7,822 research outputs found

    Typification and economic analysis of beef-producing farms in Spain

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    In spite of different economic agents’ interests, as well as the Administration’s effort in promoting extensive beef-producing systems over the last years, this kind of activity still hasn’t reached the desirable levels, being necessary that farmers perceive an appropriate benefit which supports their activity. In this sense, this paper, using the data obtained by a statistical survey representing all the extensive beef-producing farms existing in Castile and Leon (Spain), aims to analyze the economical results of extensive beef-producing farms, previously classified in representative groups according a quantitative method. The study is a preliminary research which intends to generate additional knowledge about the role of the different variables which make part of the economic results, and takes part of a research project financed by Castile and Leon Regional Governments, Education and Culture Council, through the annual program to support research projects (Order EDU/1143/2004).Cluster Analysis, extensive beef producing systems, economic accounts, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    The Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) is a small treefrog native to much of the Central and Eastern USA. Here, we tested if Spring Peepers exhibit size-assortative mating—non-random mate pairings based on body size—from a population in eastern Iowa. We captured 75 amplecting pairs of Spring Peepers during the 2021 breeding season, measured their body sizes, and marked them for future recognition. We found that while sexual-size dimorphism exists between males and females, there was no evidence for size-assortative mating among amplectant pairs. Our study contributes to other recent work indicating that size-assortative mating is rare among most anurans, and that previous findings of this phenomenon in frogs should be interpreted with caution

    Auditoria : Auditoria Informatica de Sistemas en la Empresa OFICAM periodo 2014

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    El presente trabajo, describe la Auditoría Informática de los Sistemas de Tecnología e Información, realizada a “OFICAM”. Utilizando COBIT, una herramienta desarrollada para ayudar a los administradores de negocios a entender y administrar los riesgos asociados con la implementación de nuevas tecnologías digitales. Las buenas prácticas de COBIT están enfocadas en el ambiente de control óptimo que debe tener una empresa para de esta manera lograr una alineación efectiva entre TI y los objetivos de negocio. El fin de esta revisión técnica es identificar debilidades y emitir recomendaciones que permitan minimizar riesgos. Para llevar a cabo la presente Auditoría, se realizaron las siguientes actividades: Entregar un listado de requerimientos a la entidad a ser auditada. Revisar la documentación entregada al Equipo de Auditoría. Se formularon preguntas, con el fin de aclarar ciertos puntos de la documentación. Se elaboraron encuestas al personal de la entidad. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se llevaron a cabo las entrevistas que constituye un método de auditoría personalizada, para profundizar en la indagación. Tomando como base las encuestas y las entrevistas, se elaboraron las pruebas sustantivas (checklist) y se recopilaron evidencias. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en las encuestas, entrevistas y pruebas sustantivas y, alineando todos estos resultados con cada objetivo de control, que propone COBIT, se presentaron las observaciones y recomendaciones emitidas en un informe a la Gerencia

    The OPTX Project IV: How Reliable is [OIII] as a Measure of AGN Activity?

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    We compare optical and hard X-ray identifications of AGNs using a uniformly selected (above a flux limit of f_2-8 keV = 3.5e-15 erg/cm2/s) and highly optically spectroscopically complete ( > 80% for f_2-8 keV > 1e-14 erg/cm2/s and > 60% below) 2-8 keV sample observed in three Chandra fields (CLANS, CLASXS, and the CDF-N). We find that empirical emission-line ratio diagnostic diagrams misidentify 20-50% of the X-ray selected AGNs that can be put on these diagrams as star formers, depending on which division is used. We confirm that there is a large (2 orders in magnitude) dispersion in the log ratio of the [OIII]5007A to hard X-ray luminosities for the non-broad line AGNs, even after applying reddening corrections to the [OIII] luminosities. We find that the dispersion is similar for the broad-line AGNs, where there is not expected to be much X-ray absorption from an obscuring torus around the AGN nor much obscuration from the galaxy along the line-of-sight if the AGN is aligned with the galaxy. We postulate that the X-ray selected AGNs that are misidentified by the diagnostic diagrams have low [OIII] luminosities due to the complexity of the structure of the narrow-line region, which causes many ionizing photons from the AGN not to be absorbed. This would mean that the [OIII] luminosity can only be used to predict the X-ray luminosity to within a factor of ~3 (one sigma). Despite selection effects, we show that the shapes and normalizations of the [OIII] and transformed hard X-ray luminosity functions show reasonable agreement, suggesting that the [OIII] samples are not finding substantially more AGNs at low redshifts than hard X-ray samples.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 11 pages, 10 figure

