134 research outputs found

    William Vickers and Gender Studies of the 1970s

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    Bill Vickers: A Pioneer in Engaged and Dialogic Anthropology

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    A morte e o corpo dos xamãs nas narrativas siona

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    O trabalho examina a relação entre representações do corpo e noções de morte entre os índios Siona, um grupo tucano localizado na Bacia Amazônica da Colômbia e do Equador. A corporalidade do poder xarnânico permite não só a medação do xamã entre os mundos visíveis e invisíveis do universo Siona, mas também a possibilidade de uma existência imortal, em oposição ao destino do homem comum. Seis narrativas nas quais se relata o destino dos corpos e das almas xamãs são apresentadas como exemplos das possibilidades de imortalidade. Finalmente, o trabalho analisa as noções de morte e de vida após a morte à luz de discussões sobre o tema por outros grupos tucanos, em particular a de Reichel Doltnatoff sobre os Desana e a de Cipolletti sobre os Siona-Secoya. O enfoque no corpo e nas mortes dos xainãs em narrativas ilumina o princípio de energia cíclica, que é considerada característica da cosmologia tucana.The work examines the relation between representations of the body and notions of death arnong the Siona Indians, a Western Tukanoan group of the Colombian Amazon Basin. Of particular focus is the corporality of shamanic power, which not only enables the shaman to mediate between the invisible and visible realities of the Siona universe, but which also pennits an immortal existence, as opposed to that of the common person. Six narratives which relate the destiny of sharnans bodies and souls are presented as exemples of the possibilities of immortality. Finally, the paper analyzes Siona notions of death and afterlife in view of discussions on the topic concerning other Tukanoan groups, in particular that of Reichel-Dohnatoff for the Desana and that of Cipolletti for the Siona-Secoya. Focus on the body and on shamans characteristic of Tukanoan cosmology

    Participation and autonomy in the intercultural contexts of Indian Health: reflections from southern Brazil

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    The democratization of health actions and services in Brazil, as expressed in the National Health System (SUS) established in 1990, is based upon new relations between the State and society. Ideally, the principles and directives of SUS, also created in the Health Care Reform movement from 1976 onwards, establish the central role of the consumer and shift the axis of power from macro-institutions to local and regional levels, with broad participation of all the sectors that make up the health service field. In view of the historical inequalities and inequities experienced by the indigenous peoples of Brazil, the Subsystem of Attention to Indian Health as part of SUS was established in 1999. Since the implementation of the Subsystem seven years ago, there have been few reflections regarding the praxis of its key concepts in intercultural contexts: differentiated attention, Indian Health Agents and participation and social control. Considering these aspects, this article evaluates the model of attention to Indian health. Based on research from Southern Brazil, specifically from the State of Santa Catarina, and on the experience of participation in situations of social control, the authors hope to contribute to an evaluation of the Subsystem, which is imperative at this moment.A democratização das ações e serviços de saúde no Brasil, expressa no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) em 1990, tem como base novas relações entre estado e sociedade. Idealisticamente, os princípios e as diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde, forjados ainda no Movimento de Reforma Sanitária a partir de 1976, estabelecem o papel central do usuário e deslocam o eixo do poder das macroestruturas para os níveis locais e regionais, com a ampla participação de todos os setores que compõem o cenário da saúde. No caso indígena, o Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde Indígena no âmbito do SUS foi implementado em 1999, face às históricas desigualdades e iniqüidades vividas por esses povos no Brasil. Desde a implantação do Subsistema, há sete anos, são poucas as reflexões sobre os conceitos-chaves e sua práxis em contextos interculturais: atenção diferenciada, Agentes Indígenas de Saúde e participação e controle social. Esse artigo traz uma avaliação do modelo de atenção à saúde indígena com base nesses aspectos. A partir de pesquisas realizadas no sul do Brasil, especificamente no Estado de Santa Catarina e na experiência de participação em instâncias de controle social, buscamos contribuir para a avaliação, que é exígua até o momento

    New DArT markers for oat provide enhanced map coverage and global germplasm characterization

