290 research outputs found

    Postweaning growth and carcass traits in crossbred cattle from Hereford, Angus, Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Friesian, and Wagyu maternal grandsires

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    The objective of this study was to characterize breeds representing diverse biological types for postweaning growth and carcass composition traits in terminal crossbred cattle. Postweaning growth and carcass traits were analyzed on 434 steers and 373 heifers obtained by mating F1 cows to Charolais sires. Maternal grandsires represented Hereford, Angus, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III (1/4 Hereford, 1⁄4 Angus, 1⁄4 Pinzgauer, and 1⁄4 Red Poll) dams to Hereford or Angus (British Breeds), Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Wagyu, or Friesian breeds. Breed groups were slaughtered serially in each of 2 yr (2002 and 2003). Postweaning ADG, slaughter weight, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, percentage Choice, LM area, marbling score, USDA yield grade, fat thickness, retail product yield (percentage), retail product weight, fat yield (percentage), fat weight, bone yield (percentage), and bone weight were analyzed. Maternal grandsire breed was significant (P \u3c 0.05) for all traits except dressing percentage, percentage Choice, and LM area. Marbling score for animals with Norwegian Red, Wagyu, Swedish Red and White, British Breeds, and Friesian inheritance was 550, 544, 532, 530, and 515, respectively (SEM = 8). Retail product weight for these animals was 224, 211, 227, 223, and 223 kg, respectively (SEM = 2 kg). Maternal granddam breed was not significant for any of the traits analyzed. Grandsire breed effects can be optimized by selection and use of appropriate crossbreeding systems

    Maternal grandsire, granddam, and sire breed effects on growth and carcass traits of crossbred cattle

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    Postweaning growth, feed efficiency, and carcass traits were analyzed on 1,422 animals obtained by mating F1 cows to F1 (Belgian Blue X British breeds) or Charolais sires. Cows were obtained from mating Hereford, Angus, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III ( ¼ Hereford, ¼ Angus, ¼ Pinzgauer, and ¼ Red Poll) dams to Hereford or Angus (British breeds), Tuli, Boran, Brahman, or Belgian Blue sires. Breed groups were fed in replicated pens and slaughtered serially in each of 2 yr. Postweaning average daily gain; live weight; hot carcass weight; fat depth; longissimus area; estimated kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (percentage); percentage Choice; marbling score; USDA yield grade; retail product yield (percentage); retail product weight; fat yield (percentage); fat weight; bone yield (percentage); and bone weight were analyzed in this population. Quadratic regressions of pen mean weight on days fed and of cumulative ME consumption on days fed were used to estimate gain, ME consumption and efficiency (Mcal of ME/kg of gain) over time (0 to 200 d on feed), and weight (300 to 550 kg) intervals. Maternal grandsire breed was significant (P \u3c 0.01) for all traits. Maternal granddam breed (Hereford, Angus, or U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III) was significant (P \u3c 0.05) only for fat depth, USDA yield grade, retail product yield, fat yield, fat weight, and bone yield. Sire breed was significant (P \u3c 0.05) for live weight, hot carcass weight, longissimus area, and bone weight. Sex class was a significant (P \u3c 0.001) source of variation for all traits except for percentage Choice, marbling score, retail product yield, and fat yield. Interactions between maternal grandsire and sire breed were nonexistent. Sire and grandsire breed effects can be optimized by selection and use of appropriate crossbreeding systems

    Maternal grandsire, granddam, and sire breed effects on growth and carcass traits of crossbred cattle

