31 research outputs found

    Shedding light on the elusive role of endothelial cells in cytomegalovirus dissemination.

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is frequently transmitted by solid organ transplantation and is associated with graft failure. By forming the boundary between circulation and organ parenchyma, endothelial cells (EC) are suited for bidirectional virus spread from and to the transplant. We applied Cre/loxP-mediated green-fluorescence-tagging of EC-derived murine CMV (MCMV) to quantify the role of infected EC in transplantation-associated CMV dissemination in the mouse model. Both EC- and non-EC-derived virus originating from infected Tie2-cre(+) heart and kidney transplants were readily transmitted to MCMV-naïve recipients by primary viremia. In contrast, when a Tie2-cre(+) transplant was infected by primary viremia in an infected recipient, the recombined EC-derived virus poorly spread to recipient tissues. Similarly, in reverse direction, EC-derived virus from infected Tie2-cre(+) recipient tissues poorly spread to the transplant. These data contradict any privileged role of EC in CMV dissemination and challenge an indiscriminate applicability of the primary and secondary viremia concept of virus dissemination

    Impact of maternal education on response to lifestyle interventions to reduce gestational weight gain: Individual participant data meta-Analysis

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    Objectives To identify if maternal educational attainment is a prognostic factor for gestational weight gain (GWG), and to determine the differential effects of lifestyle interventions (diet based, physical activity based or mixed approach) on GWG, stratified by educational attainment. Design Individual participant data meta-Analysis using the previously established International Weight Management in Pregnancy (i-WIP) Collaborative Group database (https://iwipgroup.wixsite.com/collaboration). Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data Statement guidelines were followed. Data sources Major electronic databases, from inception to February 2017. Eligibility criteria Randomised controlled trials on diet and physical activity-based interventions in pregnancy. Maternal educational attainment was required for inclusion and was categorised as higher education ( 65tertiary) or lower education ( 64secondary). Risk of bias Cochrane risk of bias tool was used. Data synthesis Principle measures of effect were OR and regression coefficient. Results Of the 36 randomised controlled trials in the i-WIP database, 21 trials and 5183 pregnant women were included. Women with lower educational attainment had an increased risk of excessive (OR 1.182; 95% CI 1.008 to 1.385, p =0.039) and inadequate weight gain (OR 1.284; 95% CI 1.045 to 1.577, p =0.017). Among women with lower education, diet basedinterventions reduced risk of excessive weight gain (OR 0.515; 95% CI 0.339 to 0.785, p = 0.002) and inadequate weight gain (OR 0.504; 95% CI 0.288 to 0.884, p=0.017), and reduced kg/week gain (B-0.055; 95% CI-0.098 to-0.012, p=0.012). Mixed interventions reduced risk of excessive weight gain for women with lower education (OR 0.735; 95% CI 0.561 to 0.963, p=0.026). Among women with high education, diet based interventions reduced risk of excessive weight gain (OR 0.609; 95% CI 0.437 to 0.849, p=0.003), and mixed interventions reduced kg/week gain (B-0.053; 95% CI-0.069 to-0.037,p<0.001). Physical activity based interventions did not impact GWG when stratified by education. Conclusions Pregnant women with lower education are at an increased risk of excessive and inadequate GWG. Diet based interventions seem the most appropriate choice for these women, and additional support through mixed interventions may also be beneficial

    Одноколейные тракторно-ледяные дороги: учебное пособие для лесотехнических вузов

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    Книга содержит описание конструкций однополозных тракторных саней, расчет основных деталей саней, краткие технические условия проектирования одноколейных тракторно-ледяных дорог, правила постройки и эксплуатации ледяных дорог и основы организации тракторного хозяйства на базе одноколейных ледяных дорог. Книга предназначена в качестве учебного пособия для лесотехнических вузов, но может также служить практическим пособием и для высшего технического персонала лесозаготовительных предприятий Наркомлеса СССР.0|7|Предисловие [c. 7]0|8|Введение [c. 8]0|11|Возникновение и развитие конструкции однополозных саней [c. 11]1|11|Первые опыты [c. 11]1|12|Принцип работы одноколейной ледяной дороги и теоретические основания проектирования однополозных саней [c. 12]1|17|Конструкция первых однополозных саней [c. 17]1|17|Однополозные сани Востокостальлеса [c. 17]1|19|Одкополозные сани ЦНИИМЭ, модель Б [c. 19]1|21|Однополозные сани на базе поковок тракторных двухполозных саней модели Д [c. 21]1|22|Однополозные сани Я. И. Гинзбурга модели 1939 г. [c. 22]1|33|Однополозные сани ГЗЯ-2 [c. 33]1|39|Варианты соединения коника с полозом [c. 39]1|39|Модернизированные однополозные сани на базе поковок саней модели Свердлеса и Востокостальлеса [c. 39]1|44|Бескониковые однополозные сани конструкции СибНИИЛХЭ [c. 44]1|46|Буферно-прицепные устройства трактора конструкции УЛТИ, Сотринского мехлесопункта и Стройлеспроекта [c. 46]1|48|Автоматическая сцепка тракторных саней [c. 48]1|49|Рама для перевозки коротья на однополозных санях [c. 49]1|51|Расчет саней [c. 51]1|51|Расчет полоза [c. 51]1|58|О форме подрезов [c. 58]0|61|Постройка одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 61]1|61|Условия применения, сырьевая база и порядок оформления строительства [c. 61]1|62|Технические условия проектирования одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 62]1|72|Изыскания трасс одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 72]1|73|Строительные работы на одноколейных ледяных дорогах [c. 73]1|85|Дорожные орудия для строительства одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 85]1|91|Цистерны для поливки ледяной дороги [c. 91]1|91|Насосные станции [c. 91]0|95|Эксплуатация ледяных дорог [c. 95]1|95|Техническая характеристика тяговых машин [c. 95]1|107|Эксплуатация газогенераторных тракторов на лесовывозке по ледяным дорогам [c. 107]1|115|Правила вождения поездов [c. 115]1|117|Формирование состава и маневры [c. 117]1|117|Содержание и ремонт пути ледяной дороги [c. 117]1|119|Техника безопасности при вывозке леса по тракторным ледяным дорогам [c. 119]1|121|Основные правила по технике безопасности для тракторного лесотранспорта [c. 121]0|123|Приложения [c. 123]1|123|Детали однополозных саней ГЗЯ-1 [c. 123]1|136|Детали модернизированных однополозных саней на базе поковок саней Свердллеса [c. 136]1|141|Краткая техническая характеристика гусеничных тракторов Челябинского тракторного завода [c. 141]0|143|Оглавление [c. 143

