1,081 research outputs found

    The resolution of whole Earth seismic tomographic models

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    We evaluate the resolution of whole Earth structure achieved by compressional wave traveltime data from the International Seismological Centre (ISC); the measure of resolution we employ, provided by the direct calculation of the model resolution matrix, is more rigorous than the traditional (and computationally cheaper) one obtained through synthetic/checkerboard tests. Our work completes the introductive study of Boschi (2003), where only mantle models derived with a very simple regularization scheme were considered. Here, we expand Boschi's database with measurements of compressional waves reflected by, or refracted through, the Earth's core-mantle boundary (CMB) and core. In analogy with the work of Soldati et al. (2003), we treat CMB topography and heterogeneous outer core structure as free parameters of our inversions; analysing model resolution matrices, we attempt to explain the known discrepancy between deep Earth structure mapped by seismic waves reflected and refracted by the cor

    Outer core density heterogeneity and the discrepancy between PKP and PcP travel time observations

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    We derive 3-D maps of the Earth’s mantle, CMB and outer core by means of least squares tomographic inversions. The data set includes compressional wave travel time measurements associated with the phases P, PcP, PKPbc, PKPdf, all based on the bulletins of the International Seismological Centre (1964-1995), after source relocation by Antolik et al. [2001]. Maps of the CMB derived independently from only core-reflected (PcP) or only core-refracted (PKP) phases are not well correlated. We study the radial coherence of whole-Earth tomographic images, to investigate potential trade-offs between CMB undulations and velocity anomalies in the mantle and/or outer core. We find that imaged lateral heterogeneities in the outer core are correlated with the topography of the CMB. This, together with the studies of Wahr and De Vries [1989] and Piersanti et al. [2001], suggests that the core anomalies might not be entirely fictitious

    Dirac, Majorana, Weyl in 4d

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    This is a review of some elementary properties of Dirac, Weyl and Majorana spinors in 4d. We focus in particular on the differences between massless Dirac and Majorana fermions, on one side, and Weyl fermions, on the other. We review in detail the definition of their effective actions, when coupled to (vector and axial) gauge fields, and revisit the corresponding anomalies using the Feynman diagram method with different regularizations. Among various well known results we stress in particular the regularization independence in perturbative approaches, while not all the regularizations fit the non-perturbative ones. As for anomalies, we highlight in particular one perhaps not so well known feature: the rigid relation between chiral and trace anomalies.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, section 5, Appendix A and Appendix C new, several typos correcte

    Global seismic tomography and modern parallel computers

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    A fast technological progress is providing seismic tomographers with computers of rapidly increasing speed and RAM, that are not always properly taken advantage of. Large computers with both shared-memory and distributedmemory architectures have made it possible to approach the tomographic inverse problem more accurately. For example, resolution can be quantified from the resolution matrix rather than checkerboard tests; the covariance matrix can be calculated to evaluate the propagation of errors from data to model parameters; the L-curve method can be applied to determine a range of acceptable regularization schemes. We show how these exercises can be implemented efficiently on different hardware architectures

    Outer core density heterogeneity and the discrepancy between PKP and PcP travel time observations

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    We derive 3-D maps of the Earth’s mantle, CMB and outer core by means of least squares tomographic inversions. The data set includes compressional wave travel time measurements associated with the phases P, PcP, PKPbc, PKPdf, all based on the bulletins of the International Seismological Centre (1964-1995), after source relocation by Antolik et al. [2001]. Maps of the CMB derived independently from only core-reflected (PcP) or only core-refracted (PKP) phases are not well correlated. We study the radial coherence of whole-Earth tomographic images, to investigate potential trade-offs between CMB undulations and velocity anomalies in the mantle and/or outer core. We find that imaged lateral heterogeneities in the outer core are correlated with the topography of the CMB. This, together with the studies of Wahr and De Vries [1989] and Piersanti et al. [2001], suggests that the core anomalies might not be entirely fictitious

    Curcumin and type 2 diabetes mellitus : Prevention and treatment

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an ensemble of metabolic diseases that has reached pandemic dimensions all over the world. The multifactorial nature of the pathology makes patient management, which includes lifelong drug therapy and lifestyle modification, extremely challenging. It is well known that T2DM is a preventable disease, therefore lowering the incidence of new T2DM cases could be a key strategy to reduce the global impact of diabetes. Currently, there is growing evidence on the efficacy of the use of medicinal plants supplements for T2DM prevention and management. Among these medicinal plants, curcumin is gaining a growing interest in the scientific community. Curcumin is a bioactive molecule present in the rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant, also known as turmeric. Curcumin has different pharmacological and biological effects that have been described by both in vitro and in vivo studies, and include antioxidant, cardio-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, nephro-protective, anti-neoplastic, hepato-protective, immunomodulatory, hypoglycaemic and anti-rheumatic effects. In animal models, curcumin extract delays diabetes development, improves \u3b2-cell functions, prevents \u3b2-cell death, and decreases insulin resistance. The present review focuses on pre-clinical and clinical trials on curcumin supplementation in T2DM and discusses the peculiar mechanisms by which curcumin might ameliorate diabetes management

    Strategies for improving the sustainability of data centers via energy mix, energy conservation, and circular energy

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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly permeating our daily life and we ever more commit our data to the cloud. Events like the COVID-19 pandemic put an exceptional burden upon ICT. This involves increasing implementation and use of data centers, which increased energy use and environmental impact. The scope of this work is to summarize the present situation on data centers as to environmental impact and opportunities for improvement. First, we introduce the topic, presenting estimated energy use and emissions. Then, we review proposed strategies for energy efficiency and conservation in data centers. Energy uses pertain to power distribution, ICT, and non-ICT equipment (e.g., cooling). Existing and prospected strategies and initiatives in these sectors are identified. Among key elements are innovative cooling techniques, natural resources, automation, low-power electronics, and equipment with extended thermal limits. Research perspectives are identified and estimates of improvement opportunities are mentioned. Finally, we present an overview on existing metrics, regulatory framework, and bodies concerned


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    Las almejas que pueblan lagos y ríos patagónicos son un archivo viviente: los anillos de crecimiento de sus conchillas nos revelan información sobre el clima y el ambiente en el que han vivido

    Role of large-scale advection and small-scale turbulence on vertical migration of gyrotactic swimmers

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    In this work, we use direct-numerical-simulation-based Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations to investigate the dynamics of small gyrotactic swimmers in free-surface turbulence. We consider open-channel flow turbulence in which bottom-heavy swimmers are dispersed. Swimmers are characterized by different vertical stability, so that some realign to swim upward with a characteristic time smaller than the Kolmogorov timescale, while others possess a reorientation time longer than the Kolmogorov timescale. We cover one order of magnitude in the flow Reynolds number and two orders of magnitude in the stability number, which is a measure of bottom heaviness. We observe that large-scale advection dominates vertical motion when the stability number, scaled on the local Kolmogorov timescale of the flow, is larger than unity: This condition is associated to enhanced migration toward the surface, particularly at low Reynolds number, when swimmers can rise through surface renewal motions that originate directly from the bottom boundary turbulent bursts. Conversely, small-scale effects become more important when the Kolmogorov-based stability number is below unity: Under this condition, migration toward the surface is hindered, particularly at high Reynolds, when bottom-boundary bursts are less effective in bringing bulk fluid to the surface. In an effort to provide scaling arguments to improve predictions of models for motile microorganisms in turbulent water bodies, we demonstrate that a Kolmogorov-based stability number around unity represents a threshold beyond which swimmer capability to reach the free surface and form clusters saturates
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