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    Postweaning growth, feed efficiency, and carcass traits were analyzed on 1,422 animals obtained by mating F1 cows to F1 (Belgian Blue X British breeds) or Charolais sires. Cows were obtained from mating Hereford, Angus, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III ( ¼ Hereford, ¼ Angus, ¼ Pinzgauer, and ¼ Red Poll) dams to Hereford or Angus (British breeds), Tuli, Boran, Brahman, or Belgian Blue sires. Breed groups were fed in replicated pens and slaughtered serially in each of 2 yr. Postweaning average daily gain; live weight; hot carcass weight; fat depth; longissimus area; estimated kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (percentage); percentage Choice; marbling score; USDA yield grade; retail product yield (percentage); retail product weight; fat yield (percentage); fat weight; bone yield (percentage); and bone weight were analyzed in this population. Quadratic regressions of pen mean weight on days fed and of cumulative ME consumption on days fed were used to estimate gain, ME consumption and efficiency (Mcal of ME/kg of gain) over time (0 to 200 d on feed), and weight (300 to 550 kg) intervals. Maternal grandsire breed was significant (P \u3c 0.01) for all traits. Maternal granddam breed (Hereford, Angus, or U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III) was significant (P \u3c 0.05) only for fat depth, USDA yield grade, retail product yield, fat yield, fat weight, and bone yield. Sire breed was significant (P \u3c 0.05) for live weight, hot carcass weight, longissimus area, and bone weight. Sex class was a significant (P \u3c 0.001) source of variation for all traits except for percentage Choice, marbling score, retail product yield, and fat yield. Interactions between maternal grandsire and sire breed were nonexistent. Sire and grandsire breed effects can be optimized by selection and use of appropriate crossbreeding systems

    Growth and pubertal development in Brahman-, Boran-, Tuli-, Belgian Blue-, Hereford- and Angus-sired F1 bulls

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    Growth and testicular development between 7 and 15 mo of age were evaluated in bulls produced by mating sires of six breeds (Hereford, Angus, Belgian Blue, Brahman, Boran, and Tuli) to Angus, Hereford, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III (four-breed composite) cows. At 12 mo of age, Angus- and Hereford-sired bulls had the heaviest body weight (P \u3c 0.08 to 0.001), whereas Brahman- and Belgian Blue-sired bulls were intermediate, and Boran- and Tuli-sired bulls weighed the least. Bulls sired by European breeds grew more rapidly after weaning (P \u3c 0.01) than did Brahman-, Boran-, and Tuli-sired bulls, and these differences in growth rate were maintained through 15 mo of age, indicating that offspring of heat-adapted sire breeds (Brahman, Boran, and Tuli) have lower postweaning rates of gain, particularly during winter months, than do offspring of nonheat adapted sire breeds. Testis size was smaller initially (P \u3c 0.01) and remained smaller in offspring of heat-adapted sire breeds through yearling age. By 15 mo of age, testis size was largest (P \u3c 0.06 to 0.001) in Angus-sired bulls and had become similar among Hereford-, Brahman-, Boran- and Belgian Blue-sired bulls but remained smaller (P \u3c 0.02 to 0.001) in Tulisired bulls. Thus, offspring of heat-adapted sire breeds had delayed testicular development compared with that of nonheat adapted sire breeds, particularly through yearling age. At puberty, Angus-sired bulls were 23 to 82 d younger (P \u3c 0.05 to 0.001) than all other sire breeds except Hereford, and Brahman-sired bulls were older at puberty (P \u3c 0.05 to 0.001) than were bulls of all other sire breeds except Boran. Testis size at puberty was quite similar among breeds of bulls (scrotal circumference = 27.9 ± 0.1 cm) despite large breed differences in age, body weight, and hip height. Thus, measurement of yearling testis size was a reliable indicator of age at puberty among widely divergent breeds of bulls. In addition, the lower postweaning rates of gain and the smaller and slower testicular development in offspring of heat-adapted sire breeds should be noted by cattle producers considering use of such breeds in crossbreeding and breed improvement programs

    Growth curves of crossbred cows sired by Hereford, Angus, Belgian Blue, Brahman, Boran, and Tuli bulls, and the fraction of mature body weight and height at puberty

