743 research outputs found

    The effect of climate change on the population of sycamore lace bug (Corythuca ciliata, Say) based on a simulation model with phenological response

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    Climate change affects on insect populations in many ways: it can cause a shift in geographical spread, abundance, or diversity, it can change the location, the timing and the magnitude of outbreaks of pests and it can define the phenological or even the genetic properties of the species. Long-time investigations of special insect populations, simulation models and scenario studies give us very important information about the response of the insects far away and near to our century. Getting to know the potential responses of insect populations to climate change makes us possible to evaluate the adaptation of pest management alternatives as well as to formulate our future management policy. In this paper we apply two simple models, in order to introduce a complex case study for a Sycamore lace bug population. We test how the model works in case the whether conditions are very different from those in our days. Thus, besides we can understand the processes that happen in present, we can analyze the effects of a possible climate change, as well

    Population dynamics of the Sycamore Lace Bug (Corythucha Ciliata, Say, Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Hungary

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    Based on the observation of more than 10 000 leaves of plane trees, four populations of Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1832) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) are investigated. After having introduced some parameters derived from the data, we draw spatial-temporal patterns and describe the seasonal population dynamics of Corythucha ciliata. Amongst others, the temporal change of the density of population, the state plane of larvae–adults, the inclination to accumulate, and the intraspecific competition are examined. Population and biomass dynamics is characterized for populations with and without limited nutrient source in case of different weather circumstances and effects

    Véges rugalmas-képlékeny alakváltozás elméleti és numerikus vizsgálata = Theoretical and numerical investigation of finite elasto-plastic deformation

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    Az OTKA kutatási téma keretében az alábbi kutatási eredmények születtek: -A mikropoláris testek rugalmas-képlékeny alakváltozásának számítására végelemes eljárás dolgoztunk ki háromdimenziós testek és és kis alakváltozások esetén. -A Mises-féle képlékenységi feltételt kiterjesztettük a mikropoláris anyagokra, a rugalmas torzítási energia alapján. -A kétdimenziós rugalmasságtani feladatok és a peridynamikus modell számítására meshless eljáráson alapuló program kidolgására került sor. -A Prandtl-Reuss modell anyagegyenleteinek integrálására egzakt eljárásokat dolgoztunk ki lineárisan keményedő modellek esetén. -Egykristályok véges rugalmas-képlékeny alakváltozára javasolt modellekben a rugalmas alakváltozás leírására vonatkozó anyagegyenleteket elemeztük különböző csúszási rendszerek esetén | The research work within in the present OTKA can be summarized as follows: -A 3D finite elment program was developed for micropolar elastoplasticity at small deformations. -The classical Mises yield function has been extended to micropolar solids based on elastic distorsional energy. -The nonlocal peridynamic material model was analysed by the meshless method. and a two dimesional computer code was developed -A new exact integration method for Prandtl-Reuss model with linear isotropic-kinematic hardening has been presented. -The constitutive relations of single crystal elastoplasticity was investigated, and its elastic model was analysed by different test examples (one and two slips system

    Belső migrációs tendenciák Magyarországon a piacgazdasági átmenet időszakában = Migration in Hungary during Market transition

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    Magyarországon a leghátrányosabb helyzetű népesség nem a számottevő munkaerő-kínálatot felmutató, sőt helyenként már munkaerő-hiánnyal küzdő települések felé, hanem ? részben az egyre gyorsuló lakáspiaci szegmentáció, részben a ?spontán folyamatokat? felerősítő kirekesztési taktikák következtében ? azzal éppen ellenkező irányba mozgott és mozog még ma is. A magyarországi szociálpolitikai rendszer ? mindenekelőtt a szociális segélyezésnek és szociális lakástámogatásnak szorosan a lakóhelyhez való kötése és a munkavállalás céljából történő áttelepülés támogatásának hiánya, illetve a leghátrányosabb helyzetű települések és településrészek katasztrofálisan alacsony színvonalú és Európában szokatlan mértékben szegregált iskolái miatt ? mintegy röghöz köti a legszegényebbeket. Mivel pedig az alacsonyan kvalifikált munkaerő keresetei igen alacsonyak a városokban, szükségszerű, hogy csak igen ritkák, és általában kudarccal végződőek a leghátrányosabb helyzetű rétegek kitörési kísérletei. | Hungary?s social welfare system fails to assist the poorest to migrate to areas where labor market conditions are better. Welfare relief and welfare subsidies to housing purchases are distributed only by the authorities where the applicants live (in other words, assistance is tied to residence); no welfare relief is paid to people who wish to migrate with the purpose of getting a job; the quality of schools in the poorest settlements and neighborhoods is atrocious, and the high level of segregation in those localities has few parallels in Europe. As urban residents with low or no qualification are paid abominable wages, few of them can collect enough money to move to areas where labor prospects are brighter

    Loan affixes in Hungarian word formation: Regularity, productivity, rivalry

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    This paper explores the (degree of) productivity of some loan affixes deriving nouns on the basis of a relatively large amount of corpus data, starting from the Natural Morphology approach to productivity. The two criteria originally proposed in that framework with respect to loan affixes do not seem to be sufficient for establishing the productivity of a given affix, whereas the more sophisticated productivity criteria applicable to native affixes are incapable of properly indicating the degrees of productivity in the case of loan affixes. In the paper, we propose a system of criteria for the productivity scale of loan affixes in Hungarian on the basis of the data considered, and evaluate the loan affixes studied in terms of their productivity and its degree. On the other hand, with the affixes discussed here as well as the material of other productivity studies and other functional considerations in mind, we conclude, departing from the usual approach within Natural Morphology, that the size of the domain of rule application and type frequency also play a role in the emergence and maintenance of productive rules and in the fate of the degree of productivity of the individual affixes

    Business process quality measurement using advances in static code analysis

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    Business process models play an important role in the life of a company. Resemblances between software programs and business processes inspired several researchers to adapt software metrics from the field of static code analysis to help designers to build more effective and understandable processes. This paper aims to add recent advances in software quality measurement such as benchmarking and ISO/IEC 25010 standard based quality models to business process quality measurement. These techniques were proved to be very useful in software engineering both for managers and developers; moreover, they can be easily adopted to business process workflows. We focused on a specific type of flowchart called event-driven process chain (EPC), because in an EPC the activities are very often managed by software systems and our assumption is that the quality of these software systems affects the quality of the EPC itself. The presented business process quality model also uses the quality and test coverage metrics of these software systems besides business process metrics