1,093 research outputs found

    Generators of Local Supersymmetry Transformation from First Class Constraints

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    We show how the generator of local supersymmetry transformations can be found from Fermionic first class constraints. This is done by adapting the approaches of Henneaux, Teit- elboim and Zanelli and of Castellani that has been used to find the generator of gauge trans- formations from Bosonic first class constraints. We illustrate how a supersymmetric gauge generator can be found by considering the spinning particle. The invariances that we find are not those presented in the original discussion of the spinning particle.Comment: nine page

    Off-Diagonal Elements of the DeWitt Expansion from the Quantum Mechanical Path Integral

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    The DeWitt expansion of the matrix element M_{xy} = \left\langle x \right| \exp -[\case{1}{2} (p-A)^2 + V]t \left| y \right\rangle, (p=i)(p=-i\partial) in powers of tt can be made in a number of ways. For x=yx=y (the case of interest when doing one-loop calculations) numerous approaches have been employed to determine this expansion to very high order; when xyx \neq y (relevant for doing calculations beyond one-loop) there appear to be but two examples of performing the DeWitt expansion. In this paper we compute the off-diagonal elements of the DeWitt expansion coefficients using the Fock-Schwinger gauge. Our technique is based on representing MxyM_{xy} by a quantum mechanical path integral. We also generalize our method to the case of curved space, allowing us to determine the DeWitt expansion of \tilde M_{xy} = \langle x| \exp \case{1}{2} [\case{1}{\sqrt {g}} (\partial_\mu - i A_\mu)g^{\mu\nu}{\sqrt{g}}(\partial_\nu - i A_\nu) ] t| y \rangle by use of normal coordinates. By comparison with results for the DeWitt expansion of this matrix element obtained by the iterative solution of the diffusion equation, the relative merit of different approaches to the representation of M~xy\tilde M_{xy} as a quantum mechanical path integral can be assessed. Furthermore, the exact dependence of M~xy\tilde M_{xy} on some geometric scalars can be determined. In two appendices, we discuss boundary effects in the one-dimensional quantum mechanical path integral, and the curved space generalization of the Fock-Schwinger gauge.Comment: 16pp, REVTeX. One additional appendix concerning end-point effects for finite proper-time intervals; inclusion of these effects seem to make our results consistent with those from explicit heat-kernel method

    Gauge Dependence in Chern-Simons Theory

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    We compute the contribution to the modulus of the one-loop effective action in pure non-Abelian Chern-Simons theory in an arbitrary covariant gauge. We find that the results are dependent on both the gauge parameter (α\alpha) and the metric required in the gauge fixing. A contribution arises that has not been previously encountered; it is of the form (α/p2)ϵμλνpλ(\alpha / \sqrt{p^2}) \epsilon _{\mu \lambda \nu} p^\lambda. This is possible as in three dimensions α\alpha is dimensionful. A variant of proper time regularization is used to render these integrals well behaved (although no divergences occur when the regularization is turned off at the end of the calculation). Since the original Lagrangian is unaltered in this approach, no symmetries of the classical theory are explicitly broken and ϵμλν\epsilon_{\mu \lambda \nu} is handled unambiguously since the system is three dimensional at all stages of the calculation. The results are shown to be consistent with the so-called Nielsen identities which predict the explicit gauge parameter dependence using an extension of BRS symmetry. We demonstrate that this α\alpha dependence may potentially contribute to the vacuum expectation values of products of Wilson loops.Comment: 17 pp (including 3 figures). Uses REVTeX 3.0 and epsfig.sty (available from LANL). Latex thric

    A Massive Renormalizable Abelian Gauge Theory in 2+1 Dimensions

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    The standard formulation of a massive Abelian vector field in 2+12+1 dimensions involves a Maxwell kinetic term plus a Chern-Simons mass term; in its place we consider a Chern-Simons kinetic term plus a Stuekelberg mass term. In this latter model, we still have a massive vector field, but now the interaction with a charged spinor field is renormalizable (as opposed to super renormalizable). By choosing an appropriate gauge fixing term, the Stuekelberg auxiliary scalar field decouples from the vector field. The one-loop spinor self energy is computed using operator regularization, a technique which respects the three dimensional character of the antisymmetric tensor ϵαβγ\epsilon_{\alpha\beta\gamma}. This method is used to evaluate the vector self energy to two-loop order; it is found to vanish showing that the beta function is zero to two-loop order. The canonical structure of the model is examined using the Dirac constraint formalism.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, expanded reference list and discussion of relationship to previous wor

    Structure of the Effective Potential in Nonrelativistic Chern-Simons Field Theory

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    We present the scalar field effective potential for nonrelativistic self-interacting scalar and fermion fields coupled to an Abelian Chern-Simons gauge field. Fermions are non-minimally coupled to the gauge field via a Pauli interaction. Gauss's law linearly relates the magnetic field to the matter field densities; hence, we also include radiative effects from the background gauge field. However, the scalar field effective potential is transparent to the presence of the background gauge field to leading order in the perturbative expansion. We compute the scalar field effective potential in two gauge families. We perform the calculation in a gauge reminiscent of the RξR_\xi-gauge in the limit ξ0\xi\rightarrow 0 and in the Coulomb family gauges. The scalar field effective potential is the same in both gauge-fixings and is independent of the gauge-fixing parameter in the Coulomb family gauge. The conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken except for two values of the coupling constant, one of which is the self-dual value. To leading order in the perturbative expansion, the structure of the classical potential is deeply distorted by radiative corrections and shows a stable minimum around the origin, which could be of interest when searching for vortex solutions. We regularize the theory with operator regularization and a cutoff to demonstrate that the results are independent of the regularization scheme.Comment: 24 pages, UdeM-LPN-TH-93-185, CRM-192

    Spinors in Weyl Geometry

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    We consider the wave equation for spinors in D{\cal D}-dimensional Weyl geometry. By appropriately coupling the Weyl vector ϕμ\phi _{\mu} as well as the spin connection ωμab\omega _{\mu a b } to the spinor field, conformal invariance can be maintained. The one loop effective action generated by the coupling of the spinor field to an external gravitational field is computed in two dimensions. It is found to be identical to the effective action for the case of a scalar field propagating in two dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, no figure

    The Supersymmetric Stueckelberg Mass and Overcoming the Fayet-Iliopoulos Mechanism for Breaking Symmetry

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    Gauge invariant generation of mass for supersymmetric U(1) vector field through use of a chiral Stueckelberg superfield is considered. When a Fayet-Iliopoulos D term is also present, no breaking of supersymmetry ever occurs so long as the Stueckelberg mass is not zero. A moduli space in which gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken arises in this case

    Vortical Gusts: Experimental Generation and Interaction with Wing

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    We describe the experimental generation of isolated vortical gusts and the interaction between these gusts and a downstream airfoil at a Reynolds number of 20,000. A standard method of generating a vortical gust has been to rapidly pitch an airfoil. A different approach is presented here: heaving a plate across a tunnel and changing direction rapidly to release a vortex. This method is motivated by the desire to limit a test article’s exposure to the wake of the gust generator by moving it to the side of the tunnel. Two suites of experiments were performed to characterize the performance of the gust generators and to measure the forces on and flow around the downstream airfoil. The novel mechanism allowed for measurement of the resumption of vortex shedding from the downstream airfoil, which was impossible with the pitching generator