2,714 research outputs found

    A time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay for the measurement of testosterone in saliva: Monitoring of testosterone replacement therapy with testosterone buciclate

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    Monitoring of testosterone replacement therapy requires a reliable method for testosterone measurement. Determination of salivary testosterone, which reflects the hormone's biologically active plasma fraction, is a superior technique for this purpose. The aim of the present study was to establish a new sensitive time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay for the accurate measurement of testosterone levels in saliva and to validate it by monitoring testosterone replacement therapy in eight hypogonadal men. A clinical phase I- study with the new ester testosterone buciclate was performed to search for new testosterone preparations to produce constant serum levels in the therapy of male hypogonadism. After two control examinations eight male patients with primary hypogonadism were randomly assigned to two treatment groups (n = 2x4) and given single doses of either 200 mg (group I) or 600 mg (group II) testosterone buciclate intramuscularly. Saliva and blood samples were obtained 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days post injection and then weekly for three months. The time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay for salivary testosterone shows a detection limit of 16 pmol/l, an intra-assay CV of 8.9% (at a testosterone concentration of 302 pmol/l), an inter-assay CV of 8.7% (at a testosterone concentration of 305 pmol/l) and a good correlation with an established radioimmunsassay of r = 0.89. The sample volume required by this method is only 180 mu l for extraction and duplicate determination. The assay procedure requires no more than three hours. In group I (200 mg) testosterone did not increase to normal levels either in saliva or in serum. However, in group II, androgen levels increased significantly and were maintained in the normal range for up to 12 weeks with maximal salivary testosterone levels of 303 +/- 18 pmol/l (mean+/-SE) and maximal testosterone levels of 13.1 +/- 0.9 nmol/l (mean+/-SE) in serum in study week 6 and 7. The time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay for salivary testosterone provides a useful tool for monitoring androgen status in men and women and is well suited for the follow-up of testosterone replacement therapy on an outpatient basis. The long-acting ester testosterone buciclate is a promising agent for substitution therapy of male hypogonadism and in combination with testosterone monitoring in saliva offers an interesting new perspective for male contraception

    Selective inhibition of T suppressor-cell function by a monosaccharide

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    Interactions between regulatory T lymphocytes and other cells are assumed to occur at the level of the cell surface. T cells which suppress the generation of specifically effector cells have been described as having antigenic, idiotypic, allotypic and I-region specificity1−4. Other T suppressor cells generated by in vitro cultivation with or without mitogenic stimulation5,6 have suppressive activity for T and B cells but no specificity can be assigned to them. These T suppressor cells (Ts) inhibit various lymphoid functions—this either reflects their polyclonal origin or indicates that the structures recognized by the Ts receptors must be common for many cell types. Carbohydrates on cell membrane-inserted glycoproteins or glycolipids might function as specific ligands for recognition by cellular receptors or soluble factors. Almost all cell-surface proteins of mammalian cells are glycosylated. There is evidence for lectin-like carbohydrate binding proteins not only in plants7 but also in toxins8, viruses9, prokaryotic cells10 and even mammalian cells, including T cells11. A functional role for these lectin-like proteins has been described for slime moulds and suggested for the selective association of embryonic cells12,13. We report here that addition of a monosaccharide can counteract the effect of T suppressor cells during the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) in vitro