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth curves of females to determine if mature size and relative rates of maturation among breeds differed. Body weight and hip height data were fitted to the nonlinear function BW = f(age) = A − Bek×age, where A is an estimate of mature BW and k determines the rate that BW or height moves from B to A. Cows represented progeny from 28 Hereford, 38 Angus, 25 Belgian Blue, 34 Brahman, 8 Boran, and 9 Tuli sires. Bulls from these breeds were mated by AI to Angus, Hereford, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III composite (1/4 Angus, ¼ Hereford, 1/4 Red Poll, and 1/4 Pinzgauer) cows to produce calves in 1992, 1993, and 1994. These matings resulted in 516 mature cows whose growth curves were subsequently evaluated. Hereford-sired cows tended to have heavier mature BW, as estimated by parameter A, than Angus- (P = 0.09) and Brahman-sired cows(P = 0.06), and were heavier than the other breeds (P \u3c 0.001). Angus-sired cows were heavier than Boran-(P \u3c 0.001) and Tuli-sired cows (P \u3c 0.001), and tended to be heavier than Belgian Blue-sired cows (P = 0.097). Angus-sired cows did not differ from Brahman- sired cows (P = 0.94). Brahman-sired cows had a heavier mature BW than Boran- (P \u3c 0.001), Tuli- (P \u3c 0.001), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P \u3c 0.04). Angus-sired cows matured faster (k) than cows sired by Hereford (P = 0.03), Brahman (P \u3c 0.001), Boran (P = 0.03), and Tuli (P \u3c 0.001) sires, but did not differ from Belgian Blue-sired (P = 0.13) cows. Brahmansired cows took longer to mature than Boran- (P = 0.03) or Belgian Blue-sired cows (P = 0.003). Belgian Blue-sired cows were faster maturing than Tuli-sired cows (P = 0.02). Brahman-sired cows had reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Hereford- (P \u3c 0.001), Tuli- (P = 0.003), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P = 0.001). Boran-sired cows tended to have reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Angus-sired cows (P = 0.09), and had reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Hereford- (P \u3c 0.001), Tuli- (P \u3c 0.001), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P \u3c 0.001). Within species of cattle, the relative range in proportion of mature BW at puberty (Bos taurus 0.56 through 0.58, and Bos indicus 0.60) was highly conserved, suggesting that proportion of mature BW is a more robust predictor of age at puberty across breeds than is absolute weight or age

    Growth curves of crossbred cows sired by Hereford, Angus, Belgian Blue, Brahman, Boran, and Tuli bulls, and the fraction of mature body weight and height at puberty

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth curves of females to determine if mature size and relative rates of maturation among breeds differed. Body weight and hip height data were fitted to the nonlinear function BW = f(age) = A − Bek×age, where A is an estimate of mature BW and k determines the rate that BW or height moves from B to A. Cows represented progeny from 28 Hereford, 38 Angus, 25 Belgian Blue, 34 Brahman, 8 Boran, and 9 Tuli sires. Bulls from these breeds were mated by AI to Angus, Hereford, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III composite (1/4 Angus, ¼ Hereford, 1/4 Red Poll, and 1/4 Pinzgauer) cows to produce calves in 1992, 1993, and 1994. These matings resulted in 516 mature cows whose growth curves were subsequently evaluated. Hereford-sired cows tended to have heavier mature BW, as estimated by parameter A, than Angus- (P = 0.09) and Brahman-sired cows(P = 0.06), and were heavier than the other breeds (P \u3c 0.001). Angus-sired cows were heavier than Boran-(P \u3c 0.001) and Tuli-sired cows (P \u3c 0.001), and tended to be heavier than Belgian Blue-sired cows (P = 0.097). Angus-sired cows did not differ from Brahman- sired cows (P = 0.94). Brahman-sired cows had a heavier mature BW than Boran- (P \u3c 0.001), Tuli- (P \u3c 0.001), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P \u3c 0.04). Angus-sired cows matured faster (k) than cows sired by Hereford (P = 0.03), Brahman (P \u3c 0.001), Boran (P = 0.03), and Tuli (P \u3c 0.001) sires, but did not differ from Belgian Blue-sired (P = 0.13) cows. Brahmansired cows took longer to mature than Boran- (P = 0.03) or Belgian Blue-sired cows (P = 0.003). Belgian Blue-sired cows were faster maturing than Tuli-sired cows (P = 0.02). Brahman-sired cows had reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Hereford- (P \u3c 0.001), Tuli- (P = 0.003), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P = 0.001). Boran-sired cows tended to have reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Angus-sired cows (P = 0.09), and had reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Hereford- (P \u3c 0.001), Tuli- (P \u3c 0.001), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P \u3c 0.001). Within species of cattle, the relative range in proportion of mature BW at puberty (Bos taurus 0.56 through 0.58, and Bos indicus 0.60) was highly conserved, suggesting that proportion of mature BW is a more robust predictor of age at puberty across breeds than is absolute weight or age

