12 research outputs found

    Ovulatory and embryonic response to recombinant bovine somatotropin in goats super ovulated with FSHp

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    Artículo científico publicado en revista indizada.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la somatotropina bovina recombinante (rBST) en la actividad ovárica, cantidad y calidad de embriones transferibles en cabras durante el anestro estacional. Se utilizaron 30 cabras multíparas sincronizadas con protocolo corto de CIDR y superovuladas con FSHp, asignadas a tres tratamientos (n = 10): T1 = control, sin rBST, T2 = 100 mg rBST y T3 = 200 mg rBST. Las variables cuantitativas se analizaron mediante prueba de Kruskal-Wallis; el porcentaje de estro y de embriones recuperados, mediante prueba de Chi - cuadrada. Las cabras del T3 tuvieron mayor número de CL, seguidas del T2 (p = 0.002). El número de embriones recuperados y de blastocitos fue mayor en T3 (p = 0.001). El número de mórulas fue mayor en T1 (p = 0.001). La aplicación de rBST al inicio del estro incrementa la actividad ovárica y la cantidad de embriones transferibles en cabras

    Afectaciones en la producciĂłn de cerdos en una granja comercial en el noreste de MĂ©xico

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    ESPAÑOL: Al evaluar la productividad de cerdas de una granja comercial en el noreste de México para el número de parto, solamente se presentó un efecto (P< 0.05) sobre el intervalo destetecelo. Se presentó un efecto significativo (P <0.05) de la línea materna sobre el intervalo destete-celo y el intervalo entre partos. El grupo de año influyó sobre el intervalo destetecelo, y se obtuvieron los valores más bajos en los grupos 1992 -1994, 1995-1997 y 2004-2006. En cuanto a la época de servicio, no se encontraron efectos significativos para las variables estudiadas. Con relación a los factores ambientales es importante considerarlos desde el punto de vista reproductivo en este tipo de granja comercial. ENGLISH: In assessing the productivity of sows from a commercial farm in northeastern Mexico for parity number, only the effect on the interval from weaning to estrus was significant (P <0.05). There was a significant effect (P <0.05) in the maternal line on weaning-estrus interval and calving interval. Year group influenced the weaning-estrus interval, obtaining the lowest values in the groups 1992 -1994, 1995-1997, and 2004-2006. As for the time of service, no significant effects were found for the variables studied. With regard to environmental factors it is important to consider them from the point of view in this kind of commercial farms

    The reinsertion of controlled internal drug release devices in goats does not increase the pregnancy rate after short oestrus synchronization protocol at the beginning of the breeding season

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    Trabajo de investigación cuya temática es la sincronización del estro en ovejas de pelo.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of reinserting controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices after fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) on pregnancy rates in goats. Oestrus was synchronized with a short (5 days) CIDR protocol, and FTAI was conducted 54 hours after CIDR removal. According to the reinsertion of CIDR after FTAI, goats were assigned to three treatments: G0 control group (n = 29), no CIDR reinsertion; G7 group (n = 27), CIDR reinserted 7 days; G14 group (n = 29), CIDR reinserted 14 days. Blood samples were collected to determine progesterone levels. Oestrus appearance (92.9%), interval of CIDR removal to oestrus (IRE = 34.1 ± 1.1 hours), interval of oestrus onset to artificial insemination (IEAI = 20.2 ± 1.0 hours), mean duration of oestrus (38.4 ± 1.4 hours), and pregnancy rates (61.0%) were similar (P > .05) among groups. Progesterone concentrations were higher (P  .05) for all groups. In conclusion, reinsertion of CIDR for 7 or 14 days after a short oestrus synchronization protocol and FTAI did not increase the overall pregnancy rate of goats

    Factores de riesgo asociados a la seroprevalencia de lentivirus en rebaños ovinos y caprinos del noreste de México

