159 research outputs found

    Potential Application of the CRISPR/Cas9 System against Herpesvirus Infections.

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    The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been applied in the genome editing and disruption of latent infections for herpesviruses such as the herpes simplex virus, Epstein⁻Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. CRISPR/Cas9-directed mutagenesis can introduce similar types of mutations to the viral genome as can bacterial artificial chromosome recombination engineering, which maintains and reconstitutes the viral genome successfully. The cleavage mediated by CRISPR/Cas9 enables the manipulation of disease-associated viral strains with unprecedented efficiency and precision. Additionally, current therapies for herpesvirus productive and latent infections are limited in efficacy and cannot eradicate viruses. CRISPR/Cas9 is potentially adapted for antiviral treatment by specifically targeting viral genomes during latent infections. This review, which focuses on recently published progress, suggests that the CRISPR/Cas9 system is not only a useful tool for basic virology research, but also a promising strategy for the control and prevention of herpesvirus latent infections

    Infection of human cytomegalovirus in cultured human gingival tissue.

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    BackgroundHuman cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection in the oral cavity plays an important role in its horizontal transmission and in causing viral-associated oral diseases such as gingivitis. However, little is currently known about HCMV pathogenesis in oral mucosa, partially because HCMV infection is primarily limited to human cells and few cultured tissue or animal models are available for studying HCMV infection.ResultsIn this report, we studied the infection of HCMV in a cultured gingival tissue model (EpiGingival, MatTek Co.) and investigated whether the cultured tissue can be used to study HCMV infection in the oral mucosa. HCMV replicated in tissues that were infected through the apical surface, achieving a titer of at least 300-fold at 10 days postinfection. Moreover, the virus spread from the apical surface to the basal region and reduced the thickness of the stratum coreum at the apical region. Viral proteins IE1, UL44, and UL99 were expressed in infected tissues, a characteristic of HCMV lytic replication in vivo. Studies of a collection of eight viral mutants provide the first direct evidence that a mutant with a deletion of open reading frame US18 is deficient in growth in the tissues, suggesting that HCMV encodes specific determinants for its infection in oral mucosa. Treatment by ganciclovir abolished viral growth in the infected tissues.ConclusionThese results suggest that the cultured gingival mucosa can be used as a tissue model for studying HCMV infection and for screening antivirals to block viral replication and transmission in the oral cavity

    Human Cytomegalovirus Encoded miR-US25-1-5p Attenuates CD147/EMMPRIN-Mediated Early Antiviral Response.

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    Cellular receptor-mediated signaling pathways play critical roles during the initial immune response to Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. However, the involvement of type-I transmembrane glycoprotein CD147/EMMPRIN (extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer) in the antiviral response to HCMV infection is still unknown. Here, we demonstrated the specific knockdown of CD147 significantly decreased HCMV-induced activation of NF-κB and Interferon-beta (IFN-β), which contribute to the cellular antiviral responses. Next, we confirmed that HCMV-encoded miR-US25-1-5p could target the 3 UTR (Untranslated Region) of CD147 mRNA, and thus facilitate HCMV lytic propagation at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI). The expression and secretion of Cyclophilin A (sCyPA), as a ligand for CD147 and a proinflammatory cytokine, were up-regulated in response to HCMV stimuli. Finally, we confirmed that CD147 mediated HCMV-triggered antiviral signaling via the sCyPA-CD147-ERK (extracellular regulated protein kinases)/NF-κB axis signaling pathway. These findings reveal an important HCMV mechanism for evading antiviral innate immunity through its encoded microRNA by targeting transmembrane glycoprotein CD147, and a potential cause of HCMV inflammatory disorders due to the secretion of proinflammatory cytokine CyPA

    Atomic structures and deletion mutant reveal different capsid-binding patterns and functional significance of tegument protein pp150 in murine and human cytomegaloviruses with implications for therapeutic development.