    Birth and weaning traits in crossbred cattle from Hereford, Angus, Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Wagyu, and Friesian sires

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    The objective of this study was to characterize breeds representing diverse biological types for birth and weaning traits in crossbred cattle (Bos taurus). Gestation length, calving diffi culty, percentage of unassisted calving, percentage of perinatal survival, percentage of survival from birth to weaning, birth weight, weaning weight, BW at 205 d, and ADG was measured in 1,370 calves born and 1,285 calves weaned. Calves were obtained by mating Hereford, Angus, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III (1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Angus, 1/4 Pinzgauer, and 1/4 Red Poll) mature cows to Hereford or Angus (British breeds), Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Wagyu, and Friesian sires. Calves were born during the spring of 1997 and 1998. Sire breed was signifi cant for gestation length, birth weight, BW at 205 d, and ADG (P \u3c 0.001). Offspring from Swedish Red and White and Friesian had the shortest gestation length (282 d), whereas offspring from Wagyu sires had the longest gestation length (286 d). Progeny from British breeds were the heaviest at birth (40.5 kg) and at 205 d (237 kg), and grew faster (0.97 kg/d) than offspring from other breeds. Offspring from Wagyu sires were the lightest at birth (36.3 kg) and at 205 d (214 kg), and had the slowest growth (0.91 kg/d). Dam breed was signifi cant for gestation length (P \u3c 0.001), birth weight (P = 0.009), BW at 205 d, and ADG (P \u3c 0.001). Offspring from Hereford cows had the longest gestation length (284 d), whereas offspring from Angus cows had the shortest (282 d). Offspring from U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III cows were the heaviest at birth (39.4 kg) when compared with offspring from Hereford (38.2 kg) and Angus (38.6 kg) cows. Progeny from Angus cows were the heaviest at 205 d (235 kg) and grew faster (0.96 kg/d), whereas offspring from Hereford cows were the lightest at 205 d (219 kg) and were the slowest in growth (0.88 kg/d). Sex was signifi cant for gestation length (P = 0.026), birth weight, BW at 205 d, and ADG (P \u3c 0.001). Male calves had a longer gestation length (284 d) when compared with female calves (283 d). Males were heavier than females at birth and at 205 d, and grew faster. Sire breed effects can be optimized by selection and use of appropriate crossbreeding systems

    Birth and weaning traits in crossbred cattle from Hereford, Angus, Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Wagyu, and Friesian sires

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    The objective of this study was to characterize breeds representing diverse biological types for birth and weaning traits in crossbred cattle (Bos taurus). Gestation length, calving diffi culty, percentage of unassisted calving, percentage of perinatal survival, percentage of survival from birth to weaning, birth weight, weaning weight, BW at 205 d, and ADG was measured in 1,370 calves born and 1,285 calves weaned. Calves were obtained by mating Hereford, Angus, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III (1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Angus, 1/4 Pinzgauer, and 1/4 Red Poll) mature cows to Hereford or Angus (British breeds), Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Wagyu, and Friesian sires. Calves were born during the spring of 1997 and 1998. Sire breed was signifi cant for gestation length, birth weight, BW at 205 d, and ADG (P \u3c 0.001). Offspring from Swedish Red and White and Friesian had the shortest gestation length (282 d), whereas offspring from Wagyu sires had the longest gestation length (286 d). Progeny from British breeds were the heaviest at birth (40.5 kg) and at 205 d (237 kg), and grew faster (0.97 kg/d) than offspring from other breeds. Offspring from Wagyu sires were the lightest at birth (36.3 kg) and at 205 d (214 kg), and had the slowest growth (0.91 kg/d). Dam breed was signifi cant for gestation length (P \u3c 0.001), birth weight (P = 0.009), BW at 205 d, and ADG (P \u3c 0.001). Offspring from Hereford cows had the longest gestation length (284 d), whereas offspring from Angus cows had the shortest (282 d). Offspring from U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III cows were the heaviest at birth (39.4 kg) when compared with offspring from Hereford (38.2 kg) and Angus (38.6 kg) cows. Progeny from Angus cows were the heaviest at 205 d (235 kg) and grew faster (0.96 kg/d), whereas offspring from Hereford cows were the lightest at 205 d (219 kg) and were the slowest in growth (0.88 kg/d). Sex was signifi cant for gestation length (P = 0.026), birth weight, BW at 205 d, and ADG (P \u3c 0.001). Male calves had a longer gestation length (284 d) when compared with female calves (283 d). Males were heavier than females at birth and at 205 d, and grew faster. Sire breed effects can be optimized by selection and use of appropriate crossbreeding systems

