559 research outputs found

    Sentido del humor en el adulto mayor

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    A sense of humor is a phenomenon not frequently studied in the context of psychology, let alone in the older adult, an age group that is constantly growing in Venezuela. This research, guided by the approaches of Carbelo (2007) and DAnello (2010) and titled Sense of Humor in Older Adults, aimed to determine the meaning this phenomenon has for the elderly. To accomplish this, qualitative research was conducted using an in-depth Interview as a data collection method. Informants were 4 seniors (2 men and 2 women) between 60 and 73 years of age, selected as a sample of purpose. For the analysis, grounded theory was used, concluding that for the older adult, when a sense of humor becomes part of the personality, it is a health-protective factor, gives a sense of belonging and positively changing the environment, bringing a better quality of life, the latter being the main signifier that emerged from the information analysis. Similarly, it was determined that a sense of humor is a social construct developed throughout life that locks in during this life stage.  El humor es un fenómeno poco estudiado dentro del contexto de la psicología, menos aún, en el adulto mayor, grupo etario que se encuentra en constante crecimiento dentro de nuestro país.En tal sentido, la investigación, guiada por los planteamientos de Carbelo (2007) y DAnello (2010), denominada sentido del humor en el adulto mayor, tuvo por objetivo, determinar el significado que tiene este fenómeno para el adulto mayor. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de corte cualitativo,donde se utilizó la Entrevista en Profundidad como método de recolección de la información. Los informantes fueron 4 adultos mayores (2 hombres y 2 mujeres) con edades comprendidas entre 60 y 73 años de edad, los cuales fueron seleccionados como una muestra de propósito. Para el análisis, se utilizó la Teoría Fundamentada, concluyéndose que para el adulto mayor, cuando el sentido del humor se convierte en parte de la personalidad, es un factor protector de la salud, da sentido de pertenencia y cambia positivamente el ambiente, trayendo como consecuencia una mejor calidad de vida, siendo esto último el principal significante que surgió del análisis de la información. Igualmente, se determinó que el sentido del humor es una construcción social que se va elaborando a lo largo de la vida y que se afianza en esta etapa vital. &nbsp

    Allosteric Control of Gating and Kinetics at P2X₄ Receptor Channels

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    The CNS abundantly expresses P2X receptor channels for ATP; of these the most widespread in the brain is the P2X₄ channel. We show that ivermectin (IVM) is a specific positive allosteric effector of heterologously expressed P2X₄ and possibly of heteromeric P2X₄/P2X₆channels, but not of P2X₂, P2X₃, P2X₂/P2X₃, or P2X₇ channels. In the submicromolar range (EC₅₀, ∼250 nM) the action of IVM was rapid and reversible, resulting in increased amplitude and slowed deactivation of P2X₄ channel currents evoked by ATP. IVM also markedly increased the potency of ATP and that of the normally low-potency agonist α,β-methylene-ATP in a use- and voltage-independent manner without changing the ion selectivity of P2X₄ channels. Therefore, IVM evokes a potent pharmacological gain-of-function phenotype that is specific for P2X₄ channels. We also tested whether IVM could modulate endogenously expressed P2X channels in the adult trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus and hippocampal CA1 neurons. Surprisingly, IVM produced no significant effect on the fast ATP-evoked inward currents in either type of neuron, despite the fact that IVM modulated P2X₄ channels heterologously expressed in embryonic hippocampal neurons. These results suggest that homomeric P2X₄ channels are not the primary subtype of P2X receptor in the adult trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus and in hippocampal CA1 neurons

    C-Code 1.0: urban digital modelling

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    Urban building codes include a series of abstract geometric and mathematical prescriptions whose final built result is not easily visualized by non-technical users. This makes an informed public debate about the proposed regulations difficult and leaves the final definition of the exact ratios and formulas in the hands of local governments’ technical consultants. We propose a system which, taking as its inputs the roads and lots of the area under consideration, generates a detailed three dimensional model that gives neighbors, users and authorities access to a common, objective preview of the foreseeable result of the codes under consideration

