11,813 research outputs found

    Evidence for complex order parameter in La_{1.83}Sr_{0.17}CuO_4

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    The in-plane magnetic field penetration depth (\lambda_{ab}) in single-crystal La_{1.83}Sr_{0.17}CuO_4 was investigated by means of the muon-spin rotation (\muSR) technique. The temperature dependence of \lambda^{-2}_{ab} has an inflection point around 10-15K, suggesting the presence of two superconducting gaps: a large gap (\Delta_1^d) with d-wave and a small gap (\Delta_2^s) with s-wave symmetry. The zero-temperature values of the gaps at \mu_0H=0.02T were found to be \Delta_1^d(0)=8.2(2)meV and \Delta_2^s(0)=1.57(8)meV.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Comment on “Nature and entropy content of the ordering transitions in RCo₂”

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    In their analysis of our perturbed angular correlation (PAC) study of the magnetic phase transitions of RCo₂ [Phys. Rev. B 68, 014409 (2003)], Herrero-Albillos [Phys. Rev. B 73, 134410 (2006)] come to the conclusion that it is very difficult for PAC spectroscopy to distinguish a first-order from a second-order phase transition. The statement is incorrect and does not resolve the conflict between the conclusion drawn from the PAC data and the differential scanning calorimetry data of Herrero- Albillos on the order of the magnetic phase transitions of PrCo₂ and NdCo₂. In this Comment we show that measurements of hyperfine interactions by PAC and other microscopic techniques are a very powerful tool for the investigation of phase transitions which may provide details on the transition not accessible to macroscopic methods. We explain why the PAC data leave no alternative to the conclusion that the spontaneous magnetization of PrCo₂ and NdCo₂ undergoes a discontinuous, first-order phase transition at T_(C)

    Perturbed angular correlation study of the magnetic phase transitions in the rare-earth cobalt Laves phases RCo₂

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    The order and other properties of the magnetic phase transitions in the rare-earth (R)-cobalt Laves phases RCo2 have been studied for R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Sm, Nd, and Pr by measuring the temperature dependence of the magnetic hyperfine interaction of the nuclear probe ^111Cdon the cubic R sites using the perturbed angular correlation technique. Both for heavy and light R constituents the transitions change from second order (Gd, Tb, Sm) to first order (Dy, Ho, Er, Nd, Pr) at order temperatures of 150-200 K. For heavy R constituents, the order deduced from the hyperfine interaction is in agreement with previous investigations. The observation of first order transitions in NdCo₂ and PrCo₂, however, is unexpected. In earlier studies the transitions in these compounds are usually classified as second order transitions. Both in the heavy and the light RCo₂ the discontinuous jump of the hyperfine interaction at the first order transitions increases with decreasing order temperature. This trend implies that the Co magnetization at the transition increases with decreasing T_C which can be related to the temperature dependence of the coefficient of the M^(4) term of the free energy in the Wohlfarth-Rhodes-Shimizu theory of itinerant electron magnetism. All compounds investigated presented a spread of the order temperature of similar to1-2 K which results in a coexistence of the paramagnetic and the magnetically ordered phase near the transition and causes a critical increase of the relative linewidth of the hyperfine frequency diverging as δ ∞ [(1-T/T_(C)]^ε with ε =-1.0(1)

    In‐depth gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry fragmentation analysis of formestane and evaluation of mass spectral discrimination of isomeric 3‐keto‐4‐ene hydroxy steroids

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    Rationale: The aromatase inhibitor formestane (4‐hydroxyandrost‐4‐ene‐3,17‐dione) is included in the World Anti‐Doping Agency's List of Prohibited Substances in Sport. However, it also occurs endogenously as do its 2‐, 6‐ and 11‐hydroxy isomers. The aim of this study is to distinguish the different isomers using gas chromatography/electron ionization mass spectrometry (GC/EI‐MS) for enhanced confidence in detection and selectivity for determination. Methods: Established derivatization protocols to introduce [2H9]TMS were followed to generate perdeuterotrimethylsilylated and mixed deuterated derivatives for nine different hydroxy steroids, all with 3‐keto‐4‐ene structure. Formestane was additionally labelled with H218O to obtain derivatives doubly labelled with [2H9]TMS and 18O. GC/EI‐MS spectra of labelled and unlabelled TMS derivatives were compared. Proposals for the generation of fragment ions were substantiated by high‐resolution MS (GC/QTOFMS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments. Results: Subclass‐specific fragment ions include m/z 319 for the 6‐hydroxy and m/z 219 for the 11‐hydroxy compounds. Ions at m/z 415, 356, 341, 313, 269 and 267 were indicative for the 2‐ and 4‐hydroxy compounds. For their discrimination the transition m/z 503 → 269 was selective for formestane. In 2‐, 4‐ and 6‐hydroxy steroids loss of a TMSO radical takes place as cleavage of a TMS‐derived methyl radical and a neutral loss of (CH3)2SiO. Further common fragments were also elucidated. Conclusions: With the help of stable isotope labelling, the structures of postulated diagnostic fragment ions for the different steroidal subclasses were elucidated. 18O‐labelling of the other compounds will be addressed in future studies to substantiate the obtained findings. To increase method sensitivity MS3 may be suitable in future bioanalytical applications requiring discrimination of the 2‐ and 4‐hydroxy compounds

    Vacancy motion in rare-earth-deficient R_(1-x)Ni_2 Laves phases observed by perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy

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    Rare-earth-deficient R_(1-x)Ni_2 Laves phases, which reportedly crystallize in a C15 superstructure with ordered R vacancies, have been investigated by perturbed angular correlation (PAC) measurements of electric quadrupole interactions at the site of the probe nucleus ^111Cd. Although ^111Cd resides on the cubic R site, a strong axially symmetric quadrupole interaction (QI) with frequencies ν(q)approximate to265-275 MHz has been found in the paramagnetic phases of R_(1-x)Ni_2 with R=Pr,Nd,Sm,Gd. This interaction is not observed for the heavy R constituents R=Tb,Dy,Ho,Er. The fraction of probe nuclei subject to the QI in R_(1-x)Ni_2, R=Pr,Nd,Sm,Gd, decreases from 100% at low temperatures to zero at T>300 K and 500 K for R=Sm,Gd and R=Pr,Nd, respectively. At T=100 K the QI is static within the PAC time window, but at T=200 K fluctuations with correlation times τ_(C) 500 K nuclear spin relaxation related to vacancy hopping is observed in nearly all R_(1-x)N_i2. Auxiliary ^111Cd PAC measurements have been carried in Sc_0.95Ni_2, ScNi_2, ScNi_0.97, Gd_2Ni_(17), GdNi_5, GdNi_3, and GdNi

    Homopolar oscillating-disc dynamo driven by parametric resonance

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    We use a simple model of Bullard-type disc dynamo, in which the disc rotation rate is subject to harmonic oscillations, to analyze the generation of magnetic field by the parametric resonance mechanism. The problem is governed by a damped Mathieu equation. The Floquet exponents, which define the magnetic field growth rates, are calculated depending on the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations. Firstly, we show that the dynamo can be excited at significantly subcritical disc rotation rates when the latter is subject to harmonic oscillations with a certain frequency. Secondly, at supercritical mean rotation rates, the dynamo can also be suppressed but only in narrow frequency bands and at sufficiently large oscillation amplitudes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Lie Algebras and Growth in Branch Groups

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    We compute the structure of the Lie algebras associated to two examples of branch groups, and show that one has finite width while the other, the ``Gupta-Sidki group'', has unbounded width. This answers a question by Sidki. More precisely, the Lie algebra of the Gupta-Sidki group has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension log3/log(1+2)\log3/\log(1+\sqrt2). We then draw a general result relating the growth of a branch group, of its Lie algebra, of its graded group ring, and of a natural homogeneous space we call "parabolic space", namely the quotient of the group by the stabilizer of an infinite ray. The growth of the group is bounded from below by the growth of its graded group ring, which connects to the growth of the Lie algebra by a product-sum formula, and the growth of the parabolic space is bounded from below by the growth of the Lie algebra. Finally we use this information to explicitly describe the normal subgroups of the "Grigorchuk group". All normal subgroups are characteristic, and the number of normal subgroups of index 2n2^n is odd and is asymptotically nlog2(3)n^{\log_2(3)}

    Measuring the evolution of contemporary western popular music

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    Popular music is a key cultural expression that has captured listeners' attention for ages. Many of the structural regularities underlying musical discourse are yet to be discovered and, accordingly, their historical evolution remains formally unknown. Here we unveil a number of patterns and metrics characterizing the generic usage of primary musical facets such as pitch, timbre, and loudness in contemporary western popular music. Many of these patterns and metrics have been consistently stable for a period of more than fifty years, thus pointing towards a great degree of conventionalism. Nonetheless, we prove important changes or trends related to the restriction of pitch transitions, the homogenization of the timbral palette, and the growing loudness levels. This suggests that our perception of the new would be rooted on these changing characteristics. Hence, an old tune could perfectly sound novel and fashionable, provided that it consisted of common harmonic progressions, changed the instrumentation, and increased the average loudness.Comment: Supplementary materials not included. Please see the journal reference or contact the author

    Experimental Setup of the Fast Current Controller for the Buenos Aires Heavy Ion Microbeam

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    Recently we used the heavy ion microprobe of the Buenos Aires TANDAR Laboratory for Single Event Effects (SEE) and Total Dose (TD) experiments in electronics devices and components, requiring very low beam currents. The facility includes a fast beam switch that allows the control of the ion beam current and a mobile Si PIN (p-type, intrinsic, n-type) diode that directly measures the number of ions hitting the device. The fast beam deflector was used to reduce the current by producing a pulsed beam or generating a quasi-continuous (Poisson-like distributed) beam with currents ranging from tens to hundreds of ions/s. As an application for this current control method we present a single event effect (SEE) pulses map generated by a 32S8+ beam at 75 MeV on two 0.5 µm technology CMOS digital output buffers where the device was formed by cascading four CMOS inverters with increasing sizes from input to output to drive large loads. Using the same concept of pulse width modulated deflection, we developed a novel gradient scanning method. This system allows to produce in a single irradiation a distribution with a cumulative damage with a difference of two orders of magnitude at constant gradient. To demonstrate the method, we irradiated a lithium niobate monocrystal with 32S8+ beam at 75 MeV energy and later analyzed the produced damage by the micro-Raman technique and an optical profilomete.Fil: Vega, Nahuel Agustín. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes. Gerencia de Investigación y Aplicaciones; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Müller, Nahuel Agustín. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes. Gerencia de Investigación y Aplicaciones; ArgentinaFil: De la Fourniére, Emmanuel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes. Gerencia de Investigación y Aplicaciones; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Halac, Emilia Beatriz. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes. Gerencia de Investigación y Aplicaciones; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Debray, Mario Ernesto. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes. Gerencia de Investigación y Aplicaciones; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin