223 research outputs found

    Spectral Pattern Recognition by a Two-Layer Perceptron: Effects of Training Set Size

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    Pattern recognition in urban areas is one of the most challenging issues in classifying satellite remote sensing data. Parametric pixel-by-pixel classification algorithms tend to perform poorly in this context. This is because urban areas comprise a complex spatial assemblage of disparate land cover types - including built structures, numerous vegetation types, bare soil and water bodies. Thus, there is a need for more powerful spectral pattern recognition techniques, utilizing pixel-by-pixel spectral information as the basis for automated urban land cover detection. This paper adopts the multi-layer perceptron classifier suggested and implemented in [5]. The objective of this study is to analyse the performance and stability of this classifier - trained and tested for supervised classification (8 a priori given land use classes) of a Landsat-5 TM image (270 x 360 pixels) from the city of Vienna and its northern surroundings - along with varying the training data set in the single-training-site case. The performance is measured in terms of total classification, map user's and map producer's accuracies. In addition, the stability with initial parameter conditions, classification error matrices, and error curves are analysed in some detail. (authors' abstract)Series: Discussion Papers of the Institute for Economic Geography and GIScienc

    Assessment of changes in ecosystem service delivery:a historical perspective on catchment landscapes

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    Although the relationships between habitats and ecosystem services (ESs) have been acknowledged, investigating spatio-temporal change in these has received far less attention. This study assesses the influence of habitat changes on ES delivery across space and time, based on two time points some 60 years apart, 1946 and 2009. A 1946 aerial photo coverage of two catchments in Scotland was used to construct digital photo mosaics which were then visually interpreted and digitised to derive historic habitat maps. Using the Spatial Evidence for Natural Capital Evaluation (SENCE) mapping approach, the derived habitat maps were translated into ES maps. These were then compared with contemporary ES maps of the two catchments, using the same mapping methodology. Increases in provisioning ESs were associated with increases in intensively managed habitats, with reductions in supply capacity of other regulating and supporting ESs associated with loss of semi-natural habitats. ES delivery was affected not only by gross area changes in habitats over time, but also by changes in configuration and spatial distribution of constituent habitats, including fragmentation and connectivity. It is argued that understanding historic changes in ESs adds an important strand in providing baselines to inform options for current and future management of catchments

    Coupling of DEM and remote-sensing-based approaches for semi-automated detection of regional geostructural features in Zagros mountain, Iran.

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    In recent years, remote-sensing data have increasingly been used for the interpretation of objects and mapping in various applications of engineering geology. Digital elevation model (DEM) is very useful for detection, delineation, and interpretation of geological and structural features. The use of image elements for interpretation is a common method to extract structural features. In this paper, linear features were extracted from the Landsat ETM satellite image and then DEM was used to enhance those objects using digital-image-processing filtering techniques. The extraction procedures of the linear objects are performed in a semi-automated way. Photographic elements and geotechnical elements are used as main keys to extract the information from the satellite image data. This paper emphasizes on the application of DEM and usage of various filtering techniques with different convolution kernel size applied on the DEM. Additionally, this paper discusses about the usefulness of DEM and satellite digital data for extraction of structural features in SW of Zagros mountain, Iran

    A comparative evaluation of endemic and non-endemic region of visceral leishmaniasis (Kala-azar) in India with ground survey and space technology

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    In visceral leishmaniasis, phlebotomine vectors are targets for control measures. Understanding the ecosystem of the vectors is a prerequisite for creating these control measures. This study endeavours to delineate the suitable locations of Phlebotomus argentipes with relation to environmental characteristics between endemic and non-endemic districts in India. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 25 villages in each district. Environmental data were obtained through remote sensing images and vector density was measured using a CDC light trap. Simple linear regression analysis was used to measure the association between climatic parameters and vector density. Using factor analysis, the relationship between land cover classes and P. argentipes density among the villages in both districts was investigated. The results of the regression analysis indicated that indoor temperature and relative humidity are the best predictors for P. argentipes distribution. Factor analysis confirmed breeding preferences for P. argentipes by landscape element. Minimum Normalised Difference Vegetation Index, marshy land and orchard/settlement produced high loading in an endemic region, whereas water bodies and dense forest were preferred in non-endemic sites. Soil properties between the two districts were studied and indicated that soil pH and moisture content is higher in endemic sites compared to non-endemic sites. The present study should be utilised to make critical decisions for vector surveillance and controlling Kala-azar disease vectors

    Land transformation assessment using the integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques: a case study of Al-Anbar Province, Iraq

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    Human activities and climate changes significantly affect our environment, altering hydrologic cycles. Several environmental, social, political, and economical factors contribute to land transformation as well as environmental changes. This study first identified the most critical factors that affect the environment in Al-Anbar city including population growth, urbanization expansion, bare land expansion, and reduction in vegetation cover. The combination of remote sensing data and fuzzy analytic hierarch process (Fuzzy AHP) enabled exploration of land transformations and environmental changes in the study area during 2001 to 2013 in terms of long and short-term changes. Results of land transformation showed that the major changes in water bodies increased radically (94 %) from the long-term change in 2001 to 2013 because of water policies. In addition, the urban class expanded in two short-term periods (2001–2007 and 2007–2013), representing net changes of 46 and 60 %, respectively. Finally, barren land showed 25 % reduction in the first period because of the huge expansion of water in the lake; a small percentage of growth gain was observed in the second period. Based on the land transformation results, the environmental degradation assessment showed that the study area generally had high level of environmental degradation. The degradation was mostly in the center and the north part of the study area. This study suggested for further studies to include other factors that also responsible for environmental degradation such as water quality and desertification threatening

    Patterns of Loss and Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forest in Madagascar: The Social Institutional Context

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    Loss of tropical forests and changes in land-use/land-cover are of growing concern worldwide. Although knowledge exists about the institutional context in which tropical forest loss is embedded, little is known about the role of social institutions in influencing regeneration of tropical forests. In the present study we used Landsat images from southern Madagascar from three different years (1984, 1993 and 2000) and covering 5500 km(2), and made a time-series analysis of three distinct large-scale patterns: 1) loss of forest cover, 2) increased forest cover, and 3) stable forest cover. Institutional characteristics underlying these three patterns were analyzed, testing the hypothesis that forest cover change is a function of strength and enforcement of local social institutions. The results showed a minor decrease of 7% total forest cover in the study area during the whole period 1984–2000, but an overall net increase of 4% during the period 1993–2000. The highest loss of forest cover occurred in a low human population density area with long distances to markets, while a stable forest cover occurred in the area with highest population density and good market access. Analyses of institutions revealed that loss of forest cover occurred mainly in areas characterized by insecure property rights, while areas with well-defined property rights showed either regenerating or stable forest cover. The results thus corroborate our hypothesis. The large-scale spontaneous regeneration dominated by native endemic species appears to be a result of a combination of changes in precipitation, migration and decreased human population and livestock grazing pressure, but under conditions of maintained and well-defined property rights. Our study emphasizes the large capacity of a semi-arid system to spontaneously regenerate, triggered by decreased pressures, but where existing social institutions mitigate other drivers of deforestation and alternative land-use