154 research outputs found

    A customer loyalty model for services based on a continuing relationship with the provider

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    EnIn the present paper we propose a standard model for customer loyalty evaluation of services based on a continuing relationship with the provider. The relationship terminates when the customer shows a clear unloyalty behavior (switching to another provider or not using the service). We consider two different dimensions of loyalty: Behavioral Loyalty and Attitudinal Loyalty, that we suggest to analyze in relation to Trust, Convenience, Overall Satisfaction and Inertia. The methodology is based on the Structural Equation Models

    Clusterwise pls-path modelling for customer loyalty analysis in heterogeneous markets: a case study on the customers of a superstore

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    Customer loyalty analysis aims at detecting suitable strategies to strengthen loyalty of customers. Like in customer satisfaction analysis, PLS-Path Modeling (PLS-PM) appears to be a suitable technique to attain this goal. Basic PLS-PM assumes homogene- ity over population so, since customers have different loyalty behaviors, a PLS-path model should be applied to each homogeneous subgroup. Nevertheless, as this grouping is unknown before starting customer loyalty analysis, two ways are practicable: (i) to carry out a-priori marketing segmentation followed by local PLS-path models; (ii) to carry out both actions by model-based segmentation. This paper puts forward some considerations about these two different approaches

    Does customer satisfaction affect customer loyalty anyway? A case study in retail distribution

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    The idea of this paper is that the Overall Satisfaction of the supermarket customers depends on three main factors: (i) quality of goods; (ii) the prices level; (iii) convenience & pleasantness. Moreover, the three factors and the overall satisfaction are assumed to affect the customer loyalty. All these constructs are latent variables indirectly measured by manifest variables (structural equation models). A case study from Turkey is illustrated. Some interesting findings has emerged: (i) the customer loyalty degree depends on the perceived quality of the goods, but not on the overall satisfaction degree; (ii) the prices level affect the customer satisfaction but not the customer loyalty. These findings are consistent with the profiles of the customers and the supermarket as well

    Monster parastomal pyoderma gangrenosum effectively treted by topical tacrolimus.

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    Terapia del pyoderma gangrenoso parastomale refrattario in malattia di Crohn. Il trattamento si è basato sull'applicazione topica di tacrolimus pomata. Dopo la suddetta terapia si è osservata la guarigione delle lesioni cutanee

    Highly Tunable MOCVD Process of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films: Relationship between Structural/Morphological Features and Electrodynamic Properties

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    : The monoclinic structures of vanadium dioxide are widely studied as appealing systems due to a plethora of functional properties in several technological fields. In particular, the possibility to obtain the VO2 material in the form of thin film with a high control of structure and morphology represents a key issue for their use in THz devices and sensors. Herein, a fine control of the crystal habit has been addressed through an in-depth study of the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) synthetic approach. The focus is devoted to the key operative parameters such as deposition temperature inside the reactor in order to stabilize the P21/c or the C2/m monoclinic VO2 structures. Furthermore, the compositional purity, the morphology and the thickness of the VO2 films have been assessed through energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses and field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), respectively. THz time domain spectroscopy is used to validate at very high frequency the functional properties of the as-prepared VO2 films

    IGF-I induces upregulation of DDR1 collagen receptor in breast cancer cells by suppressing MIR-199a-5p through the PI3K/AKT pathway.

