79 research outputs found

    Semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight in young infertile men with pathozoospermia, postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history

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    Background: Considering the negative impact of visceral obesity on fertility, it is important to study semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight.Aims: Evaluation of semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight in patients with infertility, postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history.Materials and methods: 33 infertile men under 30 years with post-pubertal and alimentary visceral obesity were included into retrospective case-control study. All patients have been followed through a six month weight loss program (hypocaloric diet, daily aerobic physical activity). The waist circumference, blood lipid levels, seminal antioxidant capacity and scanning electron microscopy analysis were determined before and after weight loss program. At the end of the study, patients were divided into two groups according to weight loss. The first group reduced their body weight by 5% or more (n=16), second group didn’t achieve the goal (n=17).Results: Statistically significant differences were identified in the ejaculate parameters between patients of two groups. Though at the time of initiation of medical intervention two groups were comparable except for body mass, after six months in the first group the number of sperm in 1 ml ejaculate, morphologically normal forms and the total antioxidant capacity of ejaculate increased while the number of sperm DNA integrity decreased.Conclusion: In young men with postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history clinically significant body weight reduction is associated with improved semen quality indicators

    Molecular recognition of organic guest vapor by solid adamantylcalix[4] arene

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    A series of inclusion compounds prepared by saturation of the solid adamantyl[4]calixarene (host 1) with vaporous organic guests at 298 K was studied by thermal gravimetry and static headspace GC analyses. The sorption isotherms of guests by host 1, the stoichiometry of the guest-host inclusion compounds, and the Gibbs energies of their formation were determined. The data obtained give evidence of the molecular recognition of the guest shape by host 1. Hence, compound 1 can be used in sensors for recognizing volatile organic compounds with no strong hydrogen or donor-acceptor bonds involved

    Physical activity in preshoolers’ values system: questionnare survey

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    Objective of the study was to analyze the preschoolers’ values system and role of physical activity in the values syste

    Cooperative hydration effect on the binding of organic vapors by a cross-linked polymer and beta-cyclodextrin

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    A cooperative hydration effect being favorable for the binding of organic vapors by cross-linked poly(N-6-aminohexylacrylamide) and beta-cyclodextrin was observed in ternary systems in the absence of liquid phase. For these systems the vapor sorption isotherms were determined by the static method of headspace gas Chromatographic analysis at 298 K. The obtained isotherms show an increase of binding affinity for vapor of hydrophobic sorbates above a threshold value of receptor hydration. Further hydration gives a saturation of this affinity for the studied hydrophilic polyacrylamide derivative, while the affinity of beta-cyclodextrin for the hydrophilic sorbate ethanol even decreases. A similar behavior of this polymer and beta-cyclodextrin at the change of their hydration helps to explain the observed cooperative hydration effect in terms of clathrate formation

    Assessment of the health status of children born to mothers survived a new coronavirus infection during pregnancy

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    The purpose of study is to assess the health status of children born to mothers survived NCI during pregnancy.Цель исследования – оценить состояние здоровья детей, родившихся от матерей, перенёсших НКВИ во время беременности

    Main reasons for a syndrome of loss of a fruit (review of literature)

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    Article has survey character in which questions of the main reasons for not developing pregnancies in early terms are reflected. Somatic, endocrine, autoimmune, alloimmunny diseases, and also infectious inflammatory diseases, various localization, an etiology and a combination are the most frequent reasons of a syndrome of loss of a fruit. Crucial importance in prevention of the repeated not developing pregnancy in a married couple matters carrying out a complex of the actions directed on restoration of reproductive health of both spouses before planning of the subsequent pregnancy - predgravidarny preparation.Статья носит обзорный характер, в которой отражены вопросы основных причин неразвивающих беременностей в ранние сроки. Наиболее частыми причинами синдрома потери плода являются соматические, эндокринные, аутоиммунные, аллоиммунные заболевания, а также инфекционно воспалительные заболевания, различной локализации, этиологии и комбинации. Решающее значение в профилактике повторной неразвивающейся беременности в супружеской паре имеет значение проведение комплекса мероприятий, направленных на восстановление репродуктивного здоровья обоих супругов перед планированием последующей беременности - предгравидарной подготовке

    Распространенность респираторных симптомов и возможности выявления хронической обструктивной болезни легких в шахтерском городе Кузбасса

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    Summary. According to the GARD program, 3,800 respondents (from 85,500 adult residents of a town of Kuzbass region) were questioned using the GARD Program Protocol. The mean age of the respondents was 47.6 years; 58 % were employed, 40 % had hazard exposure on working place, 9 % lived in houses with stove heating, 41 % were smokers.A high prevalence of respiratory symptoms was found: 27.3 % of respondents complained cough, 24.6 % expectorated sputum, 22.3 % had wheezing, and 35.2 % experienced shortness of breath. 152 persons with respiratory symptoms and COPD risk factors underwent spirometry; obstructive disorders were found in 46.7 % of them, COPD was diagnosed in 39.5 %.Резюме. По протоколу программы GARD в России были проанкетированы 3 800 человек из 85 000 взрослого населения города Кузбасского региона. Средний возраст респондентов составил 47,6 лет. Среди них работающих было 58 %, 40 % имели вредные условия труда, 9 % – печное отопление. Курильщики составили 41 %. Выявлена высокая распространенность таких респираторных симптомов, как кашель (27,3 %), отделение мокроты (24,6 %), свистящие хрипы (22,3 %), одышка (35,2 %). 152 респондентам, имеющим факторы риска развития хронической обструктивной болезни легки (ХОБЛ) и респираторные симптомы, была выполнена спирометрия. Обструктивные нарушения вентиляции выявлены у 46,7 %, ХОБЛ – у 39,5 %