    Ilustrando Nepāl en el siglo XIX. El dibujo de Raj Man Singh Chitrakar

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    During the 19th and 20th centuries, when the Himalayas’ political frontiers were closed to foreign interference, the few European scientists fortunate enough to venture into the valley of Nepāl usually did so along with a group of Indian or Nepalese citrakār artists. They contributed to the development of scientific knowledge of the flora, fauna and cultures of the Himalayas, thanks to their extraordinary drawing skills. The following article focuses on the figure of the British, naturalist and ethnologist, Brian Houghton Hodgson, concerning his studies on Himalayan biology and the newār Buddhist culture. In order to do so, it analyses the graphic work of the artist who accompanied him, Raj Man Singh Chitrakar, the first Nepali illustrator openly recognized for having been specialized in the western technique.A lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX, cuando las fronteras del Himalaya se encontraban políticamente cerradas a la intromisión extranjera, los pocos científicos europeos que tuvieron la fortuna de adentrarse en el valle de Nepāl lo hicieron usualmente junto a un grupo de artistas citrakār indios o nepalíes. Desde el anonimato, estos artistas contribuyeron al desarrollo del conocimiento científico de flora, fauna y culturas del Himalaya, gracias a su extraordinaria habilidad en el dibujo realista. El siguiente artículo se centra en la figura del británico, naturalista y etnólogo Brian Houghton Hodgson, y en sus estudios sobre la biología himaláyica y la cultura budista newār. Para ello analiza la obra gráfica del artista que lo acompañaba, Raj Man Singh Chitrakar, como el primer dibujante nepalí reconocido por haberse especializado en la técnica occidental

    The evolution of sex ratio distorter suppression affects a 25 cM genomic region in the butterfly Hypolimnas bolina

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    Open Access ArticleSymbionts that distort their host's sex ratio by favouring the production and survival of females are common in arthropods. Their presence produces intense Fisherian selection to return the sex ratio to parity, typified by the rapid spread of host 'suppressor' loci that restore male survival/development. In this study, we investigated the genomic impact of a selective event of this kind in the butterfly Hypolimnas bolina. Through linkage mapping, we first identified a genomic region that was necessary for males to survive Wolbachia-induced male-killing. We then investigated the genomic impact of the rapid spread of suppression, which converted the Samoan population of this butterfly from a 100:1 female-biased sex ratio in 2001 to a 1:1 sex ratio by 2006. Models of this process revealed the potential for a chromosome-wide effect. To measure the impact of this episode of selection directly, the pattern of genetic variation before and after the spread of suppression was compared. Changes in allele frequencies were observed over a 25 cM region surrounding the suppressor locus, with a reduction in overall diversity observed at loci that co-segregate with the suppressor. These changes exceeded those expected from drift and occurred alongside the generation of linkage disequilibrium. The presence of novel allelic variants in 2006 suggests that the suppressor was likely to have been introduced via immigration rather than through de novo mutation. In addition, further sampling in 2010 indicated that many of the introduced variants were lost or had declined in frequency since 2006. We hypothesize that this loss may have resulted from a period of purifying selection, removing deleterious material that introgressed during the initial sweep. Our observations of the impact of suppression of sex ratio distorting activity reveal a very wide genomic imprint, reflecting its status as one of the strongest selective forces in nature.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Spectropolarimetric Evidence for Radiatively Inefficient Accretion in an Optically Dull Active Galaxy

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    We present Subaru/FOCAS spectropolarimetry of two active galaxies in the Cosmic Evolution Survey. These objects were selected to be optically dull, with the bright X-ray emission of an AGN but missing optical emission lines in our previous spectroscopy. Our new observations show that one target has very weak emission lines consistent with an optically dull AGN, while the other object has strong emission lines typical of a host-diluted Type 2 Seyfert galaxy. In neither source do we observe polarized emission lines, with 3-sigma upper limits of P_BLR < 2%. This means that the missing broad emission lines (and weaker narrow emission lines) are not due to simple anisotropic obscuration, e.g., by the canonical AGN torus. The weak-lined optically dull AGN exhibits a blue polarized continuum with P = 0.78 +/- 0.07% at 4400 A < lambda_rest < 7200 A (P = 1.37 +/- 0.16% at 4400 A < lambda_rest < 5050 A). The wavelength dependence of this polarized flux is similar to that of an unobscured AGN continuum and represents the intrinsic AGN emission, either as synchrotron emission or the outer part of an accretion disk reflected by a clumpy dust scatterer. Because this intrinsic AGN emission lacks emission lines, this source is likely to have a radiatively inefficient accretion flow.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 6 pages, 2 figure

    En torno a un nuevo puñal hallstático aparecido en la Península Ibérica.

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    57 (3-4) Jul.-Dez. 1947, p. 120-138

    La mas bella espada de tipo Alcacer do Sal de la necropolis de La Osera.

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    61 (3-4) Jul.-Dez. 1951, p. 249-262