10 research outputs found

    Credit Risk Prediction for Peer-To-Peer Lending Platforms: An Explainable Machine Learning Approach

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    Small and medium enterprises face the challenge of obtaining start-up fund due to the strict rules and conditions set by banks and financial institutions. The plight yields to the growth in popularity of online peer-to-peer lending platforms which are an easier way to obtain loan as they have fewer rigid rules. However, high flexibility of loan funding in peer-to-peer lending comes with high default probability of loan funded to high-risk start-ups. An efficient model for evaluating credit risk of borrowers in peer-to-peer lending platforms is important to encourage investors to fund loans and justify the rejection of unsuccessful applications to satisfy financial regulators and increase transparency. This paper presents a supervised machine learning model with logistic regression to address this issue and predicts the probability of default of a loan funded to borrowers through peer-to-peer lending platforms. In addition, factors that affect the credit levels of borrowers are identified and discussed. The research shows that the most important features that affect probability of default are debt-to-income ratio, number of mortgage account, and Fair, Isaac and Company Scores

    A Comparative Analysis of Techniques for Forecasting Electricity Consumption

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    The issue of obtaining reliable forecasting methods for electricity consumption has been widely discussed by past research work. This is due to the increased demand for electricity and as a result, the development of efficient pricing models. Several techniques have been used in past research for forecasting electricity consumption. This includes the use of forecasting, time-series technique (FTST) and artificial neural networks (ANN). This paper introduces a modified Newton’s model (MNM) to forecast electricity consumption. Forecasting models are developed from historical data and predictive estimates are obtained. This research work utilizes data from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, a public university in Malaysia, from 2009 to 2012. The variables considered in this research include electricity consumption for different months over the years

    Spatial model for transmission of mosquito-borne diseases

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    In this paper, a generic model which takes into account spatial heterogeneity for the dynamics of mosquito-borne diseases is proposed. The dissemination of the disease is described by a system of reaction-diffusion partial differential equations. Host human and vector mosquito populations are divided into susceptible and infectious classes. Diffusion is considered to occur in all classes of both populations. Susceptible humans are infected when bitten by infectious mosquitoes. Susceptible mosquitoes bite infectious humans and become infected. The biting rate of mosquitoes is considered to be density dependent on the total human population in different locations. The system is solved numerically and results are show

    Fluid flow simulation in a double L-bend pipe with small nozzle outlets

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    Modeling Electricity Consumption using Modified Newton’s Method

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    In this paper we present modified Newton’s model (MNM) to model electricity consumption data. A previous method to model electricity consumption data was done using forecasting technique (FT) and artificial neural networks (ANN). A drawback to previous techniques is that computations give less reliable results when compared to MNM. A comparative analysis is carried out for FT, ANN and MNM to investigate which of these methods is the most reliable technique. The results indicate that MNM model reduced mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) to 0.93%, while those of FT and ANN were 3.01 % and 3.11%, respectively. Based on these error measures, the study shows that the three methods are highly accurate modeling techniques, but MNM was found to be the best technique when mining information. Experimental results indicate that MNM is the most accurate when compared to FT and ANN and thus has the best competitive performance level. Keywords Efficiency, modified newton’s method, forecasting technique, artificial neural networks, reliability 1

    Achieving reproducibility incorporating service versioning into provenance model

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    Reproducibility has long been a cornerstone of science. Underpinning reproducibility is provenance, which has the potential to provide scientists with a complete understanding of data generated in e-experiments, including the services that were produced and consumed. This paper explores the issues of service versioning in provenance to achieve reproducibility. Current provenance model does not directly support service versioning. Therefore, this paper introduces an enhancement of a provenance model to incorporate service versioning mechanism that provides a way to access multiple versions of the same service so that researcher can compare one version to another, and understand their effects on processing data. The enhanced provenance model is able to track the changes of the same service (versions of the same service) over time and correlates versioned services with the results they generate