identifiĂ©es par DNA barcoding (amorces ITS4 et ITS5). Les souches identifiĂ©es appartiennent au genre Nemania, Daldinia, Peziza et Coniochaeta. Une investigation biologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur six souches sĂ©lectionnĂ©es appartenant Ă  deux espĂšces (Nemania aenea var. aureolatum et N. serpens). Ainsi, deux souches se sont dĂ©marquĂ©es par leurs activitĂ©s antiprolifĂ©ratives et anti-biofilms. Des Ă©tudes chimiques et biologiques plus approfondies de ces derniĂšres (Gir_20 N. aenea var. aureolatum et Cor_08 N. serpens) ont Ă©tĂ© par la suite effectuĂ©es et huit composĂ©s diffĂ©rents ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©s et identifiĂ©s par RMN 1D et 2D. L’étude de l’effet des extraits sur les lignĂ©es cancĂ©reuses humaines HT- 29, HCT116, PC-3 et DU145 a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des changements morphologiques au niveau cellulaire. L’analyse de l’expression de marqueurs protĂ©iques pro- et anti-apoptotiques ainsi que la fragmentation de l’ADN mettent en Ă©vidence l’induction de l’apoptose. Le profilage chimique par LC-MS/MS de ces souches a ensuite Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© et comparĂ© par des approches en rĂ©seaux molĂ©culaires permettant ainsi de visualiser la diversitĂ© chimique entre les deux espĂšces de champignons endolichĂ©niques


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    International audienceOur Galaxy is composed of different stellar populations with varying chemical abundances, which are thought to imprint the composition of planet building blocks (PBB). We aim to determine the PBB metallicity trends by using the GALAH large spectroscopic survey. We assess the reliability of the composition of PBB as determined with a propagation error study. Despite of the large uncertainties on molecular mass fractions, we find robust overall trends with metallicity

    How does the origin of stars in the Milky Way affects the composition of planet building blocks?

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    Our Galaxy is composed of different stellar populations which are characterized by different chemical abundances. They are thought to imprint the composition of small bodies formed together with planets : planet building blocks (PBB), asteroids and interstellar objects.We investigated the expected PBB composition in different Galactic regions using the ground-based spectroscopic surveys GALAH and APOGEE ; and the stoichiometric condensation model from Bitsch & Battistini (2020). This study has revealed the potential link between the PBB composition and the stellar populations across the Galaxy (Cabral et al, submitted). Interestingly, the PBB compositions determined from large observational surveys reveal common trends determined previously with synthetic models. We confirm the PBB composition valley separating the thin disk stars from the thick disk stars (i.e. a bimodal distribution of compositions) already highlighted in our previous study (Cabral et al. 2019) using the Besançon stellar population synthesis model of the Milky Way.Moreover, we find that metal-poor stars both in the thin and thick disks should host water-rich PBB. Given the importance of water abundance in planet formation simulations (Morbidelli et al. 2015, Ros et al. 2013, 2019), we discuss in a galactic context the potential impact for the early phases of planet formation.Overall we find that the chemical abundances of host stars should impact the composition of exoplanets, as well as small body populations found around these stars. Our results imply that thick disk stars (which are rather alpha-rich, metal-poor stars) are suitable hosts for ice-rich small bodies (cf. Figure). Whether thick disk stars are suitable for water worlds or/and hycean planets (Madhusudhan et al. 2021) remains matter of debate


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    Our Galaxy is composed of different stellar populations with varying chemical abundances, which are thought to imprint the composition of planet building blocks (PBB). We aim to determine the PBB metallicity trends by using the GALAH large spectroscopic survey. We assess the reliability of the composition of PBB as determined with a propagation error study. Despite of the large uncertainties on molecular mass fractions, we find robust overall trends with metallicity

    High‐Throughput Solid‐Phase Assay for Substrate Profiling and Directed Evolution of Transketolase

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    International audienceThiamine diphosphate-dependent enzymes, and specifically transketolases, form one of the most important families of biocatalytic tools for enantioselective carbon-carbon bond formation yielding various hydroxyketones of biological interest. To enable substrate profiling of transketolases for acceptance of different donors and acceptors, a simple, direct colorimetric assay based on pH reaction variation was developed to establish a high-throughput solid-phase assay. This assay reduces the screening effort in the directed evolution of transketolases, as only active variants are selected for further analysis. Transketolase activity is detected as bicarbonate anions released from the α-ketoacid donor substrate, which causes the pH to rise. A pH indicator, bromothymol blue, which changes color from yellow to blue in alkaline conditions, was used to directly detect, with the naked eye, clones expressing active transketolase variants, obviating enzyme extraction