129 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Biopestisida Terhadap Jenis Hama yang Menyerang Tanaman Tumpang Sari Sawi Sendok (Brassica rapa L.)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of giving biopesticides of papaya leaves with various concentrations to the death of insects that attack the mustard plant (Brassica rapa L.). This study used a completely random design consisting of 1 treatment consisting of 3 levels, with three repeats, each treatment consisting of 10 plants so that it takes 120 units of experiments. Treatments A0 (Control), A1 (100 grams), A2 (200 grams), A3(300 grams). The results showed that in the first spraying concentration of 100 grams, 200 grams, 300 grams had no real effect on the spoon mustard plant in the rainy season, then spraying was less than optimal. In the second spraying, the concentration of 100,200,300gr affects the attack of mustard plant pests, it can be seen that the pest attack has been reduced, but that makes the attack very heavy due to the presence of destructive human factors. A type of insect-resistant to treatment is the Wood Grasshopper (Valanga nigricornis). Referring to the study results, spraying biopesticides is expected to be done thoroughly to the bottom of the leaves because pests generally place their leaves under the surface of the leaves. The research process should be done when the weather is sunny, or the research land is given optimal shade value

    The Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment

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    We present the open source Astrophysical Multi-purpose Software Environment (AMUSE, www.amusecode.org), a component library for performing astrophysical simulations involving different physical domains and scales. It couples existing codes within a Python framework based on a communication layer using MPI. The interfaces are standardized for each domain and their implementation based on MPI guarantees that the whole framework is well-suited for distributed computation. It includes facilities for unit handling and data storage. Currently it includes codes for gravitational dynamics, stellar evolution, hydrodynamics and radiative transfer. Within each domain the interfaces to the codes are as similar as possible. We describe the design and implementation of AMUSE, as well as the main components and community codes currently supported and we discuss the code interactions facilitated by the framework. Additionally, we demonstrate how AMUSE can be used to resolve complex astrophysical problems by presenting example applications.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figures, accepted for A&

    Identifikasi Jenis Hama Tanaman Damar (Agathis Alba) di Hutan Lindung Sirimau Kota Ambon Provinsi Maluku

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    Efforts to save the forest should be done to avoid forest damage by pests. This aim of this study was determine the type of pest and area of attack on the resin stand (Agathis alba) in conservation forest Sirimau, Maluku Province by used of survey method. The results of the study found that pests that destroy dammar in conservation forest Sirimau are leaf-eating pest (Valanga nigricormis) and stem borer (Massicus scapulatus). The damage caused by Valanga nigricormis at the seedling level was 92%, the weaning level was 72%, and the pole level was 64%. The damage caused by Massicus scapulatus at the tree level was 60%. The extent of attack of both types of pests was categorized as heavy to very heavy

    Star Formation in the vicinity of Nuclear Black Holes: Young Stellar Objects close to Sgr A*