    Challenges and strategies in the repair of ruptured annulus fibrosus

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    Lumbar discectomy is the surgical procedure most frequently performed for patients suffering from low back pain and sciatica. Disc herniation as a consequence of degenerative or traumatic processes is commonly encountered as the underlying cause for the painful condition. While discectomy provides favourable outcome in a majority of cases, there are conditions where unmet requirements exist in terms of treatment, such as large disc protrusions with minimal disc degeneration; in these cases, the high rate of recurrent disc herniation after discectomy is a prevalent problem. An effective biological annular repair could improve the surgical outcome in patients with contained disc herniations but otherwise minor degenerative changes. An attractive approach is a tissue-engineered implant that will enable/stimulate the repair of the ruptured annulus. The strategy is to develop three-dimensional scaffolds and activate them by seeding cells or by incorporating molecular signals that enable new matrix synthesis at the defect site, while the biomaterial provides immediate closure of the defect and maintains the mechanical properties of the disc. This review is structured into (1) introduction, (2) clinical problems, current treatment options and needs, (3) biomechanical demands, (4) cellular and extracellular components, (5) biomaterials for delivery, scaffolding and support, (6) pre-clinical models for evaluation of newly developed cell- and material-based therapies, and (7) conclusions. This article highlights that an interdisciplinary approach is necessary for successful development of new clinical methods for annulus fibrosus repair. This will benefit from a close collaboration between research groups with expertise in all areas addressed in this review

    Bundle-of-care interventions to improve self-management of patients with urinary catheters: Study protocol

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    Background: Community-based urinary catheter-associated complications contribute to avoidable, costly hospital presentations. To minimise catheter-associated complications and improve the quality of life of patients living in the community, it is essential to improve catheter self-management through increasing patients’ and caregivers’ knowledge and self-efficacy. Aim: To co-design, develop and evaluate a bundle-of-care intervention to improve catheter self-management, reduce catheter-associated complications, and improved quality of life. Design: Mixed methods design underpinned by the principles of Appreciative Inquiry, micro- and spaced-learning pedagogies. Methods: A co-designed care bundle will be developed, to support both patients and nurses in improving catheter care in both acute and community settings. Intervention bundles for patients will be delivered using “GoShare Healthcare” and for nurses, using QStream. The underpinning pedagogical approaches of these two digital platforms focus on increasing knowledge retention and improving patient health outcomes. A process evaluation of the intervention will be undertaken using data collected from surveys, electronic medical record audits, and participant interviews. The primary outcome is improved catheter self-management, and secondary outcomes are increased self-efficacy and patients’ knowledge of catheter self-management. Discussion: The IQ-IDC study applies a two-pronged approach to co-design a bundle-of-care intervention that addresses important gaps in current catheter management. This study will contribute to new knowledge on effective implementation strategies to optimise self-management in urinary catheter care

    Functional genomics reveals the toxin-antitoxin repertoire and AbiE activity in Serratia

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Microbiology Society via the DOI in this recordData statement: All supporting data, code and protocols have been provided within the article or through supplementary data files. Eight supplementary tables and seven supplementary figures are available with the online version of this article.Bacteriophage defences are divided into innate and adaptive systems. Serratia sp. ATCC 39006 has three CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems, but its innate immune repertoire is unknown. Here, we re-sequenced and annotated the Serratia genome and predicted its toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. TA systems can provide innate phage defence through abortive infection by causing infected cells to 'shut down', limiting phage propagation. To assess TA system function on a genome-wide scale, we utilized transposon insertion and RNA sequencing. Of the 32 TA systems predicted bioinformatically, 4 resembled pseudogenes and 11 were demonstrated to be functional based on transposon mutagenesis. Three functional systems belonged to the poorly characterized but widespread, AbiE, abortive infection/TA family. AbiE is a type IV TA system with a predicted nucleotidyltransferase toxin. To investigate the mode of action of this toxin, we measured the transcriptional response to AbiEii expression. We observed dysregulated levels of tRNAs and propose that the toxin targets tRNAs resulting in bacteriostasis. A recent report on a related toxin shows this occurs through addition of nucleotides to tRNA(s). This study has demonstrated the utility of functional genomics for probing TA function in a high-throughput manner, defined the TA repertoire in Serratia and shown the consequences of AbiE induction.University of OtagoEuropean Union Horizon 2020Ministry for Business Innovation and EmploymentTertiary Education CommissionMarsden Fun

    Access to recreational physical activities by car and bus : an assessment of socio-spatial inequalities in mainland Scotland

