2,118 research outputs found

    Immunofluorescent reaction for the diagnosis of protozoal infections in man and animals

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    Combining Ability Analysis in Complete Diallel Cross of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai)

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    The experiments were carried out in two research stations (MARDI Bukit Tangga, Kedah, and MARDI Seberang Perai, Penang) in Malaysia. The crossings were performed using the four inbred lines in complete diallel cross including selfs and reciprocals. We evaluated the yield components and fruit characters such as fruit yield per plant, vine length, days to fruit maturity, fruit weight, total soluble solid content, and rind thickness over a period of two planting seasons. General combining ability and its interaction with locations were statistically significant for all characteristics except number of fruits per plant across the environments. Results indicated that the additive genetic effects were important to the inheritance of these traits and the expression of additive genes was influenced greatly by environments. In addition, specific combining ability effect was statistically evident for fruit yield per plant, vine length, days to first female flower, and fruit weight. Most of the characters are simultaneously controlled by additive and nonadditive gene effects. This study demonstrated that the highest potential and promising among the crosses was cross P2 (BL-14) × P3 (6372-4), which possessed prolific plants, with early maturity, medium fruit weight and high soluble solid contents. Therefore this hybrid might be utilized for developing high yielding watermelon cultivars and may be recommended for commercial cultivation

    Microstructure of the juvenile sheep aortic valve hinge region and the trilamellar sliding hypothesis.

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    Background: The aortic valve mechanism performs extremely sophisticated functions which depend on the microstructure of its component parts. The hinge mechanism of the aortic leaflets plays a crucial part in the overall function. However, the detailed microstructure and its relation to function has not been adequately studied. Methods: The aortic roots of juvenile sheep were fixed under physiologic pressure. Sections through all three sinuses were then performed to illustrate the microstructure of the hinge mechanism in different regions of the aortic root. Results: The hinge region in the different sinuses showed unique microstructure with a trilamellar topology with a dominant core consisting of glycosaminoglycans. The exact arrangement of the trilamellar structures varies around the aortic sinuses, which could have functional implications. These features allow the hinge to perform its complex functions through what we have described as "the trilamellar sliding hypothesis". Conclusion: The microstructure of the hinge mechanism is unique and enables it to perform it sophisticated functions

    Analysis of Conduct and Performance of Dried Fish Market in Maiduguri Metropolis of Borno State, Nigeria

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    The study analyzed conduct and performance of dried fish markets in Maiduguri Metropolis of Borno State, Nigeria. Data were obtained using structured questionnaire. Three (3) major dried fish markets were purposely selected out of the seven (7) markets in the study area to reflect areas where dried fish is predominantly sold. A total of 100 respondents from the three (3) markets were randomly selected for the study. Descriptive statistics and budgetary techniques were used as analytical tools. The finding of the study reveals that (44.82%) and (33.33%) were obtained as market margin from sales of Grade C and Grade A dried fish respectively. The result of marketing cost and returns also reveals that capital invested constitutes (96.08%) of the total fixed cost, while transportation accounts for (30.55%) of the total variable cost. The result of market return (net returns) reveals that N25, 013,440.04 was obtained as net returns per week. The finding on marketing efficiency reveals (67.33%) was obtained per cartoons of dried fish sold. The result further indicates the efficiency ratio of 95.54 which is positive. The result of the market conduct reveals that about (40%) of the marketers get information on market situation through personal contact, (72%) price haggling, while (56%) said prices were set by both the sellers and the agents. It was recommended that local fish marketers should be organized into cooperative groups and government should adequately provide infrastructural facilities such as good roads and market facilities to dried fish marketers in the study area. Key words: Market Conduct, Market Performance, Dried Fish Market, Borno State,  Nigeri

    Human and Animal Pentastomiasis in Malaysia : Review

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    Pentastomiasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease induced by the larval stages of pentasomes. The disease has been reported in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia and caused by the nymphs of the two genera: Linguatula and Armillifer and the two species L. serrata and A. armillatus regard for more than 90% of human cases. The definitive hosts of Armillifer spp. are snakes, lizards and other reptiles. The parasites live in the upper respiratory tracts and lay eggs that are passed out through respiratory secretions, saliva or faeces. Intermediate hosts are humans, rodents and other mammals. Humans incidentally acquire the infestation by the consumption of uncooked infested snake meat or by drinking water contaminated with ova of the pentastomes. In the intestinal tract, the larvae hatch from the ova, penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate to organs in which the liver is the most common site. Human pentastomiasis was reported among aborigines in West and East Malaysia. Armillifer moniliformis was identified in wild animals and carnivores with infection rate 1.8% and 20.7% respectively. The adults of pentostomes (A. moniliformis) were recovered from two out of six snakes Python reticulates. Recently a case of human pentastomiasis was reported in Sabah, East Malaysia, caused by nymph of Armillifer moniliformis

    Thermal Performance of Naturally Ventilated Classroom in the Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University, Gowa Campus