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted with the purpose of determinate the risk factors associated with the serological frequency of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) in sheep and goats from northeastern Mexico. From 128 herds, 71 of goats, 32 of sheep and 25 mixed herds (goats + sheep), 768 individual sera were collected from animals ≥1 yr old. From each herd, 4 to 5 serum samples were mixed and analyzed by ELISA to identify antibodies against SRLV glycoprotein 135. Samples were obtained from randomly selected animals in 2019 and 2020. A questionnaire was applied to the producers and the data were analyzed to determine the risk factors associated with herd seropositivity by logistic regression. The proportion of seropositive herds, overall, was estimated at 50.6 %. According to the type of herd, seropositivity in goat herds was 62.0 %, in sheep herds 25.4 % and 50.2 % in mixed herds. The risk factors associated with the presence of antibodies against SRLV were the presence of animals with arthritis, veterinary care, reuse of needles, nerve alterations, low pregnancy rate, type of herd and mastitis. Serological frequency indicates a high endemicity of SRLV in small ruminant herds from northeastern Mexico.Se realizó un estudio transversal con el propósito de determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a la frecuencia serológica de Lentivirus de los pequeños rumiantes (LvPR) en ovinos y caprinos del noreste de México. De 128 rebaños, 71 de caprinos, 32 de ovinos y 25 mixtos (caprinos + ovinos), se recolectaron 768 sueros individuales de animales ≥1 año de edad. De cada rebaño 4 a 5 muestras de suero fueron mezcladas y analizadas por ELISA para identificar anticuerpos contra la glucoproteína 135 del LvPR. Las muestras se obtuvieron de animales seleccionados al azar en los años 2019 y 2020. Se aplicó un cuestionario a los productores y los datos se analizaron para determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a la seropositividad del rebaño mediante regresión logística. La proporción de rebaños seropositivos en general fue estimada en 50.6 %. Acorde al tipo de rebaño la seropositividad en rebaños caprinos fue de 62.0 %, en ovinos de 25.4 % y de 50.2 % en rebaños mixtos. Los factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de anticuerpos contra el LvPR fueron presencia de animales con artritis, asistencia veterinaria, reutilizar agujas, alteraciones nerviosas, bajo índice de preñez, tipo de rebaño y mastitis. La frecuencia serológica indica una alta endemicidad del LvPR en rebaños de pequeños rumiantes del noreste de México

    Superovulation and embryo quality with porcine follicle stimulation hormone (pFSH) in Katahdin hair sheep during breeding season

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    Estrus synchronization of 21 ewes was carried out using intravaginal sponges (60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate, Sincrogest®-Sanfer, Mexico) for 14 days. 7 ewes were randomly assigned to one of the three treatments: T1, 80 mg; T2, 120 mg; T3, 140 mg of porcine follicle stimulating (pFSH) (Folltropin-p®-Bioniche, Canada) administered on day 12 after sponge insertion. The dose was divided in decreasing doses; second and third day representing 50 to 75% and 25 to 33% of the first day dose, respectively. At the beginning of superovulation treatment, each ewe received 5 mg of dinoprost tromethamine (1 ml of Lutalyse® Pfizer, Mexico). An effect of pFSH level was observed on the interval from sponge removal and the onset of estrus (REI) (P < 0.01), with a difference of 13.5 h between ewes from treatment 2 and 3. The number of follicles (F), number of collected embryos (CE) and transferable embryos (TE) (P < 0.05) was also different among treatments, with highest values observed in T3 (3.0 ± 0.6 for CE and 2.3 ± 0.5 for TE). Embryo recovery rate was in average 66.5%, (P > 0.05) of CL observed. Further investigation is guaranteed to evaluate the effect of pFSH doses on estrus synchronization for selected breeding season

    Respuesta ovulatoria y embrionaria a la somatotropina bovina recombinante en cabras superovuladas con FSHp

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    "El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la somatotropina bovina recombinante (rBST) en la actividad ovárica, cantidad y calidad de embriones transferibles en cabras durante el anestro estacional. Se utilizaron 30 cabras multíparas sincronizada

    Respuesta ovulatoria y embrionaria a la somatotropina bovina recombinante en cabras superovuladas con FSHp

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    Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) on ovarian activity and quantity and quality of transferable embryos in goats during seasonal anoestrus. We used 30 multiparous goats synchronized with goats synchronized with CIDR short protocol and superovulated with FSHp, assigned to three treatments (n = 10): T1 = control, without rBST, T2 = 100 mg rBST y T3 = 200 mg rBST. Quantitative variables were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the percentage of estrus and embryos recovered by the Chi-square test. A greater number of CL were registered in goats assigned to T3, followed by T2 (p = 0.002). The number of recovered embryos and blastocysts was higher in T3 (p = 0.001). The morula number was higher in T1 (p = 0.001). The application of rBST at the onset of estrus increases ovarian activity and the number of transferable embryos in goats.Resumen: El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la somatotropina bovina recombinante (rBST) en la actividad ovárica, cantidad y calidad de embriones transferibles en cabras durante el anestro estacional. Se utilizaron 30 cabras multíparas sincronizadas con protocolo corto de CIDR y superovuladas con FSHp, asignadas a tres tratamientos (n = 10): T1 = control, sin rBST, T2 = 100 mg rBST y T3 = 200 mg rBST. Las variables cuantitativas se analizaron mediante prueba de Kruskal-Wallis; el porcentaje de estro y de embriones recuperados, mediante prueba de Chi - cuadrada. Las cabras del T3 tuvieron mayor número de CL, seguidas del T2 (p = 0.002). El número de embriones recuperados y de blastocitos fue mayor en T3 (p = 0.001). El número de mórulas fue mayor en T1 (p = 0.001). La aplicación de rBST al inicio del estro incrementa la actividad ovárica y la cantidad de embriones transferibles en cabras

