67 research outputs found

    Shift in critical temperature for random spatial permutations with cycle weights

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    We examine a phase transition in a model of random spatial permutations which originates in a study of the interacting Bose gas. Permutations are weighted according to point positions; the low-temperature onset of the appearance of arbitrarily long cycles is connected to the phase transition of Bose-Einstein condensates. In our simplified model, point positions are held fixed on the fully occupied cubic lattice and interactions are expressed as Ewens-type weights on cycle lengths of permutations. The critical temperature of the transition to long cycles depends on an interaction-strength parameter α\alpha. For weak interactions, the shift in critical temperature is expected to be linear in α\alpha with constant of linearity cc. Using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and finite-size scaling, we find c=0.618±0.086c = 0.618 \pm 0.086. This finding matches a similar analytical result of Ueltschi and Betz. We also examine the mean longest cycle length as a fraction of the number of sites in long cycles, recovering an earlier result of Shepp and Lloyd for non-spatial permutations.Comment: v2 incorporated reviewer comments. v3 removed two extraneous figures which appeared at the end of the PDF

    Notes on nonnegative tensor factorization of the spectrogram for audio source separation : statistical insights and towards self-clustering of the spatial cues

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    International audienceNonnegative tensor factorization (NTF) of multichannel spectrograms under PARAFAC structure has recently been proposed by Fitzgerald et al as a mean of performing blind source separation (BSS) of multichannel audio data. In this paper we investigate the statistical source models implied by this approach. We show that it implicitly assumes a nonpoint-source model contrasting with usual BSS assumptions and we clarify the links between the measure of fit chosen for the NTF and the implied statistical distribution of the sources. While the original approach of Fitzgeral et al requires a posterior clustering of the spatial cues to group the NTF components into sources, we discuss means of performing the clustering within the factorization. In the results section we test the impact of the simplifying nonpoint-source assumption on underdetermined linear instantaneous mixtures of musical sources and discuss the limits of the approach for such mixtures

    Equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections in the non compact setting

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    We consider N-tensor powers of a positive Hermitian line bundle L over a non-compact complex manifold X. In the compact case, B. Shiffman and S. Zelditch proved that the zeros of random sections become asymptotically uniformly distributed with respect to the natural measure coming from the curvature of L, as N tends to infinity. Under certain boundedness assumptions on the curvature of the canonical line bundle of X and on the Chern form of L we prove a non-compact version of this result. We give various applications, including the limiting distribution of zeros of cusp forms with respect to the principal congruence subgroups of SL2(Z) and to the hyperbolic measure, the higher dimensional case of arithmetic quotients and the case of orthogonal polynomials with weights at infinity. We also give estimates for the speed of convergence of the currents of integration on the zero-divisors.Comment: 25 pages; v.2 is a final update to agree with the published pape

    Patterns in random walks and Brownian motion

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    We ask if it is possible to find some particular continuous paths of unit length in linear Brownian motion. Beginning with a discrete version of the problem, we derive the asymptotics of the expected waiting time for several interesting patterns. These suggest corresponding results on the existence/non-existence of continuous paths embedded in Brownian motion. With further effort we are able to prove some of these existence and non-existence results by various stochastic analysis arguments. A list of open problems is presented.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures. This paper is published at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-18585-9_

    Lattice permutations and Poisson-Dirichlet distribution of cycle lengths

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    We study random spatial permutations on Z^3 where each jump x -> \pi(x) is penalized by a factor exp(-T ||x-\pi(x)||^2). The system is known to exhibit a phase transition for low enough T where macroscopic cycles appear. We observe that the lengths of such cycles are distributed according to Poisson-Dirichlet. This can be explained heuristically using a stochastic coagulation-fragmentation process for long cycles, which is supported by numerical data.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Probability Essentials

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    Sur un th�or�me de L�onard Shepp

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    On the Performance of Wide-Bandwidth Signal Acquisition in Dense Multipath Channels

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    Accelerating Cone Beam Reconstruction Using the CUDA-Enabled GPU

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