59 research outputs found

    Effects of Rho Kinase Inhibitors on Grafts of Dopaminergic Cell Precursors in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease.

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    In models of Parkinson’s disease (PD), Rho kinase (ROCK) inhibitors have antiapoptotic and axonstabilizing effects on damaged neurons, decrease the neuroinflammatory response, and protect against dopaminergic neuron death and axonal retraction. ROCK inhibitors have also shown protective effects against apoptosis induced by handling and dissociation of several types of stem cells. However, the effect of ROCK inhibitors on dopaminergic cell grafts has not been investigated. In the present study, treatment of dopaminergic cell suspension with ROCK inhibitors yielded significant decreases in the number of surviving dopaminergic neurons, in the density of graft-derived dopaminergic fibers, and in graft vascularization. Dopaminergic neuron death also markedly increased in primary mesencephalic cultures when the cell suspension was treated with ROCK inhibitors before plating, which suggests that decreased angiogenesis is not the only factor leading to cell death in grafts. Interestingly, treatment of the host 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats with ROCK inhibitors induced a slight, nonsignificant increase in the number of surviving neurons, as well as marked increases in the density of graft-derived dopaminergic fibers and the size of the striatal reinnervated area. The study findings discourage treatment of cell suspensions before grafting. However, treatment of the host induces a marked increase in graft-derived striatal reinnervation. Because ROCK inhibitors have also exerted neuroprotective effects in several models of PD, treatment of the host with ROCK inhibitors, currently used against vascular diseases in clinical practice, before and after grafting may be a useful adjuvant to cell therapy in PDMinisterio de Salud PI12/00798; RD12/0019/0020Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2012-370

    Time course of brain oxidative damage caused by intrastriatal administration of 6-hydroxydopamine in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11064-006-9232-6The unilateral and intrastriatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine is commonly used to provide a partial lesion model of Parkinson’s disease in the investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in its pathogenesis and to assess new neuroprotective treatments. Its capacity to induce neurodegeneration has been related to its ability to undergo autoxidation in the presence of oxygen and consequently to generate oxidative stress. The aim of the present study was to investigate the time course of brain oxidative damage induced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6 ÎŒg in 5 ÎŒl of sterile saline containing 0.2% ascorbic acid) injection in the right striatum of the rat. The results of this study show that the indices of both lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and protein oxidation (carbonyl and free thiol contents) increase simultaneously in the ipsilateral striatum and ventral midbrain, reaching a peak value at 48-h post-injection for both TBARS and protein carbonyl content, and at 24 h for protein free thiol content. A lower but significant increase was also observed in the contralateral side (striatum and ventral midbrain). The indices of oxidative stress returned to values close to those found in controls at 7-day post-injection. These data show that the oxidative stress is a possible triggering factor for the neurodegenerative process and the retrograde neurodegeneration observed after 1-week post-injection is a consequence of the cell damage caused during the first days post-injection. The optimal time to assess brain indices of oxidative stress in this model is 48-h post-injection.This study was supported by Grant BFI2003-00493 from the Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a with the contribution of the European Regional Development Found (Madrid, Spain) and Grant PGDIT03PXIB20804PR from the Xunta de Galicia (Santiago de Compostela, Spain).S

    Angiotensin type-1-receptor antagonists reduce 6-hydroxydopamine toxicity for dopaminergic neurons

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    Angiotensin II activates (via type 1 receptors) NAD(P)H-dependent oxidases, which are a major source of superoxide, and is relevant in the pathogenesis of several cardiovascular diseases and certain degenerative changes associated with ageing. Given that there is a brain renin–angiotensin system and that oxidative stress is a key contributor to Parkinson's disease, we investigated the effects of angiotensin II and angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonists in the 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson's disease. Rats subjected to intraventricular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine showed bilateral reduction in the number of dopaminergic neurons and terminals. Injection of angiotensin alone did not induce any significant effect. However, angiotensin increased the toxic effect of 6-hydroxydopamine. Rats treated with the AT1 receptor antagonist ZD 7155 and then 6-hydroxydopamine (with or without exogenous administration of angiotensin) showed a significant reduction in 6-hydroxydopamine-induced oxidative stress (lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation) and dopaminergic degeneration. Dopaminergic degeneration was also reduced by the NAD(P)H inhibitor apocynin. Angiotensin may play a pivotal role, via AT1 receptors, in increasing the oxidative damage of dopaminergic cells, and treatment with AT1 antagonists may reduce the progression of Parkinson's disease.S

