1,912 research outputs found

    Natural frequency prediction for laminated rectangular plates with extension-bending or extension-twisting and shearing-bending coupling

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    This article presents closed form natural frequency solutions for two classes of mechanically coupled laminate with: extension-bending or; extension-twisting and shearingbending. Details on the derivation of these two laminate classes are given; all of which contain combinations of standard ply angles, e.g. +45, -45, 0 and 90Ā°. Upper and lower bounds on the non-dimensional natural frequencies are shown graphically for each class of laminate over a range of aspect ratios. Finally, differences are highlighted between these bounds and others obtained by the simplifying assumption that the two laminate classes contain only cross plies or angle plies, respectively

    Adaptive Estimation of Autoregressive Models with Time-Varying Variances

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    Stable autoregressive models of known finite order are considered with martingale differences errors scaled by an unknown nonparametric time-varying function generating heterogeneity. An important special case involves structural change in the error variance, but in most practical cases the pattern of variance change over time is unknown and may involve shifts at unknown discrete points in time, continuous evolution or combinations of the two. This paper develops kernel-based estimators of the residual variances and associated adaptive least squares (ALS) estimators of the autoregressive coefficients. These are shown to be asymptotically efficient, having the same limit distribution as the infeasible generalized least squares (GLS). Comparisons of the efficient procedure and the ordinary least squares (OLS) reveal that least squares can be extremely inefficient in some cases while nearly optimal in others. Simulations show that, when least squares work well, the adaptive estimators perform comparably well, whereas when least squares work poorly, major efficiency gains are achieved by the new estimators.Adaptive estimation, Autoregression, Heterogeneity, Weighted regression

    Adaptive Estimation of Autoregressive Models with Time-Varying Variances

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    Stable autoregressive models of known finite order are considered with martingale differences errors scaled by an unknown nonparametric time-varying function generating heterogeneity. An important special case involves structural change in the error variance, but in most practical cases the pattern of variance change over time is unknown and may involve shifts at unknown discrete points in time, continuous evolution or combinations of the two. This paper develops kernel-based estimators of the residual variances and associated adaptive least squares (ALS) estimators of the autoregressive coefficients. These are shown to be asymptotically efficient, having the same limit distribution as the infeasible generalized least squares (GLS). Comparisons of the efficient procedure and ordinary least squares (OLS) reveal that least squares can be extremely inefficient in some cases while nearly optimal in others. Simulations show that, when least squares work well, the adaptive estimators perform comparably well, whereas when least squares work poorly, major efficiency gains are achieved by the new estimators.Adaptive estimation, Autoregression, Heterogeneity, Weighted regression

    Tilted Nonparametric Estimation of Volatility Functions with Empirical Applications

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    This paper proposes a novel positive nonparametric estimator of the conditional variance function without reliance on logarithmic or other transformations. The estimator is based on an empirical likelihood modiļ¬cation of conventional local level nonparametric regression applied to squared mean regression residuals. The estimator is shown to be asymptotically equivalent to the local linear estimator in the case of unbounded support but, unlike that estimator, is restricted to be non-negative in ļ¬nite samples. It is fully adaptive to the unknown conditional mean function. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the ļ¬nite sample performance of the estimator. Two empirical applications are reported. One uses cross section data and studies the relationship between occupational prestige and income. The other uses time series data on Treasury bill rates to ļ¬t the total volatility function in a continuous-time jump diļ¬€usion model

    Uniform Consistency of Nonstationary Kernel-Weighted Sample Covariances for Nonparametric Regression

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    We obtain uniform consistency results for kernel-weighted sample covariances in a nonstationary multiple regression framework that allows for both ļ¬xed design and random design coeļ¬€icient variation. In the ļ¬xed design case these nonparametric sample covariances have diļ¬€erent uniform convergence rates depending on direction, a result that diļ¬€ers fundamentally from the random design and stationary cases. The uniform convergence rates derived are faster than the corresponding rates in the stationary case and conļ¬rm the existence of uniform super-consistency. The modelling framework and convergence rates allow for endogeneity and thus broaden the practical econometric import of these results. As a speciļ¬c application, we establish uniform consistency of nonparametric kernel estimators of the coeļ¬€icient functions in nonlinear cointegration models with time varying coeļ¬€icients and provide sharp convergence rates in that case. For the ļ¬xed design models, in particular, there are two uniform convergence rates that apply in two diļ¬€erent directions, both rates exceeding the usual rate in the stationary case

