1,202 research outputs found

    An infrared study of the double nucleus in NGC3256

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    We present new resolved near and mid-IR imaging and N-band spectroscopy of the two nuclei in the merger system NGCA3256, the most IR luminous galaxy in the nearby universe. The results from the SED fit to the data are consistent with previous estimates of the amount of obscuration towards the nuclei and the nuclear star formation rates. However, we also find substantial differences in the infrared emission from the two nuclei which cannot be explained by obscuration alone. We conclude that the northern nucleus requires an additional component of warm dust in order to explain its properties. This suggests that local starforming conditions can vary significantly within the environment of a single system.Comment: Accepted for publication (MNRAS

    Galaxy Clusters in the Line of Sight to Background Quasars: I. Survey Design and Incidence of MgII Absorbers at Cluster Redshifts

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    We describe the first optical survey of absorption systems associated with galaxy clusters at z= 0.3-0.9. We have cross-correlated SDSS DR3 quasars with high-redshift cluster/group candidates from the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey. We have found 442 quasar-cluster pairs for which the MgII doublet might be detected at a transverse (physical) distance d<2 Mpc from the cluster centers. To investigate the incidence (dN/dz) and equivalent-width distribution n(W) of MgII systems at cluster redshifts, two statistical samples were drawn out of these pairs: one made of high-resolution spectroscopic quasar observations (46 pairs), and one made of quasars used in MgII searches found in the literature (375 pairs). The results are: (1) the population of strong MgII systems (W_0>2.0 Ang.) near cluster redshifts shows a significant (>3 sigma) overabundance (up to a factor of 15) when compared with the 'field' population; (2) the overabundance is more evident at smaller distances (d<1 Mpc) than larger distances (d<2 Mpc) from the cluster center; and, (3) the population of weak MgII systems (W_0<0.3 Ang.) near cluster redshifts conform to the field statistics. Unlike in the field, this dichotomy makes n(W) in clusters appear flat and well fitted by a power-law in the entire W-range. A sub-sample of the most massive clusters yields a stronger and still significant signal. Since either the absorber number density or filling-factor/cross-section affects the absorber statistics, an interesting possibility is that we have detected the signature of truncated halos due to environmental effects. Thus, we argue that the excess of strong systems is due to a population of absorbers in an overdense galaxy environment, and the lack of weak systems to a different population, that got destroyed in the cluster environment. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray absorption and rapid variability of the dwarf Seyfert nucleus of NGC4395

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    We report the detection of an absorbed central X-ray source and its strong, rapid variability in NGC4395, the least luminous Seyfert nucleus known. The X-ray source exhibits a number of flares with factors of 3-4 flux changes during a half day ASCA observation. Such X-ray variability is in constrast to the behaviour of other low luminosity active galaxies. It provides further support for an accreting black hole model rather than an extreme stellar process in accounting for the nuclear activity of NGC4395. The soft X-ray emission below 3 keV is strongly attenuated by absorption. The energy spectrum in this absorption band shows a dramatic change in response to the variation in continuum luminosity. A variable warm absorber appears to be an explanation for the spectral change. The absorption-corrected 2-10 keV luminosity is 4e39 erg/s for a source distance of 2.6 Mpc, and at 1 keV is one order of magnitude above previous ROSAT estimates. Our X-ray results infer the nuclear source of NGC4395 to be a scaled-down version of higher luminosity Seyfert nuclei, with an intermediate mass (10^4-10^5 Msun) black hole, unlike the nearby low luminosity active galaxies in which underfed massive black holes are suspected to reside.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Space Density and Colors of Massive Galaxies at 2<z<3: the Predominance of Distant Red Galaxies