    Respuesta ovulatoria y embrionaria a la somatotropin bovina recombinante en cabras superovuladas con FSHp

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    Artículo científico publicado en revista indizada.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la somatotropina bovina recombinante (rBST) en la actividad ovárica, cantidad y calidad de embriones transferibles en cabras durante el anestro estacional. Se utilizaron 30 cabras multíparas sincronizadas con protocolo corto de CIDR y superovuladas con FSHp, asignadas a tres tratamientos (n = 10): T1 = control, sin rBST, T2 = 100 mg rBST y T3 = 200 mg rBST. Las variables cuantitativas se analizaron mediante prueba de Kruskal-Wallis; el porcentaje de estro y de embriones recuperados, mediante prueba de Chi - cuadrada. Las cabras del T3 tuvieron mayor número de CL, seguidas del T2 (p = 0.002). El número de embriones recuperados y de blastocitos fue mayor en T3 (p = 0.001). El número de mórulas fue mayor en T1 (p = 0.001). La aplicación de rBST al inicio del estro incrementa la actividad ovárica y la cantidad de embriones transferibles en cabras

    Use of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) in Mashona heifers, under a J-Synch synchronization protocol, and its effect in pregnancy rate: Use of equine chorionic gonadotropin in a J-Synch protocol in heifers

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the J-Synch protocol with two doses of eCG in beef heifers during the summer in Northeast Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: In this experiment, 218 heifers of the Mashona breed (109/treatment) with a live weight of 350 ±12.1 kg were used. On Day 0, all heifers received an intravaginal device (1.2 g P4) plus 2 mg, i.m., EB; On day 5, it was withdrawn and 0.15 mg of D-Cloprostenol was applied; where treatment 1 (T1) consisted of the application of 250 IU of eCG; in treatment 2 (T2), 300 IU of eCG was applied. Subsequently, the total number of heifers from both treatments were inseminated at a fixed time (FTAI) at 72 hours after the removal of the device with frozen bull semen; likewise, at the time of the FTAI, 10.5 µg of GnRH was applied to each heifer. Results: There were no significant differences (p &gt; 0.05) in the percentage of estrus at the first service (T1 = 91%; T2 = 96%; as well as in the percentage of repeaters (T1 = 25.2% vs T2 = 19 .2%). For the inseminating technician and the color of the heifers' coat, there was an effect on the percentage of heifers repeating estrus. For the percentage of pregnancy at first service, it was 64.8% for T1 and 70.1 % for T2 (p &gt; 0.05) There was only an effect of the inseminator technician in terms of pregnancy percentage, varying from 63.4% for the best-qualified technician vs. 48.6% for the one with the lowest percentage. Limitations on study/implications: At least in this study, the pregnancy rate in beef heifers will depend mainly on the experience and skill of the inseminator technician. Findings/conclusions: According to the present investigation, the indistinct application of 250 or 300 IU of eCG can be used with the same results of the presence of estrus and gestation during the summer season in beef heifers, however, the inseminator technician has an important role on pregnancy outcomes.O Objective: To evaluate the J-Synch protocol with two eCG doses in beef heifers during the summer in northeastern Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: 218 heifers (109/treatment) with a body weight of 350 ± 12.1 kg were used. A J-Synch protocol was applied in order to evaluate two eCG doses: T1 (250 IU) and T2 (300 IU). Subsequently, the total number of heifers from both treatments were inseminated at a fixed time (FTAI): 72 h after removing the device. Results: No significant differences (p&gt;0.05) were recorded in the estrous percentage at first service (T1 = 91%; T2 = 96%) and in the repeating heifers (T1 = 25.2%; T2 = 19.2%). The insemination technician and coat color variables impacted the estrous percentage in repeating heifers. The pregnancy percentage at first service was 64.8% and 70.1% for T1 and T2 (p&gt;0.05), respectively. The insemination technician had a variable effect on the pregnancy percentage, from 63.4% (the best-qualified technician) to 48.6% (the technician who obtained the lowest percentage). Study Limitations/Implications: The pregnancy rate in beef heifers will depend mainly on the experience and skill of the insemination technician. Findings/Conclusions: The same results were obtained regarding the presence of estrous and pregnancy in beef heifers during the summer season, either with 250 or 300 IU of eCG