    Estimating Smooth Structural Change in Cointegration Models

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    This paper studies nonlinear cointegration models in which the structural coeļ¬€icients may evolve smoothly over time. These time-varying coeļ¬€icient functions are well-suited to many practical applications and can be estimated conveniently by nonparametric kernel methods. It is shown that the usual asymptotic methods of kernel estimation completely break down in this setting when the functional coeļ¬€icients are multivariate. The reason for this breakdown is a kernel-induced degeneracy in the weighted signal matrix associated with the nonstationary regressors, a new phenomenon in the kernel regression literature. Some new techniques are developed to address the degeneracy and resolve the asymptotics, using a path-dependent local coordinate transformation to re-orient coordinates and accommodate the degeneracy. The resulting asymptotic theory is fundamentally diļ¬€erent from the existing kernel literature, giving two diļ¬€erent limit distributions with diļ¬€erent convergence rates in the diļ¬€erent directions (or combinations) of the (functional) parameter space. Both rates are faster than the usual (vnh) rate for nonlinear models with smoothly changing coeļ¬€icients and local stationarity. Hence two types of super-consistency apply in nonparametric kernel estimation of time-varying coeļ¬€icient cointegration models. The higher rate of convergence (nvh) lies in the direction of the nonstationary regressor vector at the local coordinate point. The lower rate (nh) lies in the degenerate directions but is still super-consistent for nonparametric estimators. In addition, local linear methods are used to reduce asymptotic bias and a fully modiļ¬ed kernel regression method is proposed to deal with the general endogenous nonstationary regressor case. Simulations are conducted to explore the ļ¬nite sample properties of the methods and a practical application is given to examine time varying empirical relationships involving consumption, disposable income, investment and real interest rates

    Kernel-Based Inference In Time-Varying Coefficient Cointegrating Regression

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    This paper studies nonlinear cointegrating models with time-varying coeļ¬€icients and multiple nonstationary regressors using classic kernel smoothing methods to estimate the coeļ¬€icient functions. Extending earlier work on nonstationary kernel regression to take account of practical features of the data, we allow the regressors to be cointegrated and to embody a mixture of stochastic and deterministic trends, complications which result in asymptotic degeneracy of the kernel-weighted signal matrix. To address these complications new \textsl{local} and \textsl{global rotation} techniques are introduced to transform the covariate space to accommodate multiple scenarios of induced degeneracy. Under certain regularity conditions we derive asymptotic results that diļ¬€er substantially from existing kernel regression asymptotics, leading to new limit theory under multiple convergence rates. For the practically important case of endogenous nonstationary regressors we propose a fully-modiļ¬ed kernel estimator whose limit distribution theory corresponds to the prototypical pure (i.e., exogenous covariate) cointegration case, thereby facilitating inference using a generalized Wald-type test statistic. These results substantially generalize econometric estimation and testing techniques in the cointegration literature to accommodate time variation and complications of co-moving regressors. Finally an empirical illustration to aggregate US data on consumption, income, and interest rates is provided

    Property-Based Testing - The ProTest Project

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    The ProTest project is an FP7 STREP on property based testing. The purpose of the project is to develop software engineering approaches to improve reliability of service-oriented networks; support fault-finding and diagnosis based on specified properties of the system. And to do so we will build automated tools that will generate and run tests, monitor execution at run-time, and log events for analysis. The Erlang / Open Telecom Platform has been chosen as our initial implementation vehicle due to its robustness and reliability within the telecoms sector. It is noted for its success in the ATM telecoms switches by Ericsson, one of the project partners, as well as for multiple other uses such as in facebook, yahoo etc. In this paper we provide an overview of the project goals, as well as detailing initial progress in developing property based testing techniques and tools for the concurrent functional programming language Erlang

    Bishop and Laplacian Comparison Theorems on Three Dimensional Contact Subriemannian Manifolds with Symmetry

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    We prove a Bishop volume comparison theorem and a Laplacian comparison theorem for three dimensional contact subriemannian manifolds with symmetry

    Fractal modeling and segmentation for the enhancement of microcalcifications in digital mammograms

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