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    Using the deep multi-wavelength MUSYC, GOODS, and FIRES surveys we construct a stellar mass-limited sample of galaxies at 2<z<3. The sample comprises 294 galaxies with M>10^11 Solar masses distributed over four independent fields with a total area of almost 400 sq arcmin. The mean number density of massive galaxies in this redshift range is (2.2+-0.6) x 10^-4 Mpc^-3. We present median values and 25th and 75th percentiles for the distributions of observed R mags, observed J-K colors, and rest-frame UV continuum slopes, M/L(V) ratios, and U-V colors. The galaxies show a large range in all these properties. The ``median galaxy'' is faint in the observer's optical (R=25.9), red in the observed near-IR (J-K=2.48), has a rest-frame UV spectrum which is relatively flat (beta=-0.4), and rest-frame optical colors resembling those of nearby spiral galaxies (U-V=0.62). We determine which galaxies would be selected as Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) or Distant Red Galaxies (DRGs, having J-K>2.3) in this mass-limited sample. By number DRGs make up 69% of the sample and LBGs 20%, with a small amount of overlap. By mass DRGs make up 77% and LBGs 17%. Neither technique provides a representative sample of massive galaxies at 2<z<3 as they only sample the extremes of the population. As we show here, multi-wavelength surveys with high quality photometry are essential for an unbiased census of massive galaxies in the early Universe. The main uncertainty in this analysis is our reliance on photometric redshifts; confirmation of the results presented here requires extensive near-infrared spectroscopy of optically-faint samples.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Ly-alpha Emission-Line Galaxies at z = 3.1 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South

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    We describe the results of an extremely deep, 0.28 deg^2 survey for z = 3.1 Ly-alpha emission-line galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. By using a narrow-band 5000 Anstrom filter and complementary broadband photometry from the MUSYC survey, we identify a statistically complete sample of 162 galaxies with monochromatic fluxes brighter than 1.5 x 10^-17 ergs cm^-2 s^-1 and observers frame equivalent widths greater than 80 Angstroms. We show that the equivalent width distribution of these objects follows an exponential with a rest-frame scale length of w_0 = 76 +/- 10 Angstroms. In addition, we show that in the emission line, the luminosity function of Ly-alpha galaxies has a faint-end power-law slope of alpha = -1.49 +/- 0.4, a bright-end cutoff of log L^* = 42.64 +/- 0.2, and a space density above our detection thresholds of 1.46 +/- 0.12 x 10^-3 h70^3 galaxies Mpc^-3. Finally, by comparing the emission-line and continuum properties of the LAEs, we show that the star-formation rates derived from Ly-alpha are ~3 times lower than those inferred from the rest-frame UV continuum. We use this offset to deduce the existence of a small amount of internal extinction within the host galaxies. This extinction, coupled with the lack of extremely-high equivalent width emitters, argues that these galaxies are not primordial Pop III objects, though they are young and relatively chemically unevolved.Comment: 45 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Factors associated with perceived performance drops and musculoskeletal injuries in Brazilian recreational triathletes

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    OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to investigate sleep characteristics, use of supplements, and training volume of recreational triathletes, and to verify possible associations with perceived performance drops and occurrence of injuries. MATERIALS AND METHODS Recreational triathletes (n=942) answered a questionnaire inquiring about their demographic characteristics, performance, injuries and training volume. RESULTS When comparing athletes who slept more (9-10 hours) with those who slept less, less sleep was associated with a higher prevalence of perceived performance drops. Regarding difficulties in initiating sleep, the absence of initiating difficulties (p<0.001) was a protective factor against perceived performance drops. Regarding weekly training volume, compared to those who trained more than 20 hours, training less than 3 hours (p<0.001), 3-5 hours (p<0.001), or 12-14 hours (p<0.001) were protective factors against perceived performance drops. Concerning training volume and injuries, we found that compared to those who trained more than 20 hours, training 18-20 hours (p<0.001), 15-17 hours (p<0.001), 12-14 hours (p<0.001), 6-8 hours (p<0.001), or 3-5 hours (p<0.001) were protective factors against injuries. CONCLUSIONS Triathletes with a lower sleep quantity and those who have difficulties initiating sleep frequently experience drops in performance. Training volumes can influence both performance and the likelihood of injuries