29 research outputs found

    Pedogenesis and carbon sequestration in transformed agricultural soils of Sicily

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    The increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration is a consequence of human activities leading to severe environmental deteriorations. Techniques are thus needed to sequester and reduce atmospheric carbon. One of the proposed techniques is the transformation or construction of new soils into which more organic carbon can be sequestered and CO2 be consumed by increased weathering. By using a chronosequence of new and transformed soils on crushed limestone (0–48 years) in a Mediterranean area (Sicily), we tried to quantify the amount of organic carbon that could be additionally sequestered and to derive the corresponding rates. A further aim was to trace chemical weathering and related CO2 consumption and the evolution of macropores that are relevant for water infiltration and plant nutrition. Owing to the irrigation of the table grape cultivation, the transformed soils developed fast. After about 48 years, the organic C stocks were near 12 kg m−2. The average org. C sequestration rates varied between 68 and 288 g m−2 yr−1. The C accumulation rates in the transformed soils are very high at the beginning and tend to decrease over (modelled) longer time scales. Over these 48 years, a substantial amount of carbonate was leached and reprecipitated as secondary carbonates. The proportion of secondary carbonates on the total inorganic carbon was up to 50%. Main mineralogical changes included the formation of interstratified clay minerals, the decrease of mica and increase of chloritic components as well as goethite. The atmospheric CO2 consumption due to silicate weathering was in the range of about 44–72 g C m−2 yr−1. Due to the high variability, the contribution of chemical weathering to CO2 consumption represents only an estimate. When summing up organic C sequestration and CO2 consumption by silicate weathering, rates in the order of 110–360 g C m−2 yr−1 are obtained. These are very high values. We estimated that high sequestration and CO2 consumption rates are maintained for about 50–100 years after soil transformation. The macropore volume decreased over the observed time span to half (from roughly 10 to 5 %). The transformation of soils may even amend their characteristics and increase agricultural production. Due to the relatively sandy character, enough macropores were present and no substantial compaction of the soils occurred. However, great caution has to be taken as such measures can trigger deterioration of both soil ecosystem services and soil quality

    Pedotransfer functions to predict water retention for soils of the humid tropics: a review

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    Nonisotermal flow of water and salt in soil medium : model derivation

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    W pracy przedstawiono fizyczny model zjawisk przenoszenia wody, soli i ciepła w glebie. W modelu uwzględnia się: wielofazowy transport wody w warunkach nieizotermicznych, przenoszenie nie reagującej i nieadsorbującej substancji chemicznej oraz przepływ ciepła.In this work we are developing a physical model of water, salt and heat transport in soil medium. In this model we are taking into consideration multiphase transport of water in nonisotermal conditions. Flow of non-reactive and non- adsorbing substance, and heat flow is decribed also

    Walczak „Comparison of thermal signatures of a mine buried in mineral and organic soils

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    ABSTRACT Values of thermal signature of a mine buried in soils, which have different properties, were compared using mathematical -statistical modelling. There was applied a model of transport phenomena in the soil, which takes into consideration water and energy transfer. The energy transport is described using Fourier's equation. Liquid phase transport of water is calculated using Richard's model of water flow in porous medium. For the comparison, there were selected two soils: mineral and organic, which differs significantly in thermal and hydrological properties. The heat capacity of soil was estimated using de Vries model. The thermal conductivity was calculated using a statistical model, which incorporates fundamental soil physical properties. The model of soil thermal conductivity was built on the base of heat resistance, two Kirchhoff's laws and polynomial distribution. Soil hydrological properties were described using Mualem-van Genuchten model. The impact of thermal properties of the medium in which a mine had been placed on its thermal signature in the conditions of heat input was presented. The dependence was stated between observed thermal signature of a mine and thermal parameters of the medium