    Birth and weaning traits in crossbred cattle from Hereford, Angus, Brahman, Boran, Tuli, and Belgian Blue sires

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    The objective of this study was to characterize breeds representing diverse biological types for birth and weaning traits in crossbred cattle. Gestation length, calving difficulty, percentage of unassisted calving, percentage of perinatal survival, percentage of survival from birth to weaning, birth weight, BW at 200 d, and ADG were measured in 2,500 calves born and 2,395 calves weaned. Calves were obtained by mating Hereford, Angus, and U.S. Meat Animal Research Center III (one-fourth Hereford, one-fourth Angus, one-fourth Pinzgauer, and one-fourth Red Poll) mature cows to Hereford or Angus (British breed), Brahman, Tuli, Boran, and Belgian Blue sires. Calves were born during the spring seasons of 1992, 1993, and 1994. Sire breed was significant for all traits (P \u3c 0.002). Offspring from British breeds and the Belgian Blue breed had the shortest gestation length (285 d) when compared with progeny from other sire breeds (average of 291 d). Calving difficulty was greater in offspring from Brahman sires (1.24), whereas the offspring of Tuli sires had the least amount of calving difficulty (1.00). Offspring from all sire breeds had similar perinatal survival and survival from birth to weaning (average of 97.2 and 96.2%, respectively), with the exception of offspring from Brahman sires, which had less (92.8 and 90.4%, respectively). Progeny of Brahman sires were heaviest at birth (45.7 kg), followed by offspring from British breed, Boran, and Belgian Blue sires (average of 42.4 kg). The lightest offspring at birth were from Tuli sires (38.6 kg). Progeny derived from Brahman sires were the heaviest at 200 d (246 kg), and they grew faster (1.00 kg/d) than offspring from any other group. The progeny of British breeds and the Belgian Blue breed had an intermediate BW at 200 d (238 kg) and an intermediate ADG (average of 0.98 kg/d). The progeny of Boran and Tuli sires were the lightest at 200 d (227 kg) and had the least ADG (0.93 kg/d). Male calves had a longer gestation length, had a greater incidence of calving difficulty, had greater mortality to weaning, were heavier, and grew faster than female calves. Sire breed effects can be optimized by selection and use of appropriate crossbreeding systems

    Effect of competition on gain in feedlot bulls from Hereford selection lines

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    This study examined competition effects on ADG in the feedlot of 1,882 Hereford bulls representing 8 birth years from a selection experiment. Each year, 8 feedlot pens were used to feed bulls in groups, with 2 pens nested within each of the 4 selection lines. Gains were recorded for up to 8 periods of 28 d. Models for analyses included pen effects (fixed or random), fixed effects such as year and line, and random direct genetic, competition genetic (and in some analyses competition environmental), and environmental effects. Each pen mate as a competitor affected the records of all others in the pen. All lines traced to common foundation animals, so the numerator relationships among and within pens were the bases for separating direct and competition genetic effects and pen effects. For this population and pen conditions (average of 30 bulls per pen), the major results were 1) competition genetic effects seemed present for the first 28-d period but not for the following 7 periods; 2) models with pens considered as fixed effects could not separate variances and covariance due to direct and competition genetic effects; 3) models without competition effects had large estimates of the variance component due to pen effects for gain through 8 periods; and 4) models with genetic and environmental competition effects accounted for nearly all of the variance traditionally attributed to pen effects (even though estimates of the competition variance component were small, the estimates of pen variance were near zero)