6,899 research outputs found

    Unsteady transonic flow using Euler equations

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    An implicit, two factor, split flux, finite volume Euler equations solution algorithms is applied to the time accurate solution of transonic flow about an NACA 0012 airfoil and a rectangular planform supercritical wing undergoing pitch oscillations. Accuracy for Courant numbers greater than one is analyzed. Freezing the flux Jacobians can result in significant savings for steady state solutions; the accuracy of freezing flux Jacobians for unsteady results is investigated. The Euler algorithm results are compared with experimental results for an NACA 0012 and a rectangular planform supercritical wing

    Verifying timestamps of occultation observation systems

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    We describe an image timestamp verification system to determine the exposure timing characteristics and continuity of images made by an imaging camera and recorder, with reference to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The original use was to verify the timestamps of stellar occultation recording systems, but the system is applicable to lunar flashes, planetary transits, sprite recording, or any area where reliable timestamps are required. The system offers good temporal resolution (down to 2 msec, referred to UTC) and provides exposure duration and interframe dead time information. The system uses inexpensive, off-the- shelf components, requires minimal assembly and requires no high-voltage components or connections. We also describe an application to load FITS (and other format) image files, which can decode the verification image timestamp. Source code, wiring diagrams and built applications are provided to aid the construction and use of the device.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA

    Dysregulation of Na+/K+ ATPase by amyloid in APP+PS1 transgenic mice

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    BACKGROUND: The pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is comprised of extracellular amyloid plaques, intracellular tau tangles, dystrophic neurites and neurodegeneration. The mechanisms by which these various pathological features arise are under intense investigation. Here, expanding upon pilot gene expression studies, we have further analyzed the relationship between Na+/K+ ATPase and amyloid using APP+PS1 transgenic mice, a model that develops amyloid plaques and memory deficits in the absence of tangle formation and neuronal or synaptic loss. RESULTS: We report that in addition to decreased mRNA expression, there was decreased overall Na+/K+ ATPase enzyme activity in the amyloid-containing hippocampi of the APP+PS1 mice (although not in the amyloid-free cerebellum). In addition, dual immunolabeling revealed an absence of Na+/K+ ATPase staining in a zone surrounding congophilic plaques that was occupied by dystrophic neurites. We also demonstrate that cerebral Na+/K+ ATPase activity can be directly inhibited by high concentrations of soluble Aβ. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that the reductions in Na+/K+ ATPase activity in Alzheimer tissue may not be purely secondary to neuronal loss, but may results from direct effects of amyloid on this enzyme. This disruption of ion homeostasis and osmotic balance may interfere with normal electrotonic properties of dendrites, blocking intraneuronal signal processing, and contribute to neuritic dystrophia. These results suggest that therapies aimed at enhancing Na+/K+ ATPase activity in AD may improve symptoms and/or delay disease progression

    Efficient Quantum Circuits for Schur and Clebsch-Gordan Transforms

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    The Schur basis on n d-dimensional quantum systems is a generalization of the total angular momentum basis that is useful for exploiting symmetry under permutations or collective unitary rotations. We present efficient (size poly(n,d,log(1/\epsilon)) for accuracy \epsilon) quantum circuits for the Schur transform, which is the change of basis between the computational and the Schur bases. These circuits are based on efficient circuits for the Clebsch-Gordan transformation. We also present an efficient circuit for a limited version of the Schur transform in which one needs only to project onto different Schur subspaces. This second circuit is based on a generalization of phase estimation to any nonabelian finite group for which there exists a fast quantum Fourier transform.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The impact of receiving a diagnosis of Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder (NEAD): a systematic review

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    Background: Clinicians have reported observations of the immediate cessation of non-epileptic attacks after the diagnosis of NEAD is presented. Objective: The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the impact of receiving a diagnosis of NEAD. Search strategy: A literature search across the databases Medline, PsycINFO, EMBASE, and CINAHL, and additional hand searching, identified 6 original studies meeting criteria for the review. Selection Criteria: Included studies were original peer-reviewed articles investigating the impact of receiving a diagnosis of NEAD on adult populations with at least one outcome measured pre and post-diagnosis. Analysis: The studies were assessed for methodological quality, including biases. This assessment was developed to include criteria specific to research regarding NEAD and diagnosis. Results: Six identified studies, with a total of 153 NEAD participants, examined the impact of receiving a diagnosis on seizure frequency. Two of the six also examined the impact on health-related quality of life. The findings were inconsistent, with approximately half the participants experiencing seizure reduction or cessation post-diagnosis. Diagnosis appeared to have no significant impact on health-related quality of life. The overall evidence lacked quality, particularly in study design and statistical rigour. Conclusions: Mixed results and a lack of high quality evidence was found. Concerns are considered regarding the appropriateness of seizure frequency as the primary outcome measure and the use of epilepsy control groups. Indications for future research include: measuring more meaningful outcomes, using larger samples and power calculations, and ensuring consistent and standard methods for communicating the diagnosis and recording outcomes

    From Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing to Cosmological Parameters