    Using MUAC tapes for screening assessment of nutrition status in children

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    The aim of the study – to conduct a screening diagnosis of nutritional status disorders in children.Цель исследования - провести скрининговую диагностику нарушений нутритивного статуса детей

    Neurobeachin, a Regulator of Synaptic Protein Targeting, Is Associated with Body Fat Mass and Feeding Behavior in Mice and Body-Mass Index in Humans

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    Neurobeachin (Nbea) regulates neuronal membrane protein trafficking and is required for the development and functioning of central and neuromuscular synapses. In homozygous knockout (KO) mice, Nbea deficiency causes perinatal death. Here, we report that heterozygous KO mice haploinsufficient for Nbea have higher body weight due to increased adipose tissue mass. In several feeding paradigms, heterozygous KO mice consumed more food than wild-type (WT) controls, and this consumption was primarily driven by calories rather than palatability. Expression analysis of feeding-related genes in the hypothalamus and brainstem with real-time PCR showed differential expression of a subset of neuropeptide or neuropeptide receptor mRNAs between WT and Nbea+/− mice in the sated state and in response to food deprivation, but not to feeding reward. In humans, we identified two intronic NBEA single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are significantly associated with body-mass index (BMI) in adult and juvenile cohorts. Overall, data obtained in mice and humans suggest that variation of Nbea abundance or activity critically affects body weight, presumably by influencing the activity of feeding-related neural circuits. Our study emphasizes the importance of neural mechanisms in body weight control and points out NBEA as a potential risk gene in human obesity


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    Background. The paper has been devoted to the study of clinical and morphological features of bilateral breast cancer (BC). Despite the increased interest in the lateral BC, pathogenesis of this type of cancer have been little studied. Мaterials and methods. Clinical and morphological parameters were studied in 600 patients with unilateral and bilateral breast carcinoma. Results. Synchronous and metachronic bilateral breast cancer is characterized by more pronounced heterogeneity of the morphological structure with the frequent presence of discrete groups of tumor cells and ductal structures in the tumor node as compared to unilateral breast cancer. Synchronous bilateral breast cancer has a favorable clinical course and is mainly represented by the luminal A molecular genetic type. Metachronous bilateral breast cancer is often characterized as a triple negative and luminal B type with high proliferative activity and is associated with poor prognosis. There is a difference in prognostic parameters of lymphogenous and hematogenous metastasis between synchronous and metachronous breast cancer. For synchronous bilateral breast cancer, morphological parameters can serve as prognostic factors of hematogenous and lymphogenous metastasis. For metachronous breast cancer, prognosis of hematogenous metastasis is associated with severity of lymphogenous metastasis. Conclusion. The data obtained allow us to determine the typical clinical and morphological features of synchronous and metachronous bilateral breast cancers, as well as to identify additional prognostic parameters of tumor progression.Актуальность. Статья посвящена изучению клинико-морфологических особенностей билатерального рака молочных желез (РМЖ). Несмотря на проявляемый интерес к билатеральному РМЖ, многие вопросы патогенеза этой формы патологии остаются недостаточно изученными. Материал и методы. Проведено исследование клинических и морфологических параметров у 600 больных с односторонними и двухсторонними карциномами молочных желез с сопоставлением клинических, морфологических и экспрессионных показателей опухолевой ткани с особенностями лимфогенного и гематогенного метастазирования. Результаты. Синхронный и метахронный билатеральный рак молочных желез характеризуются более выраженной гетерогенностью морфологического строения с частым присутствием дискретных групп опухолевых клеток и протоковых структур в опухолевом узле по сравнению с односторонним поражением. Синхронный двухсторонний рак молочных желез имеет благоприятное клиническое течение и представлен преимущественно люминальным А молекулярно- генетическим типом. Метахронный двухсторонний рак чаще реализуется как трижды негативный и люминальный В тип с высокой пролиферативной активностью и сопряжен с неблагоприятным прогнозом. Прогностические параметры лимфогенного и гематогенного метастазирования различаются при синхронном и метахронном раке молочных желез. При синхронном билатеральном раке прогнозирование лимфогенного и гематогенного метастазирования возможно на основании морфологических параметров опухоли. Для метахронного рака прогноз гематогенного метастазирования ассоциирован с выраженностью лимфогенного метастазирования. Заключение. Полученные данные позволяют определить характерные клинические и морфологические особенности двухсторонних синхронных и метахронных злокачественных новообразований молочной железы, а также выявить дополнительные прогностические параметры прогрессирования опухоли