333 research outputs found

    Deep domain adaptation by weighted entropy minimization for the classification of aerial images

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    Fully convolutional neural networks (FCN) are successfully used for the automated pixel-wise classification of aerial images and possibly additional data. However, they require many labelled training samples to perform well. One approach addressing this issue is semi-supervised domain adaptation (SSDA). Here, labelled training samples from a source domain and unlabelled samples from a target domain are used jointly to obtain a target domain classifier, without requiring any labelled samples from the target domain. In this paper, a two-step approach for SSDA is proposed. The first step corresponds to a supervised training on the source domain, making use of strong data augmentation to increase the initial performance on the target domain. Secondly, the model is adapted by entropy minimization using a novel weighting strategy. The approach is evaluated on the basis of five domains, corresponding to five cities. Several training variants and adaptation scenarios are tested, indicating that proper data augmentation can already improve the initial target domain performance significantly resulting in an average overall accuracy of 77.5%. The weighted entropy minimization improves the overall accuracy on the target domains in 19 out of 20 scenarios on average by 1.8%. In all experiments a novel FCN architecture is used that yields results comparable to those of the best-performing models on the ISPRS labelling challenge while having an order of magnitude fewer parameters than commonly used FCNs. © 2020 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved

    Effect of Level Statistics on Superconductivity in Ultrasmall Metallic Grains

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    We examine the destruction of superconducting pairing in metallic grains as their size is decreased for both even and odd numbers of electrons. This occurs when the average level spacing d is of the same order as the BCS order parameter. The energy levels of these grains are randomly distributed according to random matrix theory, and we must work statistically. We find that the average value of the critical level spacing is larger than for the model of equally spaced levels for both parities, and derive numerically the probabilities Po,e(d)P_{o,e}(d) that a grain of mean level spacing d shows pairing.Comment: 12 pages, 2 PostScript files, RevTex format, submitted to PR

    Using semantically paired images to improve domain adaptation for the semantic segmentation of aerial images

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    Modern machine learning, especially deep learning, which is used in a variety of applications, requires a lot of labelled data for model training. Having an insufficient amount of training examples leads to models which do not generalize well to new input instances. This is a particular significant problem for tasks involving aerial images: Often training data is only available for a limited geographical area and a narrow time window, thus leading to models which perform poorly in different regions, at different times of day, or during different seasons. Domain adaptation can mitigate this issue by using labelled source domain training examples and unlabeled target domain images to train a model which performs well on both domains. Modern adversarial domain adaptation approaches use unpaired data. We propose using pairs of semantically similar images, i.e., whose segmentations are accurate predictions of each other, for improved model performance. In this paper we show that, as an upper limit based on ground truth, using semantically paired aerial images during training almost always increases model performance with an average improvement of 4.2% accuracy and .036 mean intersection-over-union (mIoU). Using a practical estimate of semantic similarity, we still achieve improvements in more than half of all cases, with average improvements of 2.5% accuracy and .017 mIoU in those cases. © 2020 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved

    Parity-Affected Superconductivity in Ultrasmall Metallic Grains

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    We investigate the breakdown of BCS superconductivity in {\em ultra}\/small metallic grains as a function of particle size (characterized by the mean spacing dd between discrete electronic eigenstates), and the parity (PP = even/odd) of the number of electrons on the island. Assuming equally spaced levels, we solve the parity-dependent BCS gap equation for the order parameter ΔP(d,T)\Delta_P (d,T). Both the T=0T=0 critical level spacing dc,Pd_{c,P} and the critical temperature Tc,P(d)T_{c,P} (d) at which ΔP=0\Delta_P = 0 are parity dependent, and both are so much smaller in the odd than the even case that these differences should be measurable in current experiments.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 1 encapsulated postscript figure, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Dephasing of coupled spin qubit system during gate operations due to background charge fluctuations

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    It has been proposed that a quantum computer can be constructed based on electron spins in quantum dots or based on a superconducting nanocircuit. During two-qubit operations, the fluctuation of the coupling parameters is a critical factor. One source of such fluctuation is the stirring of the background charges. We focused on the influence of this fluctuation on a coupled spin qubit system. The induced fluctuation in exchange coupling changes the amount of entanglement, fidelity, and purity. In our previous study, the background charge fluctuations were found to be an important channel of dephasing for a single Josephson qubit.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure. to be publishe

    Parity Effect in Ground State Energies of Ultrasmall Superconducting Grains

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    We study the superconductivity in small grains in the regime when the quantum level spacing δε\delta\varepsilon is comparable to the gap Δ\Delta. As δε\delta\varepsilon is increased, the system crosses over from superconducting to normal state. This crossover is studied by calculating the dependence of the ground state energy of a grain on the parity of the number of electrons. The states with odd numbers of particles carry an additional energy ΔP\Delta_P, which shows non-monotonic dependence on δε\delta\varepsilon. Our predictions can be tested experimentally by studying the parity-induced alternation of Coulomb blockade peak spacings in grains of different sizes.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, multicol.st

    Coherent dynamics of a Josephson charge qubit

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    We have fabricated a Josephson charge qubit by capacitively coupling a single-Cooper-pair box (SCB) to an electrometer based upon a single-electron transistor configured for radio-frequency readout (RF-SET). Charge quantization of 2e is observed and microwave spectroscopy is used to extract the Josephson and charging energies of the box. We perform coherent manipulation of the SCB by using very fast DC pulses and observe quantum oscillations in time of the charge that persist to ~=10ns. The observed contrast of the oscillations is high and agrees with that expected from the finite E_J/E_C ratio and finite rise-time of the DC pulses. In addition, we are able to demonstrate nearly 100% initial charge state polarization. We also present a method to determine the relaxation time T_1 when it is shorter than the measurement time T_{meas}.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Deep learning based feature matching and its application in image orientation

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    Matching images containing large viewpoint and viewing direction changes, resulting in large perspective differences, still is a very challenging problem. Affine shape estimation, orientation assignment and feature description algorithms based on detected hand crafted features have shown to be error prone. In this paper, affine shape estimation, orientation assignment and description of local features is achieved through deep learning. Those three modules are trained based on loss functions optimizing the matching performance of input patch pairs. The trained descriptors are first evaluated on the Brown dataset (Brown et al., 2011), a standard descriptor performance benchmark. The whole pipeline is then tested on images of small blocks acquired with an aerial penta camera, to compute image orientation. The results show that learned features perform significantly better than alternatives based on hand crafted features. © 2020 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved