2,188 research outputs found

    Transport across nanogaps using semiclassically consistent boundary conditions

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    Charge particle transport across nanogaps is studied theoretically within the Schrodinger-Poisson mean field framework and the existence of limiting current investigated. It is shown that the choice of a first order WKB wavefunction as the transmitted wave leads to self consistent boundary conditions and gives results that are significantly different in the non-classical regime from those obtained using a plane transmitted wave. At zero injection energies, the quantum limiting current density, J_c, is found to obey the local scaling law J_c ~ (V_g)^alpha/(D)^{5-2alpha} with the gap separation D and voltage V_g. The exponent alpha > 1.1 with alpha --> 3/2 in the classical regime of small de Broglie wavelengths. These results are consistent with recent experiments using nanogaps most of which are found to be in a parameter regime where classical space charge limited scaling holds away from the emission dominated regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 ps figure

    Quantum computing with four-particle decoherence-free states in ion trap

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    Quantum computing gates are proposed to apply on trapped ions in decoherence-free states. As phase changes due to time evolution of components with different eigenenergies of quantum superposition are completely frozen, quantum computing based on this model would be perfect. Possible application of our scheme in future ion-trap quantum computer is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, no figures. Comments are welcom

    Underwater explosion of cylindrical charge near plates: Analysis of pressure characteristics and cavitation effects

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    In this paper, a coupled scheme utilizing advantages of the Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) method and finite elements is applied to investigate cavitation induced by rarefaction waves during a near-field underwater explosion of cylindrical charge. A high-order RKDG method has advantages of an accurate shock capturing. So, it was used to solve a governing Eulerian equation for a compressible fluid. A finite-element method (FEM) was suitable to deal with problems of a shock response of structures and, therefore, applied for structural analysis. The suggested method was used to study pressure characteristics and cavitation effects of underwater explosions of cylindrical charges near single/double plates. First, a cavitation model was introduced in the RKDG method, and a numerical model of a high-pressure bubble in a cylinder was developed. The obtained numerical results were compared with the known solution in order to verify the validity of the suggested method. Second, a RKDG-FEM model of underwater explosion of a spherical charge near a plate was developed; its results for maximum deflection at the centre of the plate were compared with experimental data to prove the effectiveness of the coupled algorithm. Then, this algorithm was employed to simulate the process of underwater explosions of cylindrical charges near a single plate. Here, effects of different parameters - thickness of the plate and a distance between the charge and the plate - on pressure and cavitation characteristics were studied. Finally, a numerical model of double plates subjected to a near-field underwater explosion was developed. Cavitation evolution and its effect on shock-wave loading were analysed. Additionally, the effect of the distance between two plates was studied. The suggested analysis and its results provide a reference for load characteristics of near-field underwater explosions and shock response of structures

    Cement composites reinforced with surface modified coir fibers

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    An experimental investigation of coir mesh reinforced mortar (CMRM) is conducted using nonwoven coir mesh matting. The main parameters in this study are the fiber volume fraction (number of mesh layers) and fiber surface treatment with a wetting agent. The composites are subjected to the four-point bending test. The short-term mechanical properties of CMRM are discussed. Scanning electron micrograph analysis is used to observe the fiber&mdash;matrix interfacial characteristics. The results indicate that the addition of coir mesh to mortar significantly improves the composite post-cracking flexural stress, toughness, ductility, and toughness index, compared to plain mortar materials. The Albatex &copy; FFC wetting agent (2-ethylhexanol) can effectively improve water absorption of coir fiber and enhance the fiber&mdash;matrix bonding strength. These coir mesh reinforced composites may be useful in civil engineering applications.<br /

    Some Bianchi Type III String Cosmological Models with Bulk Viscosity

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    We investigate the integrability of cosmic strings in Bianchi III space-time in presence of a bulk viscous fluid by applying a new technique. The behaviour of the model is reduced to the solution of a single second order nonlinear differential equation. We show that this equation admits an infinite family of solutions. Some physical consequences from these results are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, no figure. To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Near-optimal two-mode spin squeezing via feedback

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    We propose a feedback scheme for the production of two-mode spin squeezing. We determine a general expression for the optimal feedback, which is also applicable to the case of single-mode spin squeezing. The two-mode spin squeezed states obtained via this feedback are optimal for j=1/2 and are very close to optimal for j>1/2. In addition, the master equation suggests a Hamiltonian that would produce two-mode spin squeezing without feedback, and is analogous to the two-axis countertwisting Hamiltonian in the single mode case.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, journal versio

    Visible Red and Infrared Light Alters Gene Expression in Human Marrow Stromal Fibroblast Cells

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    Objectives This study tested whether or not gene expression in human marrow stromal fibroblast (MSF) cells depends on light wavelength and energy density. Material and Methods Primary cultures of isolated human bone marrow stem cells (hBMSC) were exposed to visible red (VR, 633 nm) and infrared (IR, 830) radiation wavelengths from a light emitting diode (LED) over a range of energy densities (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 Joules/cm2) Cultured cells were assayed for cell proliferation, osteogenic potential, adipogenesis, mRNA and protein content. mRNA was analyzed by microarray, and compared among different wavelengths and energy densities. Mesenchymal and epithelial cell responses were compared to determine whether responses were cell-type specific. Protein array analysis was used to further analyze key pathways identified by microarrays. Result Different wavelengths and energy densities produced unique sets of genes identified by microarray analysis. Pathway analysis pointed to TGF beta 1 in the visible red and Akt 1 in the infrared wavelengths as key pathways to study. TGF beta protein arrays suggested switching from canonical to non-canonical TGF beta pathways with increases to longer IR wavelengths. Microarrays suggest RANKL and TIMP 10 followed IR energy density dose response curves. Epithelial and mesenchymal cells respond differently to stimulation by light suggesting cell-type specific response is possible. Conclusions These studies demonstrate differential gene expression with different wavelengths, energy densities and cell types. These differences in gene expression have the potential to be exploited for therapeutic purposes and can help explain contradictory results in the literature when wavelengths, energy densities and cell types differ

    A New Class of Inhomogeneous String Cosmological Models in General Relativity

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    A new class of solutions of Einstein field equations has been investigated for inhomogeneous cylindrically symmetric space-time with string source. To get the deterministic solution, it has been assumed that the expansion (θ\theta) in the model is proportional to the eigen value σ11\sigma^{1}_{1} of the shear tensor σji\sigma^{i}_{j}. Certain physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, no figure. Submitted to Astrophys. Space Sci. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0705.090

    Cylindrically Symmetric Inhomogeneous Universes with a Cloud of Strings

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    Cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous string cosmological models are investigated in presence of string fluid as a source of matter. To get the three types of exact solutions of Einstein's field equations we assume A=f(x)k(t)A = f(x)k(t), B=g(x)(t)B = g(x)\ell(t) and C=h(x)(t)C = h(x)\ell(t). Some physical and geometric aspects of the models are discussed.Comment: 9 page