28 research outputs found

    Effects of muscarinic receptor stimulation on Ca2+ transient, cAMP production and pacemaker frequency of rabbit sinoatrial node cells

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    We investigated the contribution of the intracellular calcium (Cai2+) transient to acetylcholine (ACh)-mediated reduction of pacemaker frequency and cAMP content in rabbit sinoatrial nodal (SAN) cells. Action potentials (whole cell perforated patch clamp) and Cai2+ transients (Indo-1 fluorescence) were recorded from single isolated rabbit SAN cells, whereas intracellular cAMP content was measured in SAN cell suspensions using a cAMP assay (LANCE®). Our data show that the Cai2+ transient, like the hyperpolarization-activated “funny current” (If) and the ACh-sensitive potassium current (IK,ACh), is an important determinant of ACh-mediated pacemaker slowing. When If and IK,ACh were both inhibited, by cesium (2 mM) and tertiapin (100 nM), respectively, 1 μM ACh was still able to reduce pacemaker frequency by 72%. In these If and IK,ACh-inhibited SAN cells, good correlations were found between the ACh-mediated change in interbeat interval and the ACh-mediated change in Cai2+ transient decay (r2 = 0.98) and slow diastolic Cai2+ rise (r2 = 0.73). Inhibition of the Cai2+ transient by ryanodine (3 μM) or BAPTA-AM (5 μM) facilitated ACh-mediated pacemaker slowing. Furthermore, ACh depressed the Cai2+ transient and reduced the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content, all in a concentration-dependent fashion. At 1 μM ACh, the spontaneous activity and Cai2+ transient were abolished, but completely recovered when cAMP production was stimulated by forskolin (10 μM) and IK,ACh was inhibited by tertiapin (100 nM). Also, inhibition of the Cai2+ transient by ryanodine (3 μM) or BAPTA-AM (25 μM) exaggerated the ACh-mediated inhibition of cAMP content, indicating that Cai2+ affects cAMP production in SAN cells. In conclusion, muscarinic receptor stimulation inhibits the Cai2+ transient via a cAMP-dependent signaling pathway. Inhibition of the Cai2+ transient contributes to pacemaker slowing and inhibits Cai2+-stimulated cAMP production. Thus, we provide functional evidence for the contribution of the Cai2+ transient to ACh-induced inhibition of pacemaker activity and cAMP content in rabbit SAN cells

    I–II Loop Structural Determinants in the Gating and Surface Expression of Low Voltage-Activated Calcium Channels

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    The intracellular loops that interlink the four transmembrane domains of Ca2+- and Na+-channels (Cav, Nav) have critical roles in numerous forms of channel regulation. In particular, the intracellular loop that joins repeats I and II (I–II loop) in high voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ channels possesses the binding site for Cavβ subunits and plays significant roles in channel function, including trafficking the α1 subunits of HVA channels to the plasma membrane and channel gating. Although there is considerable divergence in the primary sequence of the I–II loop of Cav1/Cav2 HVA channels and Cav3 LVA/T-type channels, evidence for a regulatory role of the I–II loop in T-channel function has recently emerged for Cav3.2 channels. In order to provide a comprehensive view of the role this intracellular region may play in the gating and surface expression in Cav3 channels, we have performed a structure-function analysis of the I–II loop in Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 channels using selective deletion mutants. Here we show the first 60 amino acids of the loop (post IS6) are involved in Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 channel gating and kinetics, which establishes a conserved property of this locus for all Cav3 channels. In contrast to findings in Cav3.2, deletion of the central region of the I–II loop in Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 yielded a modest increase (+30%) and a reduction (−30%) in current density and surface expression, respectively. These experiments enrich our understanding of the structural determinants involved in Cav3 function by highlighting the unique role played by the intracellular I–II loop in Cav3.2 channel trafficking, and illustrating the prominent role of the gating brake in setting the slow and distinctive slow activation kinetics of Cav3.3

    Absence of modulation of the expressed calcium channel α1G subunit by α2δ subunits

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    The modulatory action of the α2δ subunit on various high-voltage-activated calcium channels has been demonstrated previously. However, very little is known about auxiliary subunit modulation of low-voltage-activated (LVA) calcium channels. We have examined the modulation of the α1G subunit corresponding to the neuronal T-type calcium channel by the ubiquitously expressed α2δ-1 and brain-specific α2δ-3 subunits.The α1G subunit was expressed alone or in combination with either the α2δ-1 or α2δ-3 subunit in human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cells and whole-cell barium currents were measured. The current density-voltage relationships for peak and sustained current, kinetics of current activation and inactivation, voltage dependence of current inactivation and time course of the recovery from inactivation were analysed for each type of expressed channel. No significant difference was found for any of the examined parameters.These results suggest that the LVA α1G channel is not regulated by known auxiliary α2δ subunits

    Ca v

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    Changes in FGF21 Serum Concentrations and Liver mRNA Expression in an Experimental Model of Complete Lipodystrophy and Insulin-Resistant Diabetes

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    Summary Patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes often display high levels of the anti-diabetic factor fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF21), suggesting that the overproduction of FGF21 may result from increased adiposity in an attempt by white adipose tissue (WAT) to counteract insulin resistance. However, the production of FGF21 diabetes in the absence of WAT has not been examined. In this study, we investigated the effects of lipodystrophy in A-ZIP F-1 mice on FGF21 production in relation to diabetes. A-ZIP F-1 mice displayed high FGF21 plasma levels resulting from enhanced FGF21 mRNA expression in the liver