1,038 research outputs found

    Insomnia and emotion regulation. Recent findings and suggestions for treatment

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    Recent findings suggest that insomnia and emotion regulation are closely connected. Insomnia is widely associated with medical and psychiatric conditions as well as with impaired quality of life and emotional functioning. Additionally empirical evidence suggests that emotional dysregulation plays a crucial role in the onset and maintenance of psychopathological disorders. Although these seem to interact, very few studies investigated the relationship between disturbed sleep and problems in emotion regulation. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) has been demonstrated to be effective in comorbid insomnia. However, emotion regulation skills are not included in this intervention. After reviewing the recent findings of the literature, we aim to discuss future directions for the inclusion of emotion regulation training in the treatment of insomnia disorde

    Fatherhood and sperm DNA damage in testicular cancer patients

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    Testicular cancer (TC) is one of the most treatable of all malignancies and the management of the quality of life of these patients is increasingly important, especially with regard to their sexuality and fertility. Survivors must overcome anxiety and fears about reduced fertility and possible pregnancy-related risks as well as health effects in offspring. There is thus a growing awareness of the need for reproductive counseling of cancer survivors. Studies found a high level of sperm DNA damage in TC patients in comparison with healthy, fertile controls, but no significant difference between these patients and infertile patients. Sperm DNA alterations due to cancer treatment persist from 2 to 5 years after the end of the treatment and may be influenced by both the type of therapy and the stage of the disease. Population studies reported a slightly reduced overall fertility of TC survivors and a more frequent use of ART than the general population, with a success rate of around 50%. Paternity after a diagnosis of cancer is an important issue and reproductive potential is becoming a major quality of life factor. Sperm chromatin instability associated with genome instability is the most important reproductive side effect related to the malignancy or its treatment. Studies investigating the magnitude of this damage could have a considerable translational importance in the management of cancer patients, as they could identify the time needed for the germ cell line to repair nuclear damage and thus produce gametes with a reduced risk for the offspring

    Machine learning and simulation for the optimisation and characterisation of electrodes in batterie

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    The performance of electrochemical energy storage (EES) and energy conversion (EC) technologies is closely related to their electrode microstrcuture. Thus, this work focuses on the development of two novel computational models for the characterisation and optimisation of electrodes for three devices: Redox Flow batteries (RFBs), Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), and Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). The first method introduces a Pore Network Model (PNM) for simulating the coupled charge and mass transport processes within electrodes. This approach is implemented for a vanadium RFB using different commercially available carbon-based electrodes. The results from the PNM show non-uniformity in the concentration and current density distributions within the electrode, which leads to a fast discharge due to regions where mass-transport limitations are predominant. The second approach is based on the stochastic reconstruction of synthetic electrode microstructures. For this purpose, a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DC-GAN) is implemented for generating three-dimensional n-phase microstructures of a LIB cathode and a SOFC anode. The results show that the generated data is able to represent the morphological properties and two-point correlation function of the real dataset. As a subsequent process, a generation-optimisation closed-loop algorithm is developed using Gaussian Process Regression and Bayesian optimisation for the design of microstructures with customised properties. The results show the ability to perform simultaneous maximisation of correlated properties (specific surface area and relative diffusivity), as well as an optimisation of these properties constrained by constant values of volume fraction. Overall, this work presents a comprehensive analysis of the effect of the electrode microstructure in the performance of different energy storage devices. The introduction of a PNM bridges the gap between volume-averaged continuum models and detailed the pore-scale models. The main advantage of this model is the ability to visually show the concentration and current distributions inside the electrode within a reasonably low computational time. Based on this, this work represents the first visual showcase of how regions limited by low convective flow affect the rate of discharge in an electrode, which is essential for the design of optimum electrode microstructures. The implementation of DC-GANs allows for the first time the fast generation of arbitrarily large synthetic microstructural volumes of n-phases with realistic properties and with periodic boundaries. The fact that the generator constitutes a virtual representation of the real microstructure allows the inclusion of the generator as a function of the input latent space in a closed-loop optimisation process. For the first time, a set of visually realistic microstructures of a LIB cathode with user-specified morphological properties were designed based on the optimisation of the generator’s latent space. The introduction of a closed-loop generation-optimisation approach represents a breakthrough in the design of optimised electrodes since it constitutes a first approach for evaluating the microstructure-performance correlation in a continuous forward and backward process.Open Acces