    AT1 receptor autoantibodies mediate effects of metabolic syndrome on dopaminergic vulnerability

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    The metabolic syndrome has been associated to chronic peripheral inflammation and related with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, including Parkinson’s disease. However, the responsible mechanisms are unclear. Previous studies have involved the brain renin-angiotensin system in progression of Parkinson’s disease and the angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1) has been recently revealed as a major marker of dopaminergic vulnerability in humans. Dysregulation of tissue renin-angiotensin system is a key common mechanism for all major components of metabolic syndrome. Circulating AT1 agonistic autoantibodies have been observed in several inflammation-related peripheral processes, and activation of AT1 receptors of endothelial cells, dopaminergic neurons and glial cells have been observed to disrupt endothelial blood -brain barrier and induce neurodegeneration, respectively. Using a rat model, we observed that metabolic syndrome induces overactivity of nigral pro-inflammatory renin-angiotensin system axis, leading to increase in oxidative stress and neuroinflammation and enhancing dopaminergic neurodegeneration, which was inhibited by treatment with AT1 receptor blockers (ARBs)S

    Autoantibodies against ACE2 and angiotensin type-1 receptors increase severity of COVID-19

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    The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) plays a major role in COVID-19. Severity of several inflammation-related diseases has been associated with autoantibodies against RAS, particularly agonistic autoantibodies for angiotensin type-1 receptors (AA-AT1) and autoantibodies against ACE2 (AA-ACE2). Disease severity of COVID-19 patients was defined as mild, moderate or severe following the WHO Clinical Progression Scale and determined at medical discharge. Serum AA-AT1 and AA-ACE2 were measured in COVID-19 patients (n = 119) and non-infected controls (n = 23) using specific solid-phase, sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Serum LIGHT (TNFSF14; tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 14) levels were measured with the corresponding assay kit. At diagnosis, AA-AT1 and AA-ACE2 levels were significantly higher in the COVID-19 group relative to controls, and we observed significant association between disease outcome and serum AA-AT1 and AA-ACE2 levels. Mild disease patients had significantly lower levels of AA-AT1 (p < 0.01) and AA-ACE2 (p < 0.001) than moderate and severe patients. No significant differences were detected between males and females. The increase in autoantibodies was not related to comorbidities potentially affecting COVID-19 severity. There was significant positive correlation between serum levels of AA-AT1 and LIGHT (TNFSF14; rPearson = 0.70, p < 0.001). Both AA-AT1 (by agonistic stimulation of AT1 receptors) and AA-ACE2 (by reducing conversion of Angiotensin II into Angiotensin 1-7) may lead to increase in AT1 receptor activity, enhance proinflammatory responses and severity of COVID-19 outcome. Patients with high levels of autoantibodies require more cautious control after diagnosis. Additionally, the results encourage further studies on the possible protective treatment with AT1 receptor blockers in COVID-19Axencia Galega de InnovaciĂłn (IN845D 2020/20). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RTI2018-098830-B-I00). Spanish Ministry of Health (PI17/00828, RD16/0011/0016 and CIBERNED). Galician Government (XUGA, ED431C 2018/10, ED431G/05). FEDER (Regional European Development Fund)S

    Microglial angiotensin type 2 receptors mediate sex-specific expression of inflammatory cytokines independently of circulating estrogen