    Characterization of anticoagulant heparinoids by immunoprofiling

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    Heparinoids are used in the clinic as anticoagulants. A specific pentasaccharide in heparinoids activates antithrombin III, resulting in inactivation of factor Xa and–when additional saccharides are present–inactivation of factor IIa. Structural and functional analysis of the heterogeneous heparinoids generally requires advanced equipment, is time consuming, and needs (extensive) sample preparation. In this study, a novel and fast method for the characterization of heparinoids is introduced based on reactivity with nine unique anti-heparin antibodies. Eight heparinoids were biochemically analyzed by electrophoresis and their reactivity with domain-specific anti-heparin antibodies was established by ELISA. Each heparinoid displayed a distinct immunoprofile matching its structural characteristics. The immunoprofile could also be linked to biological characteristics, such as the anti-Xa/anti-IIa ratio, which was reflected by reactivity of the heparinoids with antibodies HS4C3 (indicative for 3-O-sulfates) and HS4E4 (indicative for domains allowing anti-factor IIa activity). In addition, the immunoprofile could be indicative for heparinoid-induced side-effects, such as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, as illustrated by reactivity with antibody NS4F5, which defines a very high sulfated domain. In conclusion, immunoprofiling provides a novel, fast, and simple methodology for the characterization of heparinoids, and allows high-throughput screening of (new) heparinoids for defined structural and biological characteristics

    Pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy dietary behavior in relation to maternal and newborn health in the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study – a post hoc observational analysis

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    Background: Randomized controlled trials targeting maternal dietary and physical activity behaviors during pregnancy have generally failed to accomplish reductions in the prevalence of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. Interventions carried out during pregnancy could thus be missing the mark in maximizing intervention health benefit. Objective: To investigate whether pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy dietary behavior as reported at inclusion into the Norwegian Fit for Delivery (NFFD) trial was associated with maternal and neonatal outcomes irrespective of subsequent randomization assignment. Design: The study is a post-hoc observational analysis of data from a randomized controlled lifestyle intervention. We constructed two diet scores from participant responses to a 43-item questionnaire that addressed dietary behavior in retrospect (pre-pregnancy diet score) and dietary behavior at inclusion (early pregnancy diet score), respectively. The diet scores ranged from 0 to 10, with higher score reflecting healthier dietary behavior. Associations between diet scores and maternal and neonatal health outcomes were estimated in multivariate logistic regression models. Results: A total of 591 women were eligible for analysis. A one-point increase in pre-pregnancy diet score was associated with lower odds of excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) (odds ratio [OR]adj: 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.84–1.00, p = 0.050), preterm delivery (ORadj: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.68–0.97, p = 0.019), and birthweight ≥ 4,000 g (ORadj: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.78–0.99, p = 0.038). A one-point increase in early pregnancy diet score was associated with lower odds of excessive GWG (ORadj: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.79–0.97, p = 0.009), preterm delivery (ORadj: 0.82; 95% CI: 0.67–0.99, p = 0.038), and preeclampsia (ORadj: 0.78; 95% CI: 0.62–0.99, p = 0.038). Discussion: Higher diet score either pre-pregnancy or in early pregnancy was protectively associated with excessive GWG and preterm delivery, whereas the protective association with high birthweight was confined to pre-pregnancy diet and with preeclampsia to early pregnancy diet. Conclusions: Both pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy dietary behavior was associated with important maternal and neonatal health outcomes in the NFFD dataset

    Preeclampsia and gestational weight gain in the Norwegian Fit for Delivery trial

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    Abstract Objective Excessive gestational weight gain is linked to risk of preeclampsia, but it is not clear whether the association is causal. The purpose of this paper was to examine gestational weight gain in the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study among women who developed preeclampsia compared to those who did not, and to further explore associations between weight gain and preeclampsia by including data on body composition (bioimpedance) assessed in the last trimester of pregnancy. Results A total of 550 women were eligible for the study. Women who developed preeclampsia gained more weight than women who did not (difference 3.7 kg, p = 0.004), with a 3.5 kg difference in total body water observed in week 36 (p = 0.040). Adjusted for age, education, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), randomization, and fat mass, a one kg increase in GWG was associated with 1.3 times higher odds of preeclampsia (OR: 1.31, 95% CI 1.15–1.49, p < 0.001). An independent inverse association between fat mass in week 36 and odds of preeclampsia was observed (OR: 0.79, 95% CI 0.68–0.92, p = 0.002). Given the observed difference in total body water, these findings point to excess fluid as the component driving the association between gestational weight gain and preeclampsia in the present study. Trial registration The NFFD trial has the Clinical Trials registration: clinicaltrial.gov NCT010016