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    It is often assumed that the strong gravitational field of a super-massive black hole disrupts an adjacent molecular cloud preventing classical star formation in the deep potential well of the black hole. Yet, young stars have been observed across the entire nuclear star cluster of the Milky Way including the region close (<<0.5~pc) to the central black hole, Sgr A*. Here, we focus particularly on small groups of young stars, such as IRS 13N located 0.1 pc away from Sgr A*, which is suggested to contain about five embedded massive young stellar objects (<<1 Myr). We perform three dimensional hydrodynamical simulations to follow the evolution of molecular clumps orbiting about a 4×106 M4\times10^6~M_{\odot} black hole, to constrain the formation and the physical conditions of such groups. The molecular clumps in our models assumed to be isothermal containing 100 MM_{\odot} in <<0.2 pc radius. Such molecular clumps exist in the circumnuclear disk of the Galaxy. In our highly eccentrically orbiting clump, the strong orbital compression of the clump along the orbital radius vector and perpendicular to the orbital plane causes the gas densities to increase to values higher than the tidal density of Sgr A*, which are required for star formation. Additionally, we speculate that the infrared excess source G2/DSO approaching Sgr A* on a highly eccentric orbit could be associated with a dust enshrouded star that may have been formed recently through the mechanism supported by our models.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    ABSTRAKSalah satu hasil hutan non kayu adalah serangga berguna lebah madu diantaranya Lebah Trigona sp. Trigona sp. dikategorikan sebagai kelompok serangga sosial yang memiliki banyak manfaat, dan berkhasiat untuk kesehatan. Sarang lebah Trigona sp di Desa Suli sangat banyak ditemukan pada lubang-lubang goa, kusen-kusen pintu atau jendela milik masyarakat, sehingga  untuk memanen madu atau propolis dari lebah Trigona sp,  membutuhkan anggaran yang besar karena kusen pintu atau jendela harus dibongkar. Pengabdian ini dilakukan di desa Suli, berupa penyuluhan tentang beternak lebah tanpa sengat (Trigona sp) di dalam sarang ruas bamboo, dengan tujuan untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang teknik budidaya lebah Trigon sp menggunakan sarang bambu sebagai tempat berkembang biak atau media yang mudah didapat dengan biaya yang murah. Teknik budidaya lebah Trigona sp di dalam bambu dimulai dari pembuatan rumah lebah dari bambu, menggergaji bambu dan membuat cincin, memindahkan lebah Trigona sp ke dalam bambu, kemudian bambu ditutup dengan selotip dan bambu siap diletakkan pada tempat yang sudah ditentukan atau disekitar tempat tinggal. Produk yang dihasilkan masih berupa produk mentah, sebab madu, propolis dan roti lebah masih bercampur. Agar siap dipasarkan, maka ketiganya harus dipisahkan.                                                         ABSTRACTOne of the non-wood forest products is a useful insect honey bee including "Trigona sp" bees. Trigona sp. categorized as a social insect group that has many benefits, and nutritious for health. Trigona sp bee nest in Suli Village is very much found in cave holes, door frames or window belonging to the community, so to harvest honey or propolis from Trigona sp bee, requires a large budget because the door frame or window must be dismantled. This service is carried out in the village of Suli, in the form of counseling about raising bees without stings (Trigona sp) in the bamboo nest, with the aim to increase public knowledge about Trigon sp bee keeping techniques using bamboo nests as a breeding ground or easily accessible media at a low cost. Trigona sp bee cultivation techniques in bamboo starts from making bamboo bee houses, sawing bamboo and making rings, moving Trigona sp bees into bamboo, then the bamboo is covered with masking tape and the bamboo is ready to be placed in a designated place or around the residence. The resulting product is still a raw product, because honey, propolis and bee bread are still mixed. To be ready to be marketed, the three must be separated

    Ionization structure in the winds of B[e] supergiants: I. Ionization equilibrium calculations in a H plus He wind

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    The non-spherically symmetric winds of B[e] supergiants are investigated. An empirical density distribution is chosen that accounts for the density concentrations and ratios derived from observations, and our model winds are assumed to contain only hydrogen and helium. We first calculate the approximate ionization radii for H and He and compare the results with the ionization fractions calculated from the more accurate ionization balance equations. We find that winds with a r^-2 density distribution turn out to reach a constant ionization fraction as long as the wind density is low, i.e. in polar direction. For the high density equatorial regions, however, we find that the winds become neutral just above the stellar surface of the hot and massive B[e] supergiants forming a disk-like neutral region. In such a disk molecules and dust can form even very near the hot central star.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Estradiol Level and Psychosocial Stress in Perimenopausal Women

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    Objective : To determine the relationship between estradiol levels and psychosocial stress in the perimenopausal women. Methods : Sixty perimenopausal included in a cross-sectional study from July to December 2016. Blood samples obtained from the women to measure the estradiol and the cortisol levels. Stress level measured with visual. Data presented as the mean and standard deviation (mean±SD) with p-value <.05 was considered statistically significant.  Results : There was no significant difference between the estradiol levels and the stress level (p=0.27) during perimenopause period. The estradiol levels were higher compared with the cortisol levels. The non parametrik correlations analysis show the estradiol levels were not correlated with the cortisol levels (p=0.352). However, the cortisol levels were correlated with the stress levels (p<0.05). Conclusion : Estradiol does not cause psychosocial stress during perimenopause period in our study population Keywords : Estradiol, psychosocial stress, perimenopaus