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection causes birth defects and life-threatening complications in immunosuppressed patients. Lack of vaccine and need for more effective drugs have driven widespread ongoing therapeutic development efforts against human CMV (HCMV), mostly using murine CMV (MCMV) as the model system for preclinical animal tests. The recent publication (Yu et al., 2017, DOI: 10.1126/science.aam6892) of an atomic model for HCMV capsid with associated tegument protein pp150 has infused impetus for rational design of novel vaccines and drugs, but the absence of high-resolution structural data on MCMV remains a significant knowledge gap in such development efforts. Here, by cryoEM with sub-particle reconstruction method, we have obtained the first atomic structure of MCMV capsid with associated pp150. Surprisingly, the capsid-binding patterns of pp150 differ between HCMV and MCMV despite their highly similar capsid structures. In MCMV, pp150 is absent on triplex Tc and exists as a "Λ"-shaped dimer on other triplexes, leading to only 260 groups of two pp150 subunits per capsid in contrast to 320 groups of three pp150 subunits each in a "Δ"-shaped fortifying configuration. Many more amino acids contribute to pp150-pp150 interactions in MCMV than in HCMV, making MCMV pp150 dimer inflexible thus incompatible to instigate triplex Tc-binding as observed in HCMV. While pp150 is essential in HCMV, our pp150-deletion mutant of MCMV remained viable though with attenuated infectivity and exhibiting defects in retaining viral genome. These results thus invalidate targeting pp150, but lend support to targeting capsid proteins, when using MCMV as a model for HCMV pathogenesis and therapeutic studies

    Inhibition of Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection in Animals by RNase P-Associated External Guide Sequences.

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    External guide sequence (EGS) RNAs are associated with ribonuclease P (RNase P), a tRNA processing enzyme, and represent promising agents for gene-targeting applications as they can direct RNase-P-mediated cleavage of a target mRNA. Using murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) as a model system, we examined the antiviral effects of an EGS variant, which was engineered using in vitro selection procedures. EGSs were used to target the shared mRNA region of MCMV capsid scaffolding protein (mCSP) and assemblin. In vitro, the EGS variant was 60 times more active in directing RNase P cleavage of the target mRNA than the EGS originating from a natural tRNA. In MCMV-infected cells, the variant reduced mCSP expression by 92% and inhibited viral growth by 8,000-fold. In MCMV-infected mice hydrodynamically transfected with EGS-expressing constructs, the EGS variant was more effective in reducing mCSP expression, decreasing viral production, and enhancing animal survival than the EGS originating from a natural tRNA. These results provide direct evidence that engineered EGS variants with higher targeting activity in vitro are also more effective in reducing gene expression in animals. Furthermore, our findings imply the possibility of engineering potent EGS variants for therapy of viral infections

    RNase P Ribozymes Inhibit the Replication of Human Cytomegalovirus by Targeting Essential Viral Capsid Proteins.

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    An engineered RNase P-based ribozyme variant, which was generated using the in vitro selection procedure, was used to target the overlapping mRNA region of two proteins essential for human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) replication: capsid assembly protein (AP) and protease (PR). In vitro studies showed that the generated variant, V718-A, cleaved the target AP mRNA sequence efficiently and its activity was about 60-fold higher than that of wild type ribozyme M1-A. Furthermore, we observed a reduction of 98%-99% in AP/PR expression and an inhibition of 50,000 fold in viral growth in cells with V718-A, while a 75% reduction in AP/PR expression and a 500-fold inhibition in viral growth was found in cells with M1-A. Examination of the antiviral effects of the generated ribozyme on the HCMV replication cycle suggested that viral DNA encapsidation was inhibited and as a consequence, viral capsid assembly was blocked when the expression of AP and PR was inhibited by the ribozyme. Thus, our study indicates that the generated ribozyme variant is highly effective in inhibiting HCMV gene expression and blocking viral replication, and suggests that engineered RNase P ribozyme can be potentially developed as a promising gene-targeting agent for anti-HCMV therapy

    Engineered external guide sequences are highly effective in inducing RNase P for inhibition of gene expression and replication of human cytomegalovirus

