15 research outputs found

    Expression of cyp1a protein in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea (MĆ¼ller)

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    We investigated the expression of CYP1A in the foot, gill and visceral mass of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. Different PCBs congeners were found in the foot and visceral mass, while the expression of CYP1A was observed only in the visceral mass. However the level of CYP1A expression in the visceral mass was not related to the level of PCBs present in the tissue. Our results indicate a higher rate of biotransformation and lower threshold of CYP1A induction in the visceral mass compared with other tissues

    Expression of cyp1a protein in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea (MĆ¼ller)

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    We investigated the expression of CYP1A in the foot, gill and visceral mass of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. Different PCBs congeners were found in the foot and visceral mass, while the expression of CYP1A was observed only in the visceral mass. However the level of CYP1A expression in the visceral mass was not related to the level of PCBs present in the tissue. Our results indicate a higher rate of biotransformation and lower threshold of CYP1A induction in the visceral mass compared with other tissues.Projekat ministarstva br. 17302

    Expression of cyp1a protein in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea (MĆ¼ller)

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    We investigated the expression of CYP1A in the foot, gill and visceral mass of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. Different PCBs congeners were found in the foot and visceral mass, while the expression of CYP1A was observed only in the visceral mass. However the level of CYP1A expression in the visceral mass was not related to the level of PCBs present in the tissue. Our results indicate a higher rate of biotransformation and lower threshold of CYP1A induction in the visceral mass compared with other tissues.Projekat ministarstva br. 17302

    Expression of CYP1A in the hepatopancreas of Merluccius merluccius, Trigla lucerna, and Liza ramada (pisces) in the wider vicinity of Bar harbor Montenegro

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    The expression of CYP1A, a biomarker for the presence of xenobiotic compounds, was examined in three fish species from the wider vicinity of Bar harbor in winter and spring. Induction of CYP1A was observed in winter and increased further in spring. Several PCBs were found in seawater in winter. They decreased below the limit of detection in spring, when the PAH fluorene was detected. It is concluded that the constant presence of CYP1A expression is probably due to pollutants in the environment, whereas increased expression of CYP1A in spring results from exposure of the fish to fluorene.Ekspresija CYP1A, biomarkera na prisustvo ksenobiotika, posmatrana je u tri vrste riba ulovljenih sa Å”ireg lokaliteta barske luke tokom zime i proleća. Indukcija CYP1A koja je uočena u zimskom periodu, dodatno je uvećana u prolećnom. Nekoliko PCB koji su pronađeni u morskoj vodi tokom zime, nije detektovano u proleće kada je otkriven PAH fluoren. Zaključeno je da je stalno prisustvo ekspresije CYP1A najverovatnije posledica prisustva polutanata u životnoj sredini; dodatno uvećanje ekspresije CYP1A u proleće posledica je izlaganja riba fluorenu.nul

    CYP1A expression in the hepatopancreas of Mullus barbatus, Merluccius merluccius and Trigla lucerna at the mouth of the river Bojana

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    Background and Purpose: CYP1A is one of the most sensitive biomarkers in fish of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These compounds induce a dose-dependent transcriptional induction of the CYP1A gene that results in increased protein concentrations. The aim of this study was the detection of changes in CYP1A protein levels as a result of the exposure of fish to PAHs and PCBs at the mouth of the river Bojana in the spring. Materials and Methods: The PAH and PCB contents in seawater and sediment were determined by gas chromatography. CYP1A induction was examined in the hepatopancreas of Red mullet (Mullus barbatus), European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Tub gurnard (Trigla lucerna) by immunoblot analysis. Results and Conclusions: Chemical analyses of seawater and sediment revealed the presence of several PAHs and PCBs. CYP1A was detected in the hepatic microsomal fraction in all examined fish species as an adaptive response to the presence of pollutants. The reported changes at the molecular level represent an early-warning signal that reflected the biological response of fish to elevated toxin concentrations in the environment

    Expression of CYP1A in the hepatopancreas of Merluccius merluccius, Trigla lucerna, and Liza ramada (pisces) in the wider vicinity of Bar harbor Montenegro

