104 research outputs found

    Functional properties of polyurethane based sealants blended with polymeric modifiers

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    Novel polyurethane based two-component self-leveling sealant formulations, incorporating various types of kraft processed lignins including softwood, hardwood, and eucalyptus wood lignin, were produced and their performance properties established in a research program which sought to develop more durable cost effective sealants as well as cultivate a market for lignin, a highly underutilized by-product of the pulp and paper industry. The tensile and compressive performance characteristics of lignin and kaolin filled sealant formulations, compounded at different volumetric filler loadings, were compared and the results indicated that both types of filler increase the modulus of the base elastomer in relation to the semi-empirical relation of Nielsen. This suggests that the mechanical properties are dependent on the maximum packing fraction of the respective fillers which in turn, is a function of their particle size and size distribution. The relationship between the modulus and the volumetric filler loading was useful in the preparation of sealant formulations having optimum filler contents. Finally, these optimum formulations were prepared for a subsequent testing program in which the tensile strength and cyclic performance of the sealants was compared to that of existing two-component self-leveling sealant compounds currently available on the market. Results of these performance tests indicate that lignin filled elastomeric sealants, in most instances, have adequate tensile strength and perform adequately if subjected to a moderate cyclic strain program. Further improvements in performance properties may be obtained if adjustments to the particle size are made and this is warranted considering six to ten times cost advantage these fillers possess in relation to conventional fillers

    Sealant polyblends with lignin

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    An analysis of historical wind-driven rain loads for selected Canadian cities

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    Abstract The performance and durability of wall assemblies are greatly affected by the moisture load to which they may be subjected, in particular those arising from Wind-Driven Rain (WDR). Standard approaches for estimating such moisture loads assume 1% of the WDR load, whereas these loads have also been assessed from watertightness tests, although these assumed loads have been determined based on limited climate information. To more accurately estimate the moisture loads to which wall assemblies may be subjected over their service life, an analysis of historical WDR loads was completed for 11 cities across Canada. The magnitude, probability of occurrence of WDR loads in different cities and correlations between WDR related climate parameters, are discussed in this paper. Also, a novel WDR severity index is introduced, referred to as the Wind-Driven Rain Pressure Index, to permit quantifying the real-time and simultaneously occurring effects of WDR intensity and Driving Rain Wind Pressure (DRWP). To estimate the WDR intensity and DRWP with a specific probability of occurrence, an Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) was completed for a climate dataset of 31 years (1986–2016) using the Generalized Extreme Value and Gumbel distributions

    Deformation of Small Compressed Droplets

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    We investigate the elastic properties of small droplets under compression. The compression of a bubble by two parallel plates is solved exactly and it is shown that a lowest-order expansion of the solution reduces to a form similar to that obtained by Morse and Witten. Other systems are studied numerically and results for configurations involving between 2 and 20 compressing planes are presented. It is found that the response to compression depends on the number of planes. The shear modulus is also calculated for common lattices and the stability crossover between f.c.c.\ and b.c.c.\ is discussed.Comment: RevTeX with psfig-included figures and a galley macr

    Last technology and results from the IOTA interferometer

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    The infrared optical telescope array (IOTA), one of the most productive interferometers in term of science and new technologies was decommissioned in summer 2006. We discuss the testing of a low-resolution spectrograph coupled with the IOTA-3T integrated-optics beam combiner and some of the scientific results obtained from this instrument

    Last technology and results from the IOTA interferometer

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    The infrared optical telescope array (IOTA), one of the most productive interferometers in term of science and new technologies was decommissioned in summer 2006. We discuss the testing of a low-resolution spectrograph coupled with the IOTA-3T integrated-optics beam combiner and some of the scientific results obtained from this instrument

    Tema 14: Aglomerados de estrelas

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    We present observations of the symbiotic star CH Cyg with a new JHK-band beam combiner mounted to the IOTA interferometer. The new beam combiner consists of an anamorphic cylindrical lens system and a grism, and allows the simultaneous recording of spectrally dispersed J-, H- and K-band Michelson interferograms. The observations of CH Cyg were conducted on 5, 6, 8 and 11 June 2001 using baselines of 17m to 25m. From the interferograms of CH Cyg, J-, H-, and K-band visibility functions can be determined. Uniform-disk fits to the visibilities give, e.g., stellar diameters of (7.8 ± 0.6) mas and (8.7 ± 0.8) mas in H and K, respectively. Angular stellar filter radii and Rosseland radii are derived from the measured visibilities by fitting theoretical center-to-limb intensity variations (CLVs) of Mira star models. The available HIPPARCOS parallax of CH Cyg allows us to determine linear radii. For example, on the basis of the K-band visibility, Rosseland radii in the range of 214 to 243 solar radii can be derived utilizing CLVs of different fundamental mode Mira models as fit functions. These radii agree well within the error bars with the corresponding theoretical model Rosseland radii of 230 to 282 solar radii. Models of first overtone pulsators are not in good agreement with the observations. The wavelength dependence of the stellar diameter can be well studied by using visibility ratios V(λ1)/V(λ2) since ratios of visibilities of different spectral channels can be measured with higher precision than absolute visibilities. We found that the 2.03 μm uniform disk diameter of CH Cyg is approximately 1.1 times larger than the 2.15 μm and 2.26 μm uniform-disk diameter

    The Death Effector Domains of Caspase-8 Induce Terminal Differentiation

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    The differentiation and senescence programs of metazoans play key roles in regulating normal development and preventing aberrant cell proliferation, such as cancer. These programs are intimately associated with both the mitotic and apoptotic pathways. Caspase-8 is an apical apoptotic initiator that has recently been appreciated to coordinate non-apoptotic roles in the cell. Most of these functions are attributed to the catalytic domain, however, the amino-terminal death effector domains (DED)s, which belong to the death domain superfamily of proteins, can also play key roles during development. Here we describe a novel role for caspase-8 DEDs in regulating cell differentiation and senescence. Caspase-8 DEDs accumulate during terminal differentiation and senescence of epithelial, endothelial and myeloid cells; genetic deletion or shRNA suppression of caspase-8 disrupts cell differentiation, while re-expression of DEDs rescues this phenotype. Among caspase-8 deficient neuroblastoma cells, DED expression attenuated tumor growth in vivo and proliferation in vitro via disruption of mitosis and cytokinesis, resulting in upregulation of p53 and induction of differentiation markers. These events occur independent of caspase-8 catalytic activity, but require a critical lysine (K156) in a microtubule-binding motif in the second DED domain. The results demonstrate a new function for the DEDs of caspase-8, and describe an unexpected mechanism that contributes to cell differentiation and senescence

    Comparative Pathogenesis of Three Human and Zoonotic SARS-CoV Strains in Cynomolgus Macaques

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic was characterized by increased pathogenicity in the elderly due to an early exacerbated innate host response. SARS-CoV is a zoonotic pathogen that entered the human population through an intermediate host like the palm civet. To prevent future introductions of zoonotic SARS-CoV strains and subsequent transmission into the human population, heterologous disease models are needed to test the efficacy of vaccines and therapeutics against both late human and zoonotic isolates. Here we show that both human and zoonotic SARS-CoV strains can infect cynomolgus macaques and resulted in radiological as well as histopathological changes similar to those seen in mild human cases. Viral replication was higher in animals infected with a late human phase isolate compared to a zoonotic isolate. While there were significant differences in the number of host genes differentially regulated during the host responses between the three SARS-CoV strains, the top pathways and functions were similar and only apparent early during infection with the majority of genes associated with interferon signaling pathways. This study characterizes critical disease models in the evaluation and licensure of therapeutic strategies against SARS-CoV for human use
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