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    External guide sequences (EGSs), which are RNA molecules derived from natural tRNAs, bind to a target mRNA and render the mRNA susceptible to hydrolysis by RNase P, a tRNA processing enzyme. Using an in vitro selection procedure, we have previously generated EGS variants that efficiently direct human RNase P to cleave a target mRNA in vitro. In this study, a variant was used to target the overlapping region of the mRNAs encoding human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) essential transcription regulatory factors IE1 and IE2. The EGS variant was ∼25-fold more active in inducing human RNase P to cleave the mRNA in vitro than the EGS derived from a natural tRNA. Moreover, a reduction of 93% in IE1/IE2 gene expression and a reduction of 3000-fold in viral growth were observed in HCMV-infected cells that expressed the variant, while cells expressing the tRNA-derived EGS exhibited a reduction of 80% in IE1/IE2 expression and an inhibition of 150-fold in viral growth. Our results provide the first direct evidence that EGS variant is highly effective in blocking HCMV gene expression and growth and furthermore, demonstrate the feasibility of developing effective EGS RNA variants for anti-HCMV applications by using in vitro selection procedures

    The Cytomegalovirus m155 Gene Product Subverts Natural Killer Cell Antiviral Protection by Disruption of H60–NKG2D Interactions

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are an important early mediator of host immunity to murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection. However, MCMV has evolved mechanisms to elude recognition and clearance by NK cells. We have identified an MCMV immune evasion protein that impairs NKG2D-mediated NK cell antiviral activity. Infection of BALB/c 3T3 cells with the Smith strain of MCMV resulted in strong down-regulation of H60, a high affinity ligand for NKG2D, from the surface of virus-infected cells. The MCMV m155 protein specifically down-regulated H60 without affecting expression of the other known NKG2D ligands, RAE-1 and MULT-1. Treatment with the proteasome inhibitors lactacystin or epoxomicin reversed m155 down-regulation of H60. An MCMV mutant virus lacking m155 was severely attenuated in BALB/c mice; however, treatment with neutralizing anti-NKG2D monoclonal antibody or with NK-depleting anti-asialo GM1 antisera restored virulence of the mutant virus. Thus, down-regulation of H60 by m155 is a powerful mechanism of inhibiting NKG2D-mediated antiviral function

    Mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomic analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis protein expression upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Salmonella </it><it>enterica</it>, a common food-borne bacterial pathogen, is believed to change its protein expression profile in the presence of different environmental stress such as that caused by the exposure to hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>), which can be generated by phagocytes during infection and represents an important antibacterial mechanism of host cells. Among <it>Salmonella </it>proteins, the effectors of <it>Salmonella </it>pathogenicity island 1 and 2 (SPI-1 and SPI-2) are of particular interest since they are expressed during host infection <it>in vivo </it>and are important for invasion of epithelial cells and for replication in organs during systemic infection, respectively. However, the expression profiles of these proteins upon exposure to H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>or to host cells <it>in vivo </it>during the established phase of systemic infection have not been extensively studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using stable isotope labeling coupled with mass spectrometry, we performed quantitative proteomic analysis of <it>Salmonella </it><it>enterica </it>serovar Enteritidis and identified 76 proteins whose expression is modulated upon exposure to H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. SPI-1 effector SipC was expressed about 3-fold higher and SopB was expressed approximately 2-fold lower in the presence of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, while no significant change in the expression of another SPI-1 protein SipA was observed. The relative abundance of SipA, SipC, and SopB was confirmed by Western analyses, validating the accuracy and reproducibility of our approach for quantitative analysis of protein expression. Furthermore, immuno-detection showed substantial expression of SipA and SipC but not SopB in the late phase of infection in macrophages and in the spleen of infected mice.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have identified <it>Salmonella </it>proteins whose expression is modulated in the presence of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. Our results also provide the first direct evidence that SipC is highly expressed in the spleen at late stage of salmonellosis <it>in vivo</it>. These results suggest a possible role of SipC and other regulated proteins in supporting survival and replication of <it>Salmonella </it>under oxidative stress and during its systemic infection <it>in vivo</it>.</p