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    Discoidin Domain Receptor 1 (DDR1) is a collagen receptor tyrosine-kinase that contributes to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and enhances cancer progression. Our previous data indicate that, in breast cancer cells, DDR1 interacts with IGF-1R and positively modulates IGF-1R expression and biological responses, suggesting that the DDR1-IGF-IR cross-talk may play an important role in cancer.In this study, we set out to evaluate whether IGF-I stimulation may affect DDR1 expression. Indeed, in breast cancer cells (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) IGF-I induced significant increase of DDR1 protein expression, in a time and dose dependent manner. However, we did not observe parallel changes in DDR1 mRNA. DDR1 upregulation required the activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway while the ERK1/2, the p70/mTOR and the PKC pathways were not involved. Moreover, we observed that DDR1 protein upregulation was induced by translational mechanisms involving miR-199a-5p suppression through PI3K/AKT activation. This effect was confirmed by both IGF-II produced by cancer-associated fibroblasts from human breast cancer and by stable transfection of breast cancer cells with a human IGF-II expression construct. Transfection with a constitutively active form of AKT was sufficient to decrease miR-199a-5p and upregulate DDR1. Accordingly, IGF-I-induced DDR1 upregulation was inhibited by transfection with pre-miR-199a-5p, which also impaired AKT activation and cell migration and proliferation in response to IGF-I.These results demonstrate that, in breast cancer cells, a novel pathway involving AKT/miR-199a-5p/DDR1 plays a role in modulating IGFs biological responses. Therefore, this signaling pathway may represent an important target for breast cancers with over-activation of the IGF-IR axis

    Data from a three-wave complete longitudinal design survey on career calling and related constructs (N = 6368)

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    This dataset provides de-identified raw responses to a non-anonymous three-wave online survey with a 12-month time lag. Data collection was part of a larger project on the development of career calling in Italian college students. The first wave was collected during the fall of 2014. Participants were bachelor's or master's students enrolled in 24 different study domains and 4 different universities. Sample sizes for each wave are NT1 = 5,886, NT2 = 1,700 and NT3 = 881, 434 participants provided valid responses at all the three waves. Consent form was electronic. Dataset and codebook can be found here: https://osf.io/v56du/. The sample is mainly composed of women (63.8%, at Time 1). Participants' mean age at Time 1 was 23.37 years (SD = 5.39). The survey was in Italian and included multiple-item measures of career calling, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, social support, engaged learning, clarity of professional identity, and quality of mentorship. Socio-demographic information and academic performance indicators are provided. The dataset is necessary to reproduce previously published results (Vianello et al., 2018) and can be useful to 1) investigate cross-cultural differences between college students from Italy and other countries; 2) investigate person-level variability in predictors and consequences of change in the variables collected over time; 3) develop and/or validate new statistical models for longitudinal data; and 4) develop and/or test original theoretical hypotheses

    NKp46-expressing human gut-resident intraepithelial V\u3b41 T cell subpopulation exhibits high anti-tumor activity against colorectal cancer

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    \u3b3\u3b4 T cells account for a large fraction of human intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) endowed with potent anti-tumor activities. However, little is known about their origin, phenotype and clinical relevance in colorectal cancer (CRC). To determine \u3b3\u3b4 IEL gut-specificity, homing and functions, \u3b3\u3b4 T cells were purified from human healthy blood, lymph nodes, liver, skin, intestine either disease-free or affected by CRC or generated from thymic precursors. The constitutive expression of NKp46 specifically identifies a new subset of cytotoxic V\u3b41 T cells representing the largest fraction of gut-resident IELs. The ontogeny and gut-tropism of NKp46pos/V\u3b41 IELs depends both on distinctive features of V\u3b41 thymic precursors and gut-environmental factors. Either the constitutive presence of NKp46 on tissue-resident V\u3b41 intestinal IELs or its induced-expression on IL-2/IL-15 activated V\u3b41 thymocytes are associated with anti-tumor functions. Higher frequencies of NKp46pos/V\u3b41 IELs in tumor-free specimens from CRC patients correlate with a lower risk of developing metastatic III/IV disease stages. Additionally, our in vitro settings reproducing CRC tumor-microenvironment inhibited the expansion of NKp46pos/V\u3b41 cells from activated thymic precursors. These results parallel the very low frequencies of NKp46pos/V\u3b41 IELs able to infiltrate CRC, thus providing new insights to either follow-up cancer progression or develop novel adoptive cellular therapies