496 research outputs found

    Fragments of Mother

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    daughter, i rock your empty cradle & ask myself, how long will we make war

    De-Categorizing Child Abuse - Equally Devastating Acts Require Equally Solicitous Statutes of Limitations

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    News reports of childhood sexual abuse by Catholic priests initially shocked and subsequently angered the public. Emboldened by the public\u27s reaction toward sexual abusers, survivors attempted to confront their abusers in civil court. Jurisdictions adjudicated these claims if they were brought within two years of reaching the age of majority. Yet, survivors often did not recognize the damage done to them until several years after they reached the age of majority. And by the time they did, the two-year statute of limitations had passed. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, survivors lobbied state legislatures to extend. the time within which they could sue their abusers. Almost all state legislatures responded by extending the statute of limitations well past the age of majority so that survivors had more time to bring their claims. In contrast, few states allow survivors of physical and emotional abuse and neglect the same right. I argue that this legislation should apply to survivors of all forms of child abuse. Recent research dispels the mistaken beliefs that underlie the justifications for the disparate treatment. Given this, extension of the statute of limitations and delayed discovery rule to survivors of all forms of child abuse is necessary. Doing so would improve survivors\u27 health and productivity. Dependence on welfare, disability, unemployment would decrease as a result. Finally, it would send the message that all forms of childhood maltreatment are damaging and worthy of recognition

    De-Categorizing Child Abuse - Equally Devastating Acts Require Equally Solicitous Statutes of Limitations

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    News reports of childhood sexual abuse by Catholic priests initially shocked and subsequently angered the public. Emboldened by the public\u27s reaction toward sexual abusers, survivors attempted to confront their abusers in civil court. Jurisdictions adjudicated these claims if they were brought within two years of reaching the age of majority. Yet, survivors often did not recognize the damage done to them until several years after they reached the age of majority. And by the time they did, the two-year statute of limitations had passed. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, survivors lobbied state legislatures to extend. the time within which they could sue their abusers. Almost all state legislatures responded by extending the statute of limitations well past the age of majority so that survivors had more time to bring their claims. In contrast, few states allow survivors of physical and emotional abuse and neglect the same right. I argue that this legislation should apply to survivors of all forms of child abuse. Recent research dispels the mistaken beliefs that underlie the justifications for the disparate treatment. Given this, extension of the statute of limitations and delayed discovery rule to survivors of all forms of child abuse is necessary. Doing so would improve survivors\u27 health and productivity. Dependence on welfare, disability, unemployment would decrease as a result. Finally, it would send the message that all forms of childhood maltreatment are damaging and worthy of recognition

    Estrategia de fidelización de clientes en la Empresa Transgen S.A.C., 2018

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    Dado el ambiente competitivo y la exigencia en las expectativas de los consumidores, las organizaciones buscan estrategias innovadoras para atraer a más clientes y mantener a los que ya lo son, surgiendo los programas de fidelización de clientes. La empresa TRANSGEN S.A.C. no es ajena a esto, el presente estudio destaca la importancia de implementar un programa de fidelización de clientes. El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, se desarrolló dentro del diseño cualitativo, tomando como técnica de investigación al cuestionario y la entrevista como instrumento de recolección de datos, dirigida a la gerencia de la empresa. Se encontró como resultado que la estrategia de fidelización a utilizar es a través de la creación de una base de datos y la comunicación vía mailing o llamadas telefónicas, teniendo dentro del plan la tarjeta de fidelidad y la promoción en puntos de venta, de esta forma se concluye que la empresa TRANSGEN S.A.C. se preocupa por mantener una estrecha relación con sus clientes

    [Heart ischemia and psychosomatics: the role of stressful events and lifestyles].

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    Objective: the aim of our study was to evaluate the role of stressful events, lifestyles and various socio-environmental factors in the beginning of ischemic cardiac diseases, together with cardiovascular factors. Materials and methods: 64 patients with recent cardiac ischemia and 64 controls matched 1:1, according to their sex and age, have been evaluated. The study required the filling in of clinico-anamnestic reports and the evaluation of stressful events, using the Holmes Rahe scale. Results: in the 44% of the patients who had a heart ischemia, an emotional striking event occurred few days before, with a 28% incidence of work and family problems. The mean score of the Holmes Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale was statistically significantly higher among cases (p<0,05). The percentage of the subjects who experienced a stressful event during the last year was significantly higher among those with an ischemic event even though the heart disease factors were similar in the 2 groups of cases and controls. Conclusions: although the known heart risk factors predispose to ischemic event, our results suggest that stressful and emotional factors play a fundamental role in increasing the risk

    Hepatic retransplantation - An analysis of risk factors associated with outcome

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    Hepatic retransplantation is controversial because the results are inferior to primary transplants and organs are so scarce. To determine the factors that are associated with poor outcome within the first year following retransplantation, we performed a multivariate analysis, using stepwise logistic regression, of 418 hepatic retransplantations performed at a single institution from November 1987 to December 1993. The minimum follow-up was 1 year. Seven variables were found to be independently associated with subsequent graft failure (defined as either patient death or retransplantation): donor age (odds ratio 2.2 for each 10-year increase over age 45, 95% CI 1.3 to 3.7), female donor sex (odds ratio 1.7, 95% CI 1.05 to 2.7), recipient age (odds ratio 1.6 for each 10-year increase over age 45, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.3), need for preoperative mechanical ventilation (odds ratio 1.8, 95% CI 1.1 to 2.9), pretransplant serum creatinine (odds ratio 1.24 for each increase of 1 mg/dl, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.4), pretransplant total serum bilirubin (odds ratio 1.4 for each 10-mg/dl increase over 15 mg/dl, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.8), and the primary immunosuppressant, using tacrolimus as the reference category (odds ratio for cyclosporine-based immunosuppression 3.9, 95% CI 2.3 to 6.8). Although not part of the logistic regression model, the timing of retransplantation was also found to be important, with the overall probability of failure increasing from 0.58 on day 0 to a peak of 0.8 on day 38 and decreasing slowly after that. The implications of these results regarding the appropriateness of retransplantation are discussed

    Enhancing the African bioethics initiative

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    BACKGROUND: Medical ethics has existed since the time of Hippocrates. However, formal training in bioethics did not become established until a few decades ago. Bioethics has gained a strong foothold in health sciences in the developed world, especially in Europe and North America. The situation is quite different in many developing countries. In most African countries, bioethics – as established and practiced today in the west- is either non-existent or is rudimentary. DISCUSSION: Though bioethics has come of age in the developed and some developing countries, it is still largely "foreign" to most African countries. In some parts of Africa, some bioethics conferences have been held in the past decade to create research ethics awareness and ensure conformity to international guidelines for research with human participants. This idea has arisen in recognition of the genuine need to develop capacity for reviewing the ethics of research in Africa. It is also a condition required by external sponsors of collaborative research in Africa. The awareness and interest that these conferences have aroused need to be further strengthened and extended beyond research ethics to clinical practice. By and large, bioethics education in schools that train doctors and other health care providers is the hook that anchors both research ethics and clinical ethics. SUMMARY: This communication reviews the current situation of bioethics in Africa as it applies to research ethics workshops and proposes that in spite of the present efforts to integrate ethics into biomedical research in Africa, much still needs to be done to accomplish this. A more comprehensive approach to bioethics with an all-inclusive benefit is to incorporate formal ethics education into health training institutions in Africa
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