18 research outputs found

    Reverse Mentoring and Intergenerational Learning in Nursing: Bridging generational diversity

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    Covid -19 pandemic urged technical competency and knowledge sharing among the diverse multigenerational workforce. Reverse mentoring is where a technically competent younger employee mentors the senior experienced employee and reciprocally exchanges the work culture and soft skills. Diverse intergenerational learning spurs innovation through sharing knowledge, skills, competencies, norms, and values. The ever-changing nursing practice and education with a multigenerational workforce demand a reverse mentoring approach for intergenerational knowledge sharing to enhance technical competency. Reverse mentoring is known to have benefits on quality of education, better practice outcomes, and employee development. A reverse mentoring strategy is proposed as a sustainable cost-effective intergenerational knowledge-sharing tool in the current era of economic crisis due to the Covid -19 pandemic. This paper aimed to discuss the scope of reverse mentoring and intergenerational learning in nursing. This paper provides an overview of reverse mentoring characteristics, significance, benefits, conceptual framework, implementation strategy, and application in nursing. Keywords: Mentoring; Covid-19; Cultural Diversity; Learning; Nursing; Preceptorship; Intergenerational learning; Multigenerational Workforce

    Dengue Knowledge and Preventive Practices Among Rural Residents in Samar Province, Philippines

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    Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies dengue as a disease important in public health. The epidemiology and ecology of dengue infections are strongly associated with human habits and activities. Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and practices regarding dengue infections among rural residents in Samar Province, Philippines. Methods: A cross sectional design was adopted for this investigation A convenience samples of six hundred forty six (646) residents who were visiting the rural health units in different municipalities of Samar, Philippines were taken as participants in study. Results: More than half of the respondents had good knowledge (61.45%) on causes, signs and symptoms, mode of transmission, and preventive measures about dengue. More than half of the respondents used dengue preventive measures such as fans (n = 340, 52.63%) , mosquito coil (n = 458, 70.90%), and bed nets (n = 387, 59.91%) to reduce mosquitoes while only about one third utilized insecticides sprays (n = 204, 31.58%) and screen windows (n = 233, 36.07%) and a little portion used professional pest control (n = 146, 22.60%). There was no correlation between knowledge about dengue and preventive practices (p=0.75). Television/Radio was cited as the main source of information on dengue infections. Conclusions: Findings suggest that better knowledge does not necessarily lead to better practice of dengue measures. Educational campaigns should give more emphasis on cost effective ways of reducing mosquito and preventing dengue such as environmental measures and control. Furthermore, wide range of information, skills and support must be provided by the government to increase dengue awareness among residents. Keywords: Dengue fever, dengue preventive practices, dengue knowledge, Samar Provinc

    Determinants of Physicians’ Job Satisfaction: A national multi-centre study from the Sultanate of Oman

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    Objectives: Physician satisfaction with their job can lead to a better quality of care, fewer chances of making errors, and better patient outcomes. The purpose of the study was to examine physician satisfaction; and to assess job satisfaction across several factors, such as quality of care, ease of practice, relationship with leadership, and inter-professional collaboration. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. Data were collected between July 2019 and January 2020. Participants provided demographic information and completed surveys related to physician satisfaction (13-item Likert type items on a scale from 1 to 5), and inter-professional collaboration (15-item, 4-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 for “strongly disagree” to 4 for “strongly agree”). Multiple linear regressions were used to determine the relationship between overall job satisfaction and demographic features and inter-professional collaboration. Results: Out of 396 physicians who were contacted, 354 responded (response rate = 89.4%). The median age was 40 years, and there were 208 male and 124 female physicians. The vast majority (238/354 = 62%) were expatriates. Seventy percent had a post-graduate degree. The vast majority (308 = 87%) worked in government hospitals. Results showed that 15 (5%) of the physicians were not satisfied with their job (<3.00), 179 (40%) expressed a moderate level of satisfaction (3.00 – 3.75), and 129 (55%) were highly satisfied (>3.76). There was no difference in mean job satisfaction score among different groups of study participants, except for gender, and the working grade (p < 0.05). The overall job satisfaction rates were higher for the quality of care (M = 3.93, SD = 0.61), and for ease of practice (M = 3.89, SD = 0.55) and lower for the relationship with leadership (M = 3.67, SD = 0.86). Having a clinical postgraduate degree together with a PhD, a senior level of responsibility and good inter-professional relationship were associated with higher job satisfaction rates (p = 0.003 and 0.007, respectively). Conclusion: Overall, the job satisfaction rate was high. There was no difference among different groups of study participants, except for the working grade. Having a clinical postgraduate degree, a senior level of responsibility, and good inter-professional relationship were associated with higher job satisfaction rates. The overall job satisfaction rates were higher for the quality of care, and for ease of practice, and lower for relationship with the leadership. Relationship with the leadership is a modifiable factor and efforts at enhancing the physician-leadership relationship may lead to even higher satisfaction rates. Keywords: Interprofessional relations; Job Satisfaction; Leadership; Oman; Physician; Quality of health car

    Direct and Moderating Effects of Work Environment and Structural Empowerment on Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses in the Sultanate of Oman

