12 research outputs found

    Practice of Digital Resources to Develop the Quality of Education in Morocco: The Case of the Life Sciences and Earth

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    To develop a strategy for developing the quality of education in schools in Morocco, it is necessary to make a diagnosis on existing teaching practices, resources, infrastructure and equipment in place to do these digital resources by improving well designed to facilitate the experimental approach, learning scenarios documentary and to improve cognitive skills in learners.In general, there are five phases to conduct an educational project by model "ADDIE" (Analysis, Design (Design), Development, Implementation, Evaluation).In the sector of life sciences and earth, improving the educational system and strengthening the experimental teacher training, based primarily on the integration of ICT and innovation in learning by teaching scenarios well studied to improve the skills of learners.Therefore, the design of learning scenarios integrating ICT in the field of life sciences and earth is from the diagnostic resources available in the school, we made ??a joint presentation of digital resources, and involvement of students in the working class group (workroom). 70% of students are generally more reluctant towards ICT in education than is suggested by their exposure to new media. Key words: educational project ACDIE model, Lesson plans, Evaluatio

    Improvement of Vegetation Potato "Nicola" by Slaughterhouses Wastes, Treated By Biological Way

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    Improving and processing of slaughterhouse waste of red meat in Morocco are possible by highlighting biotechnology techniques. These biological techniques have the advantage of being easy and competitive with other methods used in the field of waste treatment. Thus, we were able to isolate and characterize two strains of lactic bacteria (HBL5, HBL10) and yeast strains (HL2, HL15) with a significant fermentative power. Stability of the product is obtained from the twelfth day of fermentation. In addition, bacterial strains have a strong bactericidal effect vis-à-vis pathogens, allowing a significant improvement of the hygienic and organoleptic quality of the finished product, and the pH profile shows a remarkable evolution during fermentation to reach a stable value of 3.93. The acidity increased from 0.22% to 1.25% between the beginning and the end of fermentation.The fertilizer trials conducted by the bio-fertilizer showed a significant improvement of potato culture "Nicola" with a maximum value of 17.8 t / ha, obtained in the case of test II (15T/ha ) relative to the chemical treatment and control groups. Keywords: Slaughterhouse waste - Fermentation - Bio-fertilizer – Valorization - Potato

    Essais d’application de déchets d’abattoirs traités à des fins agricoles : cas de culture de Blé

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    Les abattoirs au Maroc génèrent des quantités élevées de déchets solides et liquides. Le déversement de ces derniers dans des milieux récepteurs sans traitement préalable, a des conséquences négatives sur l’environnement et sur la santé publique. La fermentation des déchets verts (contenu stomacal) d’abattoirs est accompagnée d’une diminution rapide du pH. La valeur la plus basse (3,85) est atteinte après 15 jours de fermentation dans l’essai inoculé par le ferment (BL5-BL10), avec une proportion de 20 % de mélasse avec un taux d’acidité qui dépasse 0.95%, ce qui montre une amélioration importante de la qualité hygiénique et organoleptique du produit fermenté. Les essais de fertilisation menés par le bio-engrais, ont montré une amélioration du rendement en grains de Blé avec une valeur maximale de 47± 0.47 qx/ha, obtenue dans le cas de l’essai II (10T/ha) par rapport au traitement chimique et témoin. Le bio-engrais obtenu a un effet significatif sur les caractéristiques du sol, L’apport du coproduit au sol, a amélioré sa teneur et ses réserves en Azote, en phosphore et en potassium assimilables d’une manière étonnante. Ses réserves ont été presque doublées par les deux doses apportées (5T/ha et 10T/ha) pour atteindre respectivement des valeurs de 2.17 ± 0.33%, 2.11 ± 0.27% et de 2.67 ± 0.35 % dans le cas de culture de Blé par rapport à l’état initial

    Preparation of the starter Trial production of cheese (Jben) and Klila at laboratory scale

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    Samples of bulk milk collection center in the municpality of Mograne have been selected to prepare the mesophilic and thermophilic lactic yeast. Two types of yeast (mesophilic and thermophilic) have been selected for their acidifying power, the speed of coagulation and aromatic aspect to produce two types of cheese, fresh cheese (Jben) and Klila. Physicochemical and microbiological tests were conducted for four by-products Jben and Klila prepared by the traditional method and Jben and Klila at laboratory scale. The analysis included five samples of each coproduit. The pH of the samples vary between 3.62 and 3,92 while the acidity is between 66 and 95 °D. Clotting time of milk is too fast for thermophilic starters (3,50 - 4 hours cons to 11, 50 -10, 50 for mesophilic starters).   The microbiological analysis have highlighted a complete absence of coliforms, and staphylococci, especially for controlled products.  The finished product obtained had a considerable consistency and texture besides a very satisfactory organoleptic and hygienic quality according to the physicochemical and microbiological analysis carried. Keywords: starter, thermophilic, mesophilic, Jben, Klil

    Microbiological and Chemicophysical Comparative Study of Cow's Milk in the Commune of Mograne (Gharb region, Morocco)