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    The expression of CYP1A, a biomarker for the presence of xenobiotic compounds, was examined in three fish species from the wider vicinity of Bar harbor in winter and spring. Induction of CYP1A was observed in winter and increased further in spring. Several PCBs were found in seawater in winter. They decreased below the limit of detection in spring, when the PAH fluorene was detected. It is concluded that the constant presence of CYP1A expression is probably due to pollutants in the environment, whereas increased expression of CYP1A in spring results from exposure of the fish to fluorene.Ekspresija CYP1A, biomarkera na prisustvo ksenobiotika, posmatrana je u tri vrste riba ulovljenih sa Å”ireg lokaliteta barske luke tokom zime i proleća. Indukcija CYP1A koja je uočena u zimskom periodu, dodatno je uvećana u prolećnom. Nekoliko PCB koji su pronađeni u morskoj vodi tokom zime, nije detektovano u proleće kada je otkriven PAH fluoren. Zaključeno je da je stalno prisustvo ekspresije CYP1A najverovatnije posledica prisustva polutanata u životnoj sredini; dodatno uvećanje ekspresije CYP1A u proleće posledica je izlaganja riba fluorenu.nul

    Fatty acid composition of selected nuts and seeds

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    Aim: Among biologically active compounds fatty acids are very important. Depending on the source and composition of fatty acids, they may play positive or negative roles in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Healthy fats in nuts and seeds contributing to beneficial effects on health such as prevention of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and sudden death, as well as enhancing of cholesterol lowering, low-density lipoprotein resistance to oxidation, and improved endothelial function. ..

    Antioxidant enzymes and GST activity in natural populations of Holandriana holandrii from the Bosna River

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    Specimens of the freshwater snail Holandriana holandrii affected by different levels of contamination were collected from 3 sites within the Bosna River Basin, i.e. Visoko, Doboj, and Modrica. The activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were investigated in order to understand their variation with respect to the pollution status of the sampling locations. The results revealed a significant increase in CAT, GPx, and GST activities in the snails collected from Modrica, suggesting that the animals at this location are exposed to a higher level of oxidative stress as compared to those from Visoko and Doboj. On the other hand, increased SOD activity measured in specimens from Visoko was indicative of the presence of increased levels of superoxide anion radical. No snails from any location were significantly exposed to organic pollution, since its concentration in the whole body homogenates was below the limit of detection. Our findings show that changes in antioxidant enzymes and GST activity can be used as parameters in environmental monitoring programs.World Banks Water Quality Protection Project, Loan: GEF Trust Fund [055265]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia [173025, 176006

    Antioxidant enzymes and GST activity in natural populations of Holandriana holandrii from the Bosna River

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    Specimens of the freshwater snail Holandriana holandrii affected by different levels of contamination were collected from 3 sites within the Bosna River Basin, i.e. Visoko, Doboj, and Modrica. The activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were investigated in order to understand their variation with respect to the pollution status of the sampling locations. The results revealed a significant increase in CAT, GPx, and GST activities in the snails collected from Modrica, suggesting that the animals at this location are exposed to a higher level of oxidative stress as compared to those from Visoko and Doboj. On the other hand, increased SOD activity measured in specimens from Visoko was indicative of the presence of increased levels of superoxide anion radical. No snails from any location were significantly exposed to organic pollution, since its concentration in the whole body homogenates was below the limit of detection. Our findings show that changes in antioxidant enzymes and GST activity can be used as parameters in environmental monitoring programs.World Banks Water Quality Protection Project, Loan: GEF Trust Fund [055265]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia [173025, 176006

    Les indications et performances du laser en urologie

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    The enzyme CYP1A is an established biomarker of fish exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The metallothioneins (MT), a family of Cys-rich proteins, bind a wide range of metals and participate in their metabolism. The aim of the study was to examine the correlation between CYP1A and MT expression in commercially important fish species Mullus barbatus and Merluccius merluccius and contaminants (PAHs, PCBs, toxic metals) in seawater and sediment from three localities with different level of contamination in the Adriatic Sea in winter, i.e., Platamuni, Valdanos and the port of Bar. The relative concentration of CYP1A was the highest in both fish species from Bar. Increased concentrations of PCBs in the seawater were observed only in Bar. A species-specific higher increase in the protein concentration of CYP1A was observed in Mullus barbatus compared to Merluccius merluccius. The levels of MT were the highest in Merluccius merluccius from Bar and in Mullus barbatus from Valdanos. The induction of MT correlated with the elevated concentrations of Cu and Pb determined by chemical analysis of the seawater from Bar and Valdanos, respectively. According to the chemical analysis of the seawater and the biological response of the fish, the Platamuni locality exhibited the lowest level of contamination