    The Translator’s Discourse and Voice in Chimamanda N. Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos explorar la presencia discursiva del Traductor (Hermans, 1996; Schiavi, 1996; Suchet, 2013) en la novela Half of a Yellow Sun (2006) de la escritora nigeriana Chimamanda N. Adichie (1977—). En este sentido y siguiendo la definición de estereotipo que plantea Amossy (1999, 2009, 2012) para dar cuenta de la perspectiva argumentativa del ethos, nuestro análisis intentará dar cuenta de las características híbridas, interlingües e interculturales que se manifiestan en el texto “original” a partir de las marcas de la heterogeneidad como expresión de la estrategia enunciativa-discursiva del ethos del Autor. De manera complementaria, analizamos los procesos de (auto) traducción (Ashcroft, Griffiths & Tiffin, [1989] 2002; Tymoczko, 1999; Spoturno, [2010] 2014) que intervienen en la versión en inglés y en la traducción española de la obra realizada por Laura Rins Calahorra (2014). Más específicamente, nos interesa establecer la naturaleza de la presencia discursiva del Traductor como estrategia textual en relación con la (re) configuración del ethos del Autor. Finalmente, con el propósito de analizar las formas de la heterogeneidad (principalmente en la alternancia de lenguas inglés-igbo, en el uso de los proverbios y el cambio de código, entre otras variables) y evaluar la manera en que la traductora traslada estas marcas al español, examinamos si las elecciones traductológicas del Traductor tienden a la homogeneización o a la heterogeneidad del texto original (Berman, 1985; van Leuven-Zwart, 1989; 1990; Bandia, 2006; Rodríguez Murphy, 2010) tanto en el nivel de la microestructura como de la macroestructura

    Passive forward scatter radar based on satellite TV broadcast for air target detection: preliminary experimental results

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    The focus of this paper is on the detection of airborne targets and on the estimation of their velocity by means of passive forward scatter radar systems based on the DVB-S as transmitter of opportunity. Results related to an experimental campaign carried out near “Leonardo Da Vinci” airport (Rome, Italy) are shown. Particularly the Doppler signature spectrogram is analyzed for a single node FSR configuration and time delay techniques are analyzed for a multi-static configuration suitable for velocity estimation. Obtained results clearly show the feasibility of the DVB-S based FSR configuration to reliably detect aircrafts and the effectiveness of the proposed velocity estimation techniques even in the near field area

    New findings of Nudipleura (Mollusca: Gastropoda) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea)

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    The present short note reports the finding of five Nudipleura species: one (Taringa cf. telopia) new for the Mediterranean, two (Doto maculata and Okenia longiductis) new for Sicily, one (Berthella stellata) new for the central-eastern coast of Sicily and, finally, a new record of Taringa tritorquis for the same area. For each species, information on date and site of finding, external morphology, taxonomic history, previous reports and remarks, are discussed. The finding of these species could depend on two different reasons: 1) the examined areas are transit zones for several ships which could transport the veligers or/and juvenile stages through fouling or ballast water; 2) since in these areas the marine Heterobranchia fauna has been poorly studied, many of the found species could have been overlooked until now. This work highlights the importance of a continuous monitoring to expand and deepen the knowledge of marine Heterobranchia fauna

    Assessment of grazing impact on deep canopy-forming species in the western Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean

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    Marine forests are experiencing a severe decline in many Mediterranean areas. One of the major causes of the loss of the canopy-forming species is the overgrazing by herbivorous fishes. In the present study, the status of Treptacantha ballesterosii and Carpodesmia zosteroides populations was checked in two areas located along the central-eastern sector of Sicily. In addition, impact of herbivorous fishes, native or alien, on canopy-forming species was realized during monitoring of fish communities. It was observed that T. ballesterosii and C. zosteroides populations are in regression, particularly T. ballesterosii. Probably, the growth of this latter species may be limited by a strong herbivores' pressure. During the monitoring period, the highest number of fish species has been observed at the depths where there are T. ballesterosii thalli. Moreover, an expansion of Sparisoma cretense populations has been observed that seems to be more competitive than the other herbivorous fish Sarpa salpa. Furthermore, the parrotfish has been observed several times in the bathymetric range where there is T. ballesterosii. Therefore, it may be hypothesized that in these areas the herbivorous fish which mostly hinder the development and growth of T. ballesterosii is S. cretense

    Observations on the ghost fishing in two species of marine heterobranchs (Mollusca Gastropoda): Aplysia depilans Gmelin, 1791 (Aplysidae) and Umbraculum umbraculum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (Umbraculidae)

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    The present note reports for the first time the finding of two species of marine Heterobranchia within a ghost net. The stretch of the net was repeatedly wrapped in itself and formed a large tangle of spherical shape. This created several "layers" of meshes wrapped in each other, where the following species of marine heterobranchs were found: Aplysia depilans and Umbraculum umbraculum. In particular, of the former, an alive specimen was found tied to the wire of the net, and a dead specimen floating within the ghost net. Of the second species, only the shell was found