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    Objective: This paper seeks to explore the relationships between nurses’ work environment, job stress, and job satisfaction, as well as the moderating effects of work environment and empowerment on the job stress–job satisfaction relationship. Methods: A descriptive correlational design was utilized. The study encompassed a convenience sample of 1,796 hospital nurses from the 11 governorates in Oman. A self-report questionnaire that included a set of instruments was used to collect data. Results: The results showed that nurses who perceived higher levels of job stress reported lower levels of satisfaction and empowerment, and perceived their work environment as less favorable and supportive. The findings only confirmed the direct effects of work environment and empowerment on satisfaction; there was no support for indirect or moderating effects. The hierarchical regression model showed that 46.5% of the variation in the level of job satisfaction was explained by the study variables. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate the importance of implementing strategies that empower staff, provide a supportive and positive work environment, and tackle job stress to enhance levels of job satisfaction. Keywords: Work Environment; Empowerment; Job Stress; Job Satisfaction; Nurses; Oman

    Use of Simulation in Teaching Nursing Leadership and Management Course: An Integrative Review

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    Nursing education is strategically positioned to prepare nursing students for management and leadership skills necessary for future professional nursing roles. This review appraised and synthesised the outcomes of using simulation in pre-licensure nursing management and leadership courses. This is an integrative review of original articles published between 2008 and 2018. In January 2019, PsychINFO, CINAHL, PubMed and SCOPUS were searched to identify relevant articles using the following terms: ‘management’, ‘leadership’, ‘simulation’, ‘nursing’, ‘education’ and ‘student’. A total of 10 articles were included in the review. Four essential themes were identified from the content analysis: acquisition of skills or understanding of delegation, enhanced teamwork or collaboration capacities, improved decision-making and problem-solving skills and increased communication skills. Incorporation of simulation in the nursing management and leadership courses has the potential to enhance nursing students’ skills regarding delegation, problem-solving capacities, decision-making and communication and teamwork. Keywords: Simulation Training; Nursing; Leadership; Practice Management; Student; Education

    Predictive roles of organizational and personal factors in work engagement among nurses

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    Objective: To determine the work engagement levels of hospital nurses and the predictive roles that nurses’ personal and organizational characteristics play

    Organizational commitment and turnover intention among rural nurses in the Philippines: Implications for nursing management

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    Objectives: The unrelenting migration trend of Filipino nurses to other countries has threatened the quality of patient care services in the country. This study explored the extent of nurses' organizational commitment and turnover intention in the Philippines. Furthermore, predictors of nurses’ organizational commitment and turnover intention were identified. Methods: A cross-sectional research design was adopted for this study. Two hundred nurses from nine rural hospitals in the Central Philippines were asked to participate in the study and 166 nurses responded (an 83% response rate). Two standardized instruments were used: the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and the Six-item Turnover Intention Inventory Scale. Results: Findings revealed that Philippine nurses were moderately committed (3.13 ± 0.24) to and were undecided (2.42 ± 0.67) whether or not to leave their organization. Nurses' age (P = 0.006), gender, (t = -2.25, P = 0.026), education (t = 2.38, P < 0.001), rank(t = 4.38, P < 0.001), and work experience (t = 2.18, P = 0.031) correlated significantly with organizational commitment, while nurses’ age (P = 0.028) and education (t = 1.99, P = 0.048) correlated significantly with turnover intention. An inverse relationship was identified between the organizational commitment and turnover intention (r = −0.22, P = 0.005). Conclusion: The findings of this study highlight the need for formulation and implementation of interventions to promote life-long commitment in nurses and to reduce turnover rates. Keywords: Hospitals, Rural, Nurses, Organizational commitment, Philippines, Turnover intentio

    Correlations between instructor’s caring behavior and nursing students’ caring behavior: an international study

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    Introduction: Theoretically, caring relationship between faculty – student generates a caring moment. However, there is a scarcity of empirical evidence about how caring interactions with faculty can enhance students’ caring outcomes. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the levels of students’ and instructors’ caring behavior and to explore the correlations between instructors’ and students’ caring behavior. Methods: A descriptive, non – experimental design has been used in this study. Data collection was based on interviews using two standardized questionnaires; the Nursing Students’ Perception of Instructor Caring (NSPIC) and the Caring Behavior Inventory (CBI). Respondents were consisting of nursing students from identified schools and colleges of nursing in different countries. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 21.0. Results: The sample was consisted of 368 nursing students (91% female, 9% male) from seven countries (26% Philippines, 31.5% Greece, 1% Kenya, 0.5 Oman, 35.5% India, 5% Nigeria, 0.5% Saudi Arabia). Forty two percent of students are in the second year of studies, 13% in the third year and 45% in the fourth year. The mean score of NSPIC was 4.02±0.30 and the mean of CBI was4.56±0.13. The mean for each factor of NSPIC was 4.39±0.13 for the factor “instills confidence through caring”, 3.92±0.212 for “supportive learning climate”, 4.06±0.06 for “appreciation of life’s meaning”, 3.66±0.11 for “control versus flexibility” and 4.01±0.48 for “respectful sharing”. The mean for each factor of CBI was 4.63±0.11 for the factor “assurance”, 4.58±0.06 for “knowledge and skills”, 4.55±0.18 for “respectful” and 4.47±0.14 for “connectedness”. Correlation analysis showed statistically significance between relevant variables. Conclusions: Instructors’ caring behavior affects nursing students’ caring behavior. Through positive faculty modeling and role modeling, nursing students can be professionally trained to develop the competence of caring