311 research outputs found

    The pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction cross section

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    The one- and two-step mechanisms of the pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction in the range of incident proton kinetic energy 1.13-3.0 GeV have been investigated. A remarkable peculiarity of the two-step mechanism which incorporates subprocesses ppdπ+pp\to d\pi ^+ and π+nK+Λ\pi^+n\to K^+\Lambda is the so called velocity matching providing the presence of all intermediate particles nearly to the on-mass-shell. The differential cross section has been calculated using a realistic model for the hypertritium 3HΛ^3H_\Lambda wave function. The maximum value of the cross section is estimated as \sim 1nb/sr. The contribution of the one-step mechanism with the elementary process pNNKΛpN\to NK\Lambda into the cross section has been found to be two - three orders of magnitude smaller in comparison with the two-step mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figure

    Gastrointestinal Tracking and Gastric Emptying of Coated Capsules in Rats with or without Sedation Using CT imaging

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    Following oral administration, gastric emptying is often a rate-limiting step in the absorption of drugs and is dependent on both physiological and pharmaceutical factors. To guide translation into humans, small animal imaging during pre-clinical studies has been increasingly used to localise the gastrointestinal transit of solid dosage forms. In contrast to humans, however, anaesthesia is usually required for effective imaging in animals which may have unintended effects on intestinal physiology. This study evaluated the effect of anaesthesia and capsule size on the gastric emptying rate of coated capsules in rats. Computed tomography (CT) imaging was used to track and locate the capsules through the gastrointestinal tract. Two commercial gelatine mini-capsules (size 9 and 9h) were filled with barium sulphate (contrast agent) and coated using Eudragit L. Under the effect of anaesthesia, none of the capsules emptied from the stomach. In non-anaesthetised rats, most of the size 9 capsules did not empty from the stomach, whereas the majority of the smaller size 9h capsules successfully emptied from the stomach and moved into the intestine. This study demonstrates that even with capsules designed to empty from the stomach in rats, the gastric emptying of such solid oral dosage forms is not guaranteed. In addition, the use of anaesthesia was found to abolish gastric emptying of both capsule sizes. The work herein further highlights the utility of CT imaging for the effective visualisation and location of solid dosage forms in the intestinal tract of rats without the use of anaesthesia

    Electronic transport in gadolinium atomic-size contacts

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    We report on the fabrication, transport measurements, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations of atomic-size contacts made of gadolinium (Gd). Gd is known to have local moments mainly associated with f electrons. These coexist with itinerant s and d bands that account for its metallic character. Here we explore whether and how the local moments influence electronic transport properties at the atomic scale. Using both scanning tunneling microscope and lithographic mechanically controllable break junction techniques under cryogenic conditions, we study the conductance of Gd when only few atoms form the junction between bulk electrodes made of the very same material. Thousands of measurements show that Gd has an average lowest conductance, attributed to single-atom contact, below 2e2h. Our DFT calculations for monostrand chains anticipate that the f bands are fully spin polarized and insulating and that the conduction may be dominated by s, p, and d bands. We also analyze the electronic transport for model nanocontacts using the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism in combination with DFT. We obtain an overall good agreement with the experimental results for zero bias and show that the contribution to the electronic transport from the f channels is negligible and that from the d channels is marginal.B.O., C.S., J.F.R., J.J.P., and C.U. acknowledge financial support by MEC-Spain (Grant No. FIS2013-47328-C2 and MAT2016-78625-C2) and the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant No. PROMETEO/2012/011. C.S. and J.J.P. acknowledge the EU structural funds and the Comunidad de Madrid under NANOFRONTMAG-CM program Grant No. S2013/MIT-2850. J.L.L. and J.F.R. acknowledge Marie Curie ITN SPINOGRAPH FP7 under REA Grant Agreement No. 607904-13. B.O. acknowledges financial support by MEC Spain (Grant No. FIS2010-21883-C02-01) under brief stays abroad scholarship

    Phases in Strongly Coupled Electronic Bilayer Liquids

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    The strongly correlated liquid state of a bilayer of charged particles has been studied via the HNC calculation of the two-body functions. We report the first time emergence of a series of structural phases, identified through the behavior of the two-body functions.Comment: 5 pages, RevTEX 3.0, 4 ps figures; Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The 2-D electron gas at arbitrary spin polarizations and arbitrary coupling strengths: Exchange-correlation energies, distribution functions and spin-polarized phases

