74 research outputs found

    The reduction of serum aminotransferase levels is proportional to the decline of the glomerular filtration rate in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    OBJECTIVE: This study sought to determine the serum aminotransferase levels of patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease and establish their relationships with serum creatinine levels and glomerular filtration rate. METHODS: Patients with chronic kidney disease were evaluated between September 2011 and May 2012. Aminotransferase and creatinine serum levels were measured using an automated kinetic method, and glomerular filtration rates were estimated using the Cockroft-Gault and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formulas to classify patients into chronic kidney disease stages. RESULTS: Exactly 142 patients were evaluated (mean age: 64±16 years). The mean creatinine serum level and glomerular filtration rate were 3.3±1.2 mg/dL and 29.1±13 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively. Patients were distributed according to their chronic kidney disease stages as follows: 3 (2.1%) patients were Stage 2; 54 (38%) were Stage 3; 70 (49.3%) were Stage 4; and 15 (10.5%) were Stage 5. The mean aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase serum levels showed a reduction in proportion to the increase in creatinine levels (p=0.001 and p=0.05, respectively) and the decrease in glomerular filtration rate (p=0.007 and p=0.028, respectively). Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase serum levels tended to be higher among patients classified as stage 2 or 3 compared with those classified as stage 4 or 5 (p=0.08 and p=0.06, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase serum levels of patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease decreased in proportion to the progression of the disease; they were negatively correlated with creatinine levels and directly correlated with glomerular filtration rate

    Liver enzymes serum levels in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis: a comprehensive review

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    We reviewed the literature regarding the serum levels of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis with and without viral hepatitis. Original articles published up to January 2013 on adult patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis were selected. These articles contained the words “transaminases” “aspartate aminotransferase” “alanine aminotransferase” “gamma glutamyl transferase,” “liver enzymes”, AND “dialysis” OR “hemodialysis”. A total of 823 articles were retrieved. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 49 articles were selected. The patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis had reduced serum levels of aminotransferases due to hemodilution, lower pyridoxine levels, or elevated homocysteine levels. The chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis infected with the hepatitis C virus also had lower aminotransferase levels compared with the infected patients without chronic kidney disease. This reduction is in part due to decreased viremia caused by the dialysis method, the production of a hepatocyte growth factor and endogenous interferon-α, and lymphocyte activation, which decreases viral action on hepatocytes. Few studies were retrieved on gamma-glutamyl transferase serum levels; those found reported that there were no differences between the patients with or without chronic kidney disease. The serum aminotransferase levels were lower in the patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis (with or without viral hepatitis) than in the patients with normal renal function; this reduction has a multifactorial origin

    Liver enzymes in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis

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    OBJECTIVE: The present study was designed to analyze the serum levels of aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, gamma-glutamyl transferase, and the hematocrit in patients with chronic kidney disease who were undergoing peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty patients on peritoneal dialysis and 40 on hemodialysis were assessed, and the patients were matched according to the length of time that they had been on dialysis. Blood samples were collected (both before and after the session for those on hemodialysis) to measure the enzymes and the hematocrit. RESULTS: In the samples from the patients who were undergoing peritoneal dialysis, the aspartate and alanine aminotransferase levels were slightly higher compared with the samples collected from the patients before the hemodialysis session and slightly lower compared with the samples collected after the hemodialysis session. The levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase in the hemodialysis patients were slightly higher than the levels in the patients who were undergoing peritoneal dialysis. In addition, the levels of aminotransferases and gamma-glutamyl transferase that were collected before the hemodialysis session were significantly lower than the values collected after the session. The hematocrit levels were significantly lower in the patients who were on peritoneal dialysis compared with the patients on hemodialysis (both before and after the hemodialysis session), and the levels were also significantly lower before hemodialysis compared with after hemodialysis. CONCLUSION: The aminotransferase levels in the patients who were undergoing peritoneal dialysis were slightly higher compared with the samples collected before the hemodialysis session, whereas the aminotransferase levels were slightly lower compared with the samples collected after the session. The hematocrits and the aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase levels of the samples collected after the hemodialysis session were significantly higher than the samples collected before the session. Taken together, the present data suggest that hemodilution could alter the serum levels of liver enzymes