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    BACKGROUND: Genomic discovery in oat and its application to oat improvement have been hindered by a lack of genetic markers common to different genetic maps, and by the difficulty of conducting whole-genome analysis using high-throughput markers. This study was intended to develop, characterize, and apply a large set of oat genetic markers based on Diversity Array Technology (DArT). RESULTS: Approximately 19,000 genomic clones were isolated from complexity-reduced genomic representations of pooled DNA samples from 60 oat varieties of global origin. These were screened on three discovery arrays, with more than 2000 polymorphic markers being identified for use in this study, and approximately 2700 potentially polymorphic markers being identified for use in future studies. DNA sequence was obtained for 2573 clones and assembled into a non-redundant set of 1770 contigs and singletons. Of these, 705 showed highly significant (Expectation < 10E-10) BLAST similarity to gene sequences in public databases. Based on marker scores in 80 recombinant inbred lines, 1010 new DArT markers were used to saturate and improve the 'Kanota' × 'Ogle' genetic map. DArT markers provided map coverage approximately equivalent to existing markers. After binning markers from similar clones, as well as those with 99% scoring similarity, a set of 1295 non-redundant markers was used to analyze genetic diversity in 182 accessions of cultivated oat of worldwide origin. Results of this analysis confirmed that major clusters of oat diversity are related to spring vs. winter type, and to the presence of major breeding programs within geographical regions. Secondary clusters revealed groups that were often related to known pedigree structure. CONCLUSION: These markers will provide a solid basis for future efforts in genomic discovery, comparative mapping, and the generation of an oat consensus map. They will also provide new opportunities for directed breeding of superior oat varieties, and guidance in the maintenance of oat genetic diversity

    Taking the Metabolic Pulse of the World\u27s Coral Reefs

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    Worldwide, coral reef ecosystems are experiencing increasing pressure from a variety of anthropogenic perturbations including ocean warming and acidification, increased sedimentation, eutrophication, and overfishing, which could shift reefs to a condition of net calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dissolution and erosion. Herein, we determine the net calcification potential and the relative balance of net organic carbon metabolism (net community production; NCP) and net inorganic carbon metabolism (net community calcification; NCC) within 23 coral reef locations across the globe. In light of these results, we consider the suitability of using these two metrics developed from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) measurements collected on different spatiotemporal scales to monitor coral reef biogeochemistry under anthropogenic change. All reefs in this study were net calcifying for the majority of observations as inferred from alkalinity depletion relative to offshore, although occasional observations of net dissolution occurred at most locations. However, reefs with lower net calcification potential (i.e., lower TA depletion) could shift towards net dissolution sooner than reefs with a higher potential. The percent influence of organic carbon fluxes on total changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) (i.e., NCP compared to the sum of NCP and NCC) ranged from 32% to 88% and reflected inherent biogeochemical differences between reefs. Reefs with the largest relative percentage of NCP experienced the largest variability in seawater pH for a given change in DIC, which is directly related to the reefs ability to elevate or suppress local pH relative to the open ocean. This work highlights the value of measuring coral reef carbonate chemistry when evaluating their susceptibility to ongoing global environmental change and offers a baseline from which to guide future conservation efforts aimed at preserving these valuable ecosystems

    Belief Revision and Delusions: How Do Patients with Schizophrenia Take Advice?

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    The dominant cognitive model that accounts for the persistence of delusional beliefs in schizophrenia postulates that patients suffer from a general deficit in belief revision. It is generally assumed that this deficit is a consequence of impaired reasoning skills. However, the possibility that such inflexibility affects the entire system of a patient's beliefs has rarely been empirically tested. Using delusion-neutral material in a well-documented advice-taking task, the present study reports that patients with schizophrenia: 1) revise their beliefs, 2) take into account socially provided information to do so, 3) are not overconfident about their judgments, and 4) show less egocentric advice-discounting than controls. This study thus shows that delusional patients' difficulty in revising beliefs is more selective than had been previously assumed. The specificities of the task and the implications for a theory of delusion formation are discussed

    Hybridization and adaptive evolution of diverse Saccharomyces species for cellulosic biofuel production

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    Additional file 15. Summary of whole genome sequencing statistics
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