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    With the aim of studying the bacteriological quality of the milk of the town of mograne in comparison with a study made in 2007; ten samples of the cow's milk restarted in two series were analyzed by physico-chemical and microbiological point of view. the obtained results, show that analyzed milk present successful physico-chemical characters parrapport in 2007. So the temperature of milk after draft has little meadows 37°c and the pH is 6.68. the bacteriological load in FMAT is of average of 5.67.105 ufc / ml and the average contents total and faecal coliformes are respectively 9,07.103 ufc / ml and 4,53.103 ufc / ml. the realized analyses also mark the total absence of staphylococci, salmonellas and clostridiums; a good indicator on the sanitary state of cows treated as well as on the quality of analyzed milk. these results are better than that those registered in 2007, what informs about the  impact of the practices of hygiene and breeding on the bacteriological quality of the milk. Keywords: Bacteriological quality, Physicochemical quality, Milk, practices of hygiene, Mograne commun

    Contribution to the Characterization of Liquid Waste of Poultry Slaughter

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    Protecting the environment occupies a prominent place in the strategy of many companies of food industry. This concern has led the company to implement a proactive policy aimed at curbing the impact of its industrial activity on the natural environment. The characterization of liquid discharges from slaughterhouses is an essential step to study their environmental impacts.In this regards, abattoir effluents were collected in the laboratory for physico-chemical and microbiological analyze in order to study its impact on the environment.According to the results, we noticed that the pH increases from the first sample to the third to reach a value of 8.02, against the values ??of COD, BOD5 decrease from the first sample to the third, also the total nitrogen decreases with a slight variation from the first to the third sampling (from 42.03 to 42 mg /l). This decrease is due to the reduction of microbial load in the effluent resulting from the use of cleaning products. The valuation of this type of waste requires the choice of a suitable ferment, a good knowledge of the physico-chemical and microbiological process. Keywords: liquid waste of slaughterhouses, characterization, valuation

    Study Dairy Cattle in the Region of Gharb: Case of Rural Commune Mograne

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    The Green Morocco Plan emphasized in its objectives the emergence of agricultural development policy. The dairy sector is central. Commendable initiatives have been expressed by the learned society in all regions of Morocco and in all sectors. At our level, we have targeted the dairy sector in the rural municipality of Mograne of Gharb region. From the standpoint of practical breeding and dairy cattle, an investigation was conducted. 26 farmers, 4 collectors and milk collection center were our target population. To achieve our mission, we relied on achieving a set of visits over a period of three months to the stables. The developed diagnosis involves collecting information on the educational level of farmers, herd size (cows), conduct food, hygiene practices, the mode of milking, the state of the stables, the quantities of milk product ... It comes out that breeders have a low educational level. No guidance in conduct of livestock they have been provided. The practices are traditional. The amount of milk produced is related to race and the number of existing header in the stable. The structure of livestock farms investigated is essentially cross with a percentage of 73%. In second place comes the red local breed with 21%. The purebred is only 6% of the overall population. The factors mentioned above associated with poor compliance with good hygiene practices are probably the cause of low milk production in the municipality of Mograne. Mots clés : Pratiques d'élevage, production laitière, enquête,Key-Words: breeding practices, milk production, investigation, pratiques d'hygiène hygien

    Improving the hygienic quality of milk products (Jben Jben melted and cooked) prepared in the laboratory

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    In order to improve dairy products prepared in the laboratory and at the end to highlight bacteriological quality and compare with the controlled cheese already prepared. Jben samples of cooked and melted jben were prepared. The results obtained show that the pH of the medium is controlled to respectively 4.18 Jben, against 4.04 for the 4.09 and cooked Jben molten Jben. The acidity of the medium generate values ??between 76 and 97 ° for the D jben cooked while it is molten and of the order of 83 ° for the D jben controlled. Loading MTAF records an average of 2.12. 105 cfu / g to 1.74 against the controlled jben. 103 CFU / g for cooked and 4.67.102ufc / g melted jben jben. Flora of fecal contamination is absent in the three types of Jben, except for the third sample Jben controlled marking a value 1,1.102 cfu / g for total coliforms and 1,09.102 cfu / g for fecal coliforms. Charge for the yeasts, it is absent in the molten Jben and jben cooked while they oscillate between 1.1. 6,2.103 and 103 cfu / g to the filler Jben contrôlé.La lactic bacteria is between 5.2 and 8,4.104 cfu / g and the cooked jben between 3.4 and 7,6.104 cfu / g for jben melted. The Jben controlled brand values ??between 4.3 and 9,7.104 cfu / g. We also noted the total absence of Staphylococcus, Salmonella and clolstriduims in all samples analyzed. Keywords: dairy products, baked jben, jben melted jben controlled bacteriological qualit

    Impact of feeding diet and race on the production and quality characteristics of milk in the commune of Mograne (Gharb Region, Morocco)

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    For the purpose to put the focus on the impact of feeding diet and the race on the dairy production of milk  in the commune of Mograne (Gharb region, Morocco), a farm holding has been persuaded to be subjected to diet for 12 months in 2008. The owner was already convinced to integrate the Holstein breed in 2006 for the five lactating cows. We have calculated the milk production of  the holding during the period January-December 2007 as a proof for comparison, where cows have been feeding randomly according to the offer and depending on the season. We were feeding throughout the period of study by alfalfa during the winter period, and the wheat for the summer period. The five cows submitted in this study are of type Holstein. The results recorded during 2008 were very suitable. The production of milk was increasing from 18742 liters in 2007 to 29716 liters in 2008, scoring an increase of 37%. The physicochemical analysis and microbiological conducted before the driving program and after have recorded the results very convincing. Keywords: Milk, Feeding diet, Dairy production, Quality characteristics