2,649 research outputs found

    Isobioclimas de la provincia de Málaga y su cartografía

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    Los Isobioclimas son la síntesis final de la Clasificación Bioclimática “Global Bioclimatics” del Profesor Rivas-Martínez. Representados en un mapa, nos muestran la situación y la extensión de las áreas que tienen unas condiciones ambientales homogéneas cuantificadas. Para la provincia de Málaga, hemos encontrado 12 Isobioclimas, pertenecientes a dos Bioclimas: Mediterráneo Pluviestacional Oceánico, Mepo, y Mediterráneo Xérico Oceánico, Mexo, ambos comprendidos en el Macrobioclima Mediterráneo, Me. Explicamos en el artículo la diferencia entre un mapa Climático y otro Bioclimático, así como el análisis bioclimático de los datos climáticos, que nos permite conocer con detalle las diferentes condiciones ambientales de que dispone la vida bajo un Macrobioclima en el territorio provincial. Al comparar datos de las estaciones analizadas comprendemos mejor la importancia de algunos índices de la “Global Bioclimatics”. Por último concluimos que: 1) los Isobioclimas son verdaderos Fitotrones naturales y, por tanto, podemos utilizarlos como áreas de experimentación, con un coste nulo, o muy bajo, de mantenimiento; y 2) el conocimiento cuantificado y localizado de los diferentes ambientes bioclimáticos nos permite proyectar dedicaciones del territorio acordes con las necesidades socioeconómicas y con la naturaleza del ambiente. De esta forma la Ordenación del Territorio se puede hacer dentro de los parámetros de conservación y, si fuera preciso, de restauración, de la riqueza en biodiversidad que es capaz de soportar el área de estudio

    Andalucía: cartografía y áreas de sus bioclimas, continentalidad, termotipos y ombrotipos

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    En los mapas de la región andaluza que se presentan se han delimitado y cuantificado las áreas de los Bioclimas, de la Continentalidad y de los distintos Termotipos y Ombrotipos, de la región. El trabajo se ha realizado según el modelo de Clasificación Bioclimática Mundial, del Profesor Rivas- Martínez, “Global Bioclimatics”, que se expone sintéticamente, para que se comprendan mejor los resultados cartográficos. En conjunto, la diversidad bioclimática de Andalucía se manifiesta en los resultados obtenidos, ya que hemos encontrado 5 de los 8 Bioclimas del Macrobioclima Mediterráneo, 6 de sus 8 Termotipos, y 6 de sus 9 Ombrotipos. Respecto a la Oceanidad / Continentalidad, se han detectado los tres tipos básicos: una pequeña área es Hiperocénica, la mayor parte del territorio es Oceánica, y algunas pequeñas áreas, diseminadas sobre todo por la mitad oriental de la región, son continentales. Conviene señalar que la región andaluza carece de carácter estepario. Los resultados obtenidos animan a realizar un trabajo similar utilizando los datos de IPCC como medio de proyección a 25, 50, o más años, para conocer la magnitud de los cambios ambientales que pudieran suceder con el anunciado cambio climático


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    Para llegar a una clasificación taxonómica de los paisajes geográficos: 1º, se propone una definición de la geografía; 2º, se interpreta el paisaje geográfico como un conjunto de unidades funcionales, que se denominan individuos de paisaje, los cuales permiten dividir el paisaje con un criterio objetivo; 3º, se comentan el concepto, es tructura, funcionamiento y límites del individuo de paisaje; 4º, se propone una ordenación taxonómica de los individuos de paisaje, asi como su correspondiente nomenclatura, paralelas a las usadas para los seres vivos; 5º, se mencionan 83 taxones de dicha clasificación

    Mapa bioclimático de Navarra

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    Por primera vez se han estudiado los Bioclimas de Navarra, basados en los datos de 121 estaciones metereológicas. Se han reconocido en nuestro territorio dos Macrobioclimas, tres Bioclimas y una variante bioclimática, cuya distribución se recoge en un mapa

    Recovery of 150-250 MeV/nuc Cosmic Ray Helium Nuclei Intensities Between 2004-2010 Near the Earth, at Voyager 2 and Voyager 1 in the Heliosheath - A Two Zone Helioshpere

