38 research outputs found

    Multistep Ion Channel Remodeling and Lethal Arrhythmia Precede Heart Failure in a Mouse Model of Inherited Dilated Cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Patients with inherited dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) frequently die with severe heart failure (HF) or die suddenly with arrhythmias, although these symptoms are not always observed at birth. It remains unclear how and when HF and arrhythmogenic changes develop in these DCM mutation carriers. In order to address this issue, properties of the myocardium and underlying gene expressions were studied using a knock-in mouse model of human inherited DCM caused by a deletion mutation DK210 in cardiac troponinT. Methodology/Principal Findings: By 1 month, DCM mice had already enlarged hearts, but showed no symptoms of HF and a much lower mortality than at 2 months or later. At around 2 months, some would die suddenly with no clear symptoms of HF, whereas at 3 months, many of the survivors showed evident symptoms of HF. In isolated left ventricular myocardium (LV) from 2 month-mice, spontaneous activity frequently occurred and action potential duration (APD) was prolonged. Transient outward (Ito) and ultrarapid delayed rectifier K + (IKur) currents were significantly reduced in DCM myocytes. Correspondingly, down-regulation of Kv4.2, Kv1.5 and KChIP2 was evident in mRNA and protein levels. In LVs at 3-months, more frequent spontaneous activity, greater prolongation of APD and further down-regulation in above K + channels were observed. At 1 month, in contrast, infrequent spontaneous activity and down-regulation of Kv4.2, but not Kv1.5 or KChIP2, were observed

    Neurophysiological Defects and Neuronal Gene Deregulation in Drosophila mir-124 Mutants

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    miR-124 is conserved in sequence and neuronal expression across the animal kingdom and is predicted to have hundreds of mRNA targets. Diverse defects in neural development and function were reported from miR-124 antisense studies in vertebrates, but a nematode knockout of mir-124 surprisingly lacked detectable phenotypes. To provide genetic insight from Drosophila, we deleted its single mir-124 locus and found that it is dispensable for gross aspects of neural specification and differentiation. On the other hand, we detected a variety of mutant phenotypes that were rescuable by a mir-124 genomic transgene, including short lifespan, increased dendrite variation, impaired larval locomotion, and aberrant synaptic release at the NMJ. These phenotypes reflect extensive requirements of miR-124 even under optimal culture conditions. Comparison of the transcriptomes of cells from wild-type and mir-124 mutant animals, purified on the basis of mir-124 promoter activity, revealed broad upregulation of direct miR-124 targets. However, in contrast to the proposed mutual exclusion model for miR-124 function, its functional targets were relatively highly expressed in miR-124–expressing cells and were not enriched in genes annotated with epidermal expression. A notable aspect of the direct miR-124 network was coordinate targeting of five positive components in the retrograde BMP signaling pathway, whose activation in neurons increases synaptic release at the NMJ, similar to mir-124 mutants. Derepression of the direct miR-124 target network also had many secondary effects, including over-activity of other post-transcriptional repressors and a net incomplete transition from a neuroblast to a neuronal gene expression signature. Altogether, these studies demonstrate complex consequences of miR-124 loss on neural gene expression and neurophysiology

    The Roles of the Dystrophin-Associated Glycoprotein Complex at the Synapse

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    Direct, Experimental Evidence of the Fermi Surface in YBa2Cu3O7-x

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    Additive manufacturing of titanium alloys for biomedical applications

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    Titanium alloys have been extensively used in medical field, especially for load-bearing implants due to their excellent properties such as high strength and great corrosion resistance. In addition to the well-known CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy, many beta type titanium alloys comprising of non-toxic and non-allergic elements have being developed for the next generation of bone implant materials. However, the hard machinery and high cost of materials removal arising from the conventional manufacturing processes are the two main obstacles of various potential applications of titanium alloys. As emerging advanced manufacturing technologies, additive manufacturing techniques are providing the ideal platform for the creation of these customized devices, where three dimensional complex parts could be realized by sequential production of two dimensional layers. Thus, additive manufacturing facilitates the manufacturing of parts with almost no geometric constraints and is economically feasible down to a batch size of one. This chapter mainly review the recent progress of the additive manufacturing (via selective laser melting and electron beam melting) of titanium alloys and their products, including the processing optimization, microstructure, mechanical properties and fatigue properties for different types of titanium alloys (CP-Ti, Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn) and their porous structures