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    Obesity and other chronic conditions linked with low levels of physical activity (PA) are associated with deprivation. One reason for this could be that it is more difficult for low-income groups to access recreational PA facilities such as swimming pools and sports centres than high-income groups. In this paper, we explore the distribution of access to PA facilities by car and bus across mainland Scotland by income deprivation at datazone level. GIS car and bus networks were created to determine the number of PA facilities accessible within travel times of 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Multilevel negative binomial regression models were then used to investigate the distribution of the number of accessible facilities, adjusting for datazone population size and local authority. Access to PA facilities by car was significantly (p<0.01) higher for the most affluent quintile of area-based income deprivation than for most other quintiles in small towns and all other quintiles in rural areas. Accessibility by bus was significantly lower for the most affluent quintile than for other quintiles in urban areas and small towns, but not in rural areas. Overall, we found that the most disadvantaged groups were those without access to a car and living in the most affluent areas or in rural areas

    Lateral Gene Expression in Drosophila Early Embryos Is Supported by Grainyhead-Mediated Activation and Tiers of Dorsally-Localized Repression

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    The general consensus in the field is that limiting amounts of the transcription factor Dorsal establish dorsal boundaries of genes expressed along the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis of early Drosophila embryos, while repressors establish ventral boundaries. Yet recent studies have provided evidence that repressors act to specify the dorsal boundary of intermediate neuroblasts defective (ind), a gene expressed in a stripe along the DV axis in lateral regions of the embryo. Here we show that a short 12 base pair sequence (“the A-box”) present twice within the ind CRM is both necessary and sufficient to support transcriptional repression in dorsal regions of embryos. To identify binding factors, we conducted affinity chromatography using the A-box element and found a number of DNA-binding proteins and chromatin-associated factors using mass spectroscopy. Only Grainyhead (Grh), a CP2 transcription factor with a unique DNA-binding domain, was found to bind the A-box sequence. Our results suggest that Grh acts as an activator to support expression of ind, which was surprising as we identified this factor using an element that mediates dorsally-localized repression. Grh and Dorsal both contribute to ind transcriptional activation. However, another recent study found that the repressor Capicua (Cic) also binds to the A-box sequence. While Cic was not identified through our A-box affinity chromatography, utilization of the same site, the A-box, by both factors Grh (activator) and Cic (repressor) may also support a “switch-like” response that helps to sharpen the ind dorsal boundary. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that TGF-β signaling acts to refine ind CRM expression in an A-box independent manner in dorsal-most regions, suggesting that tiers of repression act in dorsal regions of the embryo

    The motor development of orphaned children with and without HIV: Pilot exploration of foster care and residential placement

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The AIDS epidemic has lead to an increase in orphaned children who need residential care. It is known that HIV leads to delayed motor development. However, the impact of place of residence on motor function has not been investigated in the South African context. The aim of the study was therefore to establish if children in institutionalised settings performed better or worse in terms of gross motor function than their counterparts in foster care. A secondary objective was to compare the performance of children with HIV in these two settings with those of children who were HIV negative.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-four children both with and without HIV, were recruited from institutions and foster care families in Cape Town. The Peabody Development Motor Scale (PDMS II) was used to calculate the total motor quotient (TMQ) at baseline and six months later. Comparisons of TMQ were made between residential settings and between children with and without HIV.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-one children were infected with HIV and were significantly delayed compared to their healthy counterparts. Antiretroviral therapy was well managed among the group but did not appear to result in restoration of TMQ to normal over the study period. HIV status and place of residence emerged as a predictor of TMQ with children in residential care performing better than their counterparts in foster care. All children showed improvement over the six months of study.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Foster parents were well supported administratively in the community by social welfare services but their children might have lacked stimulation in comparison to those in institutional settings. This could have been due to a lack of resources and knowledge regarding child development. The assumption that foster homes provide a better alternative to institutions may not be correct in a resource poor community and needs to be examined further.</p