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    We use a recent approach [Phys. Rev. Letters, {\bf 84}, 959 (2000)] for including Coulomb interactions in quantum systems via a classical mapping of the pair-distribution functions (PDFs) for a study of the 2-D electron gas. As in the 3-D case, the ``quantum temperature'' T_q of a classical 2-D Coulomb fluid which has the same correlation energy as the quantum fluid is determined as a function of the density parameter r_s. Spin-dependent exchange-correlation energies are reported. Comparisons of the spin-dependent pair-distributions and other calculated properties with any available 2-D quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) results show excellent agreement, strongly favouring more recent QMC data. The interesting novel physics brought to light by this study are: (a) the independently determined quantum-temperatures for 3-D and 2-D are found to be approximately the same, (i.e, universal) function of the classical coupling constant Gamma. (b) the coupling constant Gamma increases rapidly with r_s in 2-D, making it comparatively more coupled than in 3-D; the stronger coupling in 2-D requires bridge corrections to the hyper- netted-chain method which is adequate in 3-D; (c) the Helmholtz free energy of spin-polarized and unpolarized phases have been calculated. The existence of a spin-polarized 2-D liquid near r_s = 30, is found to be a marginal possibility. These results pertain to clean uniform 2-D electron systems.Comment: This paper replaces the cond-mat/0109228 submision; the new version include s more accurate numerical evaluation of the Helmholtz energies of the para- and ferromagentic 2D fluides at finite temperatures. (Paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Negative electrostatic contribution to the bending rigidity of charged membranes and polyelectrolytes screened by multivalent counterions

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    Bending rigidity of a charged membrane or a charged polyelectrolyte screened by monovalent counterions is known to be enhanced by electrostatic effects. We show that in the case of screening by multivalent counterions the electrostatic effects reduce the bending rigidity. This inversion of the sign of the electrostatic contribution is related to the formation of two-dimensional strongly correlated liquids (SCL) of counterions at the charged surface due to strong lateral repulsion between them. When a membrane or a polyelectrolyte is bent, SCL is compressed on one side and stretched on the other so that thermodynamic properties of SCL contribute to the bending rigidity. Thermodynamic properties of SCL are similar to those of Wigner crystal and are anomalous in the sense that the pressure, compressibility and screening radius of SCL are negative. This brings about substantial negative correction to the bending rigidity. For the case of DNA this effect qualitatively agrees with experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    3^3He Structure and Mechanisms of p3p^3He Backward Elastic Scattering

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    The mechanism of p3p^3He backward elastic scattering is studied. It is found that the triangle diagrams with the subprocesses pd3pd\to ^3Heπ0 \pi^0, pd3pd^*\to ^3Heπ0 \pi^0 and p(pp)3p(pp)\to^3Heπ+ \pi^+, where dd^* and pppp denote the singlet deuteron and diproton pair in the 1S0^1S_0 state, respectively, dominate in the cross section at 0.3-0.8 GeV, and their contribution is comparable with that for a sequential transfer of a npnp pair at 1-1.5 GeV. The contribution of the d+ppd^*+pp, estimated on the basis of the spectator mechanism of the p(NN)3p(NN)\to ^3Heπ \pi reaction, increases the p3p^3He3\to ^3Hep p cross section by one order of magnitude as compared to the contribution of the deuteron alone. Effects of the initial and final states interaction are taken into account.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figures, expanded version, accepted by Physical Review

    Universal Rights and Wrongs

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    This paper argues for the important role of customers as a source of competitive advantage and firm growth, an issue which has been largely neglected in the resource-based view of the firm. It conceptualizes Penrose’s (1959) notion of an ‘inside track’ and illustrates how in-depth knowledge about established customers combines with joint problem-solving activities and the rapid assimilation of new and previously unexploited skills and resources. It is suggested that the inside track represents a distinct and perhaps underestimated way of generating rents and securing long-term growth. This also implies that the sources of sustainable competitive advantage in important respects can be sought in idiosyncratic interfirm relationships rather than within the firm itself

    Influence of solvent granularity on the effective interaction between charged colloidal suspensions

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    We study the effect of solvent granularity on the effective force between two charged colloidal particles by computer simulations of the primitive model of strongly asymmetric electrolytes with an explicitly added hard sphere solvent. Apart from molecular oscillating forces for nearly touching colloids which arise from solvent and counterion layering, the counterions are attracted towards the colloidal surfaces by solvent depletion providing a simple statistical description of hydration. This, in turn, has an important influence on the effective forces for larger distances which are considerably reduced as compared to the prediction based on the primitive model. When these forces are repulsive, the long-distance behaviour can be described by an effective Yukawa pair potential with a solvent-renormalized charge. As a function of colloidal volume fraction and added salt concentration, this solvent-renormalized charge behaves qualitatively similar to that obtained via the Poisson-Boltzmann cell model but there are quantitative differences. For divalent counterions and nano-sized colloids, on the other hand, the hydration may lead to overscreened colloids with mutual attraction while the primitive model yields repulsive forces. All these new effects can be accounted for through a solvent-averaged primitive model (SPM) which is obtained from the full model by integrating out the solvent degrees of freedom. The SPM was used to access larger colloidal particles without simulating the solvent explicitly.Comment: 14 pages, 16 craphic