58 research outputs found

    The noise-lovers: cultures of speech and sound in second-century Rome

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    This chapter provides an examination of an ideal of the ‘deliberate speaker’, who aims to reflect time, thought, and study in his speech. In the Roman Empire, words became a vital tool for creating and defending in-groups, and orators and authors in both Latin and Greek alleged, by contrast, that their enemies produced babbling noise rather than articulate speech. In this chapter, the ideal of the deliberate speaker is explored through the works of two very different contemporaries: the African-born Roman orator Fronto and the Syrian Christian apologist Tatian. Despite moving in very different circles, Fronto and Tatian both express their identity and authority through an expertise in words, in strikingly similar ways. The chapter ends with a call for scholars of the Roman Empire to create categories of analysis that move across different cultural and linguistic groups. If we do not, we risk merely replicating the parochialism and insularity of our sources.Accepted manuscrip

    Histoire du concile de Constance

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    Apologie pour l'auteur de l'histoire du concile de Constance, contre le Journal de Trevoux du mois de décembre, 1714par Jaques LenfantTome 1: Frontispiz, [4] Bl., LXVIII, 609 S., 14 Taf. ; tome 2: [1] Bl., 517, [1] Bl., 22 S., [24] Bl

    Histoire du Concile de Pise : et de ce qui s'est passé de plus mémorable depuis ce Concile jusqu'au Concile de Cosntance

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    Sign.: [], A-Z, 2A-2YPort. a dúas tintas e con grav. calcTexto con apostillas marxinaisAs f. de grav. son retratos cal

    Histoire du Concile de Pise : et de ce qui s'est passé de plus mémorable depuis ce Concile jusqu'au Concile de Cosntance

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    Sign.: [], *, a-f, g, A-Z, 2A-2ZPort. a dúas tintas e con grav. calcTexto con apostillas marxinaisO front. e as il. grav. calc. con retrato

    Histoire du Concile de Constance

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    Mención de ed. precede a designación de tomoSign.: [], a-i, A-Z, 2A-2Z, 3A-3Z, 4A-4G, 4HPort. a dúas tintas e con grav. calcTexto con apostillas marxinaisAs il. calc. son retrato

    Histoire du Concile de Pise, Et de ce qui s'est passé de plus mémorable depuis de ce Concile jusq'ua Concile de Constance

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    Port. a dúas tintas: vermella e negr

    Histoire du Concile de Constance ...

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    Port. a dúas tintas: vermella e negr

    Histoire de la guerre des Hussites et du Concilie de Basle

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    Sign.: [], a, e, i, A-Z, 2A-2Z, 3A-3O, 3PPort. a dúas tintas con grav. xilTexto con apostillas marxinaisAs f. de grav. calc. son retrato
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