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    This study aims to identify the thermal performance of naturally ventilated classrooms of the new campus of Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University in Gowa. The natural ventilation system has three main functions that are to provide healthy air for occupants, to provide thermal comfort to the occupants, and to cool the fabrics in the building interior. Thermal comfort perceived by the user is determined by many factors, including physical, psychological, etc. This research was conducted by using the experimental method with research analysis using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation method. The input parameters in the simulation were obtained through field measurement in the form of room dimension, ventilation open area, and microclimate parameter. The simulation is carried out at maximum open conditions in existing ventilation system with open and closed class door treatment. The simulation treatment of airflow input speeds were 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 m/s. The results showed that the existing ventilation system of Classroom at Faculty of Engineering (FoE) Hasanuddin University (Unhas) with an opening ratio of 16.59 to 22.76% of the floor area is good enough to flow and distribute comfortable air movement inside the classroom, especially at airflow speeds above 0.5 m/s

    Digitalization and artificial knowledge for accountability in SCM: a systematic literature review

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    Purpose: In this study, the authors examine artificial knowledge as a fundamental stream of knowledge management for sustainable and resilient business models in supply chain management (SCM). The study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of artificial knowledge and digitalization as key enablers of the improvement of SCM accountability and sustainable performance towards the UN 2030 Agenda. Design/methodology/approach: Using the SCOPUS database and Google Scholar, the authors analyzed 135 English-language publications from 1990 to 2022 to chart the pattern of knowledge production and dissemination in the literature. The data were collected, reviewed and peer-reviewed before conducting bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review to support future research agenda. Findings: The results highlight that artificial knowledge and digitalization are linked to the UN 2030 Agenda. The analysis further identifies the main issues in achieving sustainable and resilient SCM business models. Based on the results, the authors develop a conceptual framework for artificial knowledge and digitalization in SCM to increase accountability and sustainable performance, especially in times of sudden crises when business resilience is imperative. Research limitations/implications: The study results add to the extant literature by examining artificial knowledge and digitalization from the resilience theory perspective. The authors suggest that different strategic perspectives significantly promote resilience for SCM digitization and sustainable development. Notably, fostering diverse peer exchange relationships can help stimulate peer knowledge and act as a palliative mechanism that builds digital knowledge to strengthen and drive future possibilities. Practical implications: This research offers valuable guidance to supply chain practitioners, managers and policymakers in re-thinking, re-formulating and re-shaping organizational processes to meet the UN 2030 Agenda, mainly by introducing artificial knowledge in digital transformation training and education programs. In doing so, firms should focus not simply on digital transformation but also on cultural transformation to enhance SCM accountability and sustainable performance in resilient business models. Originality/value: This study is, to the authors' best knowledge, among the first to conceptualize artificial knowledge and digitalization issues in SCM. It further integrates resilience theory with institutional theory, legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory as the theoretical foundations of artificial knowledge in SCM, based on firms' responsibility to fulfill the sustainable development goals under the UN's 2030 Agenda

    Study of genetic variation of some eggplant cultivars through RAPD-PCR molecular markers and its relatedness to phomopsis blight disease reaction

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    Disease susceptibility and genetic variability in 10 eggplant genotypes were studied after inoculating Phomopsis vexans under confined field conditions. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess genetic variation and relationships among eggplant genotypes. The disease index of leaves ranged 0.208-13.79%, while fruit infection ranged 2.15-42.76%. Two varieties, Dohazari G and Laffa S, were found to be susceptible, 6 were moderately resistant, 1 was moderately susceptible, and BAU Begun-1 was resistant to P. vexans. Amplification of genomic DNA by using 3 RAPD primers produced 20 bands: 14 (70%) were polymorphic and 6 (30%) were monomorphic. The highest intra-variety similarity indices values were found in ISD 006, Ishurdi L, Jessore L, and BAU Begun-1 (100%), while the lowest was in Dohazari G (90%). The lowest genetic distance (0.0513) and the highest genetic identity (0.9500) were observed between the ISD 006 and Ishurdi L combinations. A comparatively higher genetic distance (0.3724) and the lowest genetic identity (0.6891) were observed between the ISD 006 and Dohazari G combinations. A dendogram was constructed based on Nei’s genetic distance, which produced 2 main clusters of the genotypes - Cluster I: ISD 006, Ishurdi L, Marich begun L, BAU Begun-1, Marich begun S, and Chega and Cluster 2: Laffa S, Dohazari G, Jessore L, and Singhnath. Genetic variation and its relationship with disease susceptibility were assessed using RAPD markers, to develop disease-resistant varieties and improve eggplant crops

    Dye-sensitized solar cells using dyes extracted from flowers, leaves, parks, and roots of three trees

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    In this paper, eleven natural dyes were collected from three trees and used as photosensitizers for dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The cells were fabricated using TiO2 as a semiconducting layer deposited on transparent fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) conductive glass using doctor blade method. The absorption spectra of the extracts were performed in the spectral range from 400 nm to 750 nm. The JV characteristic curves of all fabricated cells were measured and analyzed. The parameters related to the solar cell performance were determined. Moreover, the impedance spectroscopy of the cell with the best performance was investigated