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    ConsellerĂ­a de Cultura, EducaciĂłn e OrdenaciĂłn Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, Grant/Award Numbers: XUGA, ED431C 2018/10, ED431G/05; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Numbers: PI20/00385, RD16/0011/0016, CIBERNED; SecretarĂ­a de Estado de InvestigaciĂłn, Desarrollo e InnovaciĂłn, Grant/Award Number: RTI2018-098830-B-I00; Regional European Development Fund (FEDER)There are sex differences in microglia, which can maintain sex-related gene expression and functional differences in the absence of circulating sex steroids. The angiotensin type 2 (AT2) receptors mediate anti-inflammatory actions in different tissues, including brain. In mice, we performed RT-PCR analysis of microglia isolated from adult brains and RNA scope in situ hybridization from males, females, ovariectomized females, orchiectomized males and brain masculinized females. We also compared wild type and AT2 knockout mice. The expression of AT2 receptors in microglial cells showed sex differences with much higher AT2 mRNA expression in females than in males, and this was not dependent on circulating gonadal hormones, as observed using ovariectomized females, brain masculinized females and orchiectomized males. These results suggest genomic reasons, possibly related to sex chromosome complement, for sex differences in AT2 expression in microglia, as the AT2 receptor gene is located in the X chromosome. Furthermore, sex differences in expression of AT2 receptors were associated to sex differences in microglial expression of key anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1ÎČ and interleukin-6. In conclusion, sex differences in microglial AT2 receptor expression appear as a major factor contributing to sex differences in the neuroinflammatory responses beyond the effects of circulating steroidsThere are sex differences in microglia, which can maintain sex-related gene expression and functional differences in the absence of circulating sex steroids. The angiotensin type 2 (AT2) receptors mediate anti-inflammatory actions in different tissues, including brain. In mice, we performed RT-PCR analysis of microglia isolated from adult brains and RNA scope in situ hybridization from males, females, ovariectomized females, orchiectomized males and brain masculinized females. We also compared wild type and AT2 knockout mice. The expression of AT2 receptors in microglial cells showed sex differences with much higher AT2 mRNA expression in females than in males, and this was not dependent on circulating gonadal hormones, as observed using ovariectomized females, brain masculinized females and orchiectomized males. These results suggest genomic reasons, possibly related to sex chromosome complement, for sex differences in AT2 expression in microglia, as the AT2 receptor gene is located in the X chromosome. Furthermore, sex differences in expression of AT2 receptors were associated to sex differences in microglial expression of key anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1ÎČ and interleukin-6. In conclusion, sex differences in microglial AT2 receptor expression appear as a major factor contributing to sex differences in the neuroinflammatory responses beyond the effects of circulating steroidsS

    Spanish Cell Therapy Network (TerCel): 15 years of successful collaborative translational research

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    In the current article we summarize the 15-year experience of the Spanish Cell Therapy Network (TerCel), a successful collaborative public initiative funded by the Spanish government for the support of nationwide translational research in this important area. Thirty-two research groups organized in three programs devoted to cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and immune-inflammatory diseases, respectively, currently form the network. Each program has three working packages focused on basic science, pre-clinical studies and clinical application. TerCel has contributed during this period to boost the translational research in cell therapy in Spain, setting up a network of Good Manufacturing Practice–certified cell manufacturing facilities– and increasing the number of translational research projects, publications, patents and clinical trials of the participating groups, especially those in collaboration. TerCel pays particular attention to the public-private collaboration, which, for instance, has led to the development of the first allogeneic cell therapy product approved by the European Medicines Agency, Darvadstrocel. The current collaborative work is focused on the development of multicenter phase 2 and 3 trials that could translate these therapies to clinical practice for the benefit of patients

    The intracellular angiotensin system buffersdeleterious effects of the extracellular paracrine system