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    Galaxy-galaxy lensing measures the mean excess surface density DS(r) around a sample of lensing galaxies. We develop a method for combining DS(r) with the galaxy correlation function xi_gg(r) to constrain Omega_m and sigma_8, going beyond the linear bias model to reach the level of accuracy demanded by current and future measurements. We adopt the halo occupation distribution (HOD) framework, and we test its applicability to this problem by examining the effects of replacing satellite galaxies in the halos of an SPH simulation with randomly selected dark matter particles from the same halos. The difference between dark matter and satellite galaxy radial profiles has a ~10% effect on DS(r) at r<1 Mpc/h. However, if radial profiles are matched, the remaining impact of individual subhalos around satellite galaxies and environmental dependence of the HOD at fixed halo mass is <5% in DS(r) for 0.1<r<15 Mpc/h. We develop an analytic approximation for DS(r) that incorporates halo exclusion and scale-dependent halo bias, and we demonstrate its accuracy with tests against a suite of populated N-body simulations. We use the analytic model to investigate the dependence of DS(r) and the galaxy-matter correlation function xi_gm(r) on Omega_m and sigma_8, once HOD parameters for a given cosmological model are pinned down by matching xi_gg(r). The linear bias prediction is accurate for r>2 Mpc/h, but it fails at the 30-50% level on smaller scales. The scaling of DS(r) ~ Omega_m^a(r) sigma_8^b(r) approaches the linear bias expectation a=b=1 at r>10 Mpc/h, but a(r) and b(r) vary from 0.8 to 1.6 at smaller r. We calculate a fiducial DS(r) and scaling indices a(r) and b(r) for two SDSS galaxy samples; galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements for these samples can be combined with our predictions to constrain Omega_m and sigma_8.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Imaging the molecular gas in a submm galaxy at z = 4.05: cold mode accretion or a major merger?

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    We present a high resolution (down to 0.18"), multi-transition imaging study of the molecular gas in the z = 4.05 submillimeter galaxy GN20. GN20 is one of the most luminous starburst galaxy known at z > 4, and is a member of a rich proto-cluster of galaxies at z = 4.05 in GOODS-North. We have observed the CO 1-0 and 2-1 emission with the VLA, the CO 6-5 emission with the PdBI Interferometer, and the 5-4 emission with CARMA. The H_2 mass derived from the CO 1-0 emission is 1.3 \times 10^{11} (\alpha/0.8) Mo. High resolution imaging of CO 2-1 shows emission distributed over a large area, appearing as partial ring, or disk, of ~ 10kpc diameter. The integrated CO excitation is higher than found in the inner disk of the Milky Way, but lower than that seen in high redshift quasar host galaxies and low redshift starburst nuclei. The VLA CO 2-1 image at 0.2" resolution shows resolved, clumpy structure, with a few brighter clumps with intrinsic sizes ~ 2 kpc. The velocity field determined from the CO 6-5 emission is consistent with a rotating disk with a rotation velocity of ~ 570 km s^{-1} (using an inclination angle of 45^o), from which we derive a dynamical mass of 3 \times 10^{11} \msun within about 4 kpc radius. The star formation distribution, as derived from imaging of the radio synchrotron and dust continuum, is on a similar scale as the molecular gas distribution. The molecular gas and star formation are offset by ~ 1" from the HST I-band emission, implying that the regions of most intense star formation are highly dust-obscured on a scale of ~ 10 kpc. The large spatial extent and ordered rotation of this object suggests that this is not a major merger, but rather a clumpy disk accreting gas rapidly in minor mergers or smoothly from the proto-intracluster medium. ABSTRACT TRUNCATEDComment: 33 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the ApJ, aas latex forma

    Intra-individual movement variability during skill transitions: A useful marker?

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    Applied research suggests athletes and coaches need to be challenged in knowing when and how much a movement should be consciously attended to. This is exacerbated when the skill is in transition between two more stable states, such as when an already well learnt skill is being refined. Using existing theory and research, this paper highlights the potential application of movement variability as a tool to inform a coach’s decision-making process when implementing a systematic approach to technical refinement. Of particular interest is the structure of co-variability between mechanical degrees-of-freedom (e.g., joints) within the movement system’s entirety when undergoing a skill transition. Exemplar data from golf are presented, demonstrating the link between movement variability and mental effort as an important feature of automaticity, and thus intervention design throughout the different stages of refinement. Movement variability was shown to reduce when mental effort directed towards an individual aspect of the skill was high (target variable). The opposite pattern was apparent for variables unrelated to the technical refinement. Therefore, two related indicators, movement variability and mental effort, are offered as a basis through which the evaluation of automaticity during technical refinements may be made

    The X-ray surface brightness distribution from diffuse gas

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    We use simulations to predict the X-ray surface brightness distribution arising from hot, cosmologically distributed diffuse gas. The distribution is computed for two bands: 0.5-2 keV and 0.1-0.4 keV, using a cosmological-constant dominated cosmology that fits many other observations. We examine a number of numerical issues such as resolution, simulation volume and pixel size and show that the predicted mean background is sensitive to resolution such that higher resolution systematically increases the mean predicted background. Although this means that we can compute only lower bounds to the predicted level, these bounds are already quite restrictive. Since the observed extra-galactic X-ray background is mostly accounted for by compact sources, the amount of the observed background attributable to diffuse gas is tightly constrained. We show that without physical processes in addition to those included in the simulations (such as radiative cooling or non-gravitational heating), both bands exceed observational limits. In order to examine the effect of non-gravitational heating we explore a simple modeling of energy injection and show that substantial amounts of heating are required (i.e. 5 keV per particle when averaged over all baryons). Finally, we also compute the distribution of surface brightness on the sky and show that it has a well-resolved characteristic shape. This shape is substantially modified by non-gravitational heating and can be used as a probe of such energy injection.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ap
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