20,536 research outputs found

    Solar silicon via the Dow Corning process

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    Technical feasibility for high volume production of solar cell-grade silicon is investigated. The process consists of producing silicon from pure raw materials via the carbothermic reduction of quartz. This silicon was then purified to solar grade by impurity segregation during Czochralski crystal growth. Commercially available raw materials were used to produce 100 kg quantities of silicon during 60 hour periods in a direct arc reactor. This silicon produced single crystalline ingot, during a second Czochralski pull, that was fabricated into solar cells having efficiencies ranging from 8.2 percent to greater than 14 percent. An energy analysis of the entire process indicated a 5 month payback time

    Hypersonic Airbreathing Missile

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    A hypersonic airbreathing missile using dual mode scramjet engines for propulsion is described. The fuselage is constructed of a material with a high heat sink capacity and is covered with a thermal protective shield and lined with an internal insulating blanket. The engine airframe integration uses the flat lower portion of the lower fuselage to precompress the air entering the scramjet engines. The precompression of air entering the scramjet inlets increases as the angles of attack. This feature results in a highly maneuverable missile which can accelerate as it banks into a turn

    Solar silicon via the Dow Corning process

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    Carbon, as a reductant for quartz, must be made available so as to have suitable reactivity in conjunction with high purity, especially with respect to boron and phosphorus. A detailed experimental plan was developed to do this. Different sources of carbon were selected to be subjected to various purification methods and reactivity-enhancement processes. A developmental scale arc furnace was installed to perform quartz-carbon reactivity testing

    Top-mounted inlet system feasibility for transonic-supersonic fighter aircraft

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    The more salient findings are presented of recent top inlet performance evaluations aimed at assessing the feasibility of top-mounted inlet systems for transonic-supersonic fighter aircraft applications. Top inlet flow field and engine-inlet performance test data show the influence of key aircraft configuration variables-inlet longitudinal position, wing leading-edge extension planform area, canopy-dorsal integration, and variable incidence canards-on top inlet performance over the Mach range of 0.6 to 2.0. Top inlet performance data are compared with those or more conventional inlet/airframe integrations in an effort to assess the viability of top-mounted inlet systems relative to conventional inlet installations

    Low cost processes for solar-grade silicon

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    Upgrading metallurgical grade silicon is being pursued in four associated areas in order to improve the purity of the normally 98% material. The first two work areas involve purification of raw materials entering the process in addition to upgrading the arc furnace itself. The second two areas of process upgrading comprise improving the purity of the silicon after it leaves the arc furnace by reactive gas blowing and unidirectional freezing. The best cell produced to date was fabricated from MG-Si that had been blown with an O2-Cl2 mixture, unidirectionally solidified, and 6-float-zone passed (to determine a base boron level of 0.04 ohm/cm). The cell showed a 10.7% AMO efficiency. In the other processes category, the use of silicates as a silicon source and of electrolysis as a process were studied. The best electrolytic process uses a 1000 C fused salt of silica in cryolite

    Effects of vertical vibration on hopper flows of granular material

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    The discharge of granular material from a hopper subject to vertical sinusoidal oscillations was investigated using experiments and discrete element computer simulations. With the hopper exit closed, side-wall convection cells are observed, oriented such that particles move up along the inclined walls of the hopper and down at the center line. The convection cells are a result of the granular bed dilation during free fall and the subsequent interaction with the hopper walls. The mass discharge rate for a vibrating hopper scaled by the discharge rate without vibration reaches a maximum value at a dimensionless velocity amplitude just greater than 1. Further increases in the velocity decrease the discharge rate. The decrease occurs due to a decrease in the bulk density of the discharging material when vibration is applied

    Where does galactic dust come from?

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    Here we investigate the origin of the dust mass (Mdust) observed in the Milky Way (MW) and of dust scaling relations found in a sample of local galaxies from the DGS and KINGFISH surveys. To this aim, we model dust production from Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars and supernovae (SNe) in simulated galaxies forming along the assembly of aMW-like halo in a well-resolved cosmic volume of 4 cMpc using the GAMESH pipeline. We explore the impact of different sets of metallicity and mass-dependent AGB and SN dust yields on the predicted Mdust. Our results show that models accounting for grain destruction by the SN reverse shock predict a total dust mass in the MW, that is a factor of ~4 less than observed, and cannot reproduce the observed galaxy-scale relations between dust and stellar masses, and dust-togas ratios and metallicity, with a smaller discrepancy in galaxies with low metallicity (12 + log(O/H) < 7.5) and low stellar masses (Mstar < 107 M⊙). In agreement with previous studies, we suggest that competing processes in the interstellar medium must be at play to explain the observed trends. Our result reinforces this conclusion by showing that it holds independently of the adopted AGB and SN dust yields

    The Human Transformation of Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Pacific Ocean)

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    Rapa Nui (Easter Island) has become widely known as a case study of human-induced environmental catastrophe resulting in cultural collapse. The island\u27s alleged ecocide is offered as a cautionary tale of our own environmental recklessness. The actual archaeological and historical record for the island reveals that while biodiversity loss unfolded, the ancient Polynesians persisted and succeeded. Demographic collapse came with epidemics of Old World diseases introduced by European visitors. In this paper, we outline the process of prehistoric landscape transformation that took place on Rapa Nui. This process includes the role of humans using fire to remove forest and convert to land for agricultural use as well as the impact of introduced rats (Rattus exulans) as agents that depressed recruitment of native vegetation and contributed to the island\u27s deforestation. For humans, the transformation of the landscape improved productivity. Burning of palms and other trees provided a short-term addition of nutrients to poor soils. Rock mulch and agricultural enclosures solved problems of cultivation and mitigated risk in an uncertain environment. The environmental transformation of Rapa Nui, while a tragedy in terms of biodiversity, was a success for a sustainable Polynesian subsistence economy

    Association of Retinal Vascular Caliber and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Patients With the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

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    PurposeTo evaluate the relationship between retinal vascular caliber and AMD in patients with AIDS.MethodsParticipants enrolled in the Longitudinal Study of the Ocular Complications of AIDS had retinal photographs taken at enrollment. Retinal vascular caliber (central retinal artery equivalent [CRAE] and central retinal vein equivalent [CRVE]) and intermediate-stage AMD were determined from these retinal photographs. Photographs were evaluated by graders at a centralized reading center, using the Age-Related Eye Disease Study grading system for AMD and semiautomated techniques for evaluating retinal vascular caliber.ResultsOf the 1171 participants evaluated, 110 (9.4%) had AMD and 1061 (90.6%) did not. Compared with participants without AMD, participants with AMD had larger mean CRAEs (151 ± 16 μm versus 147 ± 16 μm; P = 0.009) and mean CRVEs (228 ± 24 μm versus 223 ± 25 μm; P = 0.02). The unadjusted differences were: CRAE, 4.3 μm (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.1-7.5; P = 0.009) and CRVE, 5.5 μm (95% CI 0.7-10.3; P = 0.02). After adjustment for age, race/ethnicity, sex, human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV) transmission category, smoking, enrollment and nadir CD4+ T cells, and enrollment and maximum HIV load, the differences between patients with and without AMD were as follows: CRAE, 5.4 μm (95% CI 2.3-8.5; P = 0.001) and CRVE, 6.0 μm (95% CI 1.4-10.6; P = 0.01).ConclusionsIn patients with AIDS, AMD is associated with greater retinal arteriolar and venular calibers, suggesting a role for shared pathogenic mechanisms, such as persistent systemic inflammation