    Allosteric Control of Gating and Kinetics at P2X₄ Receptor Channels

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    The CNS abundantly expresses P2X receptor channels for ATP; of these the most widespread in the brain is the P2X₄ channel. We show that ivermectin (IVM) is a specific positive allosteric effector of heterologously expressed P2X₄ and possibly of heteromeric P2X₄/P2X₆channels, but not of P2X₂, P2X₃, P2X₂/P2X₃, or P2X₇ channels. In the submicromolar range (EC₅₀, ∼250 nM) the action of IVM was rapid and reversible, resulting in increased amplitude and slowed deactivation of P2X₄ channel currents evoked by ATP. IVM also markedly increased the potency of ATP and that of the normally low-potency agonist α,β-methylene-ATP in a use- and voltage-independent manner without changing the ion selectivity of P2X₄ channels. Therefore, IVM evokes a potent pharmacological gain-of-function phenotype that is specific for P2X₄ channels. We also tested whether IVM could modulate endogenously expressed P2X channels in the adult trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus and hippocampal CA1 neurons. Surprisingly, IVM produced no significant effect on the fast ATP-evoked inward currents in either type of neuron, despite the fact that IVM modulated P2X₄ channels heterologously expressed in embryonic hippocampal neurons. These results suggest that homomeric P2X₄ channels are not the primary subtype of P2X receptor in the adult trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus and in hippocampal CA1 neurons

    Genetic Approaches Identify Differential Roles for α₄β₂* Nicotinic Receptors in Acute Models of Antinociception in Mice

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    The effects of nicotine on the tail-flick and hot-plate tests were determined to identify nicotinic receptor subtypes responsible for spinally and supraspinally mediated nicotine analgesia in knockin mice expressing hypersensitive α4 nicotinic receptors (L9′S), in seven inbred mouse strains (C57BL/6, DBA/2, A/2, CBA/2, BALB/cByJ, C3H/HeJ, and 129/SvEv), and in two F1 hybrids (B6CBAF1 and B6D2F1). L9′S heterozygotes were ∼6-fold more sensitive to the antinociceptive effects of nicotine than the wild-type controls in the hot-plate test but not in the tail-flick assay. Large differences in the effects of nicotine were also observed with both tests for the seven mouse strains. A/J and 129 mice were 6- to 8-fold more sensitive than CBA and BALB mice. In addition, B6CBAF1 hybrid mice were even less sensitive than CBA mice. Nicotinic binding sites were measured in three spinal cord regions and the hindbrain of the inbred strains. Significant differences in cytisine-sensitive, high affinity [¹²⁵I]epibatidine binding site levels (α₂β₂* subtypes), but not in ¹²⁵I-α-bungarotoxin binding (α7* subtypes), were observed. Significant negative correlations between cytisine-sensitive [¹²⁵I]epibatidine binding and nicotine ED50 for both tests were noted. Our results indicate that α₄β₂* acetylcholine nicotinic receptors (nAChR) are important in mediating nicotine analgesia in supraspinal responses, while also showing that α₄β₂*-nAChR and at least one other nAChR subtype appear to modulate spinal actions

    Nicotine Activation of α4* Receptors: Sufficient for Reward, Tolerance, and Sensitization

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    The identity of nicotinic receptor subtypes sufficient to elicit both the acute and chronic effects of nicotine dependence is unknown. We engineered mutant mice with α4 nicotinic subunits containing a single point mutation, Leu^(9′) → Ala^(9′) in the pore-forming M2 domain, rendering α4* receptors hypersensitive to nicotine. Selective activation of α4* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with low doses of agonist recapitulates nicotine effects thought to be important in dependence, including reinforcement in response to acute nicotine administration, as well as tolerance and sensitization elicited by chronic nicotine administration. These data indicate that activation of α4* receptors is sufficient for nicotine-induced reward, tolerance, and sensitization