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    The recovery of cosmic ray He nuclei of energy ~150-250 MeV/nuc in solar cycle #23 from 2004 to 2010 has been followed at the Earth using IMP and ACE data and at V2 between 74-92 AU and also at V1 beyond the heliospheric termination shock (91-113 AU). The correlation coefficient between the intensities at the Earth and at V1 during this time period is remarkable (0.921), after allowing for a ~0.9 year delay due to the solar wind propagation time from the Earth to the outer heliosphere. To describe the intensity changes and to predict the absolute intensities measured at all three locations we have used a simple spherically symmetric (no drift) two-zone heliospheric transport model with specific values for the diffusion coefficient in both the inner and outer zones. The diffusion coefficient in the outer zone, assumed to be the heliosheath from about 90 to 120 (130) AU, is determined to be ~5 times smaller than that in the inner zone out to 90 AU. This means the Heliosheath acts much like a diffusing barrier in this model. The absolute magnitude of the intensities and the intensity changes at V1 and the Earth are described to within a few percent by a diffusion coefficient that varies with time by a factor ~4 in the inner zone and only a factor of ~1.5 in the outer zone over the time period from 2004-2010. For V2 the observed intensities follow a curve that is as much as 25% higher than the calculated intensities at the V2 radius and at times the observed V2 intensities are equal to those at V1. At least one-half of the difference between the calculated and observed intensities between V1 and V2 can be explained if the heliosphere is squashed by ~10% in distance (non-spherical) so that the HTS location is closer to the Sun in the direction of V2 compared to V1.Comment: 13 Pages, 8 Figure

    Estimating the extent of degradation of ruminant feeds from a description of their gas production profiles observed in vitro : derivation of models and other mathematical considerations

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    Equations to describe gas production profiles, obtained using manual or automated systems for in vitro fermentation of ruminant feeds, were derived from first principles by considering a simple three-pool scheme. The pools represented were the potentially degradable and undegradable feed fractions, and accumulated gases. The equations derived and investigated mathematically were the generalized Mitscherlich, generalized Michaelis–Menten, Gompertz, and logistic. They were obtained by allowing the fractional rate of degradation to vary with time. The equations permit the extent of ruminal degradation (hence the supply of microbial protein to the duodenum) to be evaluated, thus linking the gas production technique to animal production

    Comparison of molecular signatures from multiple skin diseases identifies mechanisms of immunopathogenesis.

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    The ability to obtain gene expression profiles from human disease specimens provides an opportunity to identify relevant gene pathways, but is limited by the absence of data sets spanning a broad range of conditions. Here, we analyzed publicly available microarray data from 16 diverse skin conditions in order to gain insight into disease pathogenesis. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering separated samples by disease as well as common cellular and molecular pathways. Disease-specific signatures were leveraged to build a multi-disease classifier, which predicted the diagnosis of publicly and prospectively collected expression profiles with 93% accuracy. In one sample, the molecular classifier differed from the initial clinical diagnosis and correctly predicted the eventual diagnosis as the clinical presentation evolved. Finally, integration of IFN-regulated gene programs with the skin database revealed a significant inverse correlation between IFN-β and IFN-γ programs across all conditions. Our study provides an integrative approach to the study of gene signatures from multiple skin conditions, elucidating mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. In addition, these studies provide a framework for developing tools for personalized medicine toward the precise prediction, prevention, and treatment of disease on an individual level

    Dislocations and the critical endpoint of the melting line of vortex line lattices

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    We develop a theory for dislocation-mediated structural transitions in the vortex lattice which allows for a unified description of phase transitions between the three phases, the elastic vortex glass, the amorphous vortex glass, and the vortex liquid, in terms of a free energy functional for the dislocation density. The origin of a critical endpoint of the melting line at high magnetic fields, which has been recently observed experimentally, is explained.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Primordial nucleosynthesis with a varying fine structure constant: An improved estimate

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    We compute primordial light-element abundances for cases with fine structure constant alpha different from the present value, including many sources of alpha dependence neglected in previous calculations. Specifically, we consider contributions arising from Coulomb barrier penetration, photon coupling to nuclear currents, and the electromagnetic components of nuclear masses. We find the primordial abundances to depend more weakly on alpha than previously estimated, by up to a factor of 2 in the case of ^7Li. We discuss the constraints on variations in alpha from the individual abundance measurements and the uncertainties affecting these constraints. While the present best measurements of primordial D/H, ^4He/H, and ^7Li/H may be reconciled pairwise by adjusting alpha and the universal baryon density, no value of alpha allows all three to be accommodated simultaneously without consideration of systematic error. The combination of measured abundances with observations of acoustic peaks in the cosmic microwave background favors no change in alpha within the uncertainties.Comment: Phys. Rev. D accepted version; minor changes in response to refere