107 research outputs found
Hegemonic regulations of kinship: gender and sexualities norms in Italy
After many years of heated debate, in 2016 the Italian parliament passed a law to regulate
same-sex civil unions. Although the law extends to same-sex couples most of the rights of
married heterosexual couples, the law preserves legal differences between heterosexual
marriage and same-sex civil unions; moreover, the possibility of a partner in a same-sex
couple adopting the biological children of the other partner was so controversial that it had to
be deleted in order for the law to pass. The research project presented in the present thesis
aimed at understanding which discourses and social practices are currently used in Italy by
heteronormativity to resist challenges to the hegemonic model of kinship. Three studies have
been carried out for this purpose, respectively focused on: 1) the public debate that occurred
in Italy while the law proposal was under discussion in parliament; 2) the speeches of the
Members of Parliament (MP) who opposed the section of the bill concerning lesbian and gay
parenthood; 3) the discourses of Italian LGBT activists about lesbian and gay parenting. The
analyses highlight that the opposition to the recognition of gay and lesbian couples and their
children contributes to maintain the hegemonic gender order and to reiterate restrictive
standards of motherhood. Traces of heteronormativity are also present in the discourses of
LGBT activists, namely in terms of access to reproduction, the parents’ place within the
regime of gender and the right standards for childrearing. Theoretical and practical
implications of these discourses are discussed.Após muitos anos de debates intensos, em 2016 o parlamento italiano aprovou uma lei para
regular as uniões civis de casais do mesmo sexo. Apesar da lei permitir a casais do mesmo
sexo a maioria dos direitos dos casais heterossexuais casados, a lei preserva diferenças legais
entre casais heterossexuais e uniões civis entre casais do mesmo sexo; a possibilidade de um
parceiro do mesmo sexo adotar um filho biológico do outro parceiro foi tão controversa que
teve de ser eliminada para a lei passar. O projeto de investigação que apresentamos nesta tese
pretende entender que discursos e práticas sociais são usados na Itália pela
heteronormatividade para resistir às mudanças no modelo hegemónico de parentesco. Três
estudos foram realizados para este propósito, respetivamente focados em: 1) o debate público
ocorrido na Itália, enquanto a lei esteve sob discussão no parlamento; 2) os discursos de
deputados/as que se opuseram á parte da lei sobre parentalidade gay e lésbica; 3) os discursos
de ativistas LGBT italianos sobre parentalidade gay e lésbica. As análises mostram como a
oposição ao reconhecimento de casais gays e lésbicos e seus/suas filhos/as contribuem para
manter a ordem hegemónica de género e reiterar padrões restritivos de maternidade.
Encontram-se traços de heteronormatividade também no discurso de ativistas LGBT,
sobretudo em termos do acesso à reprodução, ao lugar da parentalidade no regime de género e
aos padrões apropriados de educação dos/as filhos/as. Discutem-se também as implicações
teóricas e práticas destes discursos
The Role of Family Support and Dyadic Adjustment on the Psychological Well-being of Transgender Individuals: An Exploratory Study
Introduction This study aimed to measure dyadic adjustment, social support, and psychological well-being.
Methods A research protocol composed of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, the Outcome Questionnaire 45.2, and the Multidimensional
Scale of Perceived Social Support was administered to a sample of 109 Italian transgender individuals.
Results Higher levels of global psychological distress, symptom severity, and interpersonal relationship distress were associated
with lower levels of family support and dyadic adjustment. In addition, transgender women and younger transgender
individuals reported higher levels of interpersonal relationship distress.
Conclusions The results indicate that the support and acceptance of one’s partner and family of origin play a crucial role in
promoting well-being. It represents an important protective factor with respect to negative psychological health outcomes.
Policy Implications The findings emphasize the need to develop specific clinical and social practices for transgender individuals
and their families. Building family and partner-centered policies and programs is particularly important to enable
transgender individuals to avoid paying the emotional and psychological costs associated with rejection and non-acceptance
Comprender el malestar a través de las relaciones. La teorÃa sistémica: entre epistemologÃa, dinámicas familiares y clÃnica
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el delinear la evolución de las referencias epistemológicas que subyacen al cambio de los modelos de tipo sistémico-relacional. Tal evolución representa el hilo conductor gracias al cual leer las variaciones de perspectiva que ha experimentado la clÃnica familiar al observar, significar y tratar el malestar en el ámbito de la teorÃa y de la escena terapéutica. Son dos los saltos epistemológicos que se revelan como fundamentales. El primero es el paso de un modelo homeostático a un modelo evolutivo, paso que ha conducido a los terapeutas a considerar, además de las tensiones hacia el mantenimiento del equilibrio que caracterizan a los sistemas familiares (sobre todo cuando éstos atraviesan un estado de malestar), también los procesos de desarrollo que se hallan en la base del funcionamiento y de las transformaciones de tales sistemas. El segundo es el paso de la cibernética de primer orden a la de segundo orden, paso que ha permitido concebir la relación terapéutica como un proceso de circularidad constructiva entre el observador y el sistema observado y que ha estimulado una apertura hacia nuevas modalidades de tratamiento terapéutico familiar
The organisation of sexuality and the sexuality of organisation: A genealogical analysis of sexual ‘inclusive exclusion’ at work
This article problematises sexual inclusion in the workplace by theorising the social and historical processes that underpin heteronormativity in organisations. Drawing on a genealogical analysis of sexuality and inclusion in four Italian social firms that support the work and social integration of disadvantaged individuals, the article provides an in-depth analysis of the historical conditions affecting the management of sexualities in organisations. The analysis exposes the fragility and contradictory character of the notion of inclusion by illustrating how efforts to ‘include’ are often grounded on normative principles. It also shows how heteronormativity works, in practice, to moderate different modalities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer inclusion, recreating hierarchies and binaries within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals. The article discusses how the power of heteronormativity produces specific meanings of inclusion within which some lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer workers are included and normalised, and others remain excluded because they do not conform to normative conventions and flaunt their ‘diversity’. The necessity of taking a queer perspective on ‘inclusion’ that scrutinises the heteronormative logic is also discussed. The article concludes by shedding light on how, within a heteronormative regime shaped by neoliberal predicaments, ‘inclusive’ organisations might continue to exclude lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals
L'approccio psico-sociale per lo studio delle nuove realtà familiari
piegare cosa sia la psicologia sociale non è semplice: l’ampiezza dei suoi confini, le frequenti contaminazioni provenienti da altre discipline sociali con le quali spesso condivide gli oggetti di studio, la sua natura di work in progress, rendono problematico darne una definizione univoca ed esaustiva. Un tema di fondo della psicologia sociale può essere individuato nello studio dell’interazione umana, nel riconoscimento della natura sociale dell’uomo, nel tentativo di dare ragione dell'articolazione tra lo psicologico e il sociale. La famiglia entra a pieno titolo nella categoria concettuale dei piccoli gruppi, divenendo perciò oggetto di studio della psicologia sociale, a partire dagli anni cinquanta
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