4 research outputs found

    Contributions of Histone H3 Nucleosome Core Surface Mutations to Chromatin Structures, Silencing and DNA Repair

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    Histone H3 mutations in residues that cluster in a discrete region on the nucleosome surface around lysine 79 of H3 affect H3-K79 methylation, impair transcriptional silencing in subtelomeric chromatin, and reveal distinct contributions of histone H3 to various DNA-damage response and repair pathways. These residues might act by recruitment of silencing and DNA-damage response factors. Alternatively, their location on the nucleosome surface suggests a possible involvement in nucleosome positioning, stability and nucleosome interactions. Here, we show that the yeast H3 mutants hht2-T80A, hht2-K79E, hht2-L70S, and hht2-E73D show normal nucleosome positioning and stability in minichromosomes. However, loss of silencing in a subtelomeric URA3 gene correlates with a shift of the promoter nucleosome, while nucleosome positions and stability in the coding region are maintained. Moreover, the H3 mutants show normal repair of UV lesions by photolyase and nucleotide excision repair in minichromosomes and slightly enhanced repair in the subtelomeric region. Thus, these results support a role of those residues in the recruitment of silencing proteins and argue against a general role in nucleosome organization

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Factors Affecting Transcription Elongation and DNA Repair: A New Role for PAF and Ccr4-Not in Transcription-Coupled Repair

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    RNA polymerases frequently deal with a number of obstacles during transcription elongation that need to be removed for transcription resumption. One important type of hindrance consists of DNA lesions, which are removed by transcription-coupled repair (TC-NER), a specific sub-pathway of nucleotide excision repair. To improve our knowledge of transcription elongation and its coupling to TC-NER, we used the yeast library of non-essential knock-out mutations to screen for genes conferring resistance to the transcription-elongation inhibitor mycophenolic acid and the DNA-damaging agent 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide. Our data provide evidence that subunits of the SAGA and Ccr4-Not complexes, Mediator, Bre1, Bur2, and Fun12 affect transcription elongation to different extents. Given the dependency of TC-NER on RNA Polymerase II transcription and the fact that the few proteins known to be involved in TC-NER are related to transcription, we performed an in-depth TC-NER analysis of a selection of mutants. We found that mutants of the PAF and Ccr4-Not complexes are impaired in TC-NER. This study provides evidence that PAF and Ccr4-Not are required for efficient TC-NER in yeast, unraveling a novel function for these transcription complexes and opening new perspectives for the understanding of TC-NER and its functional interconnection with transcription elongation