    Association between Schistosomiasis mansoni and hepatitis C: systematic review

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    OBJETIVO: Realizar revisão sistemática sobre a prevalência da confecção do vírus da hepatite C e Schistosoma mansoni e os fatores de risco associados a indivíduos com esquistossomose. MÉTODOS: Revisão realizada nas bases de dados Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Biblioteca Cochrane e Ibecs. Os critérios de seleção e a obtenção dos dados foram baseados em métodos de revisão sistemática. Foram encontradas 45 referências relevantes, das quais nove foram excluídas na primeira triagem, 14 na leitura dos resumos e nove na leitura completa. Treze artigos foram selecionados para análise. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da associação entre vírus da hepatite C e Schistosoma mansoni variou de 1% na Etiópia a 50% no Egito. Alguns estudos apresentam metodologias pouco definidas, mesmo em áreas caracterizadas pela associação entre vírus da hepatite C e S. mansoni , como Brasil e Egito, o que não permitiu conclusões consistentes. As taxas de infecção pelo VHC em populações esquistossomáticas foram heterogêneas e os fatores de risco para adquirir o vírus foram variáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar das limitações, esta análise pode ajudar a identificar regiões com maiores taxas dessa associação. Outros estudos serão necessários para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de prevenção e controle dessas doenças.OBJETIVO: Realizar revisión sistemática sobre la prevalencia de la co-infección del virus de la hepatitis C y Schistosoma mansoni y los factores de riesgo asociados a individuos con esquistosomosis. MÉTODOS: Revisión realizada en las bases de datos MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, Biblioteca Cochrane e IBECS. Los criterios de selección y la obtención de los datos fueron basados en métodos de revisión sistemática. RESULTADOS: Fueron encontradas 45 referencias relevantes, de las cuales, nueve fueron excluidas en la primera selección, 14 en la lectura de los resúmenes y nueve en la lectura completa. Trece artículos fueron seleccionados para análisis. La prevalencia de la asociación entre virus de la hepatitis C y Schistosoma mansoni varió de 1% en Etiopia, a 50% en Egipto. Algunos estudios presentan metodologías poco definidas, inclusive en áreas caracterizadas por la asociación entre el virus de la hepatitis C y S. mansoni, como Brasil y Egipto, lo que no permitió conclusiones consistentes. Los cocientes de infección por el VHC en poblaciones esquistosómicas fueron heterogéneos y los factores de riesgo para adquirir el virus fueron variables. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de las limitaciones, este análisis pudo ayudar a identificar regiones con mayores cocientes de esa asociación. Otros estudios serán necesarios para el desarrollo de políticas públicas de prevención y control de estas enfermedades.OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review of the prevalence of the HCV/ S. mansoni co-infection and associated factors in Schistosoma mansoni -infected populations. METHODS: The bibliographic search was carried out using the Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Cochrane Library and Ibecs databases. The criteria for the studies' selection and the extraction data were based on systematic review methods. Forty five studies were found, with nine being excluded in a first screening. Thirteen articles were used for data extraction. RESULTS: The HCV infection rates in schistosomiasis populations range from 1% in Ethiopia to 50% in Egypt. Several studies had poorly defined methodologies, even in areas characterized by an association between hepatitis C and schistosomiasis, such as Brazil and Egypt, which meant conclusions were inconsistent. HCV infection rates in schistosomotic populations were heterogeneous and risk factors for acquiring the virus varied widely. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the limitations, this review may help to identify regions with higher rates of hepatitis C and schistosomiasis association. However, more studies are necessary for the development of public health policies on prevention and control of both diseases

    Predicting the Proteins of Angomonas deanei, Strigomonas culicis and Their Respective Endosymbionts Reveals New Aspects of the Trypanosomatidae Family