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    The‘classical’renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is a circulating system that controls blood pressure. Local/paracrine RAS,identified in a variety of tissues, including the brain, is involved in different functions and diseases, and RAS blockers arecommonly used in clinical practice. A third type of RAS (intracellular/intracrine RAS) has been observed in some types of cells,including neurons. However, its role is still unknown. The present results indicate that in brain cells the intracellular RAScounteracts the intracellular superoxide/H2O2and oxidative stress induced by the extracellular/paracrine angiotensin II acting onplasma membrane receptors. Activation of nuclear receptors by intracellular or internalized angiotensin triggers a number ofmechanisms that protect the cell, such as an increase in the levels of protective angiotensin type 2 receptors, intracellularangiotensin, PGC-1αand IGF-1/SIRT1. Interestingly, this protective mechanism is altered in isolated nuclei from brains of agedanimals. The present results indicate that at least in the brain, AT1 receptor blockers acting only on the extracellular or paracrineRAS may offer better protection of cellsWe thank Dr. Wei-Dong Le for providing the MES 23.5dopaminergic cell line, Dr. Manuel Serrano and Dr. Ruben Nogueiras for providing thetransgenic mice overexpressing SIRT1, and Dr. Daniel Henrion for providing the AT2KO mice. We thank Pilar Aldrey, Iria Novoa and Cristina Gianzo for their technicalassistance. This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy andCompetitiveness (BFU2015-70523), Spanish Ministry of Health (RD12/0019/0020,RD16/0011/0016 and CIBERNED), Galician Government (XUGA, GRC2014/002ED431G/05 and CIMUS accreditation 2016‐2019) and FEDER (Regional EuropeanDevelopment Fund)S

    Renin angiotensin system and gender differences in dopaminergic degeneration

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    Background: There are sex differences in dopaminergic degeneration. Men are approximately two times as likely as premenopausal women of the same age to develop Parkinson’s disease (PD). It has been shown that the local renin angiotensin system (RAS) plays a prominent role in sex differences in the development of chronic renal and cardiovascular diseases, and there is a local RAS in the substantia nigra and dopaminergic cell loss is enhanced by angiotensin via type 1 (AT1) receptors. Results: In the present study, we observed that intrastriatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine induced a marked loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of male rats, which was significantly higher than the loss induced in ovariectomized female rats given estrogen implants (i.e. rats with estrogen). However, the loss of dopaminergic neurons was significantly lower in male rats treated with the AT1 antagonist candesartan, and similar to that observed in female rats with estrogen. The involvement of the RAS in gender differences in dopaminergic degeneration was confirmed with AT1a-null mice lesioned with the dopaminergic neurotoxin MPTP. Significantly higher expression of AT1 receptors, angiotensin converting enzyme activity, and NADPH-oxidase complex activity, and much lower levels of AT2 receptors were observed in male rats than in female rats with estrogen. Conclusions: The results suggest that brain RAS plays a major role in the increased risk of developing PD in men, and that manipulation of brain RAS may be an efficient approach for neuroprotective treatment of PD in men, without the feminizing effects of estrogen.Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spanish Ministry of Health (RD06/0010/0013 and CIBERNED), Galician Government (XUGA) and FEDERS

    Angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptors heteromer expression in microglia correlates with Parkinson's disease progression in the hemilesioned rat model of the disease

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    Background/Aims : The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is altered in Parkinson's disease (PD), a disease due to substantia nigra neurodegeneration and whose dopamine-replacement therapy, using the precursor levodopa, leads to dyskinesias as the main side effect. Angiotensin AT 1 and AT 2 receptors, mainly known for their role in regulating water homeostasis and blood pressure and able to form heterodimers (AT 1/2 Hets), are present in the central nervous system. We assessed the functionality and expression of AT 1/2 Hets in Parkinson Disease (PD). Methods: Immunocytochemistry was used to analyze the colocalization between angiotensin receptors, bioluminescence resonance energy transfer was used to detect AT 1/2 Hets. Calcium and cAMP determination, MAPK activation and label-free assays were performed to characterize signaling. Proximity ligation assays was used to quantify receptor expression in microglial cells and brain striatal slices. Results: We confirmed that AT 1 and AT 2 receptors form AT 1/2 Hets that are expressed in cells of the central nervous system. AT 1/2 Hets are novel functional units with particular signaling properties. Importantly, the coactivation of the two receptors in the heteromer reduces the signaling output of angiotensin. Remarkably, AT 1/2 Hets that are expressed in both striatal neurons and microglia show a cross-potentiation, i.e. candesartan, the antagonist of AT 1 increases the effect of AT 2 receptor agonists. In addition, the level of expression in the unilateral 6-OH-dopamine lesion rat PD model increases upon disease progression and is maximal in dyskinetic animals. Conclusion: The results indicate that boosting the action of neuroprotective AT 2 receptors using an AT 1 receptor antagonist constitutes a promising therapeutic strategy in PD