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    Endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids have been considered excellent models for the study of cell evolution because the host protozoan co-evolves with an intracellular bacterium in a mutualistic relationship. Such protozoa inhabit a single invertebrate host during their entire life cycle and exhibit special characteristics that group them in a particular phylogenetic cluster of the Trypanosomatidae family, thus classified as monoxenics. in an effort to better understand such symbiotic association, we used DNA pyrosequencing and a reference-guided assembly to generate reads that predicted 16,960 and 12,162 open reading frames (ORFs) in two symbiont-bearing trypanosomatids, Angomonas deanei (previously named as Crithidia deanei) and Strigomonas culicis (first known as Blastocrithidia culicis), respectively. Identification of each ORF was based primarily on TriTrypDB using tblastn, and each ORF was confirmed by employing getorf from EMBOSS and Newbler 2.6 when necessary. the monoxenic organisms revealed conserved housekeeping functions when compared to other trypanosomatids, especially compared with Leishmania major. However, major differences were found in ORFs corresponding to the cytoskeleton, the kinetoplast, and the paraflagellar structure. the monoxenic organisms also contain a large number of genes for cytosolic calpain-like and surface gp63 metalloproteases and a reduced number of compartmentalized cysteine proteases in comparison to other TriTryp organisms, reflecting adaptations to the presence of the symbiont. the assembled bacterial endosymbiont sequences exhibit a high A+T content with a total of 787 and 769 ORFs for the Angomonas deanei and Strigomonas culicis endosymbionts, respectively, and indicate that these organisms hold a common ancestor related to the Alcaligenaceae family. Importantly, both symbionts contain enzymes that complement essential host cell biosynthetic pathways, such as those for amino acid, lipid and purine/pyrimidine metabolism. These findings increase our understanding of the intricate symbiotic relationship between the bacterium and the trypanosomatid host and provide clues to better understand eukaryotic cell evolution.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)ERC AdG SISYPHEUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Biofis Carlos Chagas Filho, Lab Ultraestrutura Celular Hertha Meyer, BR-21941 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Biofis Carlos Chagas Filho, Lab Metab Macromol Firmino Torres de Castro, BR-21941 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilLab Bioinformat, Lab Nacl Computacao Cient, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilINRIA Grenoble Rhone Alpes, BAMBOO Team, Villeurbanne, FranceUniv Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR5558, Lab Biometrie & Biol Evolut, F-69622 Villeurbanne, FranceUniv Estadual Campinas, Inst Biol, Dept Genet Evolucao & Bioagentes, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Ciencias Farmaceut Ribeirao Preto, Dept Ciencias Farmaceut, São Paulo, BrazilLab Nacl Ciencia & Tecnol Bioetano, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Minas Gerais, Inst Ciencias Biol, Dept Bioquim & Imunol, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Goias, Inst Ciencias Biol, Mol Biol Lab, Goiania, Go, BrazilFundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Inst Carlos Chagas, Lab Biol Mol Tripanossomatideos, Curitiba, Parana, BrazilFundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Inst Carlos Chagas, Lab Genom Func, Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Ctr Pluridisciplinar Pesquisas Quim Biol & Agr, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Minas Gerais, Inst Ciencias Biol, Dept Parasitol, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Santa Catarina, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Ctr Ciencias Biol, Lab Protozool & Bioinformat, Florianopolis, SC, BrazilUniv Fed Vicosa, Dept Bioquim & Biol Mol, Ctr Ciencias Biol & Saude, Vicosa, MG, BrazilInst Butantan, Lab Especial Ciclo Celular, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Dept Biol, Fac Filosofia Ciencias & Letras Ribeirao Preto, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Comportamento das frações de IgM e IgG do anti-HCV na infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite C

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    BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Estudo dos auto-anticorpos na hepatites virais crônicas B e C antes, durante e após